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Saturday, October 15, 2011

UMNO's monopoly of BN Sabah

Umno should heed Dr M’s advice on seats: SAPP

KOTA KINABALU, Oct 14: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) agree to the remark by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that Umno should not contest more than 50 per cent Sabah parliament and state seats.

Its Vice President, Don Chin in this respect challenged Umno to walk the talk as a show of respect to Sabahans and local based political parties. He also said West Malaysia based political parties should emulate Umno in this respect.

He said local political parties should be allowed to share half of the total parliamentary and state constituency seats.

This is important he said, considering local-based political parties know best the needs of Sabahans.

He was commenting on a statement by president of Upko, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok that Umno should not contest more than 50 per cent of the parliamentary and State seats in election.

“Obviously, local BN component parties are aware that they have lost autonomy on this matter…politicians and the people of Sabah should take this issue seriously,” he said.

Chin said Sabah politics is practically monopolised by West Malaysia-based political parties namely Umno, MCA and Gerakan, while local-based parties only get a few seats among them. “It is ridiculous to let your neighbour manage your family…it does not make sense at all,” he said.

To this, he said the Barisan Nasional (BN) especially Umno should respect Sabah political rights and to restore autonomy to Sabah.

He said the concept is similar to business share where those who have 51 per cent of the total share, have major control of the business.

“So, if both sides share equal proportion in the seats, they enjoy balance in terms of rights and power over the business,” he said.
Chin said Sabahans in general should really think about this issue because it is important to restore autonomy to the state. 

By Daily Express


  1. How does SAPP feel if some "old timer" leader said that SAPP should not contest with chairs that also being contested by the opposition party?

  2. I wonder why few Sabahans still want party malaya UMNO and PR to colonize Sabah? I DOUBT they are pure Sabahan or they are traitors!

  3. Does anyone still take Dr M's advice?

  4. So where all the Sabahans? Are they still sleeping????

  5. If they are still sleeping, WAKE UP NOW!!!!

  6. It is only fair to allow other BN components to share the cake . Nothing wrong , right ? However, the candidates should be good enough to stand for the election.

  7. UMNO indeed should not contest more than 50% Sabah parliament and state seats. Don't be greedy. Enough is enough.

  8. More seats should be allocated for local based component parties.

  9. "To this, he said the Barisan Nasional (BN) especially Umno should respect Sabah political rights and to restore autonomy to Sabah."

    Would be a great idea to equally share the seats with local parties to enhance politics right and autonomy of Sabah.

  10. Little Miss ChocolateOctober 17, 2011 at 11:50 AM

    Politician always want to win but somehow need to smart thinking and not too greedy.

  11. Sabah merupakan deposit untuk UMNO, tidak mungkin UMNO akan lepas tangan.

  12. Letak calon yang sesuai dan berjiwa rakyat.

  13. "So, if both sides share equal proportion in the seats, they enjoy balance in terms of rights and power over the business,” he said."

    A very good proposal to have fair and equal authority. Honestly, not easy to execute as still needed a "decision'maker" too.

  14. We support balance in terms of rights and autonomy of the Sabah. We urge UMNO may highly consider these.

  15. Pastikan calon yang betul-betul berkaliber dan berkeupayaan yang diberi keutamaan dan kerusi.

  16. Sabah people should learn from the Sarawakians.

    Say NO to party import from malaya UMNO and PR.

  17. if Tun M was the prime minister today, did he will do as what he said above??

  18. anyway, good advice from former Prime Minister..

  19. mungkin cadangan ini akan dipertimbangkan bila mereka melakukan perbincangan nanti...

  20. apa pun, yang penting calon yang letakkan perlulah mampu menjalankan tugas dengan baik..

  21. UMNO harus beri peluang kepada parti komponen BN lain untuk bertanding.

  22. dan pastikan calon yang bertanding benar2 layak dan berkebolehan.

  23. Kalau mahu BN menang, UMNO perlu ubah sikap mereka.

  24. harryzan said...
    if Tun M was the prime minister today, did he will do as what he said above??

    I doubt he will practice what he preaches. Easy to say but deep inside, are they willing to do it? No.

  25. pemimpin UMNO sabah terdiri daripada orang sabah itu sendiri..seperti datuk masidi..maka mengatakan bahawa hanya parti politik lokal saja yang mengetahui dan memahami keperluan rakyat sabah adalah kurang tepat..sebaliknya hanya orang sabah saja tahu dan faham..jadi keanggotaan dalam sesebuah parti adalah tidak berkaitan..yang penting pemimpin itu adalah orang sabah..

  26. more seats for sabah based political parties...

  27. yang penting calon mestilah seorang yang berkaliber dan berjiwa rakyat..serta tidak tamak..rakyat perlukan pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab kepada kawasan yang diwakili.

  28. bagus juga cadangan tu tapi kenapa tidak cadangkan dari dulu?

  29. members dari parti malaya di sabah hanya PAK TURUT sama bos mereka dari seberang. Mereka takde power dalam membuat keputusan. Semua kena tanya KL.

    Hanya parti local betul2 memperjuangkan untuk otonomi Sabah.

    Bila orang kita sedar dan belajar dari Sarawak atau masih mabuk dalam sepuluh tiga?

  30. memang parti tempatan perlu diberi lebih peluang kerana mereka lebih memahami kepentingan dan kebajikan rakyat Sabah. harap cadangan tersebut benar2 dilaksanakan.

  31. bagi calon yg betul2 layak..dapat membantu rakyat..agar dapat menjaga kepentingan rakyat Sabah.

  32. Kalau UMNO/BN sanggup mengagihkan kerusi supaya calon Sabah diberi keutamaan yang sama juga, memang satu tanda dan tindakan yang bijak.

  33. UMNO seharus memberi peluang kepada parti komponen yang lain untuk memegang jawatan khas wakil rakyat tempatan sebab mereka lebih memahami keperluan rakyat.

  34. tapi tak yakin juga mereka sanggup beri begitu saja kerusi yang mereka duduki selama ini kepada calon Sabah. apapun, tengok perkembangannya nanti.

  35. Cadangan memang superb, tetapi tidak berkemungkian untuk dilaksanakan. Corak pentadbiran BN memang tidak akan berubah.

  36. "So, if both sides share equal proportion in the seats, they enjoy balance in terms of rights and power over the business,” he said."

    Cadangan ini seharus dipertimbangakan agar kesemua parti komponen diberi perhatian dan diambil berat juga. Semua pihak berhak untuk bersuara dan membuat keputusan. Memang harus dikaji dan dilaksanakan.

  37. "Chin said Sabahans in general should really think about this issue because it is important to restore autonomy to the state."

    We should fight for our own rights and autonomy. We urge the government can highly consider the proposal so that all party share equal rights and authority. In order to maintain more seats, changes and sacrifaction are needed.

  38. cadangan yg baik, dan boleh di pertimbangkn...bagi peluang kepada calon sabah...banyak jg yg berkelayakan.

  39. Yes, we should share equal rights and power. Pls change the system.

  40. It's time to take Dr.M's advice.

  41. betullah, bagi hak-hak kita..jangan terlalu kedekut...tak adillah.

  42. UMNO bagilah kita peluang baru kita boleh bergembira bersama.

  43. mungkin cadangan ini perlu dipertimbangkan..

  44. maka parti komponen BN sabah harus meminta agar kerusi yang lebih seimbang diberikan kepada mereka..apa2 pun, sebaiknya perbincangan dilakukan terlebih dahulu antara parti komponen Bn sabah untuk mengelak dari salah faham.

  45. BN sabah pun banyak yg berkelayakan..hal ini boleh dibawah berbincang dengan cara yg baik..

  46. SAPP ini juga tidak boleh guna.

  47. DAP and UMNO are the same species. Their representatives in Sabah are merely the puppets to their malaya master.

    How can those puppets to fight for Sabah people right and yet they need to kow-dow to their boss from malaya?

    SAPP is simply much better than those puppets from party malaya whom forever dictate by their boss from malaya without pride and dignity!

  48. UMNO ni nak melayukan semua kaum di Sabah. Bodoh kan?

  49. Teruskan memberikan yang terbaik kepada Sabah.

  50. UMNO rasanya tidak menguasai orang Sabah pun. UMNO dan parti komponen yang lain yang berkuasa di bawah BN. Jadi tidak perlulah cuba memburukkan UMNO.

  51. So why keep mum about that?

  52. Macam mana nak maju kalau asyik digenggam orang luar?

  53. parti malaya umno import berjuta PENDATANG HARAM dari Indonesia, Philipina, dan Pakistan untuk terus menindas hak2 bumiputra Sabah.

    Hanya pengkhianat dari umno sabah masih memuji umno babi buta dengan kerja setan mereka.

    Allahku tahu!

  54. bisa said...

    Macam mana nak maju kalau asyik digenggam orang luar?
    October 18, 2011 3:44 PM


  55. Saya memang salute SAPP, tapi lihat reality, be WISE Man! SAPP sdh masuk kategori pembangkang. Tiada salah berkerjasama dgn PR sepert PAS, PKR dan DAP jika betul2 mau tumbangkan BN. Apa SAPP dapat jamin dia boleh menang dan tawan Sabah in the next election? Tidak semudah itu kerana tdk semua rakyat Sabah menyokong atau suka pada SAPP. Sudahlah jika inginkan kejayaan untuk menumbangkan BN, satu saja caranya iaitu bekerjasa. BN bekerjasama antara mereka dan saling bertolak ansur sejak sekian lama. Walaupun kadang2 mereka berselisih pendapat tapi akhirnya dalam soal pilihan raya, mereka sepakat. Itulah sebenarnya rahsia kemenangan BN di samping taktik kotor mereka. Comeon SAPP.Don't be so proud.Bersikap bijaklah dgn sifat tolak ansur. Lihat saja contoh di Batu Sapi, SAPP dan PKR sama2 keras kepala, siapa yg menang? Rakyat menilai kamu dari cara2 kamu bertindak.

  56. Cadangan yang baik dan patut diberi perhatian sewajarnya.

  57. Saya cuma harap rakyat membuat keputusan yang bijak next GE nanti.

  58. Komen sekarang pun susah juga...Jadi tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

  59. BN will lose in the next round.

  60. bekerjasamalah tumbangkan bn.. sapp tak dapat bersendirian utk menang.. yang penting rakyat Sabah perlu diselamatkan..sudah teralau lama dijajah dan ditindas oleh umno/bn.. Bayangkan pemimpin2 Umno di semenanjung tergelak sakan kekenyangan meratah hasil mahsul dari bumi sabah..sementara rakyat sabah terus miskin dan dihina oleh mereka...!!!

  61. tunggu dan lihat sahaja..sepa yg akan jadi pilihan rakyat...

  62. Hak kita haruslah menjadi keutamaan...harap rakyat akan dapt memilih siapa yg boleh memimpin kita ke arah kebaikan...

  63. di semenanjung LAMA sudah orang tolak UMNO
    orang SABAH sahaja yang palui, Sarawak memang
    tidak suka UMNO sebab itulah mereka lebih gembira berbanding Sabah.

