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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Malaysia's Idiot Educational System!

Sudden switch to BM for science students

Students who had been studying in the English stream from Standard One to Form Three now have to do their Science and Maths in BM when they move to Form Four next year.

PETALING JAYA: Students who began their Standard One in 2003 under the English stream – where Science and Mathematics were taught in English – are now expected to learn Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia when they go to Form Four next year.

The change in the “teaching process” has got parents in the urban Klang Valley are all frantic with anxiety. They are trying to get the Education Ministry to clear up the matter.

So far the bewildered parents have received no statements from their respective school heads but worried students have told their parents that “all Form Four subjects will be taught only in Bahasa Malaysia”.

A housewife, who wanted to be known only as Siva, from Subang Jaya said: “Everyone is confused… I went to inquire from my son’s school and was told that they were waiting for the ministry’s directive. But they said they were unofficially told that the teaching will be in Bahasa Malaysia if you have more than 15 Malay students in Form Four.

“I called the Education Ministry last week to verify this and an officer told me that the teaching of all science subjects in Form Four will be in Bahasa Malaysia.

“She also said some schools have a choice of teaching in English or Bahasa Malaysia depending on how many Malay students they have.”

Let them complete SPM

Another worried parent, who preferred to be called Tan, from Taman Desa, said the new policy was “not fair to our children”.

“We were told at the onset when this batch started Standard One in 2003 that they will complete their Science and Maths in English until SPM (Form Five).

“They should just let them finish it. How can they (the ministry) victimise this batch of students now?

“It’s rubbish to say the exams will be set in dwibahasa (dual language), but all the teaching in the class will be in Bahasa Malaysia.

“Why confuse the students? Already, they are under so much pressure.

“What will happen if the students answer the exam questions in English? Are there enough English proficient teachers and examiners who can give them a fair reading?

“Can the ministry guarantee that our children who answer their exam paper in English will not be victimised?” asked Tan.

No ‘dwi’ bahasa textbook

Another concerned parent, Dr Raja, from Damansara, said he had gone around the bookshops and private stores looking for Form Four Chemistry and Biology books for his son and was shocked to find only Bahasa Malaysia textbooks.

He said the government had promised that the Science and Mathematic books would be ready before it implemented the MBMMBI (Upholding the Malay Language, Strengthening the English Language) policy in 2012.

But now that parents are wanting to prepare their children for the hard days ahead, there are no books available.

“How are we supposed to assist and prep our children if we cannot find dual language textbooks? I assume the teachers are also not readyto teach the subjects,” said Raja.

“This is crazy. We are not against the Education Ministry’s Bahasa Malaysia policy.

“But it is absolute stupidity to teach the students in English from Standrad One until Form Three and then switch to Bahasa Malaysia in Form Four and Form Five.

“What assurance is there that there are sufficient and capable examiners who will mark their English answers in SPM fairly?

“As it is, my wife spotted so many errors in the ministry-level quarterly tests papers the students sat for regularly before PMR,” said Raja.

BN doesn’t care

Unhappy parents from several schools in Subang Jaya, Damansara and Old Klang Road are now demanding that the Education Ministry stick to its earlier promise, made in 2002, to allow this batch of students to complete their SPM education in English.

But whether the Barisan Nasional-led government will compromise and rescind its decision is a worrying question as most of the complaining parents are from the opposition-held urban areas.

Said a grassroots political activist here, who declined to be named: “In this country, schools, universities and education as a whole are a political issue.

“Education here is not about building minds… it is about churning out loyalists which begins with schools and language.

“(Education Minister) Muhyiddin (Yassin) was firm when he announced a non-reversal of the MBMMBI policy.

“They’ve (BN) done their groundwork and know that those who will complain are the Chinese and Indians, especially those living in the urban areas.

“These are political seats they have already lost… regaining these seats will be a struggle for BN so I don’t expect the BN government to be too concerned about our children.

“Their general perspective of us is that we are disloyal and avaricious.”

Muhyiddin firm on policy

In October last year, Muhyiddin told Parliament that the government will not return to the policy of teaching and learning Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI).

He said the new MBMMBI policy was in line with the country’s need to dignify Bahasa Melayu as the national language.

Bernama reported Muhyiddin, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, as saying that the government would not turn back on its decision as it “could not please every group”.

He said the government had set 2012 for its implementation and that students in Year Four, Form One and Form Four would be affected.

Muhyiddin had at the time urged parents not be unduly worried about the reversal of policy.

He said the government was already taking preliminary measures to implement the new policy in 2012.

“We may even have to recruit English teachers from abroad,” he said, adding that the implementation of the new policy also meant that Science and Mathematics textbooks need to be produced in Bahasa Malaysia as well as a new curriculum for teaching English.


  1. Memang tidak munasabah penukaran ini. Pelajar-pelajar ini sudah biasa dengan pembelajaran dalam bahasa Ingeris, sekarang pula ditukar kepada bahasa Malaysia.

  2. Bila dicadangkan bahasa inggeris digunakan untuk pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik, semua menolak kerana murid yang belajar dalam bahasa Malaysia ini tidak boleh membiasakan diri. Tapi dari bahasa inggeris ke bahasa Malaysia pula boleh? Double standard?

  3. So many graduates from UMS can't even speak English. I wonder how they pass their exam?

    Malaysia education standard is really SUX with stupid umno education minister = otak udang!

  4. Eee is this new? how come the come out with this kind of system? its hard you know, suddenly changed!

  5. Not only UMS student ba kawan.....tulah you only friend with UMS student, the other University also same can't just mention UMS only, this is not fair. And for your information, not all subject been taught in Ingilis you know.... some of it in Bahasa, that is y they passed the exam..... :))) don't simply said laaaa..... You want to learn ingilis then you should learn it from the heart, read more books and watch more ingilis movie and speak in ingilis, don't be shy because practice makes perfect and just remember nobody is perfecto :)))

    Cheers :))))

  6. I want too add, CHINESE student whos study in UMS also can't even speak and understand English well, but how come they can enter n study in UMS?

  7. CHINESE student from CHINA.... :))))

  8. I don't know what is suitable for our educational system. Seem like the gov will change the system whatever they like. When all said English is important so they will change to English, but when some said Bahasa M'sia nowadays a really important they will change to Bahasa M'sia.

  9. i don't understand with Malaysian education system. always changed the policy.

  10. we need the fix policy that really good to increases the students performance.

  11. Kemerosotan mutu penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan berpunca pengaruh teknologi baharu: Musa

    5th October, 2011 (New Sabah Times)

    KOTA KINABALU: Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman berkata kemerosotan mutu penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan sama ada dalam komunikasi rasmi atau tidak rasmi berpunca daripada perkembangan dan pengaruh teknologi baharu dalam bidang komunikasi dan maklumat.

    Beliau berkata, berdasarkan kajian, perkembangan teknologi baharu itu telah memberi kebebasan kepada pengguna bahasa kebangsaan untuk mengetepikan sistem bahasa yang standard.

    “Ini termasuklah bahasa SMS, bahasa sembang Internet dan bahasa rojak yang sering dipaparkan dalam komuniksi rasmi atau tidak rasmi di samping penggunaan bahasa yang tidak tepat dalam media cetak dan elektronik,” katanya.

    Beliau berkata demikian dalam teks ucapannya pada majlis pelancaran Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan 2011 Peringkat Negeri Sabah di Dewan Besar Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), dekat sini, kelmarin.

    Teks ucapannya disampaikan Timbalan Ketua Menteri merangkap Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Makanan Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin.

    Musa berkata, walaupun rakyat negara ini digalakkan menguasai seberapa banyak bahasa asing demi pemantapan ilmu namun, penguasaan bahasa kebangsaan tidak harus diketepikan.

    “Meskipun perubahan global sentiasa mendominasi perubahan semasa dalam negara namun usaha untuk mempertahankan kedudukan bahasa kebangsaan sebagai bahasa rasmi, ilmu dan bahasa perpaduan perlu terus dimartabatkan.

    “Dalam konteks ini, ia mesti ditangani dengan penuh kebijaksanaan menerusi penglibatan setiap peringkat masyarakat berbilang kaum, agama, bahasa dan budaya,” katanya.

    Beliau berkata, komunikasi yang tidak menitikberatkan penggunaan bahasa Melayu yang betul memperlihatkan sikap pengguna bahasa yang tidak mengambil berat kepentingan untuk menguasai kemahiran berbahasa.

    “Jika ia tidak ditangani, kecenderungan ini akan membudaya dalam masyarakat. Oleh itu, usaha untuk membentuk generasi muda yang mencintai bahasa dan khazanah budaya perlu lahir terlebih dahulu dalam kelompok keluarga masing-masing.

    “Usaha memantapkan penguasaan dan kemahiran berbahasa boleh dikembangkan dan dikukuhkan melalui pemupukan minat membaca dan komunikasi tidak rasmi dalam anggota keluarga,” katanya.

    Sehubungan itu Musa menyeru semua pihak sama ada secara individu, institusi kekeluarga, institusi politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya agar sentiasa memberikan sokongan padu kepada perjuangan dan tanggungjawab untuk memantapkan penggunaan dan kemahiran berbahasa dalam kalangan rakyat di pelbagai peringkat.

    “Saya menyeru semua pihak agar menjalin kerjasama dengan DBP Cawangan Sabah dalam usaha untuk memartabatkan bahasa dan sastera kebangsaan,” katanya.

    Musa berkata, usaha untuk memperkasakan bahasa kebangsaan menjadi fokus penting dalam pembinaan dan pembentukan negara bangsa.

    “Ia bersandarkan kedudukan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa rasmi negara seperti yang termaktub dalam Fasal 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan 1967, Akta Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka 1956, Akta Pelajaran 1961 yang berasaskan Penyata Razak 1956 dan Laporan Rahman Talib 1960 serta Akta Pendidikan 1996.

    “Kesemua akta ini menekankan serta menegaskan penggunaan dan kepentingan bahasa kebangsaan dalam mencorak negara bangsa yang berasaskan acuan kita sendiri,” katanya.

    Musa turut merakamkan penghargaan kepada DBP yang sentiasa komited memartabatkan bahasa dan sastera kebangsaan ke arah pembinaan negara bangsa seiring dengan gagasan 1Malaysia.

    “Semoga usaha ini akan mengukuhkan satu jenama Malaysia yang menunjangi jati diri rakyat negara ini dalam pembinaan dan pembentukan negara bangsa Malaysia, mengikut acuan sendiri menerusi penguasaan dan memartabatkan bahasa kebangsaan kita,” katanya.

    Turut hadir Ketua Pengarah DPB Malaysia Datuk Tarmuzi Abd Aziz, Panglima Wilayah Laut 2, Laksamana Muda Datuk Anuwi Hassan, Ketua Kluster Sejarah Warisan dan Sosial Budaya Majlis Profesor Negara Prof Datuk Dr.Zainal Kling dan Pengarah DBP Cawangan Sabah Zubaidi Abas.

  12. What kind of education system is this? Please don't simply change it. If you want to have a good education in M'sia, learn from the best. Don't just apply this and that system because you want to make it easy for your 'group'.

  13. Murid2 ini bukan bahan eksperimen.

  14. the govt should learn more from advance country about how they manage their education system..

  15. Rata-ratanya semua mempersalahkan sistem pendidikan di Malaysia. sebenarnya bagaimana yang terbaik?

  16. nampaknya ada juga yang tak berpuas hati dengan pelajar yang tak boleh bertutur dalam BI dengan baik.

  17. Malaysia university attract a lot of foreign student from china, indonesia, myamar, india who can't even speak and understand english because of MONEY, MONEY and MONEY!

    All the graduates from UMS can't even speak english but I wonder how they pass their exam?

  18. bila dibuat dalam BI ada juga yang membantah, bila dibuat dalam BM pun ada juga yang membantah..

  19. yang sedihnya, ada orang sibuk memperjuangkan BI, tapi cakap BM pun dia tunggang langgang..tapi mengaku pula rakyat Malaysia..apa pun, sebaiknya jika kita mampu menguasai kedua-dua bahasa..

  20. Yang sedihnya, banyak graduan dari universiti tempatan tidak pandai cakap BI. Tidak dapat cari rezeki di luar negara kecuali jadi jaguh kampung.

    Mereka tidak dapat juga masuk syarikat swasta sebab tidak pandai BI.

    Kerajaan UMNO lah yang ambil mereka sampai negara kita mempunyai kaki tangan kerajaan yang paling banyak di rantau asia walaupun negara kita dengan populasi yang sikit jika dibandingkan dengan Indonesia, Thailand dan Vietnam.

    Dalam accounting, kumpulan ini digelar "a LONG TERM LIABILITY" kepada kerajaan Malaysia.

  21. Pelajar bukannya ujikaji untuk kementerian pelajaran. Kalau asyik bertukar-tukar bahasa dalam pembelajaran Math dan sains ini akan menyebabkan pelajar keliru dan binggung.

  22. Sebaiknya kerajaan melakukan rancangan pendidikan dalam jangka yang lama. Baru berkesan penggunaan bahasa English ini.
