Luke Rintod
An Upko MP's concern about the high incidences of abject poverty in Sabah's Ranau district is in contrast to an Umno assemblyman's public denial.
RANAU: Barisan Nasional representatives are at odds over the status of Ranau district in central Sabah which hosts multiple cases of extreme poverty. Ranau is also surrounded by areas that are poverty-stricken, an anomaly by itself in a state blessed with bountiful oil and gas.
Ranau MP Siringan Gubat, a member of BN component, Upko, recently told Parliament that the incidence of poverty in Ranau was ‘worrying’.
But much earlier in April, Keranaan assemblyman, Masidi Manjun of Umno denied this, saying Ranau cannot be the poorest district as development was taking place there.
In the same statement Masidi accused the opposition of giving a negative picture of Ranau and the development taking place there. He was responding to the opposition State Reform Party’s (STAR) claims that the district could well be the poorest area in Sabah.
Yesterday STAR Ranau chief, Jalibin Paidi, in another salvo at ruling BN, said he was vindicated by Siringan’s recent admission that that he (Siringan) was ‘worried’ by the high incidence of poverty in Ranau.
“When I made the statement in April this year that Ranau could well be the poorest district in Sabah, Masidi, who is also Sabah Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, denied it bluntly, saying there was no truth to it.
“But the very recent remarks by Siringan in Parliament as carried by local newspapers days ago vindicated me on my contention,” said the former teacher who seems poised to take on either Masidi or Siringan in the coming general election.
“It must be God’s way of telling the ruling party that Ranau indeed is in poverty and in need of help. And that is a fact actually, when you go to the ground around Ranau town and in remoter kampungs, a fact some ruling leaders like Masidi prefer to deny and therefore do nothing, because in their view, there is no poverty (to tackle).
“When Siringan told Paliament that the high incidence of poverty in Ranau was worrying, I guess Masidi was gritting his teeth as Siringan confirmed our earlier contention that Ranau could be the poorest district.
“I wonder what Masidi would say now that his own colleague had realised in his own findings about poverty in Ranau,” said Jalibin, adding that Masidi must be reminded that Ranau has three vast state constituencies, Keranaan, Paginatan and Kundasang.
“If Siringan’s remark is of any credence, as he is the MP for Ranau overseeing all three constituencies, then Masidi is too detached from Kundasang and Paginatan if not his own Keranaan to know the truth,” he argued.
‘No impact’ development
In April, Jalibin had contended that Ranau which is surrounded by the rural-most parts of several poverty stricken districts such as Kota Marudu, Beluran, Tongod, Tambunan, Keningau, Kota Belud and Tuaran districts, could be the poorest in Sabah.
“STAR is concerned because many areas in Ranau still do not enjoy basic amenities such as sealed roads, electricity and water.
“It is also a very hilly district and it is common to see natives living in poverty in old dilapidated wooden houses here and there,” he said.
Jalibin also pointed out that signs of poverty could be seen from the low purchasing power of the people in Ranau.
He said though it has three state constituencies, only the two towns of Ranau and Kundasang were thriving partly because they are right on the east-west road connecting Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan and Tawau.
Jalibin also criticised the multi-million ringgit tourism and property development in Ranau for having little impact on the lives of ordinary kampung folks.
“There are no programmes for the meaningful participation of local entrepreneurs. It’s the same in the agriculture sector too,” he said.
‘No socio-economic data on Ranau’
The former teacher also pointed out the scarcity of reliable statistics or data on the socio-economic status of those living in and around Ranau.
“Now that Siringan admits rampant poverty, please enlighten us on our situation and how the government is tackling our problems.
“If the BN is still in denial then that speaks volumes why its leaders do not do something meaningful to alleviate the poverty problem in Ranau and elsewhere,” Jalibin added.
Ranau, a highland area in Sabah with an average elevation of about 1,176 metre above sea level has a population of 94,092 according to the 2010 census.
It’s main tourist destination is Mount Kinabalu and the Kinabalu Park but is also famed for the hot springs in Poring, the WWII memorial at Kundasang and the WWII Death March Trail.
It is also home to the country’s first World Heritage Site. Kinabalu Park was accorded the title by Unesco in December 2000.
On a more sombre side, the district also once hosted the largest mining project in Malaysia, the Mamut Copper Mine, before it ceased operations in 1999. The site is now an environmental nightmare.
isu kemiskinan tidak payahlah dipolitikkan...
ReplyDeleteyang kerap mempolitikkan isu kemiskinan ialah pembangkang..
DeleteHarap isu ini tidak akan dibesarkan.
Deletethere is no doubt that poverty issue is a big deal. but if it constantly being brought up as a matter to be politicized, then this issue will never end. Solution should be given.
DeleteKalau tidak dipolitikkan siapa yang susah akhirnya...rakyat Ranau yang miskin terus jadi lebih miskin.
DeleteInilah polisi utama BN untuk menjadikan Sabah negeri termiskin di Malaysia.
The Mamut Copper Mine pollution and damage to the environment has been kept quiet to let UMNO and the Japanese go free.
The Japanese don't care a fcuk for Sabah since WW2 when they ravage and raped the country. They came back and took our precious copper and the gold and silver which they kept quiet about. So they came back to poison our people and environment.
UMNO came in the Japanese's footsteps and joined and committed more crimes against the poor people. The eradication of poverty "development" projects was aimed at enriching themselves and impoverishment of the poor even more.
So is there any difference between the 2?
Japan occupied Sabah for 3 years and caused untold damage to human lives and environment.
Malayan UMNO occupied Sabah over 48 years. Readers can multiply the damage they have done to us and our environment.
Since we are still a colony ruled by a foreign gov't we need to free ourselves from this colonial yoke before we can re-build Sabah.
Only when we have real Sabah independence can we control our resources and use this for ourselves and not be a bank to finance Malayan development.
This is tough man. I mean Masidi, how would you say about this?
Deleteliar will always be a liar..
Deletewe will hear another excuse from this man..
Buat apa mau politikkn isu kemiskinan ini.
Deleteyang penting ialah cari penyelesaian...kalau asyik dipolitikkan sampai bila2 pun tidak akan selesai..
ReplyDeleteInstead of politicizing this issue, isn't it best for the opposition to provide solutions?
DeleteInstead of blaming the Opposition on this issue, isn't it best for the BN Government to step down instead for the benefit of the people ?
DeleteWhy keep defending the indefensible - that is UMNO's guilt in the whole matter?
UMNO enticed us into Malaysia with many promises and assurances.
One of the promises was "eradication of poverty". That was made 50 years ago before we were swallowed into neo-colonial "Malaysia".
How is it that Sabah a resource rich country would be reduce to an impoverished land and people?
It does not take even a street hawker to work this out.
UMNO has plundered our country into poverty.
SO can anyone say poverty is not "political".
Please give your reasons.
Soorrry no can give any reasons- not even one bad one to justify being in Malaysia!
DeleteTapi pendapat mereka bercanggah la pula, macam mana nak jelaskan ni?
DeleteDon't let the opposition take its place.
Deletelet the opposition take place as government and we will solve this problem without any excuse...
Deleteit is not easy to eradicated poverty...i'm sure the govt is doing their best to help the poor people..
ReplyDeleteeven if the opposition becomes the government, its unsure yet whether they can eradicate poverty.
DeleteThere are many people who are unsatisfied even if they are wealthy, stop blaming the Govt. they are trying their best already.
DeleteWe cannot stop blaming the Govt as the Govt today refuse to listen to the people problems and wishes.
DeleteThey are not even concerned about it, but only pay attention to those petty issues. I mean PKR.
Deletethis gov only care about sex and sodomy issue don't blame them...just take it as takdir...
Deletewe as rakyat must support all the govt efforts in their way to eradicated poverty..
ReplyDeleteThe government is trying their best to eradicate poverty. It doesn't take days to eradicate it.
DeleteAll sorts of program has been implemented by the government for the purpose of eradicating poverty. People should take the opportunity whenever there is.
DeleteThese programs have failed. People should take the opportunity to change the government.
Deletekritik tapi tiada isi...bising saja...
ReplyDeletekalau tidak kritik jadi malas pula wakil rakyat bagi perhatian..tapi kalau kritik marah pula campiur dengan penipuan lagi..kalau betul ada benda macam tu di Ranau kenapa harus takut untuk mengakuinya dan segeralah bentangkan kertas kerja bukan asyik merungut-rungut apabila pembangkang mula bersuara..
DeletePembangkang hanya pandai mencari isu untuk bersuara. Ini hanya gimik untuk mendapat sokongan dari Rakyat. Lepas mereka menang, mereka tidak akan pedulikan lagi isu itu.
Deleteits the opposition strategy to brainwash the people's mind when the fact is various programs were implemented by the government to eradicate poverty.
DeleteThese programs clearly have failed.
DeleteIt is time for the BN government to step aside to let the opposition take over and fix the problem.
Pembangkang mesti bersuara... kalau bukan pembangkang siapa lagi ??? ini kalilah dan bukan lain kali..!!! kita membangkang untuk keperluan pembangunan Negara...
ReplyDeleteKUATKAN SUARA...!!!
Pembangkang pun tidak semestinya akan memcapai apa yang dijanjikan.
Deleteia semua terpulang kepada rakyat untuk memilih parti yang terbaik untuk sabah. Oleh itu, undilah dengan bijak.
Deletefor all we know, the opposition is just as same as the current government if the opposition becomes the government.
DeleteFor all we know, the Government has failed the people. It's time for us to vote out BN.
DeletePembangkang sampai sekarang pun masih lagi belum dapat bersatu. Bagaimana mereka boleh menang PRU di Sabah jika undian berpecah-pecah?
DeleteHarapkan kerajaan dan pembangkang dapat mencari formula yang terbaik untuk membantu rakyat yang banyak mendelita.
DeleteRanau is too far from the city, it is not easy for the authority to develop the landscape area.
ReplyDeleteit would have to take time to develop the landscape area.
DeleteBN has been given 49 years to develop Sabah but Sabah is still the poorest in the country.
DeleteBN non-ending excuses is "not easy", "take time", "too big", "border is too long", " too many rugged terrain", "too expensive" etc.
Sabah is a much larger state compare to other 12 states, we need more money, more time and more attention to go towards developed state.
pembangunan bukannya boleh dilaksanakan sekelip mata.
kemiskinan berlaku di mana2. usaha membasmi kemiskinan kena giat dijalankan.
ReplyDeleteThe government gives all sort of monetary aids to the hardcore poor such as BR1M, E-Kasih, PPRT and other allowance. Although many still was not registered yet.
DeleteThey registered but were always rejected.
Deletethe current gov only care about their cronies..there are no sincerity to help the people..but when the election is around the corner they will sing the same song they sing before...we are the best government in the universe..we help the people all time, night and day and night and day and...bla...bla...bla....
DeleteRanau daerah yang byk sumber ekonomi, byk peluang untuk penduduk tingkatkan taraf hidup mereka., jadi gunakan peluang tersebut dgn baik.
ReplyDeleteThe government has introduced various programs for the locals such in agriculture, aquaculture, plantation, oil and gas as well as others. The people must take advantages of these opportunities presented.
DeleteBanding dengan Paitan, Ranau lebih banyak potensi untuk maju.
DeleteTaraf hidup penduduk Ranau sudah semakin baik. Kawasan itu berpotensi besar untuk lebih maju, tapi kena lah bersabar, bukan boleh buat dalam masa satu hari, perlu perancangan yang teliti.
DeletePerniagaan berasaskan pertanian dan pelancongan adalah antara potensi yang boleh dimajukan di Ranau.
DeletePoverty exist throughout Sabah, not just in Ranau. However the problem cannot be resolved over night. It takes a lot of effort, time and money to turn this problem around. One of the most important factor to bring the poor out of the poverty cycle is through education.
ReplyDeleteWhere there's a will. there's a way.
DeletePoverty exists throughout Sabah because it has been plundered by UMNO Malaya!
ReplyDeleteBy the time the kids get educated the moms and dads would have starved to death.
Can you trust UMNO designed half baked education system of constant changes with apartheid ideas of discrimination & re-writing of history and omission of facts?
Best keep the kid at home and teach them yourself!
The government’s poverty eradication aid must be complimented by the people’s strong desire to be removed from the grasp of poverty. Only then, can the government’s objective toward poverty eradication be met
Deletejust another excuse...
DeleteThe government is doing all it can to eradicate hardcore poverty with programmes that are well publicised. there is no easy solution to poverty and he doubts that there could be a thing as total poverty eradication.
ReplyDeletePembangkang pun mustahil dapat capai zero poverty. Logiklah sikit.
DeleteAdakah penulis ini dari Ranau dan mengalami sebenarnya perasaan orang2 di Ranau?
ReplyDeleteencik Jalibin memang orang Ranau, lahir di Ranau, bejiwa Ranau dan memahami situasi yang berlaku disekitar daerah Ranau...
DeleteTapi ada hotel yang akan siap tidak lama lagi di ranau harap ini dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk di Ranau.
ReplyDeleteOpposition is lacking issue.
DeleteMemang betul.. pembangkang kehabisan idea sudah, sampai isu ini pun mau di politikkn.
Deletethere will be always a place that is in poverty. No doubt about it.
ReplyDeleteTrue. Poverty happens everywhere. Don't think Ranau is the poorest district.
DeleteSaja pari pembangkang mau isukan masalah ini. Sedangkan kita semua tau masalah kemiskinan bukan boleh di selesaikan dalam masa sigkat.
DeleteMasalah kemasukan PATI yang berganda merupakan unsur utama kemiskinan juga.
DeleteKerajaan telah banyak membantu rakyat. Masalah kemiskinan sudah semakin berkurangan.
ReplyDeleteprogram seperti 1Azam antara usaha untuk membantu rakyat. usaha seperti ini harus diteruskan.
DeleteRakyat harus bantu diri untuk membaiki pendapatan.
ReplyDeleteharus bijak mencari dan merebut peluang jika mahu berjaya.
DeleteUsaha membaiki jumlah kemiskinan adalah tanggugn jawab semua pihak.
ReplyDeleteIm sure the government will do the best to reduce the poverty rate.
ReplyDeleteMengenai isu kemiskinan di Ranau ini mungkin perlu diperjelaskan lagi lebih untuk memastikan penyelesaian akan dapat dilakukan bagi menangani isu tersebut.
ReplyDeleteTidak tahu mahu cakap apa kerana bila lihat sendiri baru tahu adakah itu boleh diketagorikan sebagai miskin atau tidak.
ReplyDeletesemua pihak termasuk individu sendiri perlu berusaha jika mahu atasi isu kemiskinan.
Deleteyang penting sekarang adalah usaha untuk membasmi kemiskinan, bukan sibuk untuk saling menyalahkan.
ReplyDeleteusaha untuk membasmi kemiskinan perlu dibuat sepanjang masa.
ReplyDeletedan rakyat juga perlu berusaha sendiri untuk memajukan diri.. jika asyik mengharapkan bantuan, sampai bila2 masalah kemiskinan ini tidak akan selesai..
Deletekalau sapp atau star atau PR ambil alih negeri ini, semua rumah rakyat akan bertukar kepada rumah konkrit? semua rakyat negeri ini akan kaya raya tanpa perlu berusaha sendiri??