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Friday, October 7, 2011

UBF forms native lands and NCR panel

UBF forms native lands and NCR panel to assist marginalized Sabahanas

“The United Borneo Front (UBF) has decided to form a “Native Lands and NCR Panel” in response to the pleas made by marginalized and down-trodden Sabah natives since  the State Government has done very little to assist them” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan.

At almost all the UBF Borneo Tea Party functions and gatherings, the pleas of the natives on Native lands and NCR resonates throughout the entire State and more importantly the pleas and genuine grouses of the natives are almost completely ignored by the Sabah State Government and its leaders who have done little to assist the natives.

At the Malaysia Day gathering in Tongod, the villagers had highlighted their plight of having confirmed NCR in the early 1990s and their land applications surveyed and approved and included in the Tongod Regional Planning Study but in the late 1990s their approvals were withdrawn and the very same land of more than 20,000 and 25,000 acres were alienated to 2 companies respectively.  It was discovered that some of the directors in one of the companies are present-day senior political leaders in UMNO and UPKO and the irony is that Tongod is a BN and UPKO stronghold.

The approved companies were specifically imposed with conditions to survey and omit all roads, “kampung areas”, schools, churches, burial grounds and all lands worked on and planted by the villagers” since the 1970s.  This condition was not complied with andt the very rubber and fruit trees planted by the villagers were mischievously bulldozed by the companies.  This breach even prompted the then State Assemblyman to write to the then Chief Minister to revoke the alienation approval or to postpone the alienation of the land titles to the companies concerned but to no avail.

Today, the affected villagers in Tongod involving more than 5 villages and some 500 families are “squatters” in their very own land which they and their ancestors have toiled even before the formation of Malaysia in 1963.   The natives are entitled to their native lands and NCR long before the existence of the Land Ordinance but the present State Government and their leaders are deaf and blind to the plight of the villagers in Tongod.

It makes no sense for the Government to alienate native lands and extinguish the rights of the natives to NCR by alienating native lands to companies and not to natives.   Even Yayasan Melaka and Yayasan Selangor, both Government agencies from West Malaysia, are alienated large tracts of land in Sabah.  And these 2 cases are known, what about the unknowns?

On another case, the so-called “solution” to the land-grab in Kota Marudu is not in the best interests of the local villagers who have worked on the native lands for generations and then find their crops and buildings bulldozed and the very land alienated to companies with one companies being alienated 40,000 hectares affecting some 30 villages and even the State Agency, SAFODA, being alienated 4,793.9 hectares affecting some 18 villages.

Dr. Jeffrey asked “Why restrict the natives to per family of 15 acres of communal titled land and 5 acres of land declared as village reserve land when they are entitled to the full rights to the native lands and attached NCR?”  The subsequent “award” or settlement of the 20-acres plot for the entitled families will forever extinguish the NCR from the balance of the 44,793.9 hectares of “State lands” that are now alienated to the company and SAFODA.

Dr. Jeffrey further added “Why must SAFODA compete with the villagers and deprive the natives from their native lands and NCR?”  and “Why is SAFODA and the State Government not supporting the natives and their rights to the native lands and NCR?”

“What happened to the promises carved into the “Batu Sumpah” in Keningau” where the native lands and native rights need to be honoured?” Dr. Jeffrey further asked.

As the State Government and the State leaders have done little to protect the legitimate rights and hopes of the natives with regards to the native lands and NCR, UBF have no alternative but to form the “Native Lands and NCR Panel” to render whatever assistance including taking the State Government to Court to assist the plight of the natives who are being deprived of their native lands throughout Sabah.

UBF have received complaints of many cases and will first look into the land cases in Tongod, Bingkor, Kota Marudu, Kunak and Pensiangan and take the necessary legal action in due course on behalf of the affected natives.

Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan further calls for volunteers and any interested person or persons to join and render assistance in the “Native Lands and NCR Panel” and to support fellow native Sabahans. All volunteers and interested persons can email their interest to or telephone at 088-282108 and 016-8244250.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan


  1. Hope that this panel will succeed in fighting for the people's land rights.

  2. Sabahans should all support this move. We must stand up for Sabahan right.

  3. Hot issue indeed! I hope the government can find a settlement and solve this issue.

  4. I believe the Government won't leave this behind. They will find a solution and this is for sure!

  5. Sabahans should fight if they in a right position, don't be afraid!! Best of Luck!

  6. the government will find the way to solve this issue..

  7. Sabah memang memerlukan organisasi dan partiyang sanggup dan betul-betul berhasrat memperjuang kepentingan dan hak milik orang Sabahan. Teruskan usaha.

  8. “Why is SAFODA and the State Government not supporting the natives and their rights to the native lands and NCR?”

    Seharus kerajaan negeri memainkan peranan untuk menjamin hak milik penduduk. Adakah kerajaan negeri gagal melaksanakan tugas tetapi bertindas terhadap tanah NCR tersebut?

  9. "Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan further calls for volunteers and any interested person or persons to join and render assistance in the “Native Lands and NCR Panel” and to support fellow native Sabahans."

    We urge more local volunteer to join the panel to support and give helping hand to the Native & NCR issue. Only such team work could work better to protect the local people properties and rights.

  10. Apakah punca dan sebab permohonan tanah NCR dari penduduk tidak dapat diluluskan tetapi syarikat swasta pula memperolehi milikan tanah tersebut? Adakah ini kesilapan teknikal? Rasuah? Masalah prosedur permohonan? Seharus perkara ini disiasat agar tiada penduduk menjadi mangsa tanah NCR.

  11. Panel dari UBF dan ahli jawatan kuasa kerajaan yang ditubuhkan seharus bekerja-sama untuk menyelesaikan masalah tanah NCR ini. Kedua pihak seharus membawa bincang kesemua masalah dan mencari kaedah yang lebih berkesan untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

  12. harap kerajaan dapat selesaikan masalah ini dengan segera... selesaikan secara adil

  13. penubuhan panel tersebut lebih kepada usaha melakukan perbincangan daripada tindakan menyelesaikan masalah.

  14. adakah pemberian geran komunal ini dapat selesaikan masalah tanah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk asal Sabah?

  15. tiada gunanya menubuhkan hutan simpan setiap tahun tetapi hak tanah NCR penduduk terancam dan dipinggirkan.

  16. yang penting kepentingan rakyat dijaga dengan sebaiknya.

  17. harap isu yang berlaku akan dapat diselesaikan dengan baik dan kepentingan semua terjaga.

  18. semoga ia dpt selesaikan masalah2 tersebut.

  19. kerjasama perlu ada bagi memastikan ia berjaya.

  20. Jika kerajaan tidak bertindak cepat, dijangka mangsa tanah NCR akan bertambah banyak, hak milik penduduk akan terus terancam. Akta dan undang seharus dikaji supaya hak milik penduduk terjamin.

  21. Lets this UBF panel and the Pairin committee member to work together to resolve NCR land issue. Co-operation needed from all parties to protect people rights.

  22. Semoga lebih banyak pihak boleh menyertain UBF panel agar masalah tanah NCR dapat control dan diselesaikan dalam masa yang singkat. Usaha semua pihak amat diperlukan.

  23. Betul kata Mark, kerajaan seharus bekerja-sama dengan UBF untuk menanggani masalah tanah NCR. Tidak salah berkerja-sama, berkemungkinan menghasilkan buah dengan cepat. Semu apihak seharus lebih positif kepada gabungan tersebut.

  24. Organisasi seperti UBF yang bermisi untuk memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan orang Sabahan amat diperlukan. Rakyat Sabah perlu bersatu padu untuk mengubah keadaan ekonomi yang lembap, sistem pendidikanyang kurang wajar, masalah PATI, NCR, loyalties, 20 perkara dll. Untuk generaasi yang akan datang, kami harus berkorban dan berdedikasi semoga golongan muda ini menikmati keindahan seperti negeri lain.

  25. Bekerjasama menyelesaikan masalah NCR. Tolak tepi dahulu fahaman politik. Rakyat menjadi keutamaan.

  26. Tiada kefaham politik yang perlu diketepikan.Kamu ingat kerajaan Barisan Nasional berminat kah bantu masalah rakyat Sabah yang tidak menguntungkan ADUN/MP BN UMNO?.

    Kamu silap besar kalau suruh mereka berunding dan berbincang.Daripada Tun Mustapha,Tun Fuad Stephen,Peter Mojuntin,Pairin.Mana ada MALAYA berminat selesai masalah Sabah?

    Satu satu nya yang berminat selesai masalah Sabah adalah Pembangkang Sabah dan UBF. Jangan Harap Pairin,Dompok dan Kurup.Mereka semua korupsi.

    Tindal Taranggau

  27. isu NCR semakin menjadi-jadi kebelakangan ini..

  28. bolehkah UBF membantu menangani masalah 'land-grab' yang dihadapi oleh penduduk kampung? hanya masa dapat menentukannya..

  29. adalah lebih baik UBF dan kerajaan Sabah bekerjasama untuk menyelesaikan isu ini..

  30. tetapi masalahnya sekarang ialah kerajaan Sabah dituduh 'bersubahat' dalam rampasan tanah NCR ini

  31. harap jawatankuasa yang ditubuhkan oleh KM akan dapat mengatasi isu NCR ini dan semoga ianya dapat bekerjasama dengan panel UBF

  32. kerajaan negeri juga telah menubuhkan jawatankuasa komiti untuk menyelesaikan isu tanah di sabah..

  33. mungkin panel UBF ini harus memberikan kerjasama kepada JK komiti kerajaan negeri agar penyelesaian terbaik dapat dicapai..

  34. apa2 pun diharap isu NCR di sabah dapat diselesaikan segera.

  35. hak dan kepentingan anak negeri harus dipertahankan..

  36. Wow, seems like UBF is getting serious.

  37. isu NCR ini suda lama diperkatakan..kita tidak tau mana betul dan mana yg salah..kita serahkan saja kepada jawtankuasa yg ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat perkara ini..mereka lebih tau..

  38. Tak sangka UBF akan menubuhkan persatuan sedemikian.

  39. Mungkin tiba masanya bagi Jeff untuk membuktikan sesuatu kepada kita.

  40. betul..bercakap sahaja teda guna..buktikan dulu..

  41. buktikan dulu, baru bercakap... jangan bagi janji2 kosong wahai JK..

  42. perbincangan antara dua pihak perlu diadakan bagi mengetahui apa punca masalah yg sebenarnya...

  43. Saya tak pro DJK tapi kalau untuk kebaikan native saya akan bagi sokongan sepenuhnya:)

  44. Harap panel ini dpat melakukan sesuatu yang mampu dibanggakan oleh rakyat Sabah. Jangan pula nanti cakap saja lebih. hehe

  45. So good luck dan pastikan matlamat utama panel ini dicapai dan bukan sekadar meraih sokongan ramai.

  46. Apapun bagi saya lebih baik jika kerjasama daripada semua pihak diadakan jadi barulah sennag isu ni diselesaikan. Kalau bergerak sendiri agak susah juga tu.

  47. Tapi kita lihat sajalah nnati, saya yakin pasti isu tanah ini dapat ditanggani juga.

  48. Isu tanah masih lagi belum ada kata putus untuk ditangani sepenuhnya. Tapi buat masa sekarang kerajaan negeri telah memberikan jawatankuasa kecil bagi menangani masalah yang terdapat di Sabah. Jadi jawatankuasa kecil ini memainkan peranan mereka.

  49. why not you join force with suhakam?

  50. Kawasan Tanah seluas 3,500 ekar milik Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah di Tongod telah dijual kepada Pioneer Glow Sdn Bhd.LIG Sabah cuma ada 50,000 unit saham daripada 5juta saham syarikat Pioneer Glow Sdn.Bhd.,nilai tanah 35juta(anggaran) dengan tanaman kelapa sawit seluas 3,500 ekar.Apa punya agensi kerajaan BN dulu bilang mau tanam getah,mau buat estate supaya orang kampung dapat kerja! tetapi kenapa jual sama syarikat daripada Malaya dan tanam kelapa sawit pula!!! syarat dalam geran tanah tanam getah...ini kerja Pengarah Tanah Sabah dan kerajaan BN,rampas tanah orang kampong!!

  51. kira ok la sudah kena tanam dengan kelapa sawit.. orang kampung boleh dapat kerja juga.. apa pula kaitan dengan rampas tanah kalau tanah tu milik LIGS..
