Brunei stayed out from Malaysia at the 11th hour and Singapore left two years later,” noted Daniel. “Look, where they are now! Meanwhile, Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest states in Malaysia
KOTA KINABALU: The polemics on Putrajaya’s internal colonization policies in Sabah and Sarawak appears to be getting increasingly shrill and out of hand and needs to be brought to a swift end and buried for good. Instead, it’s felt that it’s best to let bygones be bygones and “focus on regaining self-determination along the lines of 31 Aug 1963” for Sabah and Sarawak.
Self-determination in this form for Sabah and Sarawak would be “the best way forward and out from internal colonization”. Self-determination, in international law, “has come to mean the free choice of one's own acts without external compulsion”.
This is the growing consensus within the State Reform Party (Star), a Borneo-based national party which initiated, formed and leads the United Borneo Alliance (UBA) to work towards a 3rd Force in the Malaysian Parliament.
“We feel it’s pointless, indeed counter-productive, to engage in further polemics on the issue of internal colonization in Sabah and Sarawak,” said Star deputy chairman Daniel John Jambun in a press statement.
“We should stop participating in further polemics on the issue. It serves little purpose to debate anyone on internal colonization.”
He was commenting on a statement on Wed this week in the local media by the Yayasan Islam Sabah (YIS) virtually denying the basis on which Sabah and Sarawak formed Malaysia. The welfare body also claimed, “in defiance of international law”, that Sabah does not have the right to leave Malaysia.
Former Sabah Chief Minister Harris Salleh heads the YIS and recently challenged Star chairman Jeffrey Kitingan to a public debate on internal colonization. Jeffrey accepted the dare subject to Harris proving locus standi and “something more than hot air coming out of the debate”. Harris, in turn, called Jeffrey “chicken”, a label which the latter threw back at the former.
Daniel explained that UBA had hoped that a public debate on internal colonization would not be about scoring points or turning heroes into zeros or vice versa but instead facilitate the process of reversing the phenomenon in the two Borneo states in Malaysia.
“We feel that this – reversing internal colonization -- is not going to happen now given denials and counter denials being issued daily by Putrajaya’s proxies in Sabah and Sarawak,” said Daniel. “These proxies have any number of stooges with them who are willing to sell their souls to the devil himself.”
Asked for the basis on which the party is in consensus on regaining self-determination, he replied that “it would facilitate us getting out of the quicksand being created by others on the issue of internal colonization”.
“International law is clear,” he said. “We have the right to get back our self-determination of 31 Aug 1963 and any number of traitors among us is not going to derail the process.”
Again, he reiterated that Sabah and Sarawak exercised the right of self-determination and won independence on 31 Aug 1963. Self-determination, explained Daniel, is the principle in international law that “nations have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no external compulsion – think Malayan, British -- or external interference”.
However, this freedom was taken away 16 days later by “a bad British idea called Malaysia”, he added. “We were blackmailed into Malaysia by claims that Indonesia and the Philippines are like crocodiles waiting to swallow us once the British leave. No one swallowed Brunei.”
“Sabah and Sarawak should go back to 31 Aug 1963 and reclaim the independence that we won that day,” said Daniel. “That’s our right to self-determination.”
Malaysia, according to Daniel, is not working out at all for Sabah and Sarawak just as it did not work out for Singapore and was a non-starter for Brunei.
“Brunei stayed out from Malaysia at the 11th hour and Singapore left two years later,” noted Daniel. “Look, where they are now! Meanwhile, Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest states in Malaysia. This is not what we bargained for when we were literally blackmailed by Malaya and Britain into Malaysia.”
Malaysia, claimed Daniel, had in retrospect nothing to do with the welfare of the people of Sabah and Sarawak and was mooted purely to protect the British commercial empire in the wake of decolonization. It was a time of the Cold War and communism terrorism raging in the region, he noted.
He lamented that the security promised Sabah by Malaysia did not materialize and instead it had been seriously compromised by the influx of illegal immigrants continuing to enter the electoral rolls, the changing demographic make-up and character and the increasing disenfranchisement and marginalisation of the local people.
“We can’t continue to live in a state of denial,” said Daniel. “It’s time to call a spade and spade so that we can move into the future that we all want for our children and grandchildren.”
Sabah, reiterated Daniel, needs to forge its own destiny in the community of nations instead of being tied to an unhappy relationship with Peninsular Malaysia on the other side of the South China Sea, several thousand kilometers away.
The Star deputy chief conceded that his state chapter had yet to discuss re-gaining self-determination with the Sarawak chapter of the party and their allies in UBA.
Besides Star, UBA includes the Sarawak National Party (Snap), the Borneo Heritage Foundation, Borneo Forum, Common Interest Group Malaysia (CigMA), KoKaKoBa, the Oil For Future Foundation and various NGOs who are on the verge of signing up with the alliance.
“We will first finalize the consensus within Star Sabah before reaching out to Star Sabah and our other allies in UBA,” disclosed Daniel. “We can only make an official announcement once we are ready.”
It’s crystal clear, said Daniel in citing various reactions so far, that Putrajaya will not play ball on the issue of complying with the four constitutional documents and/or conventions on Malaysia.
He cited the four documents/conventions as the 1963 Malaysia Agreement (MA63); the 20/18 Points (20/18 P); the Inter Governmental Committee Report (IGCR); and the Cobbold Commission Report (CCR).
Putrajaya’s non-compliance of the four constitutional documents/conventions, claimed Daniel, rendered the Malaysian Constitution and Malaysia inoperable to the extent of the non-compliance and placed Sabah and Sarawak’s participation in the Federation as “non-existent”.
“The issue of whether we are in or out of Malaysia no longer arises,” said Daniel. “We are out and have been out since Putrajaya has been in non-compliance. This means we have gone back to the status we had on 31 Aug 1963.”
Constitutional lawyers familiar with the issue of compliance are in broad agreement that there’s no law on compliance and no mechanisms on compliance and therefore the Federal Government cannot be said to be acting unlawfully by being in non-compliance.
The other side of the coin is that the Federal Government can be said to be acting unconstitutionally by being in non-compliance, and by extrapolation and logical deduction, not acting lawfully on the issue of the participation of Sabah and Sarawak in the Federation of Malaysia.
The bottomline, it’s acknowledged, is that it’s difficult to argue with the consensus that non-compliance has meant that Sabah and Sarawak are not in Malaysia, and therefore, the two countries have the same status that they had on 31 Aug 1963 i.e. before Malaysia on 16 Sept 1963. In short, Putrajaya’s non-compliance has meant that the status of 31 Aug 1963 has never been taken away from Sabah and Sarawak or ceased to exist and has continued and continues to this day.
Daniel John Jambun is Deputy Chairman of State Reform Party (Star)
Yes, there is no point arguing or debating. For the many reasons, Malaysia will never let Sabah or Sarawak go. For the sake of our future and that of our future generations, we have only one option and that is to fight for our independence. We have no guns or swords only our voices. Unite and take back our home.
DANIEL again we fully support your courageous stand for our independence. We stand by you and all like minded Sabahans!
The Borneonisation Suit is actually a fundamental review of the unequal Malaysia Treaty. Now the Malayan politicians are awakening to the deep deep Sabah Sarawak dissatisfaction with the unequal "partnership" relationship with Malaya for 49 yeas and they want to get out of Malaysia!
The fact that Anwar Ibrahim is talking about "equal partnership" shows that the Malayans - at least on the Opposition side are taking notice of the deep dissatisfaction in Sabah and Sarawak over the Malayan repudiation of the Malaysia Agreement and their respective 20/18 Points Agreements.
Anwar is desperately falling back on the "autonomy" plank to gain votes and save neo-colonial "Malaysia" from blowing apart.
This throws open the whole question of the rationale and justifications for creating "Malaysia".
Currently in Sabah there is a very important court application which challenges the very meaning of the "Malaysia" relationship arising from the Borneonization issues.
This case needs to be fully debated and the issues addressed in the open with all Sabahans and Sarawak. It is a task for the United Borneo Alliance!
Let us ditch the autonomy idea and go for full independence!
Maybe Anwar also realises that Sabah and Sarawak were just re-colonized by Malaya and instead of a "partnership" we should talk about de-colonizing Sabah and Sarawak?
Anwars give us reasons why Malaya should not de-colonize Sabah and Sarawak?.
1. Yes what are the details about this equal partnership?
If so we are the ones who DECIDE how much we should give our natural resources not the Malayans dictating the terms! Further we have been robbed of 90% of income for over 30 years. The Malayan states must refund with interest!
2. If is really "equal" the so-called Malaysian constitution has to be RE-WRITTEN to reflect equality fairness & transparency.
3. How about the distribution of Fed Parliament seats- should all 3 States i..e Malaya Sabah and Sarawak have equal number of seats???
4. The other very important thing not mentioned is "Borneonisation"- Since 1963 Malaya has failed to "Borneonise" but "Malayanised" the Sabah and Sarawak public service.
Will Pakatan immediately replace all Malayan heads of government departments and all other State government positions with Sabahans and Sarawakians officials? This was the original agreement in the 18/20 Points Agreement.
5. To correct the 49 years of imbalance in "economic development" the annual allocation of development funds should be skewered to favour Sabah and Sarawak as a compensation for the 49 years of under development and impoverishment.
Footnote: Sarawak was an independent state (& kingdom) from 1842 to 1942. We wish to regain our independence! An independent Sarawak would of course be in a modern democratic structure.
Viewpoint from Sarawak.
Part 2 continued next blog
(Part 2 from previous blog)
However, this is 49 years too late. Why would we want to continue to be fooled into extending this colonial relationship?
We should go for full independence not autonomy as it will just be continuing Malayan domination of our lives - it will remain an unequal partnership!
We should not continue with this relationship since Malaysia is an illegal entity and not binding for many reasons:
1. The Malaysia Agreement is not binding since Malaya represented by UMNO BN has repudiated all the terms of the Malaysia Agreement and the 18/20 Points Agreement.
2. Further the original Malaysia Plan was also to incorporate Brunei and Singapore. Neither countries are part of Malaysia and better off no being in it. From the beginning the original Malaysia idea was dumped by the failure to incorporate Brunei in 1963 and further invalidated by the exit of Singapore from Malaysia in 1965- over "equal partnership" issues.
3. The rationale behind the creation of Malaysia were: independence (?), joint territorial defence security (protection by Malaya), political socio-economic progress, democratic system.
The answer today is "none of the above" has happened. Instead of “Borneonisation” we had Marginalisation by Malayanisation”.
We have colonial "protection" by the Malayan colonial army and we pay protection money in the form of UMNO BN rape and plunder of our rich resources in cahoots with the local puppet regimes and unfair taxes.
We have been reduced to be the poorest "states" of Malaysia. In reality Sabah and Sarawak are colonies. There was never any "independence in Malaysia".
3. "Malaysia" was a British Malayan neo-colonial plan to consolidate British colonial and strategic interests by incorporating Malaya and Singapore with the 3 British Borneo colonies Brunei Sabah and Sarawak under one colonial administration. It revived the 1942 British Foreign office plan to form the Malayan Union.
In the 1960s Malayan UMNO grabbed this opportunity to expand its territory by annexing the resource rich Borneo colonies. Their demand to control Brunei oil resources was rejected by the Brunei Sultanate who saw through their scheme when UMNO disagreed on the equal partnership issue- to let the Sultan have the right to be Agong.
4. In the late 1950s the Borneo people were discussing the unifying of Brunei Sabah and Sarawak as one state. This proposal made by the Brunei People's Party was ignored by the British with their Malaysia plan to deny independence to the people for their own cold war strategic reasons.
5. A reason not often remembered or raised is that Malaysia was forcibly imposed by Britain following suppressing of the Anti-Malaysia Brunei independence uprising. The Brunei people's opposition to Malaysia as a neo-colonialist plot explains in part why Brunei did not fall for the Malaysia con job.
The Sarawak people also continued the opposition by carrying out their armed resistance against Malaysia for the same reason from 1962 to 1990s.
British and Malayan armed force was used over 30 years to secure the "Malaysia" colonial state and territory. Therefore it is a historical fact that armed force was used to create "Malaysia".
Conclusion in Part 3 next-
Part 3 of above
Anwar's arguments about sharing resources demonstrate that Malaya needs our resources more than we need Malayan domination and protection!
How could we be pushed into this illegal and unequal "partnership" by the British and Malayans in 1963?
The important point is that we have gained absolutely nothing out of the Malaysia Federation deal but have been pillaged and made impoverished colonies.
There is nothing new being offered as we end up still contributing to Malaya's national development and well being!
If we wish to review the Malaysia idea let us consider dumping it and get Sabah and Sarawak out of this bad union for our own independence.
Further we could reconsider the idea unifying Sabah and Sarawak as a single independent state. May be invite Brunei to discuss this idea again.
This is more logical than being ruled from Malaya. We have rich resources and we can build a new nation without Malaya.
Viewpoint from Sarawak.
Point 1: Only with Independence can we pave the way for our own future.
DeleteSo called another promise of equal partnership is going to end
up in more squabbles.
Point 2: Sarawak and Sabah together is a bold idea. Not impossible but
this needs further studying. I for-see much complication which
we do not need at this point in time.
Point 4: Do not even start the idea of getting Brunei involved.
Brunei's long term future seems pretty bleak. Trust me on this
We need to spread the word and kick up the storm more. Hopefully there will be more calls for the cause. "This Time"
A lot of people are saying that our natural resources are used to develop Malaya. Yes that's true but only to a certain extent. A chunk of funds goes directly into the pockets of the BN/UMNO cronies. As you all may have not noticed but things in Peninsula are all sub-standard. Our Peninsula cousins are disgruntled as well.
DeleteBack to business. Not sure if I have been responding to the same person or not. Seems to be a number of "Anonymous" on this blog.
We don't need a reason to break away. We were never supposed to be part of Malaysia in the first place but because of traitors and their deceits we got stuck. Time to get unstuck.
Yes, you are correct about the money going to UMNO cronies.
DeleteMahathir is still stealing our oil money through his petroleum products companies which get favoured treatment by Petronas (Patronage!).
Jeffrey K mentioned that there are 5 such "favoured" companies not to mention the GLC that get contracts from Petronas. So in all they are some oily billionaire who got fat our wealth which should have been directed to fixing up the slums around KK and installation of a proper sewerage system and health system in the whole country called Sabah or Sarawak depending where you from.
You may be interested to read Simon Sipaun account of his youth especially during the period when there was popular demand for independence in the laet 1950s. He mentioned that he never heard of "Malaysia" but the talk was about Brunei Sabah and Sarawak uniting as one state. That makes more sense than being ruled from overseas by Malayans!
This is the link. http://www.sabahkini.net/v1/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1622:point-of-view-the-formation-of-malaysia&catid=40:laporan-khas&Itemid=49
Tuesday, 30 June 2009 13:15 SABAHKINI
There may be a couple of "anonymous" with similar views. What is important we are not connecting and sharing our views event though we don't know each other.
New Vision you have great ideas. If more of us have such - we are getting somewhere!
Thoughts need to be translated into action.
The United Borneo Alliance may be a good start - in a meeting 2 years ago it was reported that over 500 people turned up from Sabah and Sarawak for the conference on Borneoinsation and Malaysia issues-- was it in KK.
Action could getting your own small discussion group in private or promote an internet blog. There quite a few Sabah blogs started by youngsters. It is surprising how the younger generation has such a lot of pride in Sabah and want to do something for it.
That "something" is called freedom from foreign and independence for Sabah/Sarawak.
How can we get this done? We need to unite many people over the same objective for independence......
If unclear read the history of other countries' struggle for independence...The Philippines has a very heroic history of patriots fighting for Filipino independence from Spanish and US colonialism.
Time to get unstuck-- time to take back our country.
Not so easy for Sabah and Sarawak to secede. Taiwan spend many years trying to get away from China's grasps but still unsuccessful.
DeleteI think no need for Sabah and Sarawak to secede from Malaysia. it just bring more trouble to Sabah and Sarawak. If they did it long time ago maybe it can still be accepted just like what Singapore and Brunei did.
DeleteNo point keep blaming the past. Why don't we just focus on something that is happening now?
DeleteOn 08/06/12 Plenty Valley FM 88.6 (Melbourne) - a community radio broadcast a talk on the Borneonisation Suit which touched on the background to formation of Malaysia. Below is an excerpt from the broadcast.
"A better understanding of the Borneonisation issue could be gained by examining the controversial background on formation of Malaysia and current challenges to its legitimacy. These would touch on many subjects such as:
1. the initiation of the Malaysia proposal and process carried out by Britain and Malaya in the formation of Malaysia,
2. The dominant role and motives of the British and Malayan governments,
their political rationales and unfair tactics used to justify formation of Malaysia – such as the cold war arguments of joint security against the threat of foreign invasion and spread of communism, which were used to psychologically pressurised and sway a politically naïve population into agreeing with their idea,
3. the colonial power's iron determination to form Malaysia despite major international and local opposition expressed in the Brunei anti-Malaysia Independence uprising in Dec. 1962 and the Sarawak independence guerrilla war from 1962 to 1990s;
4. the British use of the UN to endorse and legitimise Malaysia;
the lack of good faith, transparency and honesty in the hasty implementation of the Malaysia concept on a politically inexperienced Borneo people,
5. the failure of the colonial power to properly comply with UN de-colonization independence procedures such as holding an UN supervised independence referendum,
6. the lack of proper mechanisms and UN supervision to oversee the transition and implementation of the Malaysia Agreement;
disregard of the people's real aspirations and proposal to unify Brunei Sabah and Sarawak for independence,
7. the people's expressed fears that they will become dominated by the Malayans in terms of jobs and other spheres of life;
8. whether Malaysia is just a federation of 3 states in an equal partnership,
9. whether Malaysia ceased to exist and the Malaysia Agreement is not binding on Sabah and Sarawak when Singapore left the union in 1965,
whether the Malaysia Agreement has been repudiated by the Malayan government by its non-observance of the Agreement
These are some issues of concern that will have to be discussed at another time.
Historical documents have revealed that the Malaysia Proposal was actually a revival of the 1942 British Foreign Office plan to consolidate colonial rule of Malaya, Singapore and the 3 Borneo colonies(Brunei Sabah and Sarawak) under one administration.
By the 1960s it was transformed into a plan of appearing to grant the colonies independence and at the same time securing Britain's colonial economic and strategic interests in Borneo under a friendly government. This so-called Malaysia concept or plan was eagerly taken up by the Malayan government whose motives were suspected by the political forces in the Borneo colonies.
“Neo-colonial Malaysia Plan”
Opponents of Malaysia called it a “neo-colonial plan” to prolong colonial rule which they said was being hastily foisted on the politically inexperienced Borneo people. They expressed fears they would remain colonies under a new colonial master. This view has persisted amongst Sabah and Sarawak people till today.
Thus the British and Malayan governments attempted to allay the fears and reservations of the Sabah/Sarawak people with assurances and undertakings to safeguard their autonomy and special rights reflected in the 18/20 Points Agreements which were partially incorporated into the Malaysia Agreement. These rights reserved control by Sabah and Sarawak of their own civil service (called Borneonisation), finances and taxes, control of natural resources, education, freedom of religion and preserved the use of English as one of the official languages.
“We can’t continue to live in a state of denial,” said Daniel. “It’s time to call a spade and spade so that we can move into the future that we all want for our children and grandchildren.”
ReplyDeleteO my DJJ,
Hear so much but then with much anxietty what is or are the ACTION to go about?
Keep look here and there or talk with if but or if won't get us far!
Also,if only after gaining political power even thereafter with money to engage may not grant our independence or request unless our forefront leaders are determined and united to pursue with bold sacrifice facing it.
Hitting round bushes may not be good to convince or lead Sabah out from being bullied since past many years.
Expecting a louder voice and action from other than JK for all leaders people would prefer to see from STAR.
Put thing more in "ACTION" DO!
Agreed! but what actions have you take lately? Unfortunately we need the politicians as much as they need us. The whole idea is to stand together.
DeleteEven the opposition leaders does not have firm strategy on how to protect Sabah.
DeleteFor Sabahans' sake, we should stand up, and walked like heroes. We are winners yet we are not being appreciated.
Sabahans should go forward and back down by only wanting "autonomy in Malaysia"- you will still be under Malayan domination and colonial rule!
Read about Scottish independence. After 300 years of English domination they still want their independence.
East Timor and Southern Sudan fought with determination and gained their independence.
We should not wait any longer to free ourselves!
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scottish independence (Scots: Scots unthirldom,[1] Scottish Gaelic: Neo-eisimeileachd na h-Alba) is a political ambition of political parties, advocacy groups and individuals for Scotland, which is a country of the United Kingdom, to become an independent sovereign state.
Supporters of Scottish independence claim that Scotland's inability to fully control its own affairs, both nationally and internationally, is detrimental to Scottish interests. They argue that, as the Government of the United Kingdom acts primarily in the interest of the entire United Kingdom (of which England is by far the most populated part), it is to the detriment of Scottish interests to remain in the United Kingdom. Those who oppose Scottish independence and endorse the continuation of a form of union believe being part of the United Kingdom to be in the Scottish national interest, and argue that there are benefits enjoyed by Scotland as part of a great power, which do not compromise its distinctive national identity.
The Scottish Government has expressed its intention to hold an independence referendum in late 2014.[2]
Scotland was an independent country from its foundation in the Early Middle Ages (traditionally 843) until 1707 with the Act of Union."
Sarawak was also an independent country from its foundation in 1842 to 1942 until Japanese (1942) British (1946) and Malayan (1963) invasion and colonization.
We have suffered 49 years of Malayan colonization and plunder.
Now that we are questioning the meaning and value of Malaysia to us- we must look at the independence solution.
Autonomy will keep us colonized but independence will deliver us from Malayan domination.
We need to spread the words as much and as far as possible. It's time to not be afraid anymore, to stand up and be heard. It's time to unite. It's time to take back our rights, our land, our future, pride & our freedom. If we could just take this one moment in our lives, put aside all our differences and realize that finally this is the moment.
DeleteInternal colonization? We are still free to have our own religions and beliefs.
DeleteThis is my belief. The people of Borneo are more then capable to manage their own country to the extent even better then the folks in Peninsula. I also strongly agree with most of the bloggers here that autonomy will be a waste of time. We want a complete break away. We should be holding a referendum.
ReplyDeleteOnly a truly independent Borneo-based party can achieved that.
DeleteNot BN.
Not PR.
And I am fully supportive of them!
DeleteCheck out this link
Google 'sabah sarawak want their rights'
DeleteYes, yes keep the ball moving. Our future generation may risk knowing only 'bola'. Believe me I knew of someone who didn't even remotely know what a 'broom' was. Familiar with 'penyapu' or sweeper. I took it for granted that a broom is as common as a jamban/toilet. I felt so sad. She was a teacher at the 'encountered'-time. From the west of the SCS.
ReplyDeleteDaniel, keep pushing the envelope. We are right behind/beside you.People spread the truth
ReplyDeleteThe truth needs to be spread out, the people deserves to know what happened.
DeleteLet us see how far this thing will go.
DeleteWhat happened to the debate that Jeffrey and Harris will be doing on June 8? Is it still happening?
ReplyDeletewhy Harris suddenly want to make the debate?
DeleteIt will not happen.
DeleteBetter let Jeffrey and Harris debate about the KL Colonization on Sabah issue. The people will make their own judgement.
ReplyDeleteadakah debat itu akan berlangsung? mcm tiada perkembangan saja.
Deletedebat antara mereka pasti dinantikan.
DeletePenjajahan berlaku dalam banyak cara. apapun, sama2lah nantikan debat hangat antara Jeffrey dan Harris.
DeleteSiapa juga yang membiarkan kita 'dijajah'? Tentu mereka sudah kaya raya sekarang.
Deletekalau jadi...kalau tidak jadi, debat di luar sajalah dalam press conference..
DeleteTidak payah debat2.. banyak cara lagi boleh selesaikan masalah.
DeleteWe can do it if only we believe, conceive, implement as well as remain united.
ReplyDeleteShouldn’t the people be left alone to decide and judge for themselves?
ReplyDeleteI don't think there is anything like that at all in Sabah.
DeleteWho knows when the debate will take place?
ReplyDeleteI don't think the debate will be around this month.
Deletebuang masa saja buat debat...
DeleteHarap boleh dijalankan dengan lebih professional dan berkongsi pengalaman.
DeleteThe people should make their own judgment.
ReplyDeletebetul tu...biar rakyat yang menilai dan membuat pilihan.
DeleteThe rakyat should continue to support the Barisan Nasional government. BN has proven to be a government that cares for people and has an outstanding administrative record
DeleteThe people knows what is best for them.
DeleteWe deserve to know what is happening….
ReplyDeleteyes, there should be changes.
ReplyDeletebanyak cakap saja ba Star ni.. tapi malas mau turun padang dengar masalah rakyat atau selesaikan masalah rakyat.. tidak macam parti pembangkang yang lain..
ReplyDeleteStar cakap mahu tanding semua kerusi di sabah...boleh menang kah?
DeleteTrue indeed.STAR only knows how to talk but they rarely actually "turun padang" like other opposition parties.
DeleteStar memang tiada harapan untuk menang di Sabah.
Deletepatutkah kita salahkan pemimpin terdahulu yang setuju dengan pembentukkan malaysia?
ReplyDeleteNo point blaming the past leaders now. What is done is done.
DeleteApa yang berlaku sudah berlaku..tidak boleh salahkan sesiapa.
DeleteGovt understands the needs of the people and is always ready to listen to them. All the promises made by the BN will be honoured in the best interest of the people
ReplyDeleteGovernment never fail to fulfil the promises that were given to the people. It is just matter of time that they will fulfil it.
DeleteKegagalan menunaikan janji cuma mengungkit perasaan tidak puas hati golongan awam sahaja.
ReplyDeleteits important that the promises that were given to the people are fulfilled.
DeleteKita tidak pernah dijajah oleh Malaysia pun. Yang pasti Sabah adalah dibawah kerajaan MAlaysia.
ReplyDeleteAllegations that Sabah has been colonised by the federal government is a lie aimed at manipulating the people for their support in the coming general election, said Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteHe said, on the other hand, the state government had always co-operated with the federal government to develop Sabah.
ReplyDelete"The state government, administered by a cabinet of ministers, holds weekly meetings to decide on the direction of comprehensive development in Sabah, other than development projects from the federal government.
ReplyDelete"So the accusations of certain quarters that Sabah is being colonised is a big lie," he told reporters after launching a meeting with community leaders for the interior zones.
ReplyDeleteMusa, who is also State Finance Minister, said as the second-biggest state in the country, Sabah needed a large allocation from the federal government to develop infrastructure and boost the socio-economy of the people.
ReplyDeleteIn this regard, he reminded the people not to be duped by the propaganda of the opposition who often raised issues to belittle the policies of the government.
ReplyDeleteMusa also asked community leaders to help by providing the best possible explanation to the public on the effort of the government to help the people.