Call to SPR to conduct briefings on the Amendments to Election Regulations since 2011
Since Jun 2011, the Election Commission has published 5 Gazettes amending the Election Regulations.
The Press may have been drawn to the controversy regarding the recently withdrawn (on 8th May 2012) Amendment to the Election Offences Act DR042012E dated 19th Apr 2012.
It was so blatant in its attempt to legislate electoral fraud that one could only hold one's breath in wonder at the audacity of the Election Commission and the BN Government.
It has left a very bad taste in the mouth and torn to shreds what remnant of belief that one may have in the impartiality of the Election Commission.
With respect to the 5 Gazettes, we notice some very troubling trends that can give rise to further fraud.
However, in fairness to the Election Commission, we will withhold judgement and afford an opportunity to the Election Commission to explain to the public how it will be implemented.
As such, we shall be grateful if you could give publicity to this call to the Election Commission to conduct a public briefing on the Gazettes so that the public can understand better the rationale behind the gazettes and how it will be applied during elections.
Thank you very much for your support.
PY Wong (Tindak Malaysia)
Hopefully the Electoral Commission will brief about the amendments of election offenses act.
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan SPR akan menjelaskan isu ini kepada orang ramai.
DeleteIsu ini perlu di perjelaskan oleh SPR, agar rakyat tidak keliru.
DeleteHope to see a cleaner, fairer and more transparent Electoral system this GE-13.
ReplyDeleteSPR akan melantik 6 orang daripada NGO dan luar negara untuk meneliti proses pilihanraya pada PRU-13 nanti. Semoga ia boleh memastikan ketelusan sistem pilihanraya kita.
DeleteHarap2 usaha tersebut ada hasil positif
DeleteMasih ada ketidakpuasan hati pembangkang dengan tuntutan mereka??
DeletePembangkang itu la kerja mereka, ada saja tidak puas hati.
Deletekena pastikan pilihanraya kita benar2 adil dan bersih.
ReplyDeletetu semua yang diharapkan oleh semua rakyat M'sia
DeletePSC untuk penambahbaikan dalam sistem pilihanraya sudah dilaksanakan. semoga PRU berjalan dengan lancar.
DeleteHarap pilihanraya pada kali ini akan lebih jujur dan berjalan dengan lancar.
DeleteThere have to be some explanations before the public.
ReplyDeleteThe people need to know how it is going to be implemented.
ReplyDeleteRakyat berhak mendapatkan penjelasan daripada pihak SPR mengenai isu ini.
DeleteI can’t wait to hear the public briefing.
ReplyDeleteWe desire a free and fair election.
ReplyDeleteBest luck to everyone during the next coming election.
DeletePastikan PRU kali ini aman dan adil.
ReplyDeleteSPR perlu lebih transparens dan bersikap terbuka. Semoga SPR dapat berikan kerjasama yang baik.
ReplyDeleteEC must take wise action. We do not need another Bersih 4.0.
ReplyDeleteHarap SPR akan menjalankan tugas mereka dengan adil.
ReplyDeleteRakyat really hope that GE soon will held with fair and clean.
ReplyDeletesaya lebih mengharapkan supaya pemerhati dikalangan NGO dan asing benar2 dapat dilaksanakan pada pilihanraya nanti..