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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hiew confirmed linkage through own admission

KOTA KINABALU, Oct 16, 2011: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Information Chief, Chong Pit Fah, in a press statement today said that Hiew King Cheu has confirmed his linkage to UMNO by his own admission when he revealed that he has received so-called documents from UMNO people that supposedly will expose Datuk Yong Teck Lee's misdeeds in government. In case Hiew has forgotten, Yong stepped down as Chief Minister more than 13 years ago.

"Whatever 'documents' that Hiew has got from his UMNO contacts are recycled fabrications that were previously made available to the then opposition people like Dr. Yee Moh Chai who was tasked by UMNO to single out Yong for attacks. Hiew tell should the people, other than UMNO/BN government people, who else can retrieve 'documents' from within the government?" Chong questioned.

"Can any man in the street get the SAS files? This is the reason why SAPP has always been calling for a white paper on the Saham Amanah Sabah issue, the minutes of meetings, the records of transactions and relevant papers. SAPP leaders and youths have had made several police reports and MACC reports over the years as widely reported in the newspapers. This is because SAPP believes that the real culprits must be punished and exposed. But Hiew's friends in UMNO and BN have refused to publish any white paper. Nothing has come out of the police or MACC investigations. SAPP and Yong have nothing to hide.

"Hiew thinks that he has in his possession a "treasure trove" of documents against Yong but in fact is a ticking time bomb that will explode in Hiew's face. Hiew must ask his UMNO handlers, why UMNO people like UMNO youth, dare not to reveal the documents themselves? Why did UMNO choose Hiew to do their dirty work against SAPP and Yong? Now that Hiew said he has some "documents", then he must reveal them or else he would be guilty of cover up. Do the "documents" implicate other past and present BN or UMNO leaders or only Yong?

"I would like to remind Hiew about the case of the phantom voters issue when fake IC operatives similarly sent evidence of fake ICs and phantom voters to Likas election petitioner Dr. Chong Eng Leong who diligently used the evidence to nullify Yong's 1999 election. All evidence in court on fake ICs and Project ICs pointed to operatives linked to UMNO, and not a shred of evidence implicate Yong or SAPP. In fact, the PBS witness in court testified that neither Yong nor SAPP leaders were involved in the project IC scam. But the end result was that Yong was unfairly punished and whereas the UMNO leaders got away scot free. As DAP and PKR have complained, there are many phantom voters in many constituencies but none of the guilty party has been punished. Instead, an innocent party, Yong and SAPP have been severely and unjustly punished.

"It seems that Hiew and Sabah DAP now happily fall into the game plan of UMNO and BN to attack SAPP on behalf of UMNO," Chong said.


  1. Bahlul!A DAP sympathiser could possibly be the person retrieving the documents.You think all government servants are UMNO/BN supporters ka?

    Don't make statements la if so stupid.

  2. Sabah DAP consisted with all the OPPORTUNISTS and DICKHEADS!

    All are dreaming wanted to become YBs. All of these Sabah DAP assholes joined DAP because has been promised by a candidacy in this coming election.

    Sandakan Wong Thien Fatt joined DAP because he was promised he will be a candidate in sandakan. You can ask any Sandakan chinese.

    Another faggot Junz Wong also joined DAP because he was promised a candidacy seat. This idiot even tell all the people in coffee shop he will be the future YB. Do you know what was the people replied with this idiot? They say this OPPORTUNIST can keep on DREAMING!

    You mark my words, the above two OPPORTUNISTS will stand under DAP to split the oppositions vote in Sabah to benefit BN in this coming GE13.

  3. Sabah DAP is very worries about their sins being exposed by SAPP by cahoot with their boss UMNO. They never stop slandering against SAPP after SAPP pulled out from BN.

    I predict Sabah DAP will close shop in this coming GE13.

    We Sabahans DO NOT NEED such racist and useless party in Sabah to DIVIDE and RULE us.

    We want a local Sabah party which is NON RACIAL to unite all the Sabahans to topple BN in this coming GE13.

  4. Sabah DAP dogs were spotted in UMNO Shamsudin Yahya house during batu sapi by election day in day out. Sabah DAP target is SAPP in batu sapi but not UMNO.

    After BN won in batu sapi, UMNO Shamsudin Yahya and Musa say a BIG THANK YOU to Sabah DAP by assisting them to attack SAPP in batu sapi during the state assembly. Why Sabah DAP keep quiet about this? Sabah DAP NEVER EVER DENIED this claimed by UMNO during state assembly!

    Sabah DAP GET LOST from Sabah! We had enough TRAITORS from Sabah to cheat the Sabah people wisdom!

  5. When SAPP in BN, Sabah DAP dogs barking at SAPP.

    After SAPP left BN, Sabah DAP dogs also barking at SAPP!

    What is this indicating? Sabah DAP is merely a barking dogs and can't do much for Sabah!

  6. We'll just wait and see, the truth will be revealed.

  7. "All evidence in court on fake ICs and Project ICs pointed to operatives linked to UMNO, and not a shred of evidence implicate Yong or SAPP"

    Kalau ada bukti yang sah, tindakan seharus diambil terhadap mana-mana pihak yang berkait dengan projek IC. Kami tidak boleh terima mana-mana pihak mengguna cara sebegini semata-mata untuk mempertahankan kuasanya.

  8. Stop the fight! Focus more to serve the people!

  9. The time is running out and you still playing around! Do something for the people if you want to win!

  10. "But the end result was that Yong was unfairly punished and whereas the UMNO leaders got away scot free. As DAP and PKR have complained, there are many phantom voters in many constituencies but none of the guilty party has been punished."

    Apa dah terjadi dengan sistem dan undang-undang negara? Pihak yang terlibat bebas dari hukuman malah yang tidak terlibat pula dihukum. Semoga kebenaran dapat dibuktikan di masa akan datang.

  11. "Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Information Chief, Chong Pit Fah, in a press statement today said that Hiew King Cheu has confirmed his linkage to UMNO by his own admission when he revealed that he has received so-called documents from UMNO people that supposedly will expose Datuk Yong Teck Lee's misdeeds in government."

    Kesemua ini cuma Yong & Hiew yang tahu apa yang berlaku. Akhirnya, Hiew juga terbukti berkait rapat dengan UMNO.

  12. DAP is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

  13. Lets them to sort out their own conflicts. Do not forget your responsibilities and roles to strike the best for the people. People of Sabah needs all of you to make changes especially low economy grow for ages.

  14. Instead of looking for others faults, better focus your real fight which is for the rakyat. Time will reveal who is sincere to help the Sabahans and who is not.

  15. Who is the tiger behind all these scene? SPRM should take action to investigate.

  16. I can smell something fishy here!

  17. means that you need to deal with PR and UMNO in the next elections..

  18. UNI UMNO = UNDI Pendatang HARAM!

    Belum sedar ke kaki pengampu umno dari Sabah? Atau pura2 tidak tahu? ALLAHKU tahu kerja dosa kamu.

  19. Buat ape parti cina biaDAP dari seberang sibuk sangat kat Sabah?

  20. apa tujuan DAP tolong Umno serang SAPP..sama2 pembangkang

  21. DAP dengan Sapp ni selalu saja tuduh-menuduh...

  22. pasti tiada yang mengaku salah..masing-masing pun mempertahankan parti masing-masing..jadi rakyat pandai-pandailah menilai.

  23. DAP dan SAPP tak dipercayai di Sabah.

  24. tindakan kedua parti ini bikin orang hilang keyakinan terhdapnya.

  25. lebih baik tumpukan pada perjuangan untuk PRU-13 daripada terus berkonflik tentang hal2 yang sudah lama berlalu.

  26. Hiew needs the phantom voters to become KK MP once again in the coming election poll...

  27. in fact, Sabah DAP is not relevant in sabah..they (sabah DAP) only care themselves and their political survival..Hiew only knows how to pointing his fingers and blaming other parties...more than that, he was nothing...

  28. now the question is, which one can we trust? SAPP or DAP?

    i guess, none because both are big liars in this century..

  29. of course Sabah DAp can't do much for sabah...Hiew is a bad, unproductive MP...what a waste...

  30. this war is between sabah DAP and SAPP...BN is not involved..

  31. its getting interesting... SAPP vs Sabah DAP...i would like to see they compete 1 on 1 in the coming then, we will know who will be the people's champion..but i guess both will lose and BN will once again winning big..

  32. These conflicts will only lead to destruction.

  33. YTL was given the chance as CM under BN and failed to shine.What more do they want?Another term?My ass!

  34. YTL has done alot for Sabah people even only 2 years as Sabah CM.

    Sabah DAP has been 40 years in Sabah but done nothing except complaining here and there to gain cheap publicity.

    Sabah DAP will die standing in this GE13.

  35. Konflik sebegini memberi negatif impak kepada kedua-dua SAPP & DAP. Seharus tutup pintu dan dibawa bincang, tidak perlu tunjuk jari melalui media.

  36. Kalau terbukti Hiew berkait rapat dengan UMNO, apa yang SAPP dapat? Bazir masa sahaja. kalau tumpu perhatian kepada masalah ynag semakin serius seperti PATAI, tanah NCR, Pengundi hantu dll, berkemungkinan rakyat akan melompat parti dan memberi sokongan dari sekeping kertas undi tersebut.

  37. If continue such endless conflicts, its end up both the big loser in PRU13.

  38. "I would like to remind Hiew about the case of the phantom voters issue when fake IC operatives similarly sent evidence of fake ICs and phantom voters to Likas election petitioner Dr. Chong Eng Leong who diligently used the evidence to nullify Yong's 1999 election."

    Ambil tindakan terhadap aktiviti projek IC. Jangan mengorbankan ketenteraman negeri Sabah semata-mata untuk golongan yang mengilakan kuasa.

  39. Kalau berterusan sebegini, rasa-rasa BN masih kekal menguasai kerusi yang terbanyak. Tuduhan tanpa bukti memang tiada maknanya.

  40. semakin rumit konflik mereka ni. sepatutnya sekarang masa untuk buat persediaan untuk PRU dan lebih banyak tumpukan pada kepentingan dan kebajikan rakyat bukan masa untuk berkonflik.

  41. tengoklah apa yang akan mereka dapat dalam PRU nanti. DAP & SAPP masing2 bermasalah.

  42. Sabah DAP always attack the oppositions like what they did to PKR and PAS in 2004 and 2008 Sabah election and now attack SAPP.

    SAPP is fighting for Sabah autonomy but Sabah DAP is fighting among the oppositions on behalf of UMNO. Sabah DAP will die standing this GE13.

  43. DAP dan SAPP masing2 tidak mau kalah.PRU suda semakin hampir, tapi mereka lebih sibuk untuk bergaduh dan memanaskan isu-isu yg bertujuan menjatuhkan CM kita...

  44. lebih baik beri tumpuan bagaimana hendak membantu rakyat..ini hanya tau cakap saja dan suka memburukn keadaan.

  45. Nah, got trivked by culprits of UMNO. No one can be trusted now.

  46. always want to make things worse, won't change anything at all.

  47. Who to trust now, even these parties can't handle themselves. Sighs...

  48. nothing's gonna change any better if we continue to focus on this issue instead of focusing on the real issue of serving the people.

  49. Hiew hasn't been careful in handling those documents, what a mistake.

  50. Susah untuk DAP mendapatkan sokongan daripada rakyat Sabah.

  51. DAP and UMNO are the same species. Their representatives in Sabah are merely the puppets to their malaya master.

    How can those puppets to fight for Sabah people right and yet they need to kow-dow to their boss from malaya?

  52. Because the first reason DAP do not like SAPP to join in Pakatan.. That the strong reason why DAP do this all.

  53. Biarlah DAP dan SAPP terus berperang. Janganlah libatkan BN pula. Sudah tidak sefahaman nak buat camana lagi.

  54. SAPP should be looking at their own leader YTL who had been CM but didn't do anything beneficial to the rakyat.Why are they attacking DAP?DAP never had the chance of being CM unlike YTL?Why is SAPP so angry at DAP then?

  55. YTL has done alot to help the Sabah people even though he was only 2 years as Sabah CM and done much better than penang lge who was Penang CM for more than 3 years now.

    Only those losers who just born yesterday know nothing about YTL contributions but trying to be smart like a fool here.

  56. Masing-masing ada pandangan mereka sendiri. Bagi yang pernah dibantu oleh YTL dan masih mengenang jasanya, rasanya ada kemungkinan juga YTL ini mendapat sokongan padu semula.

  57. Namun dunia politik sukar diramal. Apa-apapun boleh berlaku. huhu

  58. Saya tak sabar nak tahu siapa akan menang next GE nanti.. jeng, jeng, jeng!!

  59. YTL had done a lot to the Sabah people in 2 years?My cock!Anyway who is YTL compared to LGE?

    LGE is a national leader.YTL is just like a kampung leader compared to him.So much beautiful praises about YTL but in truth 'omong kosong' and deserves nothing at all.

  60. YTL has done much for Sabah people if compared to LGE.

    I suggest to the Anon above to list down what LGE has done to help the Penang community for the past 3 years as Penang CM if compared to YTL only Sabah CM for 2 years?

    Don't simply praising your malaya master simply because he was is from west malaysia.

    YTL has approved more than 40k NT lands to the Sabah native in just 2 years and plus those lands given to the school, mosques, churches, and temples.

    LGE did not even give an inch of lands to the needy for the past 3 years.

    Penang with abt 50% chinese population and yet only 0.2% penang government project been awarded to the chinese contractor for the past 3 years. DAP is telling the people the penang chinese contractors are simply incompetence that is why they can't get government project.

    You want more?

  61. LGE is a national leader.YTL is just like a kampung leader compared to him.
    You talking to my foot ler. Sabah is almost the same size of the whole west malaysia. What national leader that are you talking about LGE?

    LGE is just leader only for west malaysia chinese. You see, DAP is a RACIST party!

    Ask your LGE to contest in bumiputra islam area to prove that he is national leader and accepted by all race but not only hiding in chinese area!

  62. Seriously this dude is really something.

  63. Pengakuan berani mati mamat ni.

  64. finger said...

    Seriously this dude is really something.
    October 19, 2011 9:50 AM

    Mengaku ke tak mengaku sama ja crita dia.

  65. Congratulations Dr Hiew, we make me wanna say, there you go babe!

  66. semakin panjang cerita ini... tidak tau apa sebnarnya yg berlaku antara Yong dan Hiew...
