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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pictures and Video of Police Brutality on Bersih 3.0

Bersih 3.0 rally supposedly a peaceful Sit-in procession joined by hundreds of thousands Malaysians who voluntarily came out to protest against for the Injustice, the Unfairness of the Malaysian election system and its process...and electoral fraud by the   authorities concerned and in cahoots with the government of the day.

What we are now observing the pictures which showed a thousand words....of how our own citizens were handled as if they were criminals.

They are simply exercising their RIGHTS and showing the world that There is something wrong with our Electoral System....


  1. i dont know what to think..... very sad

    1. Look at the bright side, Sabah side. We have the best Bersih Rally thanks to the DBKK and KK police.

  2. BN-sponsored police brutality at its best.

    1. Banyak andaian dibuat. Tidakj tahu siapa yang benar.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Tiada tau mana yang betul, mungkin polis hanya menjalankan tugas mereka .

    4. Polis tidak harus bertindak begitu keras terhadap rakyat.

    5. bila sudah berlaku pekara seperti ini semua pun saling menyalahkan. tiada pun yang mengaku bertanggungjawab termasuklah pihak penganjur.

    Check ni website. Macam mau cari pasal suda ni Pilak2.

    Tdk lama lagi kita jdi Negara Tausung suda

  5. lagi lama bn memerintah..lagi ramai rakyat rasa tertekan sarahidup harian..lagi mudah rakyat merasa ingin berhimpun bantah..

  6. Ini pula yang berlaku di Sabah, jauh berbeza dengan Semenanjung:

    Police thank participants for peaceful rally

    KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib said no untoward incident occurred during the Bersih 3.0 rally which was held in the city here on Saturday.

    He disclosed that although the participants, who included members of several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and opposition parties had gathered at an unapproved location, they had given their good cooperation during the gathering.

    “It was different with the situation in Kuala Lumpur. The Bersih 3.0 rally here was held without any rioting and untoward incidents,” he said, adding that no arrest was made during the rally held at Padang Merdeka here.

    He said this showed that the community, especially the participants of the rally, had complied with the instructions from the police.

    “I want to thank those involved in the rally for giving good cooperation,” he said during a press conference at the district police station here yesterday.

    Also present was city police chief ACP Ahmad Sofi Zakaria.

    He said about 500 people gathered at the Padang Merdeka as early as 11am before dispersing about 4.30pm.

    According to him, the Putatan mini stadium was offered as an alternative place for the organizers to hold the rally as Padang Merdeka was being used for the City Safe programme organized by City Hall the same day.

    He said the participants, however, continued with their plan to use Padang Merdeka as the venue for the gathering.

    Hamza denied that the City Safe programme was held to prevent participants of Bersih 3.0 from gathering at Padang Merdeka.

    He said no gathering was organised at any other district in the state except in Tawau but it was also held in a good manner.

    Meanwhile, Hamza said the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 came into operation on April 23, which allows any parties to organise and participate in assemblies but they must comply with the law.

    On Saturday, Bersih 3.0 supporters had earlier gathered at Suria Sabah Shopping Mall and Asia City Complex as early as 9am.

    The two groups, consisting of Bersih Sabah (Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections) and Anti-Lynas group Himpunan Hijau, then made their way to the courthouse before marching together to Padang Merdeka with banners and placards calling for a cleaner electoral process.

    Also taking part in the rally were members and leaders from PAS, DAP and SAPP as well as representatives from several youth associations, student bodies and NGOs.

    Read more:

    1. Tahniah kepada pihak polis Kota Kinabalu kerana menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan para peserta Bersih Sabah, kita mengucapkan terima kasih dengan seikhlas hati kerana memastikan perhimpunan Bersih ini kekal aman.

    2. Nasib baik perhimpunan di Sabah tidak jadi seperti ini.Pihak polis di Sabah telah menjalankan tugas mereka dengan baik.


    Dear ACP Ahmad Sofi Zakaria,

    TO THE KK police force, we would like to give you our deepest thanks for your kind professionalism on the BERSIH Sabah event on the 28th April 2012.

    We all value the safety of the residents of KK area, and we highly appreciated that the KK police force respected our Constitutional rights to assembly peacefully on that day, especially since we had cooperated by providing notice of our intended assembly.

    We have received many comments by fellow participants who appreciated the professionalism by the KK police force, particularly in assisting in traffic control, and this simple act has made many Sabahans proud of their state.

    We especially thank the Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib for his kind words as reported by the Daily Express, on April 30th, 2012: “They [the BERSIH Sabah organizers & participants) have been co-operative and complied with the law throughout the sit-in…”

    We sincerely hope that such positive cooperation between KK police force and assembly organizers will continue to be embraced as to bring improved peace and safety to all people residing in Kota Kinabalu, and seeking to express their Constitutional rights.

    Please accept this special thank you for guidance and protection. We know that your jobs are not easy; and the hours long. We thus appreciate your hard work and professional approach.

    Best wishes,


    1. I'm proud of our fellow Sabahan Bersih Participators for wiling to cooperate with the KK police force to have a harmonious and peaceful rally April 23rd. Special thanks to the DBKK and the police who ensure the safety of the participants.

  8. cuba lihat di Sabah, dia berjalan aman saja, peserta dgn polis bergambar bersama-sama lagi.
    keamanan yang terdapat di Sabah harus dicontohi oleh orang Malaya. bukan nak buat huru hara.

    1. Sangat menakutkan keadaan di semenanjung.harap kejadian ini tidak akan berulang lagi.

  9. Di KL tu, polis yang lebih2 mcm tiada sekolah ja, belasah orang mcm stail negara arab. Polis yang menyamar sebagai participant yang menunjukkan sifat agresif/ganas supaya imej bersih 3.0 tercemar.

  10. One word, BARBARIC.

  11. Kenapa perhimpunan yang tenang diakhiri sebegini? Siapakah yang harus bertanggung jawab?

    1. penganjur Bersih patut bertanggungjawab kerana gagal mengawal peserta2 perhimpunan dan gagal mengadakan perhimpunan 'Duduk'..

    2. Penganjur yang harus bertanggungjawab.

    3. Mungkin kita harus tengok keadaan secara mendalam. Its not that simple.

  12. Kezaliman terhadap rakyat sendiri, satu keadaan yang amat mengecewakan.

    1. siapa yang memulakan semua ini kalau bukan penganjur2 Bersih dan parti politik pembangkang?? mereka telahpun menjangkakan keganasan seperti ini.. sebab itu juru kamera mereka telah bersedia mengambil gambar di semua sudut..

    2. Lebih banyak jangan anjurkan lagi perhimpunan seperti ini, sangat membahayakan rakyat.penganjur harus bertangungjawab.

  13. Perhimpunan sebegini harus mengutamakan keselamatan.

    1. Jika perhimpunan ini dianjur oleh BN, tidak tahu adakah insiden yang sama akan terjadi?

  14. Sabah Bersih jauh lebih aman dan selamat berbanding semenanjung.

  15. syabas kepada penganjur Bersih kerana berjaya melaga2kan 'perisai' mereka dengan pihak polis sehingga ramai antara mereka terlantar di hospital..

    1. sudah jelas perhimpunan seperti ini lebih banyak buruk dari baik.

  16. Ambiga lepas tangan bila ramai yang cedera.. yang penting dia selamat.. dia tahu keganasan seperti ini akan berlaku kerana dia sendiri tidak mampu mengawal tindak tanduk semua peserta2 Bersih..

    1. kalau sudah terlampau ramai, memang keadaan boleh menjadi tidak terkawal.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. ei how come there is a white man being arrested? He looks more like a tourist then a Bersih participant. See pic 8.

  19. Even with these pictures shown, i find it difficult to believe that the polices beat the people without any reason.

    1. Were the police officers provoked by the bersih participant which make them acted that way ?? We need to hear both side of the story.

    2. We can't judge by just few pieces of the pictures. Can't really tell who is right or wrong.

  20. Why can't the peninsular malaysia be more like Sabah in terms of cooperating with the police force in order to have a harmonious and peaceful rally.

  21. Problems couldn't be solve through aggressiveness. It usually ends bad for both side.

    1. jika ada yang ingin disuarakan, gunakan lah cara yang aman.

  22. Nobody expect such gathering end up hurting.

  23. Motive bersih indeed encouraging, there must be some reason behind such case.

  24. perhimpunan yang terlalu ramai memang sukar dikawal dan banyak menimbulkan kesan negatif.

  25. Kesian juga pada mereka yang dilayan macam tu..

  26. Lebih baik Bersih menerima saja stadium Bukit Jalil untuk berhimpun, Lebih selamat

  27. Apa masalah yang dihadapi perlulah ditanggung sendiri. Sendiri mahu BERSIH maka suruh Ambiga bagi ubat.

  28. kenapa tidak masukkan sekali gambar2 peserta perhimpunan melakukan provokasi??

  29. peserta2 perhimpunan sepatutnya telah bersedia dari segi fizikal dan mental.. macam la mereka tidak tahu apa yang akan berlaku setiap kali perhimpunan haram yang penuh dengan provokasi dilaksanakan..

  30. yang peliknya, setiap kali perhimpunan Bersih dilancarkan, mesti Ambiga saja yang selamat tanpa sebarang kecederaan.. kenapa bukan beliau saja yang cedera parah?? jawapannya ialah, 250 ribu peserta perhimpunan itu adalah perisai beliau..
