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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Malaysia in bad records on maids?

AFTER Indonesia, Cambodia has become the next country to ban citizens from working as maids in Malaysia following some reports of maid abuse.

This ban cannot be welcome news in Cambodia or Malaysia, because it does nothing to solve the problem. Rather, it only creates additional problems.

Certainly we should not make light of such abuses, which include three reported deaths. Even one offence is one too many.

No employer can ever be entitled to abuse an employee, no matter how incompetent or disagreeable.

At the same time, we should not begrudge the concerns of a country that has been a source of domestic workers.

The government of such a country can be expected to take certain measures in response, but those measures need to be appropriate.

An outright ban without prior consultation is not the answer.

It neither improves the conduct of the small minority of cruel employers, nor does it protect the welfare of maids already in employment.

This sudden, unconditional ban may well sharpen Malaysian attitudes towards Cambodia and Cambodians, provoking more frustration and anger in the process.

Neither housemaids as an occupation nor their Cambodian origin is being “targeted” by even the worst employers, so a meaningful and effective solution must be more thoughtful and considered.

Within Cambodia, announcement of the ban has procured praise from the parliamentary Opposition.

However, policymaking needs to be guided by a higher purpose and a better sense of proportion, particularly when it purports to do so, or else it becomes mere politicking.

Malaysia also needs to address the problem of abuse more concertedly.

Whenever the few offending employers are subjected to the full weight of the law, that and the many cases of happy employees should be communicated effectively abroad.

Better routine protection for foreign workers is also overdue.

Representatives of foreign missions here and the relevant NGOs should be engaged in helping to design better safeguards.

Meanwhile, Malaysians should also explore the full possibilities of automation for their household chores.

Becoming a high-income nation need not mean simply hiring more low-skilled workers from lower-income countries, or treating them with hideous contempt.

More households are already switching to hiring part-time maids.

A longer-term solution is to become less dependent on domestic help, such as by being better housekeepers ourselves.

From the Star


  1. Amah pun manusia juga. Janganlah sampai mahu dera mereka.

  2. Tapi amah-amah ni pun jangan ambil kesempatan terhadap majikan mereka bila sudah kena layan bagus-bagus.

  3. Amah dan majikan kena saling hormat menghormati. amah jalankan tugas dgn baik dan majikan jgnlah berkasar dgn amahnya.

  4. They are human too, even to torture an animal is a crime.... we should not do something that hurt others!

  5. Don't forget, What goes around comes around! remember that!

  6. Good that Cambodia has banned maids from coming to work in our country. Those employers who abuses their maids deserves to do all the work themselves after this.

  7. any action taken against the employer?

  8. sekurang-kurangnya pekerja warga asing akan semakin dikurangkan di negara ini bila Indonesia dan Cambodia mengharamkan rakyatnya datang ke Malaysia untuk bekerja sebagai amah.

  9. majikan yang melakukan penderaan terhadap orang pembantu rumah mereka haruslah dikenakan tindakan yang tegas.

  10. sikap saling menghormati perlulah sentiasa diamalkan oleh semua orang..

  11. kes2 seperti ini mampu memburukkan imej negara. harap ia dapat ditangani dengan baik.

  12. Ada juga orang yang tidak berperikemanusiaan di M'sia ni. Tindakan yang tegas harus dikenakan kepada mana2 individu yang melakukan penderaan.

  13. ambil amah tempatan jika begitu.

  14. Tidak payahlah ambil amah kalau tidak panda menghormati hak asasi mereka.

  15. Kesian orang gaji didera oleh majikan. Harap orang gaji mendengar apa arahan dari majikan. Jika deraan dilakukan maka laporkanlah kepada agensi atau pihak berkuasa.

  16. Janganlah kita melayan orang gaji seperti binatang. Kami tahu mereka dibayar tapi sebaiknya perasaan setiap orang perlulah dijaga.
