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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Projek IC voter registers for new Mykad

KOTA KINABALU - It is an open secret that Mykads are being issued to illegal immigrants on a daily basis in Sabah where the authorities neither bother to check nor refuse to detect.

Cases like these are so rampant with the BN-Umno led government which, in cahoots with the Election Commission, an agency supposedly independent, transparent and accountable but various evidences showed otherwise.

One clear case is this particular foreigner who was issued an IC under the infamous 'Projek IC' with the number H0517342 and registered as a voter as shown here.

His new IC number is 620203-71-5637 under the name of Mohd Arifin bin Samad registered as a voter in Likas.

This so called Mohd Arifin is in fact living in Sabah but new his address now is in A.M. Raja Buden,119-A, Jalan Thamby Abdullah, 50470 Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur.

He applied for a new Mykad under the name of Mohd Arifin bin Nohong (previously Mohd Arifin bin Samad)
shown in a reply letter from Safiah Binti Alijang, b.p. Pengarah, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara, Negeri Sabah on 2nd September 2010.

His application was supported by a letter from Armizan B. Mohd Ali, Senior Confidential Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs on 20th February, 2012 written to the National Registration Dept (NRD).

To all our readers and concerned Sabahans, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to let it be like this? Or are going to be united and decide our destiny by the vote? Are we ready or not, if not, then it is never...for Sabah, for our future, for our autonomy, for our rightful status as a partner in the formation of Malaysia...we are not one of the states like Malaya...We cannot be bullied and become federalized by Kuala Lumpur...We cannot be colonized by them...with their various overlapping unconstitutional laws ..Just think as an ordinary Sabahan, We have been shortchanged for 50 years of Umno's BullShit!

When are we Sabahans going to kick them out? Are You and I going to Wait for another 5 years of Shit?

Are You going to wait for Umno to legalize more illegal immigrants to vote and control the political landscape of Sabah?

Are You going to let your children suffer and deprive of their status as Sabahans and even worse taken privileges by new Malaysians from legalized illegal immigrants who will gain native status like "Anak Negeri", and this is the so-called democratic Malaysia.

By Sabah Ren


  1. I wonder what reply will we get from the government this time?
    I am also devising a plan on what to do with these illegals once we take back our country. Open to suggestions!

    1. Ask a stringent question: WHO VOUCH FOR THEM TO OBTAIN CITIZENSHIP? A 'valid' identification must be produced of the 'recommender'. Not convincing, questionable or involving 'suspicious' characters or doubtful- give them the LIMBO. Perhaps engage the UNHCR. We could use a bit of Angelina Jolie's factor. She's still 'in', right. It's high time to populate Antartica. They must be a resourceful lot. Not that I don't clamour for being 'resourceful' myself

  2. I remember when I was a student not only was I issued a student identification
    card (ID) on campus it was also compulsory to carry a STATE ID off campus. I had to apply for the STATE ID in a Secretary of State office. It was a non-citizen STATE ID. It didn't entitle me to a lower course fees or least of all any voting right.

    Everyone should have a form of an identification. THERE SHOULD BE CATEGORIES OF ID. CATEGORIZE. Examples: Alien, Alien-Resident, Resident, Citizen

    1. ...And deal with them accordingly. But first, DECENTRALIZED

  3. PATI dapat IC atau Projek IC atas arahan Mahathir itu TIDAK SALAH sebab UMNO BN waktu itu mahu masuk Sabah.Sekarang mahu ada RCI,Malaya mesti cari akal macam mana mahu PUTAR BELIT.

    Mahu apa lagi??? Satu cara buat bantahan beramai ramai dan buat aduan dengan ICJ dan memorendum kepada United Kingdom untuk semakan perjanjian. Atau kalau dapat kalahkan UMNO BN dalam PRU 13 ini.


  4. My worker used to hold "yellow card" now she has mykad. She is very happy about it.

    There are hundred thousand if not millions like her I'm sure.

    PATI opening shop and doing business is very rampant now.

    When can we Sabahan stand united to prevent this getting worst? Soon Sabah will become just another Philippine state.

    1. 'my worker'. By 'right' shouldn't an alien worker be under the responsibility of her employer? You seem to have noticed her identification-change. She ought to have been subjected to some kind of a recommendation from you as the employer for status-upgrade. Questions like- Is she worthy of the status-upgrade? And if so, WHY, HOW, in WHAT capacity? Let's chop that "boleh' tag clear out of the way for evil reasons.

    2. jangan bagi kerja kepada PATI..

    3. You must be nuts to think that employer play a recommendation role in helping PATI getting IC. All we responsible for was to register them as worker in getting work pass even that also required by law. Check your fact before asking stupid question as it only show your shallow knowledge.

    4. Anonymous is brainstorming an idea for a stringent measure on tackling the PATI menace - for future implementation? That someone must vouch (must be genuine with proofs) for any resident status upgrade. Didn't say that employer already played a role in helping PATI getting IC. You want to prevent the problem you should be kepoh. Don't just accept.
      You have no questions, no ideas? Good for you that you are answering all questions. They love it when there are no questions asked. I will also think that dungus don't question.

  5. RCI akan ditubuhkan tak lama lagi untuk siasat projek ic.

    1. 'akan ditubuhkan'. Tarikh belum ada. Bila tarikh ada pelaksanaan belum dapat dibuat... ooo ada sebab-sebab tertentu. Penuh tahi telinga dibuat. Astronaut-staff di ISS pun bergilir-ganti bertugas sekali dalam enam bulan. Itu membabitkan rocket-science. RCI ini pula mungkin berkenaan newly morphed jerung. Macam ada yang gigi bersusun-susun.Bertanduk pun mungkin ada. Apanama tiadanama taimaha palsu pun ada di cerok apanama. Lebih baik belah bila boleh

    2. diharap lawatan najib ke sabah nanti akan mengumumkan tarikh penubuhan RCI dan TOR..

    3. Perdana Menteri kita sudah mengumumkan bahawa kerajaan persekutuan akan melaksanakan RCI. Setelah TOR sudah dikenal pasti, RCI akan dilaksanakan. Tunggulah dan lihat.

  6. projek ic dan PATI harus dibenteras.

    1. memang harus dibanteras habis-habisan..

  7. Mampuskan..

    1. such tactics were normal whenever a general election was approaching.

  8. pasal tu lah kita mahu tu RCI dipercepatkan penubuhannya sebelum pru13..

  9. undilah dengan bijak pada pru13 nanti.

    1. If the project ic voters are more than our local voters, we may have a big problem here. Election will not be run fair and clean.

    2. If so, then what is the point to vote if majority of the votes are from project ic voters??

  10. What had been done to the detriment of Sabahans cannot be reversed, we only have ourselves to to blame, being too naive. If Sabahans still think UMNO is your solution, then this is what you have decided and you should not grumble. A change in federal government is the only saviour for Sabah. As of now, Sabah cannot win with genuine sabahans but with federal, it can make a difference, so group like STAR, I do not know what the hell there are trying to do.

    1. kamu ni pun sorang lagi. Give it a fight THIS TIME, man.

    2. ya right. And get screwed from behind next. Not that it's not already going on. I want my say. Celibacy pun bagus

    3. Those illegals who have entered our state for many years can no longer be sent back but what we can do is stop allowing entrance to these illegal immigrants. There is no cure, only prevention.

    4. 'those illegals who have entered our state for many years can no longer be sent back..' I say that that is a loser's kind of statement. "illegal' is the key word here. We can fight for what is right. I will not be happy sleeping with a partner illegally. Or perhaps when I was lustful But sooner or later my conscience will come aknocking if someone else doesn't knock it first..

  11. very soon even local bumi votes are not even needed because they are overtaken by foreign
    "bumi" and they will negotiate direct with the goons for power sharing and stealing.So its now a wake up call to all sabahan bumi or non bumi to protect you future before our state stolen from us forever!!!! amen!!

    1. We need the RCI to investigate the illegal immigrant and Project IC issue before their foreign voters flood our state.

    2. What we need is INDEPENDENCE. What good has any RCI done in the past only to favor the ruling elite.

    3. Kerajaan Persekutuan sedang membeli masa agaknya? Tidak mungkin mengambil masa yang begitu panjang untuk menubuhkan RCI?

  12. RCI better be set up before election comes to ensure a clean and fair election.

    1. Najib Razak said the RCI will be set up once the Terms of References have been finalized.

    2. PBS and DAP have both urged the Federal Government to implement the RCI before the 13th General Election, hopefully it will be complied.

    3. Can't wait to hear the TOR and who will lead the RCI.

    4. Elections will never be clean and fair, not with BN and especially that Mahathir fellow pulling the strings.
      They never cared and they are not about to suddenly have a change of heart.

    5. Selagi masalah PATI dan projek IC tidak diselesaikan, PRU tidak mungkin adil dan bersih.

  13. PATI already open shops doing business and driving big cars everywhere, feel like I'm staying in Philippine instead of Sabah

    1. How sad is that? And we don't feel safe wherever we are surrounded by them.

    2. Take back our country and then we will deal with the traitors and inposters.

    3. Agree. We will die many times of fear before the real one if we don't take back our country. Being a coward ain't easy. Let's unite for INDEPENDENCE.

    4. Golongan ini harus dihantar balik.

  14. Sick of project IC. Dang!

  15. This is an old issue. When opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was the Deputy Prime Minister… what did he do? Now when he is in the opposition, he is making all kinds of promises.

    1. I don't trust Anwar. We will still be held ransom if he ever becomes PM.

  16. soon we become penduduk "haram" and overtake by pendatang "halal", you want to talk racial issue and "special bumi priviledge" when our own national issue at stake??? you think english education a problem?? better learn tagalog or bahasa indon ,you short sighted mind!!!

  17. In this situation, it is better to trust Anwar than BN, between the two devils, we have to choose one that can help our Sabahans. Umno BN has proven itself not worthy of we give a chance for Pakatan to overthrow BN, and not forgetting that we Sabahans should get a better deal, and our trump card and also not forgetting that Sabah is an entity and not one of the states of Malaysia.

    Our state needs to get rid of Malayan parties and that is the first thing before we talk about equality.

  18. True, although I do not trust Anwar, it's perhaps better to pick the lesser of two evils but you've just contradict yourself by saying that we need to get rid of the Malayan parties. Don't worry I am not criticizing you, but perhaps it would be more aceptable if you pick from either being ruled by PKR, seek autonomy or full independence.

  19. Harimau di belakang cermin harus ditangkap terlebih dahulu. Mereka yang control projek ic ini.

  20. Harap projek IC dapat ditanggani dengan siasatan yang terperinci dijalankan.

  21. PATI diberi lebih banyak manfaat dibanding warganegara tulen.

  22. PATI tidak layak mendapat MYKAD dengan mudah.

    1. Siapakah yang memberi mykad dengan sewenang-wenangnya?

  23. Penubuhan RCI amatlah diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi di Sabah ini. Warga asing yang mendapat IC dengan tidak sah perlu disiasat.

  24. Punca perkara ini berlaku perlu dikenal pasti dulu.

  25. Projek IC ini yang menyebabkan Sabah bermasalah. Penduduk tempatan ditindas.

  26. Kehadiran RCI ini akan mengubah masalah Projek IC ini. Semoga RCI ini dapat membantu Sabah untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Kerajaan Negeri akan berusaha yang terbaik untuk Sabah.

    1. Moga-moga siasatan RCI dibuat dengan terperinci untuk mencari kesan dan bukti kemasukan PATI untuk projek ic.

  27. Panel siasatan juga harus amanah dan bebas dari kawalan kerajaan.

  28. JPN harus bertanggung jawab dan menjalankan tugas dengan amanah, tidak harus memberi mykad yang akanmembawa kesan yang amat negatif terhadap perkembangan ekonomi.

  29. I really hope the government is taking this issue very serious.

  30. RCI should be established before the next general election.

  31. Avoid ic voters to outnumber we local voters.

    1. There will be major problem if this happens.

    2. That literally means no fair and clean election.

  32. It is an open secret that Mykads are being issued to illegal immigrants on a daily basis in Sabah where the authorities neither bother to check nor refuse to detect.

    undilah pembangkang.. kalau pembangkang memerintah, tidak ada sudah IC/Mykad dikeluarkan.. so siapa yang lahir ketika pembangkang memerintah, automatically jadi pendatang asing..

  33. kalau betullah tiap2 hari IC dikeluarkan kepada pendatang asing, tidak ada sudah laporan media berkenaan dengan operasi polis imigresen atau tidak ada laporan berkenaan dengan tangkapan terhadap warga asing..
