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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Harris demands apology from Chong

KOTA KINABALU: Former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Md Salleh in a letter through his counsel on Wednesday demanded a public apology from political activist Dr Chong Eng Leong for alleged criminal defamation that appeared in a print media on July 17.

In a statement, Harris said Dr Chong had accused him of committing treason against Malaysia.

"He also claimed that I was responsible for giving and issuing Malaysian identity cards to about 70,000 people who are mostly Malays and Muslims from Indonesia and the Philippines," he said.

Dr Chong also further claimed that none of these people qualified to become citizens of Malaysia, he said.

By alleging that Harris had given and issued identity cards to these unqualifted people under the Malaysian law, Dr Chong claimed that he had committed treason.

Harris said treason is a very serious offence and if convicted, the penalty is normally death.

In this regard, he said if Dr Chong failed to issue a public apology within 14 days, he would instruct his lawyers to file a Criminal Defamation suit and at the same time seek damages against Dr Chong. He said it was not his intention to continue making statement after statement on the issue of identity cards.

"However, it is my duty as a citizen to tell the truth to the People of Malaysia and correct any misleading facts and truth," he said.

The statements made by various parties. he claimed, were targeting and referring only to the Malay and Muslim stocks.

Therefore, he said, accusing unqualified Malays and Muslims getting false identity cards is a sensitive racial and religious issue.

Harris said the truth about the identity card issue coulrl only be traced in the records of the National Registration Department (NRD).

Daily Express


  1. Let Harris sue Dr Chong if he dare. This issue if brought to the court of law is a blessing in disguise for all bona fide Sabahan. The truth will prevail and those guilty must be punish the law.

  2. Let Harris sue Dr chong if he dare. This issue if brought to the court of law is actually a blessing in disguise for all bona fide Sabahan. The truth will prevail on who actually is the cause of all this nightmare.

  3. Bila kah agaknya Harris mati? Dia adalah pengkhianat bangsa nombor satu

  4. Baik Haris berundur daripada politik. Siapa yang makan cili itu, dia pasti merasa pedas. Tidak perlu hurai dengan teliti, kita pun dah tahu.

  5. Kalau Harris mahu dakwa Dr Chong. Tidak tahulah siapa yang akan kalah teruk nanti.

  6. jika masing-masing tidak mahu mengalah...tunggu dan lihat sajalah siapa yang akan menang nanti..

  7. hal ini pun nak diperbesarkan. Harris tak perlu lagi nak terlibat dalam politik.

  8. kebenaran pasti akan diketahui juga nanti..

  9. Rakyat Sabah pun masih ingat apa sumbangan Harris untuk pembangunan Sabah suatu ketika dulu.

  10. Sama2 orang lama dalam politik.

  11. Are telling the truth Harris? I doubt it.

  12. Bawa saja isu ini ke mahkhamah dan kita tengok siapa yang jilat ludah sendiri.

  13. semuanya sudah berlaku.tidak perlu lagi memperbesar isu ini.apa yang penting mencari jalan penyelesaian untuk mengatasi masalah ini.

  14. perkara ini hanya akan menjadi rumit jika dibawa ke mahkamah.

  15. Nampaknya penduduk tidak begitu berminat dengan Datuk Harris atas apa yang telah beliau lakukan semasa menjadi KM. Tidak memikirkan masa depan Sabah dengan membuat keputusan yang tidak sepatutnya.

  16. baik Dr Chong tampil berserta dengan bukti untuk membuktikan bahawa Harris benar2 pengkhianat negara.
