Why is a RM127 billion refinery being built in Johor when it is not an oil-producing state?
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) is blowing hot over the planned RM127 billion oil refinery in Johor, claiming it would be an “incalculable” economic loss to Sabah.
Describing the federal government’s decision as “unreasonable” STAR chairman Jeffrey Kitingan said: “If the federal government was sincere about developing the Borneo states which have contributed tremendously to the national coffer by giving 95% of its oil all these years, it would have decided to build the refinery in Sabah or Sarawak.
“As it is, incalculable losses will be incurred against us [with the refinery being built in Johor]. In the long term, the loss will amount to trillions of ringgits!”
Jeffrey said had the federal government decided to site the refinery in Sabah, it would be the biggest project ever implemented for Sabah and Sarawak.
“Just imagine: the refinery will be processing 300,000 barrels per day while another ‘nearby’ refinery will be built by a Taiwanese firm to process 150,000 barrels per day.
“This will come to a total of 450,000 barrels per day, which is a substantial percentage of the nation’s crude oil production of 700,000 barrels per day.
“And that’s the other unbelievable arrangement about the whole thing. The federal government finds it fit to implement two hyper-projects in the same vicinity.
“I refuse to believe they [federal government] do not see the economic prudence of locating at least the second refinery across the South China Sea for the sake of fairness in economic cake sharing,” he said.
Jeffrey added that it was obvious that the federal government was intent on making Johor “a super-giant” next to Singapore.
“Is the federal government so intent on making Johor a super-giant next to Singapore that it is purposefully pouring in hundreds of billions into Johor, on top of the billions for the mammoth development for Iskandar Malaysia supercity?”
‘Slap in Borneo’s face’
He said with this latest misstep, the Barisan Nasional government has poured insults on the concept of 1Malaysia and the so-called Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).
According to Jeffrey, what is obvious now is that Sabah is seen only as a “supplier of raw resources” to Peninsular Malaysia.
“It is obvious we are just functioning as a supplier of raw resources to the Peninsula, which means tremendous losses to us.
“Just imagine the untold losses and missed economic growths we could generate from massive employment, trickle-down effects, infrastructural developments, technology transfers and downstream processing.
“All this could turn the Borneo states [Sabah and Sarawak] into vibrant economic hubs, but the federal government simply cannot help behaving like a hungry colonialist.
“It’s just like what the British did when Sabah and Sarawak were colonies. We are now witnessing how most of our resources are going to the Peninsula.
“This is truly a painful slap in the face of the Borneo states, ” Jeffrey said.
This only shows CM Musa SDC and Kimanis oil & gas development project for Sabah is nothing but peanuts.
ReplyDeleteSabah will remain poorest under Malayan colonisation.
Kita jangan hairan semua ini.Musa akan sakit hati bila Sabah jadi kaya tetapi dia bukan lagi CM,Ini fikiran Benggali/Pakistan paling kotor.
DeleteBiarlah TPM itu pecah perut dia sebab makan hasil minyak Sabah.Semua hasil Sabah habis di bahagi bagi diSemenanjung Malaysia.Inilah dasar dan cara Malaya memperbodohkan orang orang ASAL Sabah.
Inilah mentalitiy orang orang Malaya.
Allegations that Sabah has been colonised by the federal government is a lie aimed at manipulating the people for their support in the coming general election, said Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
DeleteThe state government had always co-operated with the federal government to develop Sabah. The state government, administered by a cabinet of ministers, holds weekly meetings to decide on the direction of comprehensive development in Sabah, other than development projects from the federal government.
DeleteLots of talking and discussion on the table but in the end cannot do anything because Musa has to ask PM, the colonialist, for approval.
DeleteHoping more to benefit the people but not the minority.
DeleteIt's the national policies of the Federal govt to ensure any big projects to be carried out is to site them in Malaya while Sabah and Sarawak is to supply all the raw materials in this case oil and gas to be refine in Johore.This clearly shows that Federal Govt under umno/bn is colonizing Sabah and Sarawak for all our natural resources to develop Malaya.
ReplyDeleteThe Borneo States will remain poor and backward as long as umno/bn regime is in control. We can not trust parties from Malaya to determine our destiny. We must take back our rights and fight for full autonomy in coming GE13.
Kerajaan Pusat dan Kerajaan Sabah perlulah bekerjasam untuk membangunkan negeri kita.
DeleteMalaysia maju 2020..?? tapi nampaknya Sabah-Sarawak 20 kali lebih mundur dan lebih 18 tahun ketinggalan berbanding Malaya....justeru kami mahu perjanjian 20/18 perkara dikembalikan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak...kami mahu autonomi khas dan penuh dihormati...
ReplyDeleteSabah is Malaya .. 30 years in the past ..
DeleteSo what are we waiting for ??
If you don't like what you see then wait for election to come.
Delete8 tahun sehingga 2020. Semoga Malaysia boleh mencapai status negara maju dan negara berpendapat tinggi.
2. Putrid Jaya
3. New Palaces
4. Infrastructures in Malaya
5. Nice highways etc....
Sabah masih boleh membangun dgn pesat, projek2 speti samur dan SOGT pasti akan membangunkan lagi ekonomi Sabah yang lebih pesat.
ReplyDeleteKena pastikan keuntungan dapat dirasai oleh rakyat.
DeleteEkonomi Sabah semakin meningkat, hanya segelintir sahaja yang tidak mau terima hakikat.
DeleteWith more budjet from federal, definately Sabah economy can boost high.
DeleteMereka yang kaya akan terus kaya, yang miskin tetap miskin?
Delete"Why is a RM127 billion refinery being built in Johor when it is not an oil-producing state?"
ReplyDeleteSupaya dapat bawa semua minyak ke Johor untk ditapis kemudian Johor bertambah-tambah maju daripada semua negeri?
Pembagunan di setiap negeri di Malaysia mestilah seimbang, jangan ada yang pembangun pesat ada yang ketinggalan pula.
DeleteSepatutnya kilang penapis minyak dibina di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBUkan senang mau buat, perlu ada banyak perancangan yang teliti untuk membuat kilang penapis minyak.
DeleteSabah will eventually make it to the height.
ReplyDeleteNo one can possibly manipulate the people until they are willing to be fooled.
ReplyDeleteThe state government is definitely working hard to see Sabah more developed and equipped.
ReplyDeleteWe have to wait and see what happens after the election.
ReplyDeleteWhy shouldn’t oil refineries be built in Sabah?
ReplyDeleteBetul juga, sudah tiba masa Sabah mendapat sebuah kilang penapisan minyak untuk mengurus minyak kita sendiri.
DeleteSabah have petronas?
DeleteKerajaan Pusat mesti ada alasan sendiri mengapa hendak membina kilang penapis minyak di Johor. Mungkin mereka sudah menjumpai minyak di situ tapi belum diumumkan lagi.
ReplyDeleteHubungan yang rapat dan kerjasama di antara perkhidmatan Negeri dan Persekutuan awam merupakan salah satu faktor yang boleh menyumbang kepada pembangunan Sabah dan kesejahteraan rakyat
ReplyDeleteSong dengan anon.. perlu ada kerjasama dari semua pihak untuk membangunkan Sabah.
DeleteSokong maksud saya.hehe
DeleteKenapa Sabah masih mundur dengan sumber semulajadi yang dapat menjana pendapatan?
ReplyDeleteKimanis akan menjadi pusat ekonomi yang penting untuk Sabah. Semoga semua ini menjadi kenyataan.
ReplyDeletePerkembangan ekonomi akan memberi lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan khas belia yang berkelayakan dari segi akademi.
ReplyDeleteSabah State Reform Party (STAR) is blowing hot over the planned RM127 billion oil refinery in Johor, claiming it would be an “incalculable” economic loss to Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHairan juga sebab negeri Johor bukannya negeri yang ada sumber minyak?
Ini mungkin perancangan untuk masa akan datang.
ReplyDeletenanti kalau projek itu dipindahkan ke Sabah, macam2 pula bantahan.. konon rampas tanah rakyat, pencemaran dan sebagainya..