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Monday, October 17, 2011

SAPP: DAP parrots will bankrupt Sabah and make Sabahans beggars

Sabah DAP should not be angry that they have been called "parrots" who habitually repeat what their KL leaders say irrespective whether their KL leaders are right or wrong. Sabah DAP should thank SAPP for the honest view and make Sabah DAP more self-reliant instead of being totally dependent on KL like a kite flying with the line held by KL.

In fact, SAPP President, Datuk Yong Teck Lee, at the Sandakan SAPP AGM, was more critical of other Malayan parties like UMNO and BN component parties with the "parrots" culture. Yong pointed out the automatic way that UMNO and BN leaders obediently follow "1Malaysia" and other KL slogans without thinking whether such slogans are relevant for Sabah or not.

On the cash distributions of 1990 by  the PBS government, why did DAP attack Datuk Yong Teck Lee and fellow opposition Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan? For the record, when the last amanah rakyat was distributed in 1990 before the State elections, Yong was only an assistant minister. Dr. Jeffrey was a director of Yayasan Sabah. Neither was in a cabinet position to make policy matters like distribution of amanah using State funds as happened in 1990. Indeed, why is the DAP so protective of BN leaders like PBS President Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan who was Chief Minister at the time? And Tan Sri Bernard Dompok (UPKO President) who was Finance Minister, Tan Joseph Kurup (PBRS President) who was Deputy Chief Minister of the PBS Cabinet at the time? Why did DAP not query current Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman who has been director of Yayasan Sabah from 1994 and later Chairman of Yayasan Sabah and Finance Minister and Chief Minister for the last eight years? Why is DAP trying to protect these BN leaders? Is there a DAP hidden agenda?

Dullie Hj Marie
On the issue of reintroducing the Yayasan Sabah dividend RM 200 per person per year, the fact is nobody from DAP or Pakatan has ever said it until last month when Lim Guan Eng flew to Sandakan, made the flimsypromise and then flew back to Penang. That was BEFORE the launch of the Pakatan Buku Jingga. Lim Guan Eng did not say how the money, RM200 million per year, will be sourced and its implications on the State government. It reminds me of Lim Guan Eng's superficial knowledge of governance. Like the controversial sPICE project in Penang whereby it is the first time ever that a government has to pay RM50 million to a company to develop land provided by the government.

As a political party responsible for the well being of Sabah and people, we have a duty to safe guard the Sabah treasury. One worry foremost in our mind is how to repay the RM 564 million 5-year bond (with interests) that was borrowed by the State Government last year. The loan has to be repaid in one lump sum by 2014. So, the financial viability of paying RM200 million will be a factor in this financial burden.

Considering that the DAP has also promised to abolish the CPO sales tax in Sabah to benefit West Malaysian oil palm millers, this will cost the Sabah State Government RM 900 million based on the 2011 State budget. 80% of CPO mills are owned by West Malaysian companies, including FELDA. If the DAP goes through with this plan, it means that we will lose RM 700 million to West Malaysian companies and FELDA. In no time, the DAP will bankrupt Sabah and make Sabah more dependent on Federal government for hand outs like beggars. Is this what Sabah DAP want?

Since the CPO sales tax is imposed on the oil palm millers, the government should not allow the palm oil millers to pass on the sales tax to the planters. According to the budget, the CPO sales tax is imposed on CPO producers and not planters.

Past Yayasan Sabah payments of dividends were also not exempted from paying federal income taxes. If DAP is not careful, a single payment is enough to kill Yayasan Sabah and all its conservation, educational and social work, just because DAP want to win some votes. Please learn a lesson from Penang DAP's promise of RM 6000 per household in the 2008 general elections: Do not make you promise you cannot fulfil. Just stick to your RM 100 per senior citizen per year for Penangites. Based on the 2010 census, people above 65 years old is only 5% of the population. Whereas, people about 21 years old constitute more than 50%. The colossal difference in financial implications is obvious.

Buku Jingga never mentioned any cash payments. Even if DAP, with hindsight, try to stretch the promise of "returning Yayasan Sabah to its original purpose" to mean cash payments, does DAP not know that the original purpose of Yayasan Sabah was for education, flying doctors services, charity also to assist poor Malaysian in Sabah using the endowment of one million hectares of forests reserves? That is why in the 1970s many students were sent to Peninsula Malaysia. The Foundation became the top source of scholarships, funded by its forest concession.

Jimmy Wong should not think that a he can lay his hand on the one million hectares of YS forest reserves. Much of the reserves have already been put under conservation like Maliau Basin, Danum Valley,Imback Canyon, Lausong Reserch Centre and other wild life corridors. Whatever is left, there is little timber to sustain the DAP proposal to pay RM 200million cash. Although there is a lot of room for improvements in the way that Yayasan Sabah and subsidiaries are run, even a best managed Yayasan Sabah cannot afford to pay RM200 million cash. I know because I speak as a former senior manager of Yayasan Sabah. Jimmy Wong and his green horns should not talk about something they know little about because it is very irresponsible to put Yayasan Sabah in jeopardy just to get some votes.

As an indication of depleting forest revenues, the estimated state revenues from timber royalties in the 2011budget isless than RM 80 million.DAP talks about the 32,000 acres of plantation lands as a source of the RM 200 million. I think DAP does not realise that by the time you have to rely on the plantations for dividends, it means the core business (timber) is not doing well, thereby making it risky to fork out RM 200 million plus taxes. As for falling back on shipping and tourism investments, it is sheer desperation on the part of DAP to imagine that you can add up profits from these two minor sectors of Yayasan Sabah to make up the RM 200 million.

DAP must realized the gestation period for plantation of softwoods, at least it needs eight years to be harvested. DAP promised is unrealistic and is a pure lie to hoodwink Sabahan. Sabahans no longer can be fooled by rhetorical promises from leaders from Semenanjung.

In fact, the SAPP Supreme Council has been formulating a policy to pay cash dividends like in Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong to boost consumer spending to revitalise the economy. If at all that a SAPP State Government will pay "dividends", then the most viable source of funds is the Sabah Heritage Fund that was set up in 1997 pursuant to the Heritage Fund Enactment 1996. As practised in some other countries like Norway, Ghana, Canadian Alberta, we propose to channel part of the petroleum royalties to this fund as a saving for future generations when the oil runs out.

If there is sufficient oil royalties for a particular year, then this fund or State funds (tax free) can be used to pay RM200 per Sabahan adult based on possession of the Sabah IC. The need for a Sabah IC will eliminate fake and dubious IC holders from benefitting. As DAP does not agree on the Sabah IC proposal, their payments risk falling into the wrong hands. In the past, oil royalties amount to only RM 80million per year. But recent years, due to higher oil prices and increased production, Sabah's 5% oil royalty amount to RM 800million. It can reach RM1 billion in the next few years. If the royalties can be increased from 5% to 20%, then the bonus is obvious.

Dullie Haji Marie, Treasurer General, SAPP
Issued by SAPP HQ, Monday 17 October 2011


  1. Dua kali Lima dengan BN bah

  2. " is pure lie to hoodwink Sabahans. Sabahanas no longer can be fooled by rhetorical promises from leaders from Semananjung. " True Im perplexed by the audacity of these semananjung leaders when come to make promises. Pathetic!!!!

  3. A Sabahan stand up and speaks from his personal experiences. Wake up my fellow Sabahans, the time no longer with you.

  4. DAP tidak akan mendapat sokongan rakyat Sabah.

  5. Kita tunggulah dan lihat siapa pilihan rakyat nanti.

  6. Rakyat Sabah tidak akan menyokong DAP... hanya pandai berjanji sahaja..

  7. Dullie Haji Marie, Treasurer General, SAPP
    Title awarded by 'SAPP's University' to convince Sabahan bumiputras as proxy bah!
    Soon those without degree Ah Chong(Chong Pit Fah) potensi calun Kepayan diberi Phd SAPP.

    Same tactics previously to many SAPP veterans Datuks or JPs who had left SAPP.

    Wah lao....!!!Radio Sabah's Parrots bah!.

  8. Whatever, Sabah is going to be bankrupt if nobody cares.

  9. DAP and UMNO are the same species. Their representatives in Sabah are merely the puppets to their malaya master.

    How can those puppets to fight for Sabah people right and yet they need to kow-dow to their boss from malaya?

    SAPP is simply much better than those puppets from party malaya whom forever dictate by their boss from malaya without pride and dignity!

  10. Party malaya DAP in Sabah is like DBKK to collect all the rejected pariah from roadside like Gerakan.

    How do you expect such dumb people to manage Sabah economy? Get a life!

  11. what is going on ? Can we trust the DAP, SAPP, ETC. It is for you to judge?? Are they having selfish agenda? Can they fulfil the promises made ?

  12. We Sabahans only trust our local opposition party SAPP instead of those party import from malaya UMNO and PR.

    What is the purpose those party malaya in Sabah if not because of aiming at our natural resources?

  13. Macam mana lagi segala2nya berpusat di semenanjung?

  14. nampaknya semakin sukar untuk DAP dan Sapp untuk bekerjasama..mereka kini saling menghentam.

  15. kini DAP dan Sapp asyik menyalahkan dan mempertahankan diri masing-masing..

  16. Siapa pun yang akan memerintah, pasti ada agenda yang telah digariskan.

  17. kini DAP dan Sapp asyik menyalahkan dan mempertahankan diri masing-masing..

  18. Pada akhirnya nanti mereka sendiri yang rugi.

  19. Ok la, keep on fighting, at least until after GE 13th finish :-)...

  20. begigit la kamu pihak lain yang siok ketawa.

  21. Agree, DAp Sabah hanya puppets of DAP KL, and same goes to BN Sabah. 2x5

  22. mula-mula mau berkerjasama, sekarang DAP dan SAPP masing2 mempertahankn ego.. PRU semakin dekat...rugi sendiri..

  23. SAPP dan DAP yg bergaduh jangan pula babitkn BN... dua parti ini lebih baik berbincang..

  24. rakyat yang akan memilih mna yg terbaik untuk negeri Sabah.

  25. masalah antara DAP dan SAPP hnya melemahkan sokongan terhadap mereka.

  26. lagipun kedua mereka ni mmg tak boleh pakai di Sabah.

  27. Agreed. party malaya DAP only puppet for their boss from malaya and the same goes to umno.

    They all are the traitors to Sabahans.

  28. Even without Hiew DAP Sabah can have many capable leaders like Jimmy to fight for people.
    But SAPP Yong only cannot afford another x5 years.

    SAPP is Yong and Yong is SAPP, who else?
    Who is 'Napoleon' in politics?

    You can judge from those of his ex-party members who were with him once.

  29. bukan sebab sokong atau bantu BN, sebab DAP pun mahu merampas Sabah dan menubuhkan kerajaan DAP Sabah. kalau sudah tamak tu, sama2 pembangkang pun dia sanggup attack..

  30. sekarang tidak perlu timbulkan persoalan dap dipihak mana.. lawan tetap lawan..

  31. Stop making Sabah as a poverty hub.

  32. Come on la, why suddenly DAP and SAPP are getting into fights?

  33. Kemusnahan yang berlaku sememangnya menggamit perasaan.

  34. Sabah DAP dog says jimmy is capable leader? I cannot stop laughing ..... muahahahahahahaha

    A doggy praising this daddy ...

    I wonder such idiot has any sense of knowledge about Sabah development?

  35. "Sabah DAP should thank SAPP for the honest view and make Sabah DAP more self-reliant instead of being totally dependent on KL like a kite flying with the line held by KL."

    Should appreciate sincere critics and comments. Im sure such comments will lead them to do better and be ready to make changes.

  36. "Since the CPO sales tax is imposed on the oil palm millers, the government should not allow the palm oil millers to pass on the sales tax to the planters. According to the budget, the CPO sales tax is imposed on CPO producers and not planters."

    Semoga kerajaan memberi perhatian terhadap perkara tersebut agar pekebun/peladang tidak tertekan dengan tax yang dikenakan itu.

  37. SAPP & DAP should stand on their own feet to fight in coming PRU. Stop personal attack and targeting more on the people needs and wants. Both has equal opportunity, but, if continue their conflicts, the only winner would be BN.

  38. "If there is sufficient oil royalties for a particular year, then this fund or State funds (tax free) can be used to pay RM200 per Sabahan adult based on possession of the Sabah IC. The need for a Sabah IC will eliminate fake and dubious IC holders from benefitting."

    Teruskan usaha dan laksanakan mana-mana proposal yang baik untuk semua golongan. Yang penting, tidak juga membebankan kerajaan.

  39. "Why is DAP trying to protect these BN leaders? Is there a DAP hidden agenda?"

    Bukan satu perkara baru, semua orang pun tahu DAP lebih kepada BN.

  40. Anonymous.....dullie marie tidak perlu degree SAPP dia sudah ada dua degrees dan MBA pula itu. He speaks his mind; he is man with principle. He is not like those puppets succumb to the Malayan's leaders. He is my FB friend. This guy is something with leadership materials. Good luck and we Sabahans support you.

  41. di bawah pentadbiran musa selaku CM sabah, rizab simpanan bertambah...

  42. dan kini di bawah pentadbiran musa, sabah membangun dengan pesat..

  43. dan semua ini akan hancur sekiranya sabah DAP atau SAPP/ pembangkang (PR) memerintah sabah...ternyata BN adalah lebih baik dari pembangkang yang hanya tahu memberikan janji terang bulan.

  44. i guess there will be no PR+ in sabah in the coming GE...there will be 3 or 4 cornered fight...

  45. and if there will be 3 or 4 cornered fight, it will benefit sabah BN more...and the opposition can keep on dreaming to become govt...

  46. kejaan negeri tidak ado luit...jual bond..ertinya rizab kosong.yang bertambohnya corupsi dan ambil tanah rakyat sabah.sEKOLAH TERBAKAR DI PULOU GAYO peruntukan rm20,000 pun timbalan menteli peljaran dari kl yang bawah sendiri....malu ziou...anonymous memeng kaki ampoh....atau otok dioh lutut...otak udang kang ku.

  47. gerigitan ini kaki ampoh kah atau betul2 buduh....jual bond ada duit.kebakaran sekolah dipilau gaya hanya prelu rm20,000 pun timbalan mentri plejaran dari kl yang bawah sendiri....utak udang kang ku. Tanak sekul darjah enam pun faham. Adoi doga terlalu buduh bah ulang sabah ini atu fasal projek jadi budoh.

  48. Biasalah bah itu sudara sebab kepintingan perbadi.Itulah orang Malaya buat kita macam kerbau...saya harap juga gerigitan jadi kelabau sumandak supay nampak gila langar pokok kelap.

  49. Looks like there going to be a 3 or 4 cornered fight..if this fight goes on la.

  50. BN will surely win again in the next GE. Thanks to SAPP and Dap.

  51. DAP should just join BN and SAPP should cooperate with PKR.SO there be no corner fight.

  52. Mana2 parti yang tidak dapat tadbir Sabah dengan baik memang berpotensi untuk buat Sabah bankrap.

  53. Banyak tipulah dalam politik ni. Hari ni jadi kawan, besok2 jadi lawan. Semua pun yang mahu ada kepentingan, pok itu duit saja. Ceh!

  54. SAPP is the only HOPE for Sabah people.

    Why few of the Sabahans willing to join party malaya UMNO or PR? They just dreaming wanna to become YB and project. Do they really care for Sabah people?

    With a right and logically thinking person, these bunch of opportunists from UMNO or PR even need to lobby their candidacy seat from their malaya boss, where they got gut to fight against their boss from malaya for Sabah sake?

    Vote for SAPP is the only HOPE for Sabah! No one can save us except we Sabahans ourselves!

  55. Masing-masing mementingkan manfaat sendiri dan mengetepikan hak dan kepentingan rakyat. Cam mane rakyat nak beri undian kepadanya?

  56. "On the issue of reintroducing the Yayasan Sabah dividend RM 200 per person per year, the fact is nobody from DAP or Pakatan has ever said it until last month when Lim Guan Eng flew to Sandakan, made the flimsypromise and then flew back to Penang."

    Apa yang terjadi dengan Dividend tersebut? Adakah akan dilaksanakan?

  57. DAP has also promised to abolish the CPO sales tax in Sabah to benefit West Malaysian oil palm millers. In no time, the DAP will bankrupt Sabah and make Sabah more dependent on Federal government for hand outs like beggars. Is this what Sabah DAP want?

    We hope the proposal to abolish CPO sales tax to re-consider before take any action. Study the pro and cons so that it wont harmful to any parties especially to the people and state government.

  58. "The government should not allow the palm oil millers to pass on the sales tax to the planters. According to the budget, the CPO sales tax is imposed on CPO producers and not planters."

    May be a good idea if both side can share the same CPO tax. Anyway, all need to be study.

  59. Is that possible that Sabah gonna to be another Penang Island under DAP?

  60. Dari pilih DAP bagus lagi pilih SAPP kalau macam itu. Lebih yakin dan bermutu lagi. Tapi kalau SAPP dengan BN bagus lagi pilih BN lah. Kerana kita yakin BN dapat membantu Sabah.

  61. Mungkin benar juga kata SAPP itu. Kalau DAP yang memerintah pasti habis sumber yang ada di Sabah digunakan untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri. Jadi kita tidak mahu perkara ini berlaku kepada Sabah.

  62. Nampaknya semakin hangat SAPP dan DAP sekarang ini. Memang dari dulu lagi PR tidak boleh bersama dengan SAPP selagi DAP ada bersama dengan PR sendiri.

  63. Sabah tidak akan sesekali ditadbir oleh DAP.

  64. SAPP sebagai local based party sepatutnya lebih disokong oleh rakyat Sabah sendiri tapi SAPP nampak lemah untuk memperjuangkan nasib rakyat Sabah.

  65. Tak kira siapa yang memerintah kalau memang tak bertanggungjawab, Sabah pasti akan bankrup juga.

  66. Jadi rakyat harus mainkan pernana sebaik mungkin. Pastikan undian diberikan pada pemimpin yang benar-benar layak memimpin.

  67. So tak payahlah main point jari.. Sekarang ni mainkan peranan masing-masing dan tunggu sajalah siapa yang akan jadi pilihan rakyat nanti.

  68. Semoga rakyat menilai setiap isu yang berlaku di Sabah dengan baik dan membuat keputusan yang tepat semsa next GE nanti.

  69. Tak sabar pula mahu tahu apa akan berlaku next GE nanti. hehe

  70. sudah banyak km sabah, sudah banyak rm untuk sabah, yg masalahnya RASUAH paling banyak, projek jalan raya 30% yb punya, lepas tu pemimpin kemajuan rakyat makan 20% jalan raya tinggal harga 50%

    kasihan rakyat, sudahlah mampu kasi cash VIVA baru sahaja terpaksa berhutang beli 4wheel yang mahal, kalau hujan mana mau cari duit, laut bergelora...pokok getah pun basah.......

    kasihan durang berlumpur kasut ke sekolah
    kurang ajar punya YB makan rasuah.........
    harap2 mati terus masuk neraka makan api di sana (jangan lupa pasang air-con ah...bawa tu 2 horse power kamurang masuk neraka)

  71. memang DAP ada udang di sebalik mee goreng!

  72. truth is, Sabah BN should stand for the rights of Sabah .. if not people will think that the government is weak

  73. maybe Sabahan will switch their votes to the opposition parties if the government continued to ignore their requests

  74. setidak-tidaknya, yang rakyat Sabah harapkan daripada kerajaan negeri gabungan BN ialah kepentingan rakyat tidak diketepikan

  75. kedudukan Sabah sebagai negeri termiskin di M'sia harap tidak akan berkekalan..semoga kerajaan dapat melakukan sesuatu positif/drastik untuk mengubah kedudukan ini

  76. DAP or UMNO are the same. Both are from Malaya. Only those parrots from Sabah will praise their malaya leaders so high up with the expense of our natural resources and Sabah people rights.

    Sabah people have awaken and brave to say NO to all party import from malaya UMNO and PR.

    Party malaya UMNO imported millions of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to outnumber our Sabahans and those BN supporters should be charged for treason! They are the traitors to all the Sabahans.

  77. How come no leaders from SAPP responding to Lim Kit Siang's remarks refraining any Sabah DAP leaders from making more statements in the press to bash other fellow opposition party?

  78. There is statement made from SAPP kudat to tell Sabah DAP to focus on their enemy umno but not SAPP.

    Sabah DAP is useless bunch of hypocrites and opportunists!
