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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Battle Cry on SAPP

Samsuddin thanks DAP for BN victory
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah DAP leaders and members turn up in full force to lend moral support to their Advisor cum MP for Kota Kinabalu Dr Hiew King Cheu (seated 3rd from left) and their Chairman cum State assemblyman for Sri Tanjung, Jimmy Wong (seated 4th from right), during a news conference held at its HQ in Penampang, on Saturday 15 October 2011.

In the said news conference, Hiew issued an ultimatum to SAPP President Datuk Yong Teck Lee, demanding the latter to produce evidence of his recent allegations tt he (Hiew) has colluded with UMNO to undermine SAPP, during the Batu Sapi by-election last year, besides having an interest in the ongoing waterfront development project.

Failing which, Hiew said Yong should apologise to him publicly within seven days, or to face a defamation suit after that.

Happy moments with Umno....Sama sama cari makan
Accusing Yong of character assassination to score political mileage, Hiew also challenged Yong to face him in Kota Kinabalu in the coming general election.

Sabah DAP's Advisor cum MP for Kota Kinabalu Dr Hiew King Cheu held a news conference at its HQ in Penampang issuing an ultimatum to SAPP President Datuk Yong Teck Lee, demanding the latter to produce evidence of his recent allegations that he (Hiew) has colluded with UMNO to undermine SAPP, during the Batu Sapi by-election last year, besides having an interest in the ongoing waterfront development project.

Failing which, Hiew said Yong should apologise to him publicly within seven days, or to face a defamation suit after that.

Yong's statement on Hiew was in response to the latter's statement in the news which accused Yong of approving and signing off the KK seafront lands which was found to be untrue. Hiew's intention to link Yong to the land approval was intended to character assasinate Yong in the eyes of the public.


  1. Rumours are rife that Dr Hiew received monetary award for helping derail SAPP in the batu sapi by-election..he was seen at the Umno Batu Sapi Division head's house.

  2. BN will going to win even a bigger margin this keep on fighting with each other SAPP & DAP...

  3. If BN win, then PR can keep on dreaming to capture putrajaya.

  4. SAPP and DAP... terima keyataan...BN masi kuat lagi... YTL... suda2 la tu...

  5. The situation is getting Hot here.... now who's going to explain!

  6. They must be now struggling to show who is the one should be blamed!

  7. Kamu berantakan antara satu sama lain, hanya memberi laluan mudah kepada BN untuk menang.

  8. "Hiew issued an ultimatum to SAPP President Datuk Yong Teck Lee, demanding the latter to produce evidence of his recent allegations tt he (Hiew) has colluded with UMNO to undermine SAPP, during the Batu Sapi by-election last year, besides having an interest in the ongoing waterfront development project."

    Bukti seharus dikemukakan jika ada, kalau tiada susah untuk orang mempercayainya tetapi semata-mata merupkan satu fitnah. Semoga konflik sebegini dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin.

  9. Kebelakangan ini, Yong bongkar banyak rahsia dan perkara yang golongan masyarakat yang tidak ketahui. The truth will reveal very soon.

  10. "Yong's statement on Hiew was in response to the latter's statement in the news which accused Yong of approving and signing off the KK seafront lands which was found to be untrue."

    Siapakah yang betul-betul meluluskan KK seafront lands? Masing-masing ada kenyataan sendiri, tunjukkan bukti untuk memperkuatkan tuduhan tersebut.

  11. Who is the winner at the end for fighting & conflicts like these? Not Yong & Hiew, guess is BN. Lets keep point finger to others, serve no purpose actually. If there is any evidence, prove it.

  12. God only knows who are the culprit ??!! how to find out? they should have conscience ?? still fighting?

  13. Kalau ada bukti, bawa je kes ini ke mahkamah. Tidak perlu mengheboh-heboh melalui media.

  14. All the secret may be want to cover his self. Turn the to other people and divert issue.

  15. DAP dan SAPP semamangnya berusaha untuk menjatuhkan parti pihak lawan. Semakin hangat 2 parti ni.

  16. UNDI UMNO = UNDI Pendatang Haram!

    Belum sedarkah kaki pengampu kat sini?

  17. Tak payah lah parti cina bia-DAP dari seberang di Sabah. Bikin semak saja

  18. teruskan berbalas2 pantun dan teruskan membuang masa.. BN will definitely win in the coming general election..

  19. Both of you, stop fighting.

  20. sibuk begaduh saja diorang ini...lupa sudah dengan hal rakyat..

  21. masing-masing tidak mahu mengalah..jadi tunggu dan lihat sajalah apa kesudahannya nanti..

  22. sikap DAP dan SAPP ni yang membuatkan mereka makin lemah.

  23. DAP dan SAPP tak ada harapan di Sabah.

  24. "...Hiew also challenged Yong to face him in Kota Kinabalu in the coming general election."

    come on Yong...accept the challenge so the people can judge you both..

  25. keep on fighting, SAPP and DAP..let the people see, that both parties are ONLY care on their political interest and survival.. then the people will know that DAP and SAPP is not the best choice to be vote in the coming GE.

  26. beginilah sikap pemimpin2 pembangkang yang hanya ambil berat tentang kepentingan politik...berbeza dengan pemimpin2 BN sabah khasnya KM sabah yang sentiasa mendahulukan rakyat dan pembangunan sabah dan mengetepikan apa jua perkara yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan politik.

  27. pemimpin2 yang bersikap seperti Hiew dan Yong lah yang harus ditolak oleh rakyat sabah pada PRU akan datang kerana tidak mendatangkan kebaikan kepada rakyat sebaliknya hanya memanfaatkan mereka jika menang..

    berbeza dengan pemimpin2 BN sabah, mereka berusaha keras untuk membangunkan sabah dan menyelesaikan isu2 rakyat sabah..

  28. DAP and SAPP is irrelevant in sabah..

  29. BN is laughing while watching SAPP vs DAP.

  30. mahukah YTL memohon maaf kepada Hiew secara umum? agak mustahil jika kedua2nya ego.

  31. Ini bukan lagi ke arah kerjasama ni. disebabkan sikap pemimpin kedua2 parti, semua perancangan untuk kerjasama hancur. SAPP pasti akan terus bersendirian pada PRU nanti.

  32. SAPP seems to be attacking DAP more than DAP is.Must be SAPP desperate strategy because it is losing ground every day.Who is supporting SAPP anywhere?NO to SAPP!

  33. Sabah DAP attacking everyone not only SAPP. In 2004 and 2008 Sabah election, Sabah DAP also attack PKR and PAS.

    Who doesn't know the TRUE COLOR of Sabah DAP? A bunch of OPPORTUNISTS who only good in talking cock!

  34. DAP dan SAPP masing2 tuduh-menuduh antara satu sama lain...tidak tau apa sebenarnya perjuang mereka ini..

  35. masing2 tidak mau mengalah..YTL tidak akan meminta maaf dri Hiew..ego tinggi...

  36. "Yong's statement on Hiew was in response to the latter's statement in the news which accused Yong of approving and signing off the KK seafront lands which was found to be untrue."

    Who can trust? Both has their own statement. Bring these to court, let court to decide.

  37. Apakah tujuan peperangan SAPP vs DAP ini? Memang tiada manfaat langsung malah merosakkan imej baik kedua-dua pihak sahaja. Berkemungkinan SAPP & DAP memberi laluan kepada BN di PRU13 ini.

  38. Atas pagar, not only BN is laughing, the entire Sabahan also laughing and feel pity to them. After so long still endless fighting with words. Pointless without any evidence.

  39. SAPP & DAP masing-masing menuduh demi kepentingan diri sendiri. Ini memang satu tanda yang amat negatif sebenarnya. Kalau ada bukti, kemukakan agar pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan, jika tidak, baik senyap dan teruskan kerja masing-masing.

  40. SAPP berusaha untuk membongkar berita-berita yang rakyat tidak ketahui, semoga tuduhan beliau bersamping dengan bukti yang sah. JIka tidak, ia cuma tuduhan yang mendatangkan kesan sampingan yang tidak baik kepada Yong & SAPP.

  41. DAP Sabah will lose in the next GE.

  42. SAPP is fighting for Sabah autonomy. Sabah DAP is fighting with all the oppositions in Sabah like what they did to PKR and PAS in 2004 and 2008 and now they attack SAPP on behalf of UMNO.

    Sabah DAP will die hard this time!

  43. DAP dan UMNo sama sahaja tujuan mahu hampuskan partii Sabah. Dia orang fikir orang sabah ini semua bodoh kah?

  44. selesaikan sahaja di makahmah jika tidak boleh selesaikan secara berbincang... kita lihat sepa yg menang..

  45. dua2 parti tidak boleh di percayai... ini pun ssh mau selesai..mcmna la nnti kalau mereka yg mentadbir Sabah...

  46. Can't imagine what they would do to each other if both meet up during the coming GE.

  47. Dua2 parti ni main tipu punya, kita harus menhalau mereka, pandai kacau ja.

  48. YTL should be careful of his mouth, he should ONLY use his mouth to defend himself next time.

  49. DAP should also shut up, you have no rights too.

  50. Sabah akan mati dalam tangan mereka, jaga-jagalah kita.

  51. All along DAP started the whole game...and they are now starting their threat game and arrogance shown that is typical of how we as Sabahans are being manipulated by West Malaysian political culture..Stay united to fight off manipulation.

  52. SAPP tidak takut hilang deposit, kita tengoklah bagaimana nanti.

  53. DAP and UMNO are the same species. Their representatives in Sabah are merely the puppets to their malaya master.

    How can those puppets to fight for Sabah people right and yet they need to kow-dow to their boss from malaya?

    SAPP is simply much better than those puppets from party malaya whom forever dictate by their boss from malaya without pride and dignity!

  54. Tengok gambar dua ekor kerbau2 diatas, satu dari parti malaya biaDAP berbangsa cina tetapi tidak akun dia cina tulen tetapi akun dia sino-kadazan pulak supaya dia boleh menyalahgunakan sijil sino-kadazan terus beli tanah NCR orang kampung.

    Satu lagi kerbau lahir di pilipin dan masuk sabah secara haram jadi taxi driver kat sandakan. Lepas itu dia dapat IC projek dari umno dan terus jadi bumiputra sabah. Sekarang dia adalah YB sekong dari umno.

    DAP dan UMNO adalah parti jahanam dari malaya hanya buat kecoh saja di Sabah. Marilah kita bersatu hati tolak dan halau parti malaya UMNO dan DAP keluar dari Sabah!

  55. SAPP tidak berguna lagi jika terus berlawan dengan DAP. Kerana kita boleh nampak sokongan kepada Pakatan lebih dari SAPP sendiri.

  56. Apa yang SAPP dapat lakukan lagi sekarang ini? Adakah mereka akan terus bersama dengan Pakatan setelah bertengkar dengan DAP sendiri.

  57. See, even DAP is making a breakthrough now.

  58. see, many Sabah chinese knew this dap is cahoot with umno.

    Will we still vote for dap? keep on dreaming lah dap parrots! DAP parrots are the traitors to sabahan.

  59. Entah apa akan jadi next GE nanti. Pasti rancak persainggan antara parti nanti. huhu

  60. Paling penting bagi saya ialah penilaian rakyat. Saya cuma harap rakyat membuat keputusan yang bijak next GE nanti.

  61. Apapun, kita tunggu saja apa yang berlaku next GE nanti. KOmen sekarang pun susah juga...

  62. Untuk selesai hal ini senang saja.YTL dan Hiew undur diri dari politik.Selesai masalah.

  63. Now DAP lashes SAPP back. So whats going on man?

  64. Jangan jadikan ini sebagai alasan untuk mencari perhatian.

  65. dont said...

    Now DAP lashes SAPP back. So whats going on man?
    October 19, 2011 9:48 AM

    Kadang2 mereka ini sengaja menimbulkan kekecohan.
