By Mimi Chih
When Tunku Abdul Rahman decided to expel Singapore from the Federation of Malaya leading to the Independence of Singapore on August 9, 1965, the world did not expect this tiny island Republic with a population of 1.8 million then to stand tall as one of the original Four Asian Tigers, along with Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan 46 years later. Well, this Lion City has certainly ventured forth roaring all the way with a lion heart.
How does one measure the success of a country? To the people, it is reflected in their overall standard of living. Not every country is lucky enough to have a team of intelligent people whose passionate objectives drive them to make their country a better place to live – for everyone. Singapore is one such country. Today this island republic has one of the highest standard of living in South East Asia.
Which Malaysian could imagine that some 46 years after the split, Singapore’s exchange rate to the ringgit would hit a dizzying rate of RM2.41 (Nov 11, 2011)? August 1972 was the last time that the SGD (Singapore Dollar) was almost on par with the (RM) ringgit at SGD100:RM100.10. For an average wage earner in the Lion City making SGD2500 a month, going for a 10 days holiday to the US or Australia or Europe once a year is a relatively small matter.
What happened to Malaysia? In 1965 when Singapore was expelled, Malaysia had everything that the island republic glaringly lacked – ample land, a plethora of natural resources, an operating government, and 9.3 million people.
Unfortunately, in the 46 years that has come to past, Malaysia has been bogged down by a number of issues which are clearly distracting the government from doing what it is supposed to be doing.
The ruling government (UMNO) in Malaysia is debating whether education in English would be significantly beneficial to the rakyat, the opposition PAS’ vehement stance in wanting to forcibly implement the hudud laws and banning Elton John from performing in Malaysia because of his sexual orientation, and the Obedient Wives Club’s proposition that Muslim women should be obedient and strive to approach sex with their hubbies not just on a physical level but on the higher spiritual realm.
There are also questions posed to DAP’s national chairman Karpal Singh by MCA’s leader Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek whether a non-Muslim should first convert to Islam if they wanted to be deputy prime minister should Pakatan become the ruling government. These are just a handful of endless annoying issues which UMNO has had to deal with on a daily basis.
In 2011 Singapore’s population stands at 5.18 million (63% are Singaporean citizens while 37% are permanent residents). Malaysia’s population as at July 2011 is 28.73 million. Without getting into advanced mathematical calculations, one would deduce that economies of scale would be more achievable in the country that has 28.73 million people versus 5.18 million. This is not the case.
The cost of living is relative to the ability to earn. Lets establish the value of currency in terms of the wage rate (Malaysia does not have a Minimum Wage rate yet). In Singapore the average general worker such as a merchandiser in a supermarket /department store or the cashier serving you at Mc Donald’s earns SGD5.50 – 6.00 per hour. In Malaysia similar positions start at RM4 – 6 per hour.
But take a look at how much things cost in Malaysia. A kopi si peng costs SGD0.90 to SGD1.20 in clean kopi shops/food courts in Singapore while it costs RM1.80 to RM2.00 in Malaysia. A Chinese roasted duck costs SGD18-25 each . In Malaysia, at the market rate of RM48 per bird, eating roasted duck is a luxury.
As my niece, a 2 year Sunway College graduate with an Accounting degree and ACCA cert is fond of saying, “A person earning peanuts (SGD peanuts, OK) in Singapore can still afford to buy Peter Pan Honey Roasted Peanut Butter imported from the US. A Malaysian earning peanuts in Malaysia can’t even afford to smell any peanut butter.” She adds, “SGD10 in Singapore goes a lot further than RM10 in Malaysia!”
Needless to say, Malaysia has already lost her to the Lion City – talk about brain drain. More than 13 young Accounting graduates from her circle of friends have eagerly taken the same path.
How is it that the cost of so many basic foods and day to day consumable items end up being so much more expensive in Malaysia? Malaysian politicians need to start talking in a meaningful language to the people. For a start, they can talk in terms of bringing down the cost of foods and consumables in Malaysia while striving for a decent standard.
The rakyat will surely want to listen to the party that can talk sense about making their RM10 go further than at its current limpy and lethargic rate. It would be nice for average income earning Malaysians to be able to afford US made Peter Pan Honey Roasted Peanut Butter.
Forget the hudud laws for now. Being obedient wives is interesting…. but it’s not an urgent matter. Lets not fret on this issue. Why must a capable non-muslim candidate convert to Muslim to be the Deputy Prime Minister?
Would converting to Muslim make the candidate a better Deputy Prime Minister? Finally, do let Elton John dazzle the Malaysians for just one nite; he is not a terrorist. He is truly an accomplished, world class musician and entertainer.
What do you expect from stupid and incompetence party malaya umno government?
ReplyDeleteBrunei and Singapore No Party Malaya UMNO, that is why they progress and developed.
Sabah has UMNO, that is why we are Backward!
BN/UMNO are lanun from Indonesia.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Malaysia perlulah bijak menilai isu seperti ini dan janganlah mudah terpengaruh.
ReplyDeleteKita tunggulah PRU-13 untuk menentukannya.
ReplyDeleteMalaysia kena terus membangun dan maju seperti negara2 maju yang lain.
ReplyDeletesemoga semua isu2 yang timbul dpt diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteTidak payah la isu agama kalau ada isu politik.
ReplyDeleteGuess the people have to examine themselves what have gone wrong with themselves rather than just pointing fingers to the government.
ReplyDeleteAt times the people that carry out the project fail to deliver. The government meant good.
ini disebabkan masing2 sibuk menjaga kepentingan sendiri..orang lain ditolak ke tepi..
ReplyDeletesekarang PM menekankan konsep 1Malaysia dalam semua aspek...ianya bagus untuk rakyat dan negara sekiranya dapat direalisasikan..namun bukan semua rakyat menerima konsep ini kerana merasakan kepentingan mereka tergugat..disebabkan pentingkan diri sendiri maka pembangunan bergerak dengan perlahan..kerajaan harus memperkukuhkan lagi strategi merapatkan jurang antara kaum dan kawasan..
ReplyDeletedengan pelbagai program pembangunan dan pembaikan yang telah dirancang oleh kerajaan dengan sokongan dari semua pihak, pasti malaysia akan dapat membangun dengan lebih maju dan misi wawasan 2020 dapat direalisasikan..
ReplyDeletepasal apa jua yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan untuk pembangunan pasti akan dipolitikan oleh sesetengah pihak khasnya pembangkang..
ReplyDeletemalaysia akan terus membangun..tidak payah lah membezakan dengan singapura disebabkan banyak perbezaan yang harus diambil kira seperti ideologi politik, latar belakang penduduk, demografi penduduk, keadaan geografi dan lain2..yang penting kerajaan terus komited membangunkan negara.
ReplyDeleteDid Tunku Abdul Rahman 'expel' Singapore or did Singapore 'exit' by themselves?
ReplyDeleteyang penting semua harus terus berusaha untuk menjadikan Malaysia lebih membangun.
ReplyDeletesemoga Malaysia akan menjadi lebih membangun dan terus maju ke hadapan.
ReplyDeleteJealous indeed...sometimes i think Sabah should really be independent.
ReplyDeleteHope one day Malaysia will become just like Singapore.
ReplyDeleteBanyak orang hanya pentingkan sendiri, tak akan berubahlah macam ini.
ReplyDeleteSebab Singapore mengutamakan rakyat dan perkembangan ekonomi. Tambahan tiada "descrimination". Ini lar menyebabakan Singapore lebih maju.
ReplyDeleteMalaysia harus mengenalpasti usaha Lee Kuan Yew. Kenapa beliau boleh dan Malaysia tidak? Tambahan, Malaysia kaya dengan sumber alam semulajadi seperti minyak, gas, kelapa sawait, getah dll, masih kami tidak bermaju seperti Singapura. Terjadi juga negeri Sabah, sumber alam semulajadi banyak, tetap menjadi negeri termiskin, apakah sebabnya?
ReplyDeleteBukan tidak mungkin untuk maju seperti Singapura, banyak kagi kena usaha. Isu rasuah juga tidak dapat ditanggani, masalah projek IC, sistem pendidikan yang tidak stabil dll.
ReplyDeleteMalaysia heading backwards not forwards. Let see our current education system then you will know why?
ReplyDeleteAgama tidak harus berkaitkan dengan politik. Jika ingin bermaju, harus berfikiran lebih terbuka. Generasi muda yang berpendidikan memainkan peranan yang penting.
ReplyDeleteHistory is never meant to be changed.
ReplyDeleteWe learn from history to kick party malaya out from Sabah in ge13
ReplyDeleteYang baik kami amalkan, yang tidak baik, kami belajar dari kesalahan.
ReplyDelete"The ruling government (UMNO) in Malaysia is debating whether education in English would be significantly beneficial to the rakyat"
ReplyDeleteSistem pendidikan Malaysia memang mengelirukan golongan murid. Seharus kerajaan membuat kajian sebelum melaksanakannya. Pembelajaran bahsa English memang baik khas untuk generasi yang akan datang, tetapi yang merisaukan, adakah guru English ini cukup berkelayakan?
Berbanding dengan Singapura, Malaysia banyak lagi kena usaha. Sebuah negeri kecil yang berkebolehan menjadi tumpuan dunia, pasti ada keunikan yang harus kami pelajari.
ReplyDelete"Forget the hudud laws for now. Being obedient wives is interesting…. but it’s not an urgent matter. Lets not fret on this issue. Why must a capable non-muslim candidate convert to Muslim to be the Deputy Prime Minister? "
ReplyDeletePelaksanaan hudud bukan satu cara yang bijak sebenarnya, harus dipertimbangkan. I don see the need to convert to muslim just to be the Prime Minister. Always believe "we need a capable" person to run the country.
Leading or opposition party needed to open their heart and mind to accept new and more change. Let more younger generation to take part, such group of people able to contribute more idea and thinking that we may neglected.
ReplyDeleteKhairul has left a new comment on your post "Malaysians Getting Ripped Off":
ReplyDeleteBerbanding dengan Singapura, Malaysia banyak lagi kena usaha. Sebuah negeri kecil yang berkebolehan menjadi tumpuan dunia, pasti ada keunikan yang harus kami pelajari.
The reason is simple!!!!!
Singapore don't has stupid and racist UMNO!
Malaya and Sabah have UMNO that cause the influx of PTI to Sabah and became the poorest in malaysia.
Without UMNO, Sabah akan maju jaya!
We should move forward.
ReplyDeleteLakukan semua dengan hati ikhlas.
ReplyDeleteSaya tidak tahu lagi nak komen apa tentang perkara ni selain mengahrapkan rakyat masing-maisng membuat penilaian sendiri.
ReplyDeleteNak korek sedalam mana pun hal yang sudah berlalu tidak ada gunanya jika setiap individu tidak mempunyai keazaman kukuh utk maju ke hadapan.
ReplyDeleteSemuanya hanya akan bertambah kusut jika asyik pandang ke belakang tanpa tahu apa yang perlu di buat.
ReplyDeleteJadi sebaiknyalah masing-masing harus tepuk dada tanya selera. Tak payah bising buat saja apa yang patut next GE nanti.
ReplyDeleteApapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.
ReplyDeletekalau mahu maju macam singapore, apa yang ada di singapore patut ada di Malaysia.. jangan komplen atau membantah..
ReplyDeleteJika tiada UMNO di Sabah, Sabah akan MAJU JAYA.
ReplyDeleteUMNO yang menyebabkan Sabah dibanjiri oleh PENDATANG HARAM.
UMNO yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi TERMISKIN di Malaysia.
UMNO mesti dihancurkan di Sabah dalam PRU13.
Macam mana mahu maju kalau malar sana sini rasuah??
ReplyDeleteNo use throwing tantrum if it falls on deaf ears.
ReplyDeletekalau Sabah keluar dari Malaysia tiada dalam fikiran saya bahawa ia akan maju setanding dengan Singapore.
ReplyDeleteapapun, segala kelebihan yang ada pada sesebuah negara seperti Singapore perlu dijadikan contoh dan teladan. yang kurang di negara kita pula perlu diperbaiki dan diusahakan.
ReplyDeleteAlangkah baiknya kalau negara kita ini tidak ada Pembangkang..Jika ada masalah buat perbincangan dan cari jalan penyelesaian.
ReplyDeleteJangan bandingkan negara kecil dan negara yang luas..Kalau mahu bandingkan cuba bandingkan dengan negara jiran yang lain. Mestilah Singapore maju kalau negara kecil dan senang diurus. Malaysia cuba lihat sendiri? Dari perlis hingga ke Sabah..Beberapa besar dengan Singapore..
ReplyDeleteInilah kebodohan orang UMNO macam welson diatas.
ReplyDeleteMalaysia banyak hasil bumi sampai trillion tetapi semua masuk pocket umno sebab RASUAH!!!! Singapore teda apa2 pun tapi lebih maju dari Malaysia sebab ada kapala otak.
Pemimpin umno bodoh dan kuat RASUAH! Allahku tahu. Jangan kamu tembirang lagi.
The people needs to make the best decision regarding this, don't be easily fooled.