By Azman Habu
It appears that Sabah Progressive Peoples Party (SAPP) have agreed to give way to Sabah DAP in Karamunting and Sandakan constituencies in the east coast.
KOTA KINABALU: A secret midnight meeting between Sabah DAP and SAPP leaders last weekend may have breathed new life into a potential election pact between the two opposition parties who have been at each others throats for months.
A source said three representatives from each group, DAP (led by its state chief) and SAPP by its president Yong Teck Lee, were seen at an upscale Penampang restaurant late Friday night.
According to an insider, who requested anonymity, the meeting was to sort out their differences and prevent a split opposition front in the impending 13th general election that Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional coalition chairman Najib Tun Razak is expected to call any time.
“It was not only on seats allocation for each party but to find out how they could work out their differences … we all know we have to work together to topple the BN,” said the source.
According to another source from SAPP, the party will give way for DAP to contest in Sandakan and Karamunting.
Such an agreement would make sense to both party leaders as a way of dividing up the state and supporting each other without looking over each others shoulders.
Political pundits in the state claim that DAP is fairly strong in the East Coast while SAPP’s strength is concentrated in the West Coast.
For months now both sides have been trading accusation that appeared to show there was little hope for a possible pact between the locally-based SAPP and the peninsula-headquartered DAP.
‘Support Pakatan’
Leaders of both parties however know that a fight among themselves in the coming election would split the opposition vote and allow a walkover for the ruling BN coalition in marginal constituencies.
Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has made it known that the opposition coalition that groups DAP, PKR and PAS together would work with Sabah-based opposition parties to prevent a free-for-all in the coming election.
He told reporters here last month that PKR was in talks with several Sabah political leaders to ensure a one-to-one fight in the coming election and expressed hope that other parties in the Pakatan pact would stay open to negotiating with Sabah’s opposition parties.
Urging all Pakatan parties against issuing statements that would open up the coalition to claims of federal hegemony, he said, the the opposition parties from the peninsula and in Sabah shared similar goals.
“However, we do hope that Sabah’s opposition would also support Pakatan’s struggle and not practice state-level politics,” Anwar had reportedly said.
“I myself have observed that the political trend here is more towards Sabah-based politics.
“To Pakatan, what is important is the struggle for the people regardless of race, religion and background.”
This 'conniving duo' has nothing else up their sleeves than to discuss how best to create disunity and divide the Sabah people into different camps so as to achieve their ultimate goals and objectives of their nightmarish dreams and hallucinations of being the government.Deep inside them they know they will fail and thats one of the main reasons that each of them has to swallow their words and pride that they originally spitted-out toward one another.Now both had knocked their heads against the walls and begin to realise the futility of their struggles by the insipid support they receive,finding no ways and escape routes to hide their oncoming humiliations thus trying to sit with each other to discuss the shame they may be facing in the coming elections and soften the impact of such blows.
ReplyDeletePathetic.Sabahans should realise now the opposition is discussing on how to salvage their absolute defeat in Sabah and preparing the groundwork of face-saving.
Kalau betul "anak Petagas" memang 'anjing' Yahya Hussein UMNO Petagas.
DeleteIn the name of G....evil U please go away :-D and let sabahan decide themselves ok!
Deletetapi jangan lupa Star...Star mahu tanding 60/26 di sabah termasuk labuan...jadi pasti undi pembangkang akan pecah..
ReplyDeleteberkemungkinan persaingan tiga penjurulah nanti di Sabah ni.
Deletejika nak bertanding begitu byk kerusi, prlawanan 1 lawan 1 takkan berlaku.
DeleteUndi pembangkang pasti akan berpecah.
DeleteSaingan harus juga terbuka dan amanah. Tektik kotor harus diabaikan.
DeleteStar mahu usir semua parti malaya keluar dari sabah dan ini bermakna Star sudah menutup pintu terhadap sebarang bentuk kerjasama dengan PR mahu pun BN...
ReplyDeletedan ini bermakna sudah pasti akan ada pertandingan 3 atau 4 penjuru di sabah dan ini akan memberikan kelebihan kepada BN sabah untuk menang.
DeleteTidak mungkinlah Star boleh menang dan jadi kerajaan.
Deletemungkin star akan bersaing dengan parti yang lain nanti kerana mereka mahu PR hanya fokus di SM saja.
DeleteStar hanya syok sendiri.
DeleteSAPP akhirnya terpaksa tunduk kepada DAP sabah...ini membuktikan SAPP lemah dan pemimpinnya tidak berkaliber...
ReplyDeleteianya juga bermakna SAPP sedar bahawa mereka tiada peluang untuk menang dan ingin menggunakan populariti DAP sabah dan PR untuk meraih sokongan..selama ini pun SAPP tidak pernah menang menggunakan bendera sendiri...
DeleteI don't think either DAP or SAPP stand a chance in winning the election. But i may be wrong. Lets just wait and see.
DeleteSAPP ni memang tidak ketentuan. sekejap mau bekerjasama dengan PKR, kejap lagi lain sudah..
Deletetunggu sajalah, jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam pula nanti.
DeleteSAPP dulu menang pn atas nama BN, kalau guna nama sendiri, mmg tiada harapan.
Deleteumno hanya boleh menang atas MATA WANG MALAYSIA yang HARAM dan juga PENDATANG HARAM.
DeleteJika umno tidak harap dua ini, umno sudah lama berkubur di Sabah!
SAPP memang tiada pendirian.Pasti tidak akan mendapat sokongan rakyat.
DeleteBukan macam tu, mungkin ada agenda yang masing-masing boleh terima dan memperjuangkannya.
DeleteSure or not sapp have agreed to give way to Sabah DAP in Karamunting and Sandakan constituencies in the east coast??? Jgn ja tiba2x tikam belakang as usual.
ReplyDeletepolitik sukar diramal, jadi tunggu dan lihat sajalah.
DeletePOlitik ini macam2 ada, memang susah untuk di ramal.Ini hari lain cerita, bsuk lain lagi cerita.
Deleteentah boleh percaya atau tidak..diorang ni sekejap ngam, sekejap gaduh.
ReplyDeleteKo rasa? Macam mana mahu sokong diurang ni kalau tidak meyakinkan? Sekejap begini, sekejap begitu. Nda tau apa pendirian sebenar diurang.
DeleteTidak payah undi pembangkang, tiada pendirian langsung.Begini kh mau memerintah.Lain jadi Sabah nanti.
DeleteSAPP dan DAP main sendiri-sendiri la sudah?
ReplyDeleteSabah DAP merelay a bunch of puppets to their malaya master but got no idea on how to develop Sabah.
ReplyDeleteWe do not need this kind of party rubbish to make Sabah even worst!
umno hanya boleh menang dengan penolongan MATA WANG MALAYSIA yang HARAM dan juga PENDATANG HARAM.
ReplyDeleteJika umno tidak harap dua ini, umno sudah lama berkubur di Sabah!
Siapa lagi yang undi UMNO adalah pengkhianat kepada Sabah. Anak cucu cicit kamu akan berludah diatas kuburan kamu apabila pengkhianat2 ini mati.
Bodoh!Palui punya pembangkang.Hidup UMNO!
DeleteWhen Pakatan fanboy meets UMNO fanboy.
DeleteNevertheless the people will eventually decide for themselves.
ReplyDeleteSo hard it is to predict ions in politics.
ReplyDeleteMemang betul politik adalah perkara yang sangat rumit dan sukar diramal. Sekejap DAP dan SAPP adalah musuh ketat, sekejap pula nampak mereka bekerjasama.
DeleteLet just have to wait and see.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are not suggesting we fold our arms and do nothing?
DeleteCertainly not…the people we have to fight for victory.
DeleteMacam mana dengan SAPP dan Star? Sudah boleh bekerjasama ataupun belum? Kalau salah satu parti pembangkang enggan bekerjasama, susah untuk mencapai pertandingan 1 ke 1.
DeleteBila PKR katakan mereka akan memberi laluan kepada SAPP untuk bertanding di sesetengah daerah, DAP jelas tidak mahu bekerjasama, kenapa sekarang pula lain cerita?
ReplyDeleteMengapa SAPP begitu takut dengan DAP sehingga bertunduk kepada mereka?
ReplyDeletedua2 ada taiko dalam parti. SAPP Yong Teck Lee Vs DAP Lim Kit Siang
DeleteIt is important young voters to choose wisely in the next general election, the country needs a proven administration to deal with domestic, regional and global issues. Don't give the country away to the wrong hands because you will be in trouble. Govt had worked through many domestic, regional and global issues and these translated into social and economic development for the country.
ReplyDeleteAny positive outcome?
ReplyDeleteMungkinkah mereka ini boleh kerjasama?
ReplyDeleteJika sanggup mengetepikan agenda sendiri dan kerjasama, rasa-rasa satu keadaan yang positif untuk rakyat juga.
ReplyDeleteSiapa dapat meramal, mungkin ada juga golongan awam melompat parti?
ReplyDeleteBetulkah atau ini sengaja untuk menyenangkan hati semata-mata saja.
ReplyDeletesecret talk and secret result.. during the next election campaign, they will fight again among themselves..