The controversy surrounding Sri Tanjung Assemblyman Jimmy Wong's native certificate (Sijil Anak Negeri) was finally put to rest after Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor announced in the State Legislative Assembly, Tuesday, that the certificate had been declared as invalid.
Hajiji said the information on Wong's 'Sino-Kadazan' race status in the certificate contradicted with his actual race, which is Chinese.
"There is not a drop of Kadazan blood flowing through his body because both his parents are of Chinese descent as stated in his birth certificate," he told the Assembly sitting when winding up for the Ministry.
Wong, however, was not present in the House when Hajiji rose to give his winding up speech late Tuesday evening.
Hajiji said the Board Members appointed by the Head of State through Government Gazette No. 11 for year 2010, conducted an investigation, research and validation on Wong's native certificate.
He said the board's officers found that Wong did not fulfil Section 2(1) of the Interpretation (Definition of Native) Ordinance (Cap 64).
The Board's decision, he said, has been presented to the Kota Kinabalu Native Court to cancel Wong's SAN.
"However, because the Kota Kinabalu Native Court was only gazetted in December last year, the board's decision can only be implemented in the near future," he said.
Wong's native certificate at one point became a hot issue even in previous Assembly sessions when questions arose on its validity.
Sekong Assemblyman Datuk Samsudin Yahya, who had many run-ins with Wong in Assembly sittings, asked whether the cancellation of Wong's native certificate would have any impact on the NT-titled lands that the latter had acquired.
Balung Assemblyman Datuk Syed Abas Syed Ali then raised the issue of offspring from inter-marriages like in his case, saying they should be accorded Bumiputera status.
According to him, his father is an Arab while his mother is of Suluk origin but his race status in his identification document is stated as Malay.
He said an Arab in Sabah should be considered as Bumiputera.
Melalap Assemblyman, Datuk Radin Malleh at this juncture said the definition of 'native' should be applied to determine this.
He asked, "How can an Arab become a native in Sabah?"
Hajiji then intervened saying because the interpretation is a sensitive issue, he would be issuing a written reply later.
To the proposal to conduct a specific study so that Arabs, Bugis and Indians who have been living in Sabah since the pre-colonial era be considered natives, he said the interpretation on 'native' is guided by the Interpretation Ordinance (Definition of Native) 1952.
Inanam Assemblyman, Datuk Johnny Goh then asked Hajiji's Ministry to consider the plight of the Sinos in Sabah.
He said the National Registration Department (NRD) gave these groups a choice, either to put Chinese or Kadazan/Dusun/Murut in their identification documents.
Hajiji replied that his Ministry would look into the matter.
On Pantai Manis Assemblyman, Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail's, concern over trading licences being issued to foreigners, he said all local authorities always ensured that the licence is only given to Malaysians.
"If there were foreigners conducting business in a premises, they are probably workers or renters who have obtained permission from the premise's owner," he said.
"It is unlikely that local authorities or district councils issue trading licences to these individuals or groups that are not Sabahans or Malaysians," he said.
Nevertheless, he said, the Ministry would be monitoring this to ensure that only qualified people are issued trading licences. (DE)
There is not a drop of kadazan blood but he manage to get a bumi certificate. Isn't this a case of con job! The person who gave him the bumi cert must be investigated by MACC.
ReplyDeleteUmno, a racist Malayan Muslim party, obviously not happy with Sinos recognised as natives.
DeleteBut if these Sinos are muslims, everything is OK !
Inilah 1Malaysia.
DeleteNampaknya Sabah BN Umno lebih utamakan isu perkauman daripada RCI Project IC
Orang yang bagi sijil itu yang patut kena sumbat di penjara!
DeleteThis article shows how "divisive racism" is just a political tool used by UMNO colonial apartheid system to oppress the Chinese!
It is an argument that cannot be resolved until we can free ourselves from the racist ideas and theories rampant in our society and reinforced by UMNO Nazism and racism.
Sino Kadazans have every right to demand recognition in the crappy neo-colonial Malaysian constitution.
Why can't Sino-Kadazans be natives when non "native" illegal instant Mykad holders are considered instant natives ?
The Sino Kadazans people with Chinese blood have been around Borneo/Kalimantan for more than 100 years- some even 500 years! They are more "native" to our country whether Sabah and Sarawak than Mahathir's instant natives!
If we stretched this point it can be seen how absurd it is. Under the "constitution" all local born and bred or "naturalised" people regardless of race in neo-colonial Malaysia are guaranteed citizen rights but they are treated unequally for political purposes.
In contrast the Chinese are now legally considered as "Blacks" in South Africa. But that is an honour as this recognized them as "natives" and have the same rights!
If your ancestors have been several hundred years in Borneo/Kalimantan for as long as other "natives" they also should be natives. Putting politics aside let us look at the other side of the coin to be fair to the Chinese. This colonial divide and rule has gone on for too long and is simply too divisive and oppressive.
In fact the Chinese have been longer in Sabah than recent illegal "instant" Mykad carriers and Southern Indo people who become "natives".
Names like Kinabatang and Kinabalu must mean something? Why would they have a "Cina" connection if they were not recognised by other "natives" with local landmark names? Large Chinese communities were in Sabah over 500 years ago and it is a theory that Kadazan Dusuns are related to the Chinese. How do you explain so many Sino looking "natives".
The plight of the Sarawak Sino/Dayak girl who was refused entry into MARA (because she was "Chinese") is an example of the how UMNO apartheid policies have weird outcomes and are used to persecute and oppress the Chinese.
UMNO must accept that regardless of race the legal residents of Malaya and the Sabah Sarawak colonies are the real natives!
It is time that we have a Human Rights Charter to set out the rights of all citizens regardless of race.
Further local anti-apartheid groups and communities must bring up the problem of UMNO racism when the UN Sec.General visits neo-colonial Malaysia.
Finally Sabah and Sarawak people can begin to solve their problems after they get their countries out of Malaysia. A Petition is on the internet for readers to sign to express their disgust with the inequalities of neo-colonial Malaysia. This is posted by the Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia movement (SSKM).
these two clowns should be in the showbiz!
ReplyDeleteJimmy Wong's parents are both Chinese, he doesn't have any Kadazan blood in him, it's only right that his Native Status was revoked.
ReplyDeleteMahkamah dah putuskan, so ikut sajalah. Lagipun memang betul juga kan tak layak dapat:P
DeleteMudah2an kes tu dapat diadili dengan seadil-adilnya.
Deletekeputusan telah diketahui, jadi hormatilah keputusan ini.
DeleteWait, if Jimmy Wong is “anak negeri”, he can be Sabah’s next Chief Minister! Pakatan doesn’t need
DeleteBumburing and Lajim!
Would Jimmy Wong mind to explain how he has gotten the native cert the first place? Does any one of his parents have the same native cert?
ReplyDeleteJimmy Wong memang patut menjelaskan perkara ini. Pasti ramai yang tertanya2 bagaimana dia mendapat sijil Anak Negeri tersebut.
DeleteHarus juga Jimmy Wong memberi penjelasan agar orang awam tidak membuat andaian yang bukan-bukan.
Deletesegala bukti akan menentukan keputusan mahkamah.
Deleteya..Jimmy Wong harus jelaskan bagaimana dia memperolehnya dulu.
Deletemmg wajar status anak negeri dia digugurkan jika dia bnar bukan anak negeri.
ReplyDeletesetuju, memang wajar jika status tersebut ditarik balik jika dia memang bukan anak negeri.
DeleteJimmy wong harus perjelaskan bagaimana dia bleh mendapt sijil anak negeri sedangkan dia tidak layak memilikinya.
ReplyDeleteKalau si Jimmy bagi penjelasan, pasti dalang sebenar boleh ditemukan.
DeleteKeep on taunting Jimmy, SAPP supporters. Dont you guys realize that Jimmy had walk out from the State Assembly sitting together with two of you ADUNs?
ReplyDeleteMake peace la...
Wonder how Jimmy Wong get the native certificate.
ReplyDeleteHe got it thru the Native Court.
DeleteAnd who decided that he is eligible to have native status? Investigate.
DeleteAccording to FMT, many years ago native court decided that he is a native based on his grandmother who is a Kadazan.
DeleteNRD said both his parents is Chinese. The same NRD that issues 40,000 birth cert & MyKads to stateless 'locals' in Semporna.
Now can we trust NRD ?
Macam mana si Jimmy boleh dapat SAN tu? Lagi lucu, dia buat muka selamba saja mcm tidak ada masalah.
ReplyDeleteMungkin sebab beliau sendiri tahu yang beliau sebenarnya dari awal memang tidak layak diberi SAN tapi diberi juga.
DeleteLepas ni pastikan siapa2 yang ada SAN mencurigakan, ditarik balik. Siasat juga yang terlibat supaya dapat cari dalam disebalik pemberian SAN ini.
ReplyDeleteya..siapa yang ada SAN yang mencurigakan harus disiasat.
DeleteAda ramai lagi yang tidak layak dapat title native di luar sana. Statu mereka ini pun patut tarik balik.
ReplyDeleteAda juga golongan memainkan topik ini semata untuk menarik perhatian.
ReplyDeleteTu sudah tentu, golongan tu pasti mahu menarik perhatian rakyat.
DeleteA chinese will always be a chinese...a native cert will not going to change anything...
ReplyDeletealways. Nobody can change it.
DeleteMacammana pula boleh jadi sino kadazan kalau ibu bapa Cina. Hairan juga kalau macam itu.
ReplyDeletekeputusan sudah diketahui, jadi ianya perlu dipatuhi.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha.... Cina mmng cina lah... mau jadi kadazan pulak... Ini mesti dia nak bumi status... :P
ReplyDeletesedar la diri tu.. bagus Jimmy bersara saja dari politik.. bikin malu saja..
ReplyDeleteYou guys know what is weird... How fast and dedicated our 'leader' in organizing a committee to investigate about dtk Jimmy Wong, and he is actually a real sabahan, when there's hundreds and thousand of other 'illegals' that gotten Malaysia citizenship through dubious mean.
ReplyDeleteTo those keep on asking how JW could get his native cert. Google la bah... Ini statement dia (http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/print/malaysia/Im-Sabahan-they-treat-me-worse-than-foreigners/)
“I applied for this native certifcate through proper channel about 30 years ago and the Native court approved it... I never abused it. I was born and brought up in Sabah, and my grandmother was a sino-Kadazan. That’s why I applied for it,” he told reporters here today.
And my question is this, if the grandmother has the blood of Kadazan, doesn't that means he does have the blood of Kadazan.
Now how about we bising about certain 'umno' sabah leader that are actually REAL PTI that manage to get Malaysian citizenship through dubious mean.