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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Under fire Musa holds out olive branch

Joseph Bingkasan

Westcoast warlord Lajim Ukin's outburst against Sabah Umno chief Musa Aman has rattled the latter.

KOTA KINABALU: Musa Aman is in damage control mode as the bitter in-fighting under his leadership has flared once again in Sabah Umno and the state Barisan Nasional.

In a hasty call for calm after Umno supreme council member Lajim Ukin said last week he was seeking a meeting with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to register his lack of confidence in the top leadership of Sabah Umno, the normally reticent Sabah Chief Minister said he wished to “mend fences” for the good of the coalition.

He said he had no intention of politically taking down any leaders of Sabah Umno or leaders of the other BN component parties in the state and, if there were differences, he was ready to discuss these with them.

Musa also reiterated that he had and will never look down on any BN leaders in the state.

He said he valued cooperation from all leaders of the coalition government in Sabah, adding that as the state Umno head, his “door is always open if there is any problem involving leaders. Come and discuss and together we will solve any problem.”

Speaking during a function in Beaufort, the constituency under the sway of Lajim, on Sunday, Musa said there must be respect and honesty among leaders.

He said the struggle is for the party and coalition, and not individuals.

Not naming any particular leader, the state BN chief said he believed the people of Sabah are politically matured and could tell without fail which leader “is telling the truth and which one is not”.

“If there is something that you feel not satisfied about, just come and see me. I will try to help where I can.

“It is always important and incumbent upon all leaders to continue to uphold the spirit of consensus in our action,”
he said.

Observers noted that Musa was obviously referring to several Sabah Umno leaders who are not in his camp and particularly Lajim, a force within Sabah Umno, who is also the federal Housing and Local Government Deputy Minister.

After months of speculation that all was not well between Lajim and Musa, the Beaufort MP came out in the open to say that Musa was only looking after his own interests when managing the state.

He also said he had been told that he would not be selected or given the opportunity to defend his seat in the next general election.

Umno leaders chide Lajim

The outspoken attack that came after months of rumour and speculation forced Musa to hold out an olive branch to those aligned against him during a function at his alma mater SK Mempagar within the Beaufort parliamentary constituency.

Meanwhile, several Sabah Umno leaders chided Lajim for his outburst against Musa.

Yahya Hussin, Putatan divisional head, said Lajim’s criticism of Musa was an indication that he was about to ditch Umno.

“This could only come from a person who is ready to cross to the other side and becoming a traitor,” said Yahya, who is a Deputy Chief Minister.

Sabah Umno treasurer and Tuaran divisional chairman Hajiji Mohd Noor said his division felt hurt by what Lajim had said of the chief minister and led his division in declaring full support for Musa to continue leading the state government, Sabah Umno and state BN.

Kota Belud Umno head Salleh Tun Said said leaders must be sincere by wholeheartedly working hand-in-hand with all leaders and not just a selected few or their own circle of friends.

“One must not put one leg inside BN or Umno, and the other outside for this will mean that at any time this kind of leaders will jump ship for their convenience or self-comfort. Both legs must be in one place,” the State Legislative Assembly speaker told FMT.

This is the second time a senior leader in the Sabah BN coalition has questioned Musa’s leadership.

More than a year ago, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) also criticised the chief minister for allowing those believed to be close to him to do a hatchet job on BN members who were not subservient to him.

Lajim helped hasten the downfall of Parti Bersatu Sabah government in 1994 when he quit and joined Umno.


  1. musa & co. the dictatorship team and the parasite...shame on this team...

    1. In fact the oppositions are even more shameful!

    2. Opposition also could be the same.

    3. Pembangkang memang suka cari pasal, pasal mereka nak cari publisiti murah.

    4. Biasa lah pembangkang, apa2 pun mereka akan jadikan isu hanya semata2 untuk menaikkn nama mereka.

  2. akhirnya semua usaha musa akan menjadi sia2 juga...memang ramai dalam UMNO yang sudah muak dengan perangai kuku besi orang ini...orang ini lah yang akhirnya membawa kemusnahan kepada legasi UMNO di Sabah..harap cepat2 buat usul pengunduran orang ini dari jawatan pengerusi perhubungan sekarang...sokong Lajim kerana berani bersuara...tahniah Lajim..

    1. Lajim berani bersuara kerana dia mahu lompat sudah...

    2. ya kah? berapa ramai yang muak? ada kumpul tandatangan sudah kah?

    3. memang sangat ramai ahli yang muak dengan Musa..tersangat ramai hingga sukar untuk digambarkan..

    4. Being bold and honest is not easy. You'll be slammed and threaten. But after all, any of them is free to make decision for their life.

    5. Ramai yang muak dengan Musa, tapi jangan lupa masih ramai juga yang akan suka dan sokong Musa.

    6. Its an obvious sign that lajim is quitting BN soon to join PKR.

    7. Let him choose what he believes in.

    8. Datuk Musa tetap akan menjadi pilihan rakyat.

    9. Siapa yang muak dengan Datuk Musa?? jangan lah pandai2... kalau bukan kerana beliau, Sabah tidak akan membangun seperti sekarang.

    10. Terasa lajim akan melompat parti.

  3. Lajim knew his position in BN is swayed and now he's trying to gain attention.

    1. He already resigned his post, but still have no intention of leaving the party, no idea what his next move will be.

    2. Lajim sebenarnya ada niat nak jadi KM. tapi dia tidak brjaya. .dulu dia pernah jadi TKM saja.

    3. Lajim akan menjadi liabiliti kepada UMNO di sabah...tujuan dia belum mahu keluar ialah untuk memecah belahkan perpaduan di kalangan ahli UMNO..sudah pecah, baru dia lompat..jadi pasti akan ada yang ikut dia lompat juga kalau sudah pecah belah..

    4. Lajim kempunan jadi KM sabah bah...dia cemburu tengok musa aman yang berjaya dan cemerlang selaku KM sabah...pasal tu lah dia cakap begini..

    5. yang jadi liabilti UMNO adalah musa dan kroninya, bukan Lajim, kenapa Lajim dituduh sebagai liabiliti sedangkan beliau sedang berusaha mempertahankan UMNO...?

    6. Ahh, Lajim should just surrender and leave the place.

    7. Lajim is an attention seeker. seeking for attention to gain support from people to prepare his jump to another party. Im sure that is his plan.

    8. What for want attention when he himself is not relevant anymore to rakyat?

    9. Lajim, stop being dramatic. You're still a MP by the way.

    10. Lajim mungkin ada cita2 mau jadi KM.. itu sebab beliau banyak cakap.

    11. Musa akan buat terbaik untuk lajim terus bersama BN.

    12. Lajim pasti ada agenda yang lebih besar untuk dirinya sendiri.

  4. He better quit from BN,he only will create tension among the other members.

    1. Lajim jadi gunting dalam lipatan..mungkin ini taktik politiknya sebelum melompat...buat kacau dulu..

    2. Lajim dituduh sebagai gunting dalam lipatan sedangkan Musa sebagai tukul pemecah UMNO dilihat sebelah mata saja..

    3. Politics. After all, politics is all about I'm right and you're wrong.

    4. Isu Lajim ni makin popular pula. Tapi bagi saya biarlah Lajim buat apa dia nak, yang penting rakyat dapat menilai senario ini dengan bijak semuanya pasti OK tu.

    5. most probably he purposely create tension among the other members in order to split them up.

    6. It is as if that Lajim is working for a particular opposition party to bring down Musa through BN/UMNO.

    7. just because media say Lajim gonna jump ship, it is not surprise if Musa supporter accuse Lajim working for the opposition..

    8. Lajim did not work for opposition, Lajim said the opposition spread rumors that he will jump ship to ruin his relationship with UMNO and cause the party leaders to lose confidence in him. Just because the opposition wanted Lajim to cross over to their party. How desperate is PKR?

    9. At the moment, Lajim said he has no intention to leave UMNO yet, even though he has resigned his position in the party.

    10. Sepatutnya Lajim tidak payahlah berkias sangat. Sudah nyata yang beliau ada motif tersendiri di sebalik kenyataan2 beliau yang berbaur kontroversi.

    11. Beliau sudah diberi penghargaan takkan nak paha lagi?

    12. Jika ada masalah dalaman, lebih baik bawa berbincang, tidak payah keluarkan keyataan yang boleh menyebab rakyat hilang kepercayaan kepada Datuk Musa.

    13. Tiada guna mempertahankan anggota parti seperti Lajim. biar dia dengan haluannya sendiri.

  5. musa harus sedar kekuatan parti terletak pada ahlinya bukan pada rakan-rakan dan kroni saja..musa bertanggungjawab keatas keretakan yang berlaku dalam UMNO sekarang kerana sikap pilih kasih dalam kepimpinannya, tindakan datuk lajim bersuara bersesuaian dengan prinsip parti iaitu mendahulukan ahli bukan rakan dan kroni saja....keberanian Lajim bersuara harus disanjung demi keutuhan dalam sistem parti pada masa akan datang...

    1. Musa mendapat sokongan Salleh. selain itu, ramai lagi pemimpin yang memberi sokongan penuh kepada Musa. Musa mmg mendapat sokongan dari pelbagai lapisan.

    2. memang musa tahu...tidak payahlah si Lajim mengajar itik berenang...

    3. Lajim helped hasten the downfall of Parti Bersatu Sabah government in 1994 when he quit and joined UMNO.


      mungkin Lajim cuba buat taktik ini semula..

    4. woi mantera, kalu mau tau itulah team kuku besi Muus...hah..

    5. He has make a great effort in preserving the unity in the party so why we have to argue over that?

    6. this is all lajim strategy to bring down Musa through BN for a "particular Party".

    7. another wild accusation against Lajim...

    8. The opposition must be feeling desperate because Datuk Musa Aman's leadership is getting more stable nowadays. This threatens their chances to take over Sabah during the next GE.

    9. Lajim sapa yang sokong dia? mcm tiada ja.. huhu.

    10. That's why Musa kept on reminding the people to vote for the best and be in unity.

    11. Sokongan rakyat kepada Musa tidak akan kurang.

  6. Tertanya-tanya juga diriku, mampukah Musa mengekalkan kedudukannya next GE nanti:P

    1. semua terpulang kepada undian rakyat. Saya pasti rakyat akan undi dengan bijak.

    2. ramai yang menyokong Musa.. pasti dia dpt pertahankan kedudukannya.

    3. Yang pasti, Musa akan menang dalam PRU13 ni.

    4. I believe the people are able to make the right choice.

    5. Tunggu sajalah lepas PRU nanti.

  7. Keadaan sekarang ni agak rancak dengan isu-isu negatif yang dilemparkan terhadapnya. Entah mampu kah tak, Musa meyakinkan rakyat.

    1. beginilah politik, yang penting rakyat dapat menilai prestasi yang ditunjukkan selama ini.

    2. Politik ini macam2 ada, masing2 cuba mau menonjolkan diri, tapi Lajim ni, terlebih pula, langsung tidak menghormati Datuk Musa.

  8. Bagaimanapun, semuanya terpulang pada rakyat untuk buat keputusna dan membuat pilihan yang terbaik. Kepada Musa, all the best.

    1. I believe the people know what is best for them.

    2. Harap rakyat tau menilai mana yang betul dan mana yang salah.

  9. instead of causing unwanted internal issues, Lajim should resolve the matter personally with Musa.

    1. There is no problem between Lajim and Musa actually. Lajim is just jealous with Musa Aman because he never had a chance to be Chief Minister.

    2. I would also say that Lajim is upset with UMNO because there are rumors that the top party leaders will drop him from being appointed as candidate during the next general elections.

    3. That's why Musa said he is willing to sit down and have a chat with them.

    4. If Lajim is a professional leader, he will settle the problem personally with MA.

  10. Maybe Lajim should just jump to PKR if he is no longer supporting BN/UMNO.

    1. Lajim support BN/UMNO but not to Musa and his cronies...

    2. Lajim still have no intention to leave UMNO even though he has resigned his position. He said, resignation does not mean leaving the party.

    3. I don't think PKR will offer him a better place and he will be ripped off as MP.

    4. Kalau tidak sehaluan, lebih baik menyertai parti yang bersefahaman.

    5. I think he will do it later.

  11. Datuk Musa said his doors are always open for any Barisan leaders who are facing problems and needed to discuss it with him. This shows that Datuk Musa is willing to work together with leaders to resolve problems and difficulties.

  12. Even if Datuk Musa Aman holds out olive branch, it only means that he is willing to make right what is wrong to maintain the peace within the party instead of having internal conflict like some opposition parties.

    1. True. Face the problem, not avoiding it.

  13. I believe the people in Sabah know that unlike the opposition, BN makes and keeps their promises

    1. serahkan saja kepada untuk buat pilihan mereka.

  14. choose a government that is truly sincere and able to protect the rights and welfare of the people.

    1. Jangan mudah sangat percaya dengan janji2 pembangkang.

    2. The people knew who is the best choice for them, vote wisely during the next general elections.

    3. Make sure that no regret after the GE. 4 years more to wait if you make wrong decision.

  15. I think Lajim has no principal and stance. Why was he suddenly talk bad things about Datuk Musa, since all this while he been very supportive to Datuk Musa.

    Datuk Yahya has made a statement on this issue, He said that why does Lajim want to change the leadership, especially when the election is coming. Datuk Yahya also said that Datuk Musa has the capabilities to lead in the coming General Election and continue his position as Umno Chief.

    There must be something in Lajim's mind and i am sure it must be something bad. The people in every division must be know well how datuk Musa lead the state as CM. He got his every guts to make a very best decision just only to make sure that the people get exactly what they want. People should not give up on Datuk Musa as he also did not give up to bring development in Sabah.

    1. Because Lajim knew his position in BN is no longer strong therefore in an act of revenge, he wanted to bring Datuk Musa down with him.

  16. Lajim got his point...Musa dividing umno leadership and supporter.....he is iron claw.

    1. Mana ada, Lajim sendiri yang siok sendiri baini. Pembangkang barulah berpecah-pecah sekarang.

    2. There is no internal conflict in the party, Lajim does not count because the top party leaders have decided to drop him anyway. He is as good as out.

  17. Lajim, once a backstabber will always be a backstabber.

    1. Sudahlah, Lajim sudah meletak jawatan. Bila-bila masa Lajim akan keluar dari BN. Mereka yang sudah mahu jalan, biarlah mereka jalan.

  18. dalam politik ada yang suka dan ada yang tidak terhadap seseorang pemimpin itu.

  19. rakyat pasti tahu juga pemimpin mana yang sebenarnya berjasa kepada mereka.

  20. bila sudah jadi pemimpin, akan ada saja yang berusaha untuk menjatuhkan.

  21. sebarang isu pasti ada penyelesaiannya, asalkan semua mengutamakan kebaikan bersama.

  22. bila jadi pemimpin ada saja tuduhan yang dikenakan..apa pun, rakyat pasti dapat nilai sendiri apa yang pemimpin telah lakukan untuk mereka.

  23. Biasa lah, bukan senag nak senangkan hati semua pihak. Begitu juga musa, pasti ada saja yang tidak puas hati dengan beliau walaupun beliau sudah buat yang terbaik.

  24. Bagi saya kepimpinan Datuk Musa yang terbaik.

  25. Its all about political interest.

  26. The people are brilliant enough to judge.

  27. Musa has contribute a great development for Sabah. Im sure the majority still please with him.

  28. Kenapa pula Lajim letak jawatan jika tidak beringin untuk keluar dari UMNO?

  29. Ada juga pihak memainkan isu Lajim. Lajim harus membuktikan diri khas golongan yang masih menyokong beliau.

  30. Lajim harus teruskan usaha untuk memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat tidak kira beliau masih bersama UMNO atau tidak.

  31. Lajim akan memberi kejutan rasanya.

  32. Jika apa yang kita dengar dari mulut orang lain rasanya tidak ada faktanya dengan semua itu. Maka alangkah baik jika kita tunggu penjelasan daripada Datuk Lajim sendiri.

  33. Tidak hairan juga ada pihak memainkan isu ini. Ini bagi melemahkan pemimpin-pemimpin yang kuat di Sabah ini. Maka dengan cara sebegini baru mampu melemahkannya mereka.

    1. dalangnya adalah Anwar.. tidak mustahil serangan dari dalam ini sengaja dirancang oleh Anwar untuk melemahkan BN Sabah dengan menggunakan Lajim.. Lajim tidak risau dipergunakan kerana beliau telah dijanjikan jawatan penting dalam pakatan dan telah ada platform yang menanti beliau sekiranya dipecat..

  34. Apa pun Datuk Lajim masih lagi bersama dengan kerajaan BN. Beliau belum lagi memberikan apa-apa mengenai keluar daripada BN. Jadi kita tunggu pekembangan seterusnya mengenai perkara ini.

    1. nasib baik la beliau berada dalam BN.. kalau beliau dalam Pakatan, awal2 lagi beliau kena pecat.. maklumlah, pakatan kan menyekat kebebasan bersuara..

  35. dikhabarkan si Lajim ada berjumpa dengan Anwar sebelum ini kan.. tidak mustahil dalam perjumpaan itu Anwar telah menjanjikan Lajim jawatan TPM sebagaimana yang dijanjikan Anwar kepada YTL dulu.. dan sebagai balasan, Anwar minta Lajim membuat huru hara dalam BN Sabah sebelum keluar meninggalkan nparti itu..
