RANAU : The recent revelation by Sabah Health Department of a possible TB-infested Sabah is alarming, and it is irresponsible for both the Federal and State governments not to take drastic action to alleviate the situation.
To State Reform Party (Star), four deaths weekly of TB alone and 10 new cases of it being detected every week in Sabah is a serious matter as though curable, TB's treatment affect the productivity in the state. In other countries TB are almost unheard of nowadays.
The revelation by the department's principal assistant director (TB/Leprosy), Dr Richard Avoi at a health seminar in Kota Kinabalu over the weekend should have been an eye-opener for the state (it was a frontpage lead story of one daily), however none of the cabinet care to say anything on it.
I wonder if the state tourism minister is concerned about such news of a prevalent infectious disease would have negative effect on tourism. Such bad news especially on health issue is a big matter to many foreign tourists. Unlike before, news are now picked up quickly by online portals and i don't think tourists would put Sabah as priority place to go if they know we are infested with TB virus.
Anyway we thank Dr Avoi for the revelation at the seminar, otherwise we would never know the severity of the TB outbreak in Sabah. Politicians of the ruling party would love to conceal such "negative" reports.
We also thank the officer for pointing that TB is most prevalent among the illegal immigrants, and that they are the reason for this TB outbreak in Sabah. But actually the root cause of this problem is the Umno-led Barisan Nasional policies that had all these years encouraged these migrants from southern Philippines and Indonesia to settle down illegally in Sabah.
It is correct therefore to say the issue of illegal immigrants is indeed the "mother of all problems" in Sabah. It is also not wrong to say that the ruling party BN is the "father of all problems" in the state
According to the State Health Department an average of 10 are diagnosed with TB in Sabah every week, and most of those afflicted are foreigners.
"Kota Kinabalu ranks the highest (afflictions), followed by Tawau and Sandakan," revealed the department's principal assistant director (TB/Leprosy), Dr Richard Avoi at a health seminar.
According to him, TB is closely associated with poverty, overcrowded places, alcoholism, malnutrition and drug abuses, all of whom are prevalent in the three Sabah's major towns, increasingly infested with illegal immigrants from southern Philippines and Indonesia.
"The TB disease spreads easily in overcrowded, poorly ventilated places and among people who are undernourished," Dr Avoi had said.
The revelation by Dr Avoi raises the possibility that Sabah's wet markets, certain shopping complexes and cinemas, places popular among the mushrooming immigrants, as TB-infested points.
Those frequenting these places, Sabahans and immigrants alike, are now vulnerable to contract the dreaded infectious disease, which in other countries had been completely eradicated.
The risk is high considering the fact that TB virus can infect people of any age, and once infected, the whole family or acquaintances in contact with a TB carrier risk getting it too. "Being about three feet away from someone with TB can increase chances of getting pulmonary TB," Dr Avoi had said.
According to him, there would be a very high risk of getting TB if one is trapped inside a long-distance bus especially if more than eight hours with someone with TB is in the bus. This makes the buses traveling from east coast towns like Tawau, Lahad Datu, Semporna and Sandakan into Kota Kinabalu even a high risk venture now, considering many immigrants are using these public transports.
Meanwhile, President of Consumer Protection Association of Sabah (Caps), James Bagah, said the revelation was alarming enough for the public to take precaution when they are in crowded places.
"We advise consumers to avoid if possible places where they think would expose them to infectious diseases including the dreaded TB," he said in Kota Kinabalu today.
Bagah also called on the authorities to increase awareness talks about the TB before it spreads to more people. "I am bit concerned as there seem to be more and more people coughing nowadays. You can see it for yourself everywhere, i hope its is just the weather and not something serious like TB," he added.
What makes it worse, according to Dr Avoi, is that about 17 percent of TB patients among the immigrants do not complete their TB treatment, which normally takes at least six months of medications and injections. Three percent of the local patients also do not complete theirs, he said.
And worse still, according to Dr Avoi, the BCG shot for babies does not guarantee 100 percent that one would not contract TB virus. Other than pulmonary TB, other TB types are bones TB, skin TB, lymph node TB and even brain TB.
BN memang party pembawa penyakit....membiarkan PATI keluar masuk Sabah dengan bebas sama seperti mengalu-alukan kedatangan mereka tanpa tapisan menyebabkan gejala penyakit berjangkit menular dengan pantas...YB-YB BN kamu dimana selama ini..??kerajaan Sabah hampir 100% adalah wakil rakyat BN tapi tiada tindakan khusus untuk menangani pendatang asing tanpa izin...bikin malu dan bikin panas....tengoklah kamu nanti...INI KALI LAH...
ReplyDeletedikatakan oleh dompok RCI akan ditubuhkan..
DeleteImmigration department needs to make the health screening process even stricter for foreigners.
DeleteJangan risau, kerajaan pasti ada jalan untuk menyelesaikan masalah Pati ini.
And how would u know that life was better before "Malaysia" was forced on us in 1963????
DeleteIf given two options, to live in the past and nowadays, he might prefer to live in nowadays.
Deletebetulkah kehidupan sebelum terbentuknya malaysia lebih baik? pernah hidup pada masa pra-malaysia kah?
DeleteWhat is pass cannot be undone, we can only move forward.
DeleteBetul tu, perkara yang telah berlalu, kita jadi kan pengajaran. Bergerak maju ke hadapan.
Deletebanyak diantaranya berpandangan pendek, tidak harus mempertikaikan apa yang telah berlaku, harus belajar dari kesilapan dan bergerak ke depan.
DeleteMust everything be blamed on BN??? For all you know, the cause of TB is also due to our own people.
ReplyDeleteThe person who blames the govt is anti-govt. that is why everything blame on the govt. As if he is so perfect.
DeleteMenuding jari dan menyalahkan kerajaan tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah. Lebih baik lagi berusaha bersama2 untuk mencari penyelesaiannya.
Deletepenyakit TB pun mahu dijadikan isu politik sebab sudah kehabisan isu...
DeleteHealthy ministry should increase awareness among the public regarding TB.
ReplyDeleteThe ministry must take serious on this matter because this disease is contagious and very dangerous.
Deletestaf2 di hospital juga perlu mengambil langkah berhati2 kerana mereka akan bertemu dengan ramai orang setiap hari.
Deletememang pun patut...
DeleteThe government should create more awareness so that people may be able to recognize the symptoms, take prevention and seek treatment so the outbreak of TB will not increase.
DeleteTB is curable, but the people need to recognize the symptoms first so that they can take earlier treatment.
DeleteAmbik langkah pencegahan agar penyakit ini tidak merebak.
DeleteTindakan yang positif harus diambil agar rebakan virus tidak berterusan.
Deletekesedaran terhadap punca dan langkah pencegahan harus diberikan kepada masyrakat.
DeletePATI2 ni datang ke sini byk bawa masalah jenayah, kini mereka bawa penyakit lagi.. mmg pembawa utama masalah.
ReplyDeleteMaka itu pihak berkuasa seperti polis,imigresen dan kastam perlu berusaha untuk menepis kedatangan PATI.
Deletesebab itu, isu PATI harus diselesaikan segera.
Deletesemua harus bekerjasama untuk selesaikan isu pati.
Deletepenularan penyakit ini kena sentiasa dikawal.
ReplyDeletePenyakit TB memang sukar dikawal
DeletePenyakit TB boleh di cegah dengan kerjasama semua pihak.Bukan tau mengkritik sahaja.
DeletePATI yang banyak bawa penyakit ke Sabah
ReplyDeleteMasalah TB pun, di sebabkan UMNO juga kh?? agak2 juga la kalu mau buat isu.
ReplyDeleteni lah politik, sampai penyakit pun jadi isu politik.
DeleteSiapakah pembawa virus itu?
ReplyDeleteToo many issues that PATI created, should take prompt action for the matter.
ReplyDeleteKesedaran mengenai penyakit ini masih berkurangan.
ReplyDeleteya, masyarakat harus mempunyai kesedaran mengenai pennyakit ini.
DeleteKita tidak patut menyalahi orang lain mengenai penyakit tersebut. Penyakit boleh datang bila-bila.
ReplyDeleteisu ini pun mahu jadi bahan politik kah? bukankah semua harus saling kerjasama mengatasinya dan bukan menyalahkan pula.
ReplyDeletekalau STAR yang mentadbir Sabah nanti, saya pun mahu blame STAR kalau saya ada jerawat ka, selesema ka, panau dan sebagainya..
ReplyDeleteMalaysia is a country with the intermediate burden of tuberculosis (TB).
ReplyDeleteTB is still a public-health problem in Sabah, one of the two states in East Malaysia. In 2007, the state of Sabah contributed slightly more than 3,000 of 16,129 new and relapse cases reported in the country.
ReplyDeleteIt has a notification rate of two and a half times that of the country's.
ReplyDeleteVery few studies on TB have been conducted in Sabah, and there is little documentation on the perceptions of TB patients and the community about TB, healthcare-seeking behaviour, and impact of TB on the people of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteA qualitative study was conducted in 2006 in seven districts in Sabah to assess the knowledge and perceptions of TB patients and the community about TB, also to know the experiences of healthcare services, and to examine the impact of TB on patients and families.
ReplyDeletePurposive sampling identified 27 TB patients and 20 relatives and community members who were interviewed using a set of questions on knowledge, perceptions about TB, healthcare-seeking behaviour, and impact of TB.
ReplyDeleteA further 11 health staff attended informal discussions and feedback sessions. Most interviews were taped and later translated.
ReplyDeleteData were analyzed using thematic content analysis. Ninety-six percent of the respondents did not know the cause of TB.
ReplyDeleteSome thought that TB occurred due to a 'tear' in the body or due to hard work or inflammation while others thought that it occurred due to eating contaminated food or due to sharing utensils or breathing space with TB patients.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the germ theory was not well-known, 98% of the respondents believed that TB was infectious.
ReplyDeleteSome patients did not perceive the symptoms they had as those of TB. The prevailing practice among the respondents was to seek modern medicine for cure.
ReplyDeleteOther forms of treatment, such as traditional medicine, were sought if modern medicine failed to cure the disease.
ReplyDeleteTB was still a stigmatizing disease, and the expression of this was in both perceived and enacted ways. TB also affected the patients in various aspects of their lives, such as psychosocial, physical, financial and life practices.
ReplyDeletePatients who were farmers complained that they did not recover fully from their disease and were not, thus, able to continue with their previous work.
ReplyDeletePatients changed their life practices, such as not sharing their utensils, had a separate sleeping area, and practised social distancing.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, most health workers were unaware of the effects of TB on their patients and that knowledge of their patients on TB was inadequate.
ReplyDeleteThere is a need to understand the reasons for the misconceptions about TB and to address the lack of knowledge on TB through health education.
ReplyDeletePatients need to recognize the symptoms of TB early so that prompt treatment can be initiated, and patients need to be convinced of its curability.