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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dr Chong barking up the wrong tree?

By Datuk Yong Teck Lee

Dr. Chong Eng Leong is side stepping the key issue of phantom voters and illegal immigrants by repeatedly referring to Likas, Likas, Likas and only Likas. He does not acknowledge that it was UMNO operatives, some of whom are his close buddies, who have been behind the phantom voters issue.

Just like the Saham Amanah Sabah issue, there is no closure and no end to it because the real culprits are not identified by the critics like Dr. Yee Moh Chai and other PBS leaders. They know that UMNO is the cause of the SAS and phantom voters issue but still incessantly point their fingers at the wrong direction, towards me, because they want to protect their political master, UMNO, and to protect their positions in government.

In the 1999 Likas election petition, I had presented my documentary proof like the parliamentary hansard records of my debates in parliament on the illegals and phantom voters issue. Never once was any ounce of evidence produced by Dr. Chong on my involvement in phantom voters.

But Dr. Chong still chooses to try to link me to phantom voters because he could not get over his defeats at Likas and because he chose to divert attention away from UMNO towards me. I had remained silent on this diversionary tactic of Dr. Chong because I kept my focus on the main issue of illegals and phantom voters, not on Dr. Chong. But now, it seems, Dr. Chong himself has become a problem on the phantom voters issue because he is doing UMNO a favour by diverting attention from UMNO towards me.

The fact is Dr. Chong has lost elections after elections, from Tanjong Aru under PBS in 1986, Sembulan under BN-LDP (1994) and Likas in 1999 and 2001 (under PBS). Dr. Chong talks as though, without the phantom voters, he would have won. In the 1999 state elections, Dr. Chong, as PBS candidate, his votes dropped from 1994 PBS’s 5855 votes to 4148 votes (in 1999) and further collapsed to 2217 votes (at the Likas by-election in 2001). By claiming his repeated losses was due to phantom voters alone, he has trivialized the serious issue of phantom voters.

Nobody can presume who the "phantom voters" voted for in Likas in the 1999 state elections. There were five candidates, including the main contender, the then Bersekutu President, Datuk Harris Mohd. Salleh who garnered 3,576 votes. AS Dr. Chong knows, Harris is the president of Yayasan Islam Sabah which has threatened to lodge police report against Dr. Chong over the phantom voters issue. Harris has always been championing the cause of new citizens. This is Tan Sri Harris’s right and we can disagree or agree.

But why is Dr. Chong silent on Datuk (Tan Sri) Harris’s role? Why is Dr. Chong silent on the role of UMNO and the phantom voters in UMNO constituencies like Kawang and other areas? What is Dr. Chong trying to hide?

As this is a paramount issue of concern to the people of Sabah, I am ever ready to have a public forum on the illegal immigrants issue and phantom voters with Dr. Chong Eng Leong, UMNO and other parties, preferably after Ramadhan.

Let us get to the bottom of phantom voters.

Datuk Yong Teck Lee, Ex-Chief Minister 28 May 1996 to 27 May 1998


  1. Y S Ngiu, Sembulan K.KAugust 4, 2011 at 7:06 AM

    Dr Chong seharusnya tidak menuding jari kpd YTL apabila beliau kalah dalam semua pru yg pernah ditandinginya....fokuskan isu siapa dalang sebenar phantom voters! bukan buat statement melilau sini sana yg dilihat lari drpd tujuan sebenar.

    Ngamlah kena label bucking up the wrong tree!

  2. Let the non-sinners cast the first stone.

  3. Yong Teck Lee should not throw stones if he is also living in glass house.

  4. Yong pun byk jg guna pengundi hantu.

  5. Yong ni asyik menyalahkan semua orang saja..masa berkuasa dulu tiada pula yang dapat diselesaikannya.

  6. its better find for the solution than just talk and blame others.

  7. Everyone knew the master behind the phantom voters is UMNO.

    UMNO is laughing when the oppositions accusing each other. I wonder what is this Chong ulterior motive by keeping on attacking our Sabah local opposition leader YTL?

    There are few phantom voters voted in tawau Sri Tanjung to help DAP Jimmy Wong to win in the last election. Can I also labelled Jimmy Wong from DAP also harboring phantom voter?

    Nevertheless, umno must be kicked out from Sabah for good!

  8. yong, jgn asyik nak cari kesalahan orang. lihat kelemahan diri dulu.

  9. SAS bukan ada kaitan dengan YTL ka? dia jd cm tu time

  10. Lebih baik memberi idea bagaimana menyelesaikan isu phantom voters daripada terus mencari kesalahan.

  11. Carol Anne, Duit SAS dimakan oleh orang umno. Kenapa bos umno kamu takut sangat keluar KERTAS PUTEH untuk bagi kebenarannya?

    Dalam bukan posa ini kamu sibuk buat FITNAH ya?

  12. Sudah banyak kali rakyat Sabah bagi cadangan sama kerajaan pusat tetapi bukan mereka @UMNO peduli dan ada niat betul untuk menyelesaikan masalah PTI pun?

    Kamu tunggu sajalah KETULAHAN kaki pengampu UMNO kat sini. Kamu sedar siapa yang syaitan keluar IC sama PATI tetapi pura2 tidak tahu dan balik2 suruh cari cara penyelesaian walalupun sudah berlaku berpuluh puluh tahun kes Project Mamak nie.

    Kamu fikir rakyat dan Allah kita sebodoh ke macam kamu @ kaki pengampu umno?

  13. Datuk Yong banyak tolong rakyat terutama bumiputra Sabah walaupun hanya 2 tahun dia jadi KM dulu berbanding dengan musang adalah KM yang paling KORUPT dan paling JAHAT di Sabah dan menyebabkan Sabah menjadi TERMISKIN di Malaysia.

    Siapa yang sokong musang ini bermaksud mereka sokong KM yang KORUPT dan terus rampas tanah2 orang2 kampung.

  14. Kenapa mau gaduh kasi kalah saja BN cukup la.


  15. Sonsoluyon,KeningauAugust 4, 2011 at 12:55 PM

    Bukan Yong yang tuding jari sesiapa utk cari kesalahan...kau tanya lah sendiri tu Doktor Chong sudah kalah balik2 mengaus tudaing jari YTL...apa punya doktor tu mcm Dr Basi juga tu!

  16. Musa Aman lebih lama. Memang banyak yang condemn Musa dan mahu dia jatuh. YTL jadi KM selama 2 tahun saja.

  17. Dr. Chong kalau balik2 kalah, sendiri mahu ingatlah. Tidak payah lagi bertanding. Buang duit dan tenaga saja.

  18. Macam manalah mahu p/raya yang bersih kalau masih wujud pengundi hantu?

  19. Get rid the phantom voters.

  20. SAS cerita lama, pengundi hantu dan YTL jadi CM pun cerita lama. Kedua-dua cerita ini berlaku pada masa yang sama. Jadi sebaiknya YTL un

  21. SAS cerita lama, pengundi hantu dan YTL jadi CM pun cerita lama. Kedua-dua cerita ini berlaku pada masa yang sama. Jadi sebaiknya YTL undur diri dari politik. Tidak perlulah ikut-ikutan lagi. Bagi orang muda pula lagi menguruskannya.

  22. Yong u will nvr be the cm. Chances was given but you blew it.

  23. The situation will be just the same if Sabah were to be under Yong.

  24. Sabah economy and business will grow and prosper like rocket if Sabah ruled under SAPP in the coming elections.

    UMNO and musang bin tidak aman can go to fly kite! We had enough excuses from an incompetence and PARIAH like musang bin tidak aman to screw up our Sabah economy.

  25. Im sure Sabah citizens know who they suppose to vote. By just pin pointing to each other may not bring any changes, we see things from pass result.

  26. Berterima kasih juga kpd Datuk Yong yang berusaha juga demi kemajuna negeri Sabah ini. Kemajuan setiap negeri bukannya ambilmasa singkat tetapi jangka masa panjang. Sering membazir masa mencari kesalahan sesiapa pun tidak bermanfaat, lebih baik tumpu perhatian diatas isu-isu yang lebih penting contohnya pembangunan di masa akan datang, meningkatkan system infrastruktur yang lebih maju dll..

  27. Stop talking but do your work to overcome issues that is the priority. We need people to put more effort and time on Sabah development not by just wasting time to find issues to point others limitation.

  28. Pemimpin yang macam mane yang kami perlukan? Kualiti kerja dan usaha menjadi unsur penilaian di PRU yang akan datang.

  29. We need a leader than really can do work rather than just blame each other. Chances are given equally to all leader, its time for you to prove your ability and smart.

  30. Ape akan terjadi jika kesemua parti-parti di Sabah meluangkan masa untuk debat sebegini? Adakah lebih bijak jika berdedikasi merancang dengan strategi untuk pembangunan Sabah. Fikirkan lar..

  31. Still not too late for the change and improvement.

  32. Rakyat memberi peluang berkali-kali untuk pemimpin membuktikan bakat dan kebolehan memajukan Sabah. Memandangkan ada serba kekurangan, adakah lebih bijak jika peluang "open" untuk yang berkebolehan?

  33. kalau betulnya nak berdedikasi untuk memajukan negeri Sabah ni, masih tidak terlambat, banyak channel dan cara-caranya untuk Yong menghulur tangan anda sebagai seorang pemimpin untuk membuat sesuatu untuk rakyat di Sabah ni.

  34. Where does Chong En Leong get the phantom information from.. This is a tightly lock information from UMNO.

    Is it from his Pai Gau partner? U S U R? His Chong relatives?


  36. Another Trojan Horse in the disguise of opposition. Opposition is finished

  37. From peaceful moses kah?

  38. Menghairankan kenapa rakyat maseh gilakan UMNO Sabah walaupun pemimpin parti itu seorang raja rasuah.

  39. just attack whoever you want to attack if you think this is the only way to get more supports from rakyat.. good luck!!

  40. Memboringkanlah cerita ni. Gerama betul, balik2 pun cakap ja tindakannya takda juga. cisssssss.

  41. Apapun, kita nilailah sendiri dan buat keputusan next GE nanti :)

  42. Phantom voters issue is so yesterday. YTL should come out if he thinks he is innocent.

  43. Tolongla, kalau sekadar nak bising2 naik hantu, bagus balik rumah tidur.

  44. bukan sahaja pihak pembangkang tetapi pihak kerajaan juga harus bekerjasama untuk menghapuskan pengundi hantu.

  45. it is hard to get a fair and clean election unless all the politicians get rid of all the phantom voters once and for all

  46. do not just point fingers ... but all parties must work together to solve this problem

  47. only the people can determine which party will win in the GE-13

  48. masalah 'phantom voters' ada sangkut-paut dengan masalah PATI, jadi selesaikan juga masalah kemasukan PATI di negeri ini jika inginkan pilihanraya dijalankan secara bersih & adil.

  49. Blaming Dr Chong won't solve the problem.

  50. Jadi siapa yang harus dipersalahkan?Pengundi hantu?

  51. How about Harris and YTL?
