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Saturday, October 15, 2011

What "reliable" Agency Link-Up System again?

Closely following up with the Election Commission on every revelation of electoral fraud, PAS Youth has turned its guns on the reliability of Agency Link-Up System (ALIS) linked to the National Registration Department, which EC had claimed could put to rest worries about 'phantom voters'.

This followed the EC's latest admission that some 40,000 voters’ names were not found in NRD's database.

“Prior to this, EC was all praise of the ALIS. Surely NRD has the ‘best’ database system in the country. Well, what has gone wrong now?” asked Suhaizan Kaiat, who head the wing's Democracy Restoration and Mobilisation bureau.

EC chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, who once said there was only "0.001 percent error" in the electoral roll, yesterday announced that the Commission would publish 40,000 unverified names in an effort to weed out phantom voters.

“Let people help us verify. If they see their names on the list, come forward to the EC,” he said.

Suhaizan (left) pointed out that the ALIS could have easily helped NRD and EC to differentiate genuine and phantom voters among the 40,000 names, and asked why the number of suspected phantom voters had now been slashed by 10,000.

Aziz had earlier mentioned that the total was around 50,000.

“I don’t know how the 10,000 voters can vanish just like that,” he quipped, but quickly added that the EC had finally "admitted that there is a need to clean up the electoral roll”.



  1. Baru sekarang nak mengaku setelah sekian lama isu ini dilaporkan?

  2. senarai pengundi harus sentiasa dikemaskini.

  3. EC must take immediate action to solve this matter before the GE 13th.

  4. pastikan senarai pengundi benar2 bersih, tak da pengundi yang tidak sah.

  5. Makin tercium baunyaOctober 15, 2011 at 9:32 AM

    Bukannya mudah membersihkan daftar undi yg sdh bertahun2 dicemari secara sengaja dgn perancangan rapi olh SPR dan konco2nya. Lagipun yg didaftarkan itu didaftar seolah-olah sangat sah sebab JPN dan SPR sahaja yg amat mahir dalam cara2 terkutuk mereka. jadi bagi yg di Sabah daftar undi itu pada hakikatnya hanya 40% yg sah dan yg selebihnya adalah yg disengaja sahkan oleh SPR dan JPN semasa Projek Mahathir yg terkenal kerana tiada tindakan diambil. Kini kurap itu mula menjangkiti Semenanjung kerana BN benar2 terdesak takut kalah pada PRU13. Mereka kini guna taktik jahat seperti yg mereka gunakan di Sabah (FIX DEPOSIT). Sekurang2nya sdh mula tercium bau kejahatan SPR dan JPN yg menjadi tulang belakang BN Kerajaan dan bukannya badan berkecuali seperti yg sepatutnya.

  6. bukan 40,000 saja tu. masih banyak lagi..

  7. minta SPR turut dianggotai oleh ahli2 dari parti pembangkang..

  8. SPR dan JPN perlu bekerjasama membersihkan senarai daftar pemilih. jangan dipengaruhi oleh mana2 pihak.

  9. Hope that the people will cooperate with the EC to weed out those phantom voters.

  10. The Election Commission have the responsibility to ensure that the voter registration is correct.

  11. senarai pengundi perlulah sentiasa dikemaskini..

  12. SPR perlu sentiasa berusaha meningkatkan imej dan perkhidmatan mereka.

  13. Pastikan mereka yang berdaftar sebagai pengundi adalah orang yang benar-benar wujud.
