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Monday, February 13, 2012

Whither STAR on political chessboard?

The Kadazandusun ought to realize by now that racial politics is not the right pathway toward a prosperous Sabah. This has been proven by UMNO, PBS, PBRS, LDP, MCA, and UPKO, which are vaguely oblivious of our 30 years of persistent doldrums.

It was only recently and as recent as one month that STAR was form and according to one Borneo Post columnist, STAR party has had overwhelming response with, according to his words, “surprising speed at which STAR gained momentum and the how the unregistered USNO is rousing support among the Muslim Bumiputera had raised new confidence for the UBA to forge forward, even without anymore infusion of new parties into UBA.”
With all due respect, regretfully to say the least, this BP columnist is wrong with his cynical treatise. In a wild unfettered composition this columnist attempted to gain political mileage for his buddies at STAR by priming a coating to portray a larger than life political acceptance for his STAR studded party. Such display of partisan rhetoric only implied a bias contention and an effort to gain acceptance and support from the racially and religiously charge uninformed section of the public.

As much as we all deplore UMNO for its cruel disrespect and cruel treatment toward KDM and Sabahans in general, we also realized that what got us into this messed in the first place is because of racial bigotry plus religious bias. To fight such injustice we must be able to address the root cause and find a great way to bring political justice and economic prosperity to our country.

There are numerous ways to achieve a goal, yet only one method bear’s merit. It is only when the method is good for the people, good for the country, and good for all races will it genuinely holds merit.

But the method that STAR protagonists are suggesting are methods from the old school, which effectively bring us back to square one where we must succumb once again to race base politics. As much as we all would like to form an alliance to ensure maximum impact against UMNO and BN we cannot simply with emotional handicap fight for the sake of fighting. Knowing the evil of race based politics it is prudent not to simply fall for such narrow concept less you wish to recycle the same future as that of the past.

There is, understandably, a level of frustration shared among STAR protagonist, but to position a party based on racial boundaries is the wrong approach and one which will lend credence for larger political entities such as UMNO to manipulate due to its narrow ideology. This assertion has been proven in history as in the case of PBS and UPKO. There is no reason why STAR cannot fall into the same category.

SAPP on the other hand is based on a solid principle and not based on personalities or race as what the Borneo Post columnist prefers to maliciously imply. That principle is rooted on merit based on what is good for the people, good for the country, and good for all races.

Multiracialism in SAPP is not just an idiom, but rather it is a principle that is practiced by the party machinery. The proof is self-evident based on its works and accomplishments. To know how to determine the truth just heed the advice from God as written in the Bible, which says, “..for by their fruits shall ye know the truth!” SAPP is about upholding a good principle for the good of the people and Sabah.

This is a principle, which is based on multiracialism, equality, and justice for all race and religions. This principle is what is going to make Sabah great once again. This is what is going to make us reach the sky in economic prosperity. And this is the principle that will guarantee a sustainable political and economic foundation for Sabah.

With this principle as our backbone, we can guarantee a good and strong government with solid democratic foundation. With this principle the KDM will never again be left behind. Only when we have equality can we all concentrate on education and economic well-being. We can thus compete in a global world based on our merit and not because of race, religion, or wealth.

According to that BP columnist assertion, he prefers if we all cozy up and divide our spoils based on racial demarcation such as “you Chinese take on Chinese areas, you KDM take on KDM areas, you Muslims take on Muslim areas.” Isn’t that going backward to the time of Tun Mustapha? It is time we discard such narrow perspective, which will just recycle our deprivation through UMNO or PKR for that matter.

To ensure Sabah become economically strong, we must follow a new pathway that is intelligent and one which will benefit all the people of Sabah. It is not by chance that we have strong KDM leaders like Datuk Eric Majimbun, Japiril Suhaimin, Peter Marajin, Edward Dagul, and others in SAPP. These KDM leaders are men of integrity and care deeply for the KDM community. These are the KDM leaders who will forge a new future for the KDM community. Datuk Eric Majimbun had consistently spoken for and defended KDM issues at every opportunity he gets in parliament. Among all the KDM leaders in Sabah Datuk Eric was the most vocal and steadfastly defended the KDM interest. Even when all others had quiet down their pleas for an RCI due to perhaps exhaustion, Datuk Eric had continuously forged forward to bring up the RCI issues to the forefront of the news. Such KDM leader had effectively eclipsed all PBS KDM leaders as far as fighting for the interest of the KDM. Here is an example of a strong KDM leader and he is a deputy president of SAPP.

Like other communities, KDM are attracted to SAPP because of its principle and what it stands for and adhered to. Most KDM people are familiar with the reality of Sabah politics where corruptions are rampant because of race based politics. We must discard this narrow concept of race base politics that bring us nowhere but down.

SAPP also have great and professional leaders such as Amde Sidik, Datuk Matnoor and Dullie Marie. These are proven leaders if one would just take the time to read their background. Leaders such as these are of the future. These are the kinds of leaders we need for Sabah. Datuk Matnoor especially is a proven and tested leader and during his time as Finance Minister of Sabah, Sabah experienced the best economic growth ever in its history. We need leaders like this to make our country great again.

Sarcastically, the columnist tries to paint SAPP as a new party, when in fact his party STAR is in fact freshly minted in Sabah within just a matter of months; while SAPP was formed on January 21, 1994 and have grown to become a solid political party with the best agenda for the growth and prosperity of Sabah.

SAPP is more than willing to participate in any discussion of cooperation between all Borneo Alliance political parties as obviously our goal is to defeat UMNO, but it would be against SAPP political principle if the other parties insist on making decisions based on race or religion.

SAPP holds true to its principle when it comes to the governance of Sabah. It is not about race or the assumption of political position. Unlike the others, SAPP stands by the people. There is no point to be in government if the people are not solidly behind SAPP.

As a forward looking party with the sole interest of taking people out of poverty and making Sabah the most prosperous state in Malaysia SAPP wants a government of the people, by the people and for the people. SAPP is a party for all races in Sabah. No matter what political gimmicks they try to label SAPP as a race based Party, SAPP will hold true to its principle of multiracialism to the very end. SAPP interest is for the interest of all Sabahans regardless of race and religion.

By Wilfred Gaban, Born in Goshen, Kota Marudu, Wilfred is a businessman based in Kota Kinabalu. He has returned from the USA where he worked for 30 years after graduating with a BA in Political Science and MS in Business Management from the University of North Texas.


  1. Trying so hard to impress the relevance of SAPP without providing the proof of achievements that SAPP had when its own leader was sitting in the executive and cosy chair of the chief minister back then.Its all about another promises from a political party which unfortunately have withered before they can blossom under the weather of Spring.

    SAPP for one is good in throwing rhetoric around on its ability to govern but if you delve deeper it is just another party on the sidestreets that are trying to woo new supporters and sympathisers to its struggles to bring down the government and nothing else.Does it has a cause?Tell me.

    SAPP had claimed umpteenth times its racial composition but does not reflect so much in its forms and manner.Now many of its grassroots had left and join other new opposition parties and worthy of note that some even had gone back to support BN.So this writing is nothing else but an act of desperation to assure everyone what it is when in reality what it is not.

    1. Unfortunately, Mr. Petagas, you are bitter person throwing shit like a pitiful drunk. Obviously, you haven't been reading much or you would have known what SAPP had accomplished. Go back to school and learn some basic theories and manners before you qualify yourself to make any meaningful arguments in this forum.

    2. SAPP mudah berubah pendirian dan apa yang dinyatakan boleh berubah beberapa hari kemudian.

  2. SAPP has been doing a good job for Sabah eventhough YTL only 2 years as Sabah CM. YTL has approved more than 48000 acres of NCR to Sabah native in just 2 years if compare to Musang bin tidak Aman 9 years as Sabah CM what we only hear was he robbing the Sabah native lands all the times.

    Why the hell Musang bin tidak aman giving out 5000 hectars of oil palm lands to Yayasan melaka as if all Sabahans were stupid and do not know how to plant oil palm?

    Musang bin tidak Aman 9 years as Sabah CM but proudly made Sabah the Poorest in Malaysia which never before in Malaysia History!!!

    Musang bin Aman has done NOTHING for SAS after 14 years of financial crisis in 1997 until today 2012, the SAS price remained stagnant but all the 1000+ stocks in KLSE and others amanah saham negeri were back to its original prices.

    UMNO imported their Illegal Immigrants to Sabah to outnumber our local Sabah native and this bunch of traitors to Sabahans must be charged for treason!

    1. SAPP is just another recycled party from BN. Just wait and see lah how the voters vote during the next GE.

    2. tengok sajalah PRU13 macam nasib SAPP. puji banyak2 pun tiada guna.

  3. Anak Petagas, you simply lack wisdom. You only make yourself like a fool here.

  4. When you give your opinion on SAPP contrary to what they want to hear they will use all kinds of obscene words that you cannot even find in your Oxford dictionaries.Words like 'shit' is common to them and they will also call you 'pitiful drunk' when you are sober from head to toe.The SAPP snake had shed its skin and showed its real colour.So guys do not be deceived by their rhetoric and their deceitful writings.They are just crooks in cheap suits.

  5. I'm supporting ABU and STAR but not SAPP...the reason why STAR has had overwhelming response is sincerity...Base on history, I respect Dr.Jeffery who are never changing his view and principle about Sabah,for me it's normal to keep changing party if that party never look after of Sabahan. Because it's consider really stupid and hypocrite if somebody remain in the party that against his principle especially related with Sabah.

    1. No more chances for SAPP, we need something new and better for Sabah.

    2. Good luck for those politicians who are sincere in their struggles.

    3. You can tell a lot about someone who changes party like changing clothes. It shows how fickle minded and undecisive that person is. It also shows such person as lacking in vision.

  6. STAR never talking bad about SAPP...why talk bad about that party..are jeoulous or scared? anyway mind your own problem...

  7. STAR never talking bad about SAPP...why talk bad about that party..are you feel jeoulous or scare? anyway mind your own problem...

    1. SAPP never talk bad about STAR, it was STAR's Raymong Tombung that talk bad about SAPP. Kalau cakap bohong nah kena balas lah...

  8. This writer is a back-stabber.A Brutus!Just look at his picture,so dumb,boring and stupid.

    1. The real back stabbers are ignorant people like you. True KDM leaders are like Eric Majimbun, Edward Dagul, Peter Marajin and etc. Where were you when Datuk Eric was fighting for the RCI and the NCR issues of the KDM. Don't call yourself KDM when you are don't have a clue about who did what or how. Perhaps u are just one of those racist like UMNO.

  9. I give my thumbs up to this writer, for having a far sighted vision..even a blind and deaf person can feel that Sabah should not be based on racial sentiment platform, if we were to make SABAH a fair and trustworthy good governnce....a proof on achievement by SAPP when YTL was CM was issuance of 44000 land titles to all Sabah bumiputras who had been waiting for years, do you know ada yang sudah meninngal, geran dia keluar tak sempat datang sambut geran dia dari YTl when function was held to distribute land titles....which Sabah Leader had done this before?

  10. I will never support STAR party which only emerged when the election is near.

    Jeffrey kitingan cheated 4 billion of Yayasan Sabah money when he was YS Chairman is a proven fact that this idiot only greedy and dreaming to become Sabah CM but got no idea on how to improve Sabah economy.

    STAR supported by Sabahans? I am a KDM from Penampang but doesn't hear anyone from my community will support such party pariah!

    1. True. I don't think they really have strong supporters.

    2. there is no achievement by STAR in Sarawak. anyway, just wait what they can get in Sabah.

  11. STAR is a RACIST party and there is no compromise we fell into their ploy again.

    In today 2012, all those race and religion based party in Sabah should be rejected by all the Sabah people!

    STAR idea is OUTDATED!

    1. star masih baru dan masih jauh lagi perjalananya.

  12. SAPP too is a chinese party.Wonder whats the KDM and the moslems are doing in SAPP? Waiting for 'ang pow' from YTL maybe.DREAM ON!

    1. Believe me... SAPP and PBRS will be just a history after the PRU-13 over!!!!! also happen to PKR and especialy PAS!!! no room for PAS in Sabah!!! UMNO also will suffer this general election! It's better bring big support to PBS, UPKO,STAR and DAP!

    2. Have you been asleep? Didn't you know who has been fighting tirelessly for KDM rights during the last few years? Eric Majimbun. Not Pairin, Not Jeffrey, Not Dompok or Maximus.

    3. Eric Majimbun??? what do you mean by 'fighting tirelessly'??? you mean a guy who just can and talk!!!! with no result at all!!!!we want RESULT!!!! no matter what, the point is at least PBS and UPKO make the federal agree to form RCI...and even UMNO Sabah finaly agree with RCI (I don't know whether sincere or not at least we have a point next time if they against it!) and i tell you what !!! Eric will be just a history after this coming PRU 13!!! base on logic, you can see the population there and make your own analysis!!!

  13. Eric Majimbun? Hahaha!This man is a pain in the arse and worthy only of the title'village chief'.

  14. Parti2 yang memperalatkan ugama dan bangsa untuk perjuangan politik mereka macam PBS,UMNO,MCA,DAP,PAS, STAR, PBRS, UPKO, MIC, LDP dan Gerakan mesti dihapuskan di Sabah.

    Kamurang sudah ketinggalan zaman. Lebih baik pemimpin2 parti2 yang aku sebut itu tutup kedai untuk masa depan anak cucu cicit kita.

    1. ia betul termasuk parti SAPP....

  15. PBS and UPKO merely UMNO's puppets.

    Do you know the legalised PTI population now more than the KDM in Sabah?

    Pairin and dompok should be ashamed on themselves who sold KDM to dog. Even though the imported bugis and Javanese have more power than the KDM in Sabah.

    1. I know and for you extra information it's including SAPP (Basic knowledge-SAPP was one of BN members before and it's UMNO puppet) ....

  16. PBS and UPKO already bought by Musa bah.Pairin got big projects and UPKO also got big projects.KDM go eat kangkong belacan lah.Still don't realise their leaders already sold them out.

    1. it's true...and it's really true that YONG also bought by Musa before but he too demanding....what a pity...

  17. This man,the writer of this article is a disperado who tries every means to seek recognition from SAPP.In such a desperate attempt he forgot who his friends and enemies were.He bulldozed everything that came to his mind and packaged them into his writings as proven above.He thought he got his mentor's attention forgetting that in so doing he had brought disaster and condemnation to his party.He was trying so hard that he forgot that he was condemning a party that could turn into SAPP saviour in a GE.He is an epidemy of treachery and I can bet anything into saying that he would be a first turncoat should SAPP fails in its political endeavour.He has this kind of ego that you would dread to be near and the narcissism thats unbecoming from a shoe-shine man.This man would have made Brutus looks like a new born innocent child.Sorry man,Sabahans don't buy your ideas cos they suck.

  18. Sabahans not sux except you sux @ Anak Petagas who is dwelling with party illegal immigrants @ UMNO

  19. Today is 2012 and most of the Sabahans are educated and know how to discern the truth.

  20. sepatutnya pihak ROS luluskan saja USNO.. biar banyak parti pembangkang di negeri ini..

  21. Remember vote anything but UmNO. Anything and anyone but no UMNO please. Save your future and your children's future and children's children's future. I saw his 35 years ago and today the truth has happened.

    1. yup.. just continue to rely only political party to brighten your future..
