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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

‘Lack of will’ reason for unresolved land woes

Luke Rintod

The Sabah government, which has unfettered control over jurisdiction on land, should work out "negotiated solutions" in all the land-grabs issues.

KOTA KINABALU: Globe-trotting Danish environmental consultant, Brigitte Feiring who was commissioned to evaluate the effectiveness of PACOS’ land rights and natural resource management programmes among natives has listed out two points why land-grabs issues are yet resolved in Sabah.

According to Feiring the two reasons are a ‘lack of will’ and ‘capacity problem’.

“There is lack of will both on the parts of the government and affected parties, and another is capacity problem.. access to information…,” she said during her recent visit to the state.

She was asked on what might be the top two causes why land-grabs problems in Sabah are not being resolved.

Feiring, who has served in many roles in European bodies and also the United Nations, was contracted to evaluate the effectiveness and capacity of local PACOS Trust (Partners of Community Organisations) in carrying out its land rights and natural resource management programmes among the natives in Sabah.

PACOS, established in 1987, is a community-based organisation dedicated towards supporting causes of indigenous communities in Sabah.

It has been actively partnering with international NGOs since 1990s and has championed NCR rights especially among the Kadazandusun natives in Sabah.

Negotiate solutions

Together with local environment advocate, Cynthia Ong, Feiring toured rural kampungs in four districts – Ranau, Keningau, Tenom and Tongod – last month.

Their evaluations would further identify and analyze the challenges and lessons learned here.

Their evaluation will also provide recommendations that would guide future initiatives between PACOS and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) and the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA).

Speaking to FMT, Feiring said that the Sabah state government, which has unfettered control over jurisdiction on lands in the state, should work out “negotiated solutions” in all the land-grabs issues in the state where cases of the marginalized natives forced to defend their NCR from on-coming well-oiled big companies with links to power.

“A negotiated solution is the best answer for Sabah land-grabs issues,” she said adding that the state could learn from other countries on the matters.

Asked which countries Sabah should look to for guidance, Feiring said countries in Latin America where they have “communal territorials” reserved for their natives could be an apt example of how to protect NCR of the natives.

“We also have “ancestral domains” in the nearby Philippines where Sabah can learn from them…,” she said.

Communal titles

Rampant land grabs have been on the rise in Sabah. To counter widespread discontent the Musa Aman-led administration recently introduced the “communal title” for the natives, which are believed to have been partly-modeled after the Latin and Philippines arrangement.

However, local natives in Sabah are not all happy with the “communal title” as it brings new threat of limiting native ownership to available land in their districts, and the lingering question as to who will inherit the allocated lands eventually.

The newly created arrangement of “communal title” has also not solved a single land-grab case.

Worse, while communal title is given on the premise that less land is available for individual natives (who are used to being allowed to own in perpetuity 15 to 50 acres or even more of Native Land per person), companies, on the contrary, had been known to be given thousands of acres in one “sweeping” approval.

In one case, a single company was said to have given approval for a whooping 65,000 acres of land stretching from Beluran district to Pitas and Kota Marudu districts in the northern-east of Sabah, threatening dozens of natives kampungs with a massive forced evacuation or relocation.

And worst, this is not an isolated case in Sabah. There exist at least a dozen similar cases now being uncovered in as many districts in the state such as in Kudat, Kota Belud, Keningau, Ranau, Tenom, Nabawan, Lahad Datu, Tawau, Sandakan, Tongod, and even Semporna.


  1. Nampaknya musang ini No.1 RASUAH dalam sejarah Sabah. Kamu adalah KM Sabah yang paling tiada guna dan berniat jahat!

  2. Hope that the government will resolve this land grab issues for the sake of the people.

  3. The people's land rights must be protected.

  4. I hope this issue can be solved.

  5. land issue is one biggest problem in Sabah.

  6. isu tanah ini harus diselesaikan segera.

  7. hak2 penduduk harus dilindungi.

  8. Harap isu tanah dapat diselesaikan dan hak2 pihak yang sepatutnya tetap dipelihara.

  9. Kerajaan harus peka dengan masalah yang rakyat hadapi. Hak milik mereka diancam dan rampasan tanah berlaku dan banyak yangmenjadi mengsa tersebut.

  10. Rampant land grabs have been on the rise in Sabah. To counter widespread discontent the Musa Aman-led administration recently introduced the “communal title” for the natives, which are believed to have been partly-modeled after the Latin and Philippines arrangement.

    Just go ahead with any of the method that could protect and safeguard the people land.

  11. Isu tanah ini semakin panas, harap kerajaan segera mencari jalan penyelesaiannya ..

  12. Hak penduduk haruslah di lindungi..jangan biarkan mereka di tindas.

  13. Mungkin ada masalah yg tidak dapat dielakkn..namun kita semua mengharapkan agar ianya akan segera selesai..

  14. kerajaan sentiasa berusaha mencari penyelesaian kepada isu tanah di sabah..namun, bukan semua pihak dapat dipuaskan..maka, penyelesaian situasi menang-menang mungkin susah untuk dicapai..

  15. antara penyelesaian yang dicadangkan dan digunapakai adalah geran komunal..namun, ada sesetengah pihak yang tidak berpuas hati dengan cara ini..ditambahkan lagi dengan hasutan dari pembangkang yang cuba meraih sokongan dari penduduk yang terjejas sedangkan pembangkang tiada jalan penyelesaian kepada isu tanah..

  16. apa2 pun, diharap isu tanah di sabah dapat diselesaikan..keutamaan harus diberikan kepada rakyat..

  17. “There is lack of will both on the parts of the government and affected parties, and another is capacity problem.. access to information…,” she said during her recent visit to the state.

    i think these are the reasons too...

  18. then what is the best solutions to solve the land issues in sabah? communal title has been rejected by some parties...

  19. yang pasti pembangkang akan menggunakan isu ini sebagai alat politik pada PRU akan datang..

  20. Anonymous said...

    Nampaknya musang ini No.1 RASUAH dalam sejarah Sabah. Kamu adalah KM Sabah yang paling tiada guna dan berniat jahat!
    November 24, 2011 10:21 AM
    isu tanah ini sudah lama berlarutan, sebelum musa aman jadi KM lagi..jadi menyalahkan musa tidak akan membawa ke mana2..lagipun menurut YTL, kuasa KM berhubung dengan tanah telah dipindahkan kepada kabinet negeri pada masa YTL jadi KM..

  21. Susah kalau bab tanah ini.. Entah apalah yang patut dilakukan baru dapat selesaikan maslaah2 berkaitan dengan tanah yang timbul.

  22. Negeri kita ni, kalau bukan isu pati, isu tanah jadi bualan.. alahai, macam makin panjang pula masalah ni.

  23. Harap pihak2 yang berkaitan memainkan peranan masing-masing demi menanggani hal ini.

  24. Sabahan harus matang berdepan dengan hal ini kerana, ia pasti menjadi bahan untuk dipolitikkan oleh sesetengah pihak.

  25. Semoga hal ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.

  26. I think government has done the best to protect the people land, let see how effect the "communal title".

  27. Jika ikhlas untuk membantu dan mempertahankan hak milik tanah, pasti ada jalannya, cuma sanggup atau tidak.

  28. Hairan, saluran manakah yang syarikat swasta gunakan untuk menakluki tanah milik penduduk.

  29. Kerajaan perlulah memberi perhatian serius tentang masalah rampasan tanah di Sabah.

  30. Hak tanah orang asli mestilah diperthankan. Harap pemimpin tempatan akan lantang bersuara dan memperjuangkan hak mereka.

  31. Kalau tiada langkah konkrit untuk cari jalan penyelesaian, isu ini akan 'berkumandang' sampai bila2.

  32. The govt must handle this issue wisely otherwise this will be an advantage for the opposition to politicize this issue.

  33. bawa saja ba ke mahkamah.. jika mahkamah tidak berfungsi, bagaimana anak negeri sabah yang lain boleh dapat balik hak mereka?

  34. harap sebarang isu yang berlaku akan dapat diselesaikan dengan adanya komitmen daripada semua pihak.

  35. Hak milik penduduk harus dipertahankan dari rampasan oleh kuasa kuat syarikat swasta.

  36. Apakah kaitan Jabatan Tanah & Ukur dan syarikat swasta tersebut? Sering mempertikaikan Syarikat swasta mendapat tanah melalui saluran yang tidak diketahui.

  37. Terbukti usaha kerajaan mempertahankan hak milik tanah. Adakah konsep ini berkesan, perlu juga dibuktikannya.

  38. harap tiada pihak mempertikaikan terhadap tindakan kerajaan terhadap isu tanah. usaha semua pihak amat diperlukan.

  39. The land should not mean for quick cash, should develop it for continuous income.

  40. Isu tanah masih menghantui pemikiran penduduk Sabah. Semakin hari semakin betambah isu rampasan tanah. Kerajaan pasti akan merancang jalan penyelesaian. Teruskan mengkaji dan siasatan mengenai masalah ini.

  41. Cadangan kerajaan dengan geran komunal perlu diberikan penjelasan yang terperinci bagi memastikan penduduk tidak dihantui oleh pihak lain yang memainkan isu ini.

  42. pihak kerajaan seharusnya memperjuangkan matlamat mereka dalam menyelesaikan masalah penyelewengan tanah yang kian berleluasa di Sabah, supaya penduduk terlibat tidak terasa tertipu..

  43. semoga, ada penjelasan dari pihak berkuasa yang terlibat

  44. harap tidak ada penyelewengan kuasa berlaku...jika ada, siasatan perlu dilakukan..

  45. dan harap ada pihak kerajaan berani tampil ke depan untuk memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat Sabah

  46. setakat ini, pihak kerajaan Sabah hanya berdiam diri tanpa memberi kenyataan mereka mengenai isu NCR ini
