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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why SAPP must form the next government of Sabah, Part III final.

It is quite obvious that most people have decided to support the opposition in PRU13, but few can say with certainty, which opposition party they will support.  There seemed to be some confusion on which opposition political party to vote for.  Many folks think that PKR should be supported because it is a Malaysian national party that has the strength to defeat UMNO - a knee-jerk reaction at best.  Surely a wrong reason for coming up with such an important decision. Watch video

Malayan political parties in the first place don’t hold any merit when it comes to Sabah.  By kowtowing to the Malayan political parties we are just guaranteeing the further demise of our own Sabah national institution.  Too many of our people have ignorantly hand over our Sabah national integrity by putting priority to their own individual self-interest above our Sabah national interest.

Such despicable act only seals our fate as the indisputable pariah of Malaysia.  This is what I called the “Baby Whore Syndrome;” we are so bludgeoned with poverty that we will sell our mothers to ensure our own survival.  There is a lack of honour in ones own principles of life; a sure recipe for the demise of a society.  A trait most welcome by the enemy.

It was wrong when we inadvertently allowed UMNO to come to Sabah, and now we will further erode the sanctity of our national pride by thinking to support another Malayan political entity to become our country's guardian.  The onus of local standi should be that we must never allow a foreign entity to breed power within the realm of our national sovereign.

There are only less than 2 million genuine Sabahans in the whole wide world and yet we can be so gullible as to become disunited and dissolution to the point of supporting a non-Sabahan political party.

Although many are dissolution, there are still many, who, like me, wishes to uphold this gallant honour.  There are many of us who sees the vision of a great country in the making.  Many who believes in the vast talents that can emanate from within our people, deriving from the various ethnic eccentricities of our society.

The Momoguns and the Chinese of Sabah have much to offer to this great land.  Given these facts, there is just no way, we can, in full conscience support a Malayan political party.  Not when we have a credible Sabahan political party that truly have the local standi to honour our national constitution.

There is only one word to define those of us who insisted to support a foreign based political party, No matter how we skip it, the word “traitor” stands out more than others; for there are no justifiable explanations to betray your own local political parties within the purview of the constitution of Sabah.  If any, we must uncover the fallacy of our thought and review the justification according to our nation's constitution.

Now let's consider the following facts facing Sabahans today:  Ever since Malayan politics, namely UMNO came to power in Sabah, we have benefited nothing from them of any national merit.  In fact, we have lost much pride and dignity when our sovereign nation became a pariah in comparison with all the states in Malaya.

Our constitution has been deceptively downgraded by being referred to as a state (Negeri) in accordance to the Malaya federation.  Our nation's wealth in the form of oil is controlled by Malaya.  Our education system controlled by Malaya, our sovereign duties such as immigration, police and civil government, all controlled by Malaya.

Everything today is controlled by Malaya.  As our people reject party Malaya UMNO, it would be moronic at the same token, to now support another deceptive Malayan political party to replace an old mischievous Malayan party to continue that choke hold on our sovereignty.

Do you really think we can regain our autonomy by kowtowing to a Malayan master?  This is not the acts of a noble and valiant people.  We must shed this inferiority demeanour.  We must stand up and become the master of our own destiny instead of cowardly seeking the approval of a bigoted puppet master.

There is no justification at all for considering a Malayan political party.  Do not be deceived!  Will you listen to our native honour, or would you rather follow a puppet master from Malaya?  I put my honour on the line to state these words bluntly, for what I am saying is the truth.

This truth is something no one can take away from us.  This is the honour I will adhere as a true Momogun of our country.  They can take away everything this world can offer, but they can never take away the honour I hold for my country.

The fact is there are over 800 cases of land grab in our country today.  Big companies were given large tracts of land areas to fatten the purse of these large for-profit organizations.  A deal that has little benefit to Sabahans.  A deal that destroys the livelihood of our Momogun people.  Our Momogun people whose livelihood depends solely from the land are now left without a land to survive on.

This is a government without a long-term plan for society's future outlook.  Simply giving away land without proper remedy is evidence of a knee-jerk program based on the self-interest of a certain person or entity.  We have become a “third world banana republic” owned and manipulated by an authoritarian regime and large for-profit entities to be ravaged and later to be abandoned when all the resources are gone.

This is the direction we are headed today, if nothing is done to curve this trend, havoc will continue until we the Momoguns become beggars in our own country.  This one reason alone should be enough for us to reject all party Malaya and its local manipulators.  As Sabahans we must be aware of the detriments that threaten the future of our wealthy nation.

When it comes to economic planning, any fair minded person can see that in any economic endeavours there must be prerequisites that must first be in place before any major promotion of a product.  Take for example a simple prerequisite, that of road infrastructure; how can we promote tourism (or business in general for that matter) if our road infrastructure is inadequate.  Shouldn't we put effort on satisfying the prerequisites before we launch the product?

A product launch without considering customer satisfaction would be disastrous.  An unhappy customer will not translate to repeat customer.  An entity cannot sustain without repeat business.  This is not “rocket science,” but simple, solid economic fundamentals.  A street smart common-sense driven entrepreneur can tell you about these principles at any given moment.  Why therefore our government of the day cannot understand this simple concept?

The issue is not about knowledge, rather it's because our puppet masters simply choose to ignore the problem due to the social habits of corruption.  When a government is in the habit of leveraging prejudice in public decisions, corruption is bound to happen.

Managers in government have become self-profiting individuals who uses their powers to enrich themselves.  Why do they do this?  They do it because they think they can get away with it.  It does not help when our government is remote-controlled from Malaya.  It causes a disconnection and encourages the lack of a purpose driven life on the part of the government workers.  In other words, a sense of ownership is missing.

Sabahans have a constitution that guarantees certain conditions for its nationhood. Within the 'Twenty Points Memorandum,” are two articles which describes the “conduct of religion” and the conduct of our civil government called “Borneonisation.”  Both these articles have been ignored by this Malayan controlled government.  In fact, they have eroded and purposely put these articles in the backburner, never to be mentioned again just like they did to the official report of the “Double-Six Tragedy,” in which our founding fathers met a tragic death one fateful day.  Isn't this enough for us to reject party Malaya?

Are we so quick to forget the sins that were committed by this colonial master that we are now in the verge of kissing their feet again to justify our selfish dark motivation?  I say we owned up and be a man.  Let's take ownership of our own country.  This is what honourable men must do.  We cannot fall into their trapped again.

One of the fallacy being propagated and propagandize by all the party party Malaya is that Sabah's own genuine opposition party “Party Maju Sabah, (SAPP)” is a small mosquito party that will not be able to do anything even if it were voted into power.

This idea was hammered incessantly to Sabahans that many fall for this trick.  Here again is a brilliant con job, by this party party Malaya.  It is so brilliant that it is actually believable.  Even some political experts are taken in to this ideological fallacy.  Beware, this is false and misleading!

They have the gall to back this argument by pointing to the era when PBS was in government for 9 years and it was unable to make any economic progress.  This is a strong propaganda and many will be deceived.  Be reminded that PBS is not SAPP; while PBS was lead by an incompetent leader, SAPP, on the other hand, is lead by a competent and brilliant leader in this time of our history.

There is no justification for this propaganda except to destroy any chances of power to local parties.  The true scenario is, if a local party such as SAPP comes to power, our whole world that we envisioned it today shall change.  We will be able to grow our economy by 10 per cent a year after the 1st year based on the economic plans that SAPP have put in placed.

Many destructive policies such as Cabotage policy, Project IC, NCR amendment, Illegal Alien Policy, Immigration Policy, Tax Policies, Minimum Wage Policy, Religious Policy, and Foreign Investment Policies will be removed or reformed for the benefit of our society.

Just by addressing corruption will create a sustainable economic policy by itself.  Just by addressing the prerequisites of building adequate road infrastructure will improve our Tourism industry tremendously.

When a proper economic package is in place there is no limiting the flow of economic activity within our hemisphere and other progressive Asian countries like China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan.

A government that practices equality for all and a government based on common sense will encourage talented Sabahans abroad to come home to contribute to our nation building.

There are numerous programs that a government can do to make Sabah an economic miracle in coming years.  Our own local talents will and should take the lead in building a prosperous nation.  So, contrary to fears and propaganda made by party Malaya, our own local party led by SAPP can actually bring much wealth and prosperity for all Sabahans no matter their racial background.

We can have an economy that is enough to guarantee prosperity for every Sabahans including those that have been given MyKad.  There is nothing to stop our local Sabah political party from taking over our government and building a great nation.  I can say this with clarity, because I and my colleagues have these visions and the solution to get it done.

SAPP is a genuine local political party that does not just talk the walk, but rather it is a party that walks the talk.  For example, SAPP has a solution for PTI or PATAI; which have dogged us since 40 years ago.  It is a brilliant idea, and it is called Sabah IC.  It is a solution to empower our genuine Sabahans and address all the issues pertaining to PTI Pendatang Tampa Izin (Illegal Immigrants.)

We, the genuine Sabahans must be united to support these measures if we truly care for our future well-being.  We can implement this measure to our benefit and the benefit of our children.  So we must all support this program.

Anyone who does not support this program can be defined as a traitor to Sabah because it clearly benefits Sabahans and it protects the integrity of Sabahans.  Joining the enemy to deny Sabahans this benefit is totally moronic and treasonous.  So if you are a genuine Sabahan and love your country, you must without reservation support this measure wholeheartedly.

This is the first major solution that SAPP will implement to empower our people.  Just this one act of government will benefit our people tremendously.  Sabahans can become first class citizens immediately and not as it is today where we are only referred to as a “others” in government documents and we have become effectively a third class citizens in our own country.  Even the Pakistanis are first class citizens as they are lump together with the Malays in our country.  Where is the justice for Sabahans here?  Do you still want to support blindly this party party Malaya?

Many other opposing political parties especially those party party Malaya and their proxies, cannot form a valid factual arguments against SAPP the party, so their strategy is to attack the personal integrity of President Yong Teck Lee.  Sadly to say many of our Momogun and Chinese citizens have been ensnarled by their deceit, lies and innuendos.

Here is some of what these mischievous political parties are spouting all throughout Sabah with the express intention to destroy SAPP.  YTL responsible for the downfall of SAS, YTL was disqualified because of harbouring PTI, YTL responsible for Begaraya, YTL gave land away to PTI, YTL issued MyKad to PTI, and YTL responsible for FMU (equating FMU as something horrendous).  If you hear this allegations being touted, rest assured they are all lies.

If they claimed it to be true then ask them to sue me or sue Yong Teck Lee.  Ask them to bring this matter to the courts and let us bring forth the truth.  So fellow Sabahans, do not fall for their tricks.  Their lies and innuendos does not benefit us at all.

If you come across someone spouting these nonsense, do me a favour, give him/her the finger.  Tell that traitor to get a life!  Be a man, prove you allegation in court, and stop spewing nonsense.  This is our duty as Sabahans.  We must stand like true men of honour with integrity.  For this is the way we shall save our country!

Be wise!  Do not listen to unsubstantiated rumours, for there are plenty of rumours for the naïve and innocent listener.  These are the standard modus operandi of these con men and their entities.  It is time to believe and trust our own genuine local party with the right integrity.

As PRU13 approaches, you will notice that almost all these party party Malaya will relentlessly attack SAPP leaders.  This is because SAPP is strong.  They fear SAPP because SAPP is the only local political party that can stop them from continuing their clandestine agenda in our country.  So fear not, but remain steadfast in your trust, for we must overcome their onslaught to destroy us.  History will look upon us one day, and let it be written that we kept our honour and integrity for the future of our children.

Give trust where trust is worthy!  Trust SAPP leaders who genuinely and honestly care for the well-being and future of our people.  Unlike other political parties, especially party party Malaya, SAPP is a political party with ideas and solutions for our country's future.

I say this with all honesty and integrity.  If you truly care about Sabah, then I challenge you to find out the truth.  We can go over the issues one by one.  As long as the issues are fair, without any racial bias and religious bigotry, I can guarantee that you will find SAPP to be worthy of your trust.  All I want is for you to know the truth!  After you know the truth,you will find that we must vote for SAPP.

There are many things to discuss and so very little time to share everything.  That is why I employ you to trust us.  Believe in SAPP to protect and defend our well-being and integrity.  I am calling for all fair minded Sabahans who seek the truth.

We all wish for a better tomorrow.  A better country that we can all be proud of!  Where our children will have a bright future.  A future and a past they can be proud of.  What we do today is all about our children and their future.

Let's stop the nonsense and do the right thing for our people and our country.  Do not let us, the true patriots with the talents and solutions, lose this chance to truly bring justice for Sabah.  We must insist on prosperity without losing our pride and dignity.  It is time to stand as honourable men and women!  This is our country; let's take ownership of it.  Just say NO to party party Malaya!

By Wilfred Gaban, President of Kadu Foundation – An NGO dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the Momogun people of Sabah. He is also a Director at PIPPA – Progressive Institute of Public Policy Analysis;

See .... Part I , Part II & Part III


  1. Replies

      The opinions expressed by W. Gaban reflect those of a Sabah Patriot who places Sabah first regardless of his politics. He set out enough reasons but stops short of calling out for Sabah independence.

      When Sabah is truly controlled by Sabahans then, only then can Sabahans say they have real independence and are masters of their destiny.

      For 50 years we have laboured under the illusion that we have "independence in Malaysia" while a foreign Malayan government ruled us as the replacement colonial master for Britain.

      We know how this happened.

      Sabah became independent on 31 August 1963 and was then incorporated into Malaysia and subsequently found out that Malaya was really out to colonise Sabah (and Sarawak). They made a bare faced lie that they would never colonise these 2 countries! (check old news reports on what the "Tunku" said!). In their hurry they ignored the need to hold a proper independence and federation referendum in the 2 countries.

      The question that begs to be asked is how can an independent country be "independent" when swallowed by another country?

      Is not this annexation of territory under whatever terms? Is not this a contradiction in terms?

      When we should be ruling ourselves we are now ruled by foreigners. Foreigners have voted and will vote in determining our lives for the next 5 years.

      Many of us agree that Sabah and Sarawak were really re-colonised under the guise of the "Malaysia plan".

      Some now call this "internal colonisation". And others call it outright annexation and colonisation as in the case of East Timor.

      Sabah and Sarawak missed the de-colonisation bus and were annexed and shafted into Malaysia

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


      Sabah's historically was slightly more complex. It was a territory which was traded by the Brunei Sultanate on basis of leasing to various foreign companies (US, European and English) and it eventually came under the control of one major British trading company. The east coastal area of Sabah was ceded to the Sulu Sultanate around 1658 giving rise to the present day spurious claim on the whole of Sabah by the Philippines. It is a shame people do not read history accurately.

      We can see how arrogant it was for Malaya which did not even exist as a unitary state until 1957 to harbour its Melayu Raya supremacist plan to take over our respective countries.

      It was against this background that in 1962 the Brunei People's Party led by Dr. A.M. Azahari proposed the idea of federating the 3 Borneo colonies as an independent federation called “North Kalimantan”. This was welcome by many in Sabah and Sarawak. To this day many people still talk about the possibility of this union.

      In August 1962, the BPP won the first free elections ever held on any of the Borneo colonies. It won all the seats in the Legislative Council except one.

      On Dec. 5, 1962, these three proposals were submitted to the Legislative Council by the BPP:

      i) Reject the idea of joining Malaysia

      ii) Restore Brunei sovereignty over Sarawak and Sabah

      iii) British grant of independence to the Borneo federation by 1963.

      However despite its electoral victory, the BPP was outnumbered by British appointees in the Council and its call for independence was rejected. The anti-Malaysia Brunei independence uprising broke out on December 8 1962. (Brunei has been ruled under emergency law since then).

      Exploiting the situation Britain used the uprising and subsequent guerrilla independence war in Sarawak as reasons to quickly push through the formation of Malaysia by 16 September 1963.

      Brunei chose not to be part of this federation and it was a wise decision which led to Brunei independence and preservation of its resources for the country. Singapore joined and left. Again it was a stroke of luck for Singapore to be independent alone.


      Sabah and Sarawak fared less well. Since our countries are militarily occupied by Malaya, we are not free to determine the independence issue at present.

      We can treat the GE13 a practice run for a referendum by the way we vote. If we all can vote against returning UMNO BN to power, this would be an indication of what we want. At this stage no local party has called the people to take this view and approach.

      2. The second Plan probably should have come first but the British denied us that opportunity. This Plan is for a peaceful de-colonisation of Sabah and Sarawak in a UN supervised independence referendum. If the people choose independence we will see 2 new states come into being. If the people are enthusiastic they could revive the Borneo Federation. May be it could take the form of a Borneo Union like the European Union.

      This again is unlikely to happen as seen in how PM Razak had brushed off Donald Stephens for a review of the Malaysia Agreement in 1973. This does not mean we give up. There are still many old people out there who have not given up independence.

      We still go for a referendum or review? Does review allow us to choose independence?

      As peace loving people we should work together to press for an independence referendum. This will be a decision which will involve the people who never had a say in the whole thing.

      PLAN B
      3. PLAN B – This plan is actually the original plan seen in how the following countries took the road to independence- when there is no other way out of colonial rule.

      a) Banglasdesh- best illustrates the Sabah and Sarawak situation.

      “The present-day borders of Bangladesh were established during the British partition of Bengal in 1947, when the region became East Pakistan, part of the newly formed nation of Pakistan. However, it was separated from West Pakistan by nearly 1,500 km (about 900 mi) of Indian territory. Due to political exclusion, ethnic and linguistic discrimination and economic neglect by the politically dominant western wing, popular agitation grew and gave rise to a secular cultural nationalist movement, leading to the declaration of independence and Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971.” (excerpts from Wikipedia)

    6. PLAN B

      b) West Papau invaded and occupied Indonesia in 1961- independence war still in progress. The UN did not do a lot of protesting and still does not. The invasion lent credence to British Malayan arguments for establishing Malaysia to block any similar invasion of the British Borneo colonies. However why should the colonies' right to independence be sacrificed for this reason? Not many people asked.

      c) East Timor invaded and occupied Indonesia in 1975. Local armed resistance peristed for 25 years until with the help of Australia and the UN Indonesia held an independence referendum. 78.5% of East Timorese voted for independence.

      d) Southern Sudan fought the Sudanese government at different periods over 50 years under the South Sudan Liberation Army/Movement. It gained independence following a 98.8% popular vote for independence.

      See Wikipedia main article: Southern Sudanese independence referendum, 2011

      “From 9–15 January 2011 people from South Sudan voted on whether they should break away from Sudan and declare independence. On 30 January 2011, the results had shown that 98.83% of the population had voted for independence from Sudan.[10]

      At midnight on 9 July 2011, South Sudan became an independent country under the name Republic of South Sudan.[11] On 14 July 2011, South Sudan became the 193rd member state of the United Nations.[12][13] On 28 July 2011, South Sudan joined the African Union as its 54th member state.[14]

      Certain disputes still remain with Sudan, such as sharing of the oil revenues, as an estimated 80% of the oil in both Sudans is from South Sudan, which would represent amazing economic potential for one of the world's most deprived areas. The region of Abyei still remains disputed and a separate referendum is due to be held in Abyei on whether they want to join North or South Sudan.”

      Readers can see the similarity in all the examples with Sabah and Sarawak situation.

      We should all actively discuss and promote the idea of independence and the solutions to our dilemma on how to get Sabah and Sarawak out of Malayan colonial rule.

    7. (This is the second paragraph in the above comments- sorry inadvertently omitted)


      50 years down the track, many of us have become educated, better informed and started to grasp what actually happened to us in 1963. We may be slow but it is not too late. We also acquired some skill of government administration although Kuala Lumpur had Malayanised/centralised our public services to make us dependent on Malaya for everything- including having to beg for extra "funds" which are part of the oil money stolen from us!

      If this is not colonialism, what is it?

      So is there a plan for independence? We are guided by the events of the past. A couple of plans existed.

      You may have read about the Borneo Federation Plan from the 1960s which is still on the agenda. As long as the Malayan colonisation of our land continues the agenda is alive. It is necessary to understand this Plan in context of our history.

      1. Even before Malaysia was jointly announced by Britain and Malaya, the people in the 3 British Borneo colonies were discussing the concept of a Borneo Federation for independence. This was to federate Brunei Sabah Sarawak into the new State of North Kalimantan.

      There are many positives for such a federation which would accommodate the the 3 territories in an equal and democratic relationship. All 3 countries are part of the resource rich Northern Borneo land mass and share a common history.

      Historically North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak were offshoots of the Brunei Empire from the 15th Century to the 19th Century. During that 500 year period, Brunei existed as an independent entity. The Sultanate became weakened with internal rebellions and the Sultans gave away or leased out territories towards the end of the empire.

      Sarawak came into being when James Brooke helped the Sultanate in the 1840s to suppress a local rebellion and was given the south west part of present day Sarawak as a reward. The Brooke Dynasty was borne and it saw the territorial expansion at the expense of Brunei territory to what Sarawak is today. Sarawak existed as an independent state from 1841 to 1941.

  2. No way for SAPP to form the next gov.

  3. SAPP can't win on their own effort. need 1 to 1 competition with other opposition parties.

  4. You will write with a clear conscience and character. Wavy-wavering and mincing at the moment.

    Lend your support to STAR Sabah.

  5. 1 to 1 is a myth created by PKR to destroy party Sabah

  6. SAPP bukan pilihan rakyat Sabah.

  7. Tidak ada yang layak memerintah Sabah. Sabah bukan untuk diperintah. Sabah untuk dimajukan dan dilindungi. Tiada yang akan memerintah saya atau kawan-kawan saya. Saya tidak akan akur. Tiada jumlah rasuah kamu boleh membeli kesetiaan saya. Tiada jumlah "brainwashing" di sekolah dan di media boleh mengaburkan mata saya. Saya tahu apa yang betul, dan saya akan sentiasa melawan yang salah.
