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Monday, May 27, 2013

Mazu project: Chong gives up post

KOTA KINABALU - Former Chief Minister Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat has relinquished his position as the Chairman of the Kudat Thean Hou Foundation vis-a-vis the stalled Kudat Mazu (Goddess of the Sea) Statue project.

He made the decision in the light of the State Government today, which he said is almost similar to the State Government prior to the 13th General Election (GE13).

"So there is no way the Mazu Statue project can move forward under my leadership. Hence my decision to relinquish the chairmanship post.

The divine approval for me to give up the post was given by the Divine Mother  Mazu last Saturday.

"Likewise, my replacement, Lee Chin An's appointment was also issued by the Divine Mazu with instructions that the Mazu Statue project in Kudat must be completed," he told Daily Express.

Lee, a well-known local Kudat businessman, is now the new Chairman of the Kudat Thean Hon Foundation.

Chong, however, said there is no strict time-frame imposed by the Mazu Divinity to his successor.

On whether he was pressured by certain quarters, he said there was absolutely no pressure from anyone or any quarters.

"I would say my decision stems from divine inspiration to let some other devotees lead with a view to seeing the due completion of the stalled Mazu Statue project."

The ceremony for the relinquishment and replacement was held at the Kudat Thean Hou site and conducted by a Mazu medium from Penampang.

Asked on what role he will now play, Chong said he will play no active role except to continue to pray to the Mazu Divinity for blessings to his successor and his new team of special assistants in their management of the said project.

"I will remain a mere supporter for the project's success and will only continue to pray for its successful conclusion,"

The former President of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) became the 13th Chief Minister of Sabah in 2001 under a rotation system mooted by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In April 2007, Chong resigned from the Deputy Chief Minister post, citing matters of principle over the rejection by the State Government to erecting the Mazu Statue at its original site.

DE Mary Chin

BM version

Chong lepas jawatan pengerusi Yayasan Thean Hou Kudat

KOTA KINABALU: Bekas ketua menteri Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat melepaskan jawatannya sebagai Pengerusi Yayasan Thean Hou Kudat yang berdepan masalah penyiapan Projek Patung Mazu Kudat.

Menurutnya, beliau membuat keputusan itu kerana Kerajaan Negeri hari ini hampir sama dengan Kerajaan Negeri sebelum Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13).

"Jadi tidak ada cara projek Patung Mazu itu boleh diteruskan di bawah kepimpihan saya. Kerana itu, saya membuat keputusan untuk melepaskan jawatan pengerusi.

" Persetujuan untuk saya melepaskan jawatan itu telah diberi oleh Dewa Mazu Sabtu lepas.

"Demikian juga, pelantikan pengganti saya, Encik Lee Chin An juga dikeluarkan oleh Dewa Mazu dengan arahan bahawa Projek Patung Mazu di Kudat itu mesti disiapkan," beliau memberitahu Harian Ekspres.

Lee, seorang ahli perniagaan terkenal di Kudat, kini adalah Pengerusi baru Yayasan Thean Hou Kudat.

Chong, bagaimanapun, berkata tidak ada jangka masa tertentu diberikan oleh Dewa Mazu kepada penggantinya itu.

Mengenai sama ada dia diberi tekanan oleh pihak tertentu, beliau menafikan perkara itu.

"Saya ingin katakan bahawa keputusan saya bersumberkan ilham suci untuk memberi laluan kepada orang lain menjadi peneraju dengan harapan untuk melihat Projek Patung Mazu itu dapat disiapkan.

Majlis untuk melepaskan jawatan dan melantik pengganti itu diadakan di tapak Thean Hou Kudat dan dilakukan perantara Mazu dari Penampang.


  1. musa musa musa yang hina cina

  2. Keputusan beliau harus dihormati.

  3. "I will remain a mere supporter for the project's success and will only continue to pray for its successful conclusion,"

    Semoga beliau masih bersama rakyat yang menyokongnya.

  4. Semoga pengganti beliau benar berkeupayaan dan sanggup memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

  5. Ini adalah kebiasaan, selepas PRU, ada yang keluar dan masuk.

  6. PRu13 mencetus ketegangan antara kaum dan bangsa.

  7. Jangan paksa diri, biarlah belia yang berkebolehan mengganti.

  8. Semoga beliau masih memberi perkhidmatan kepada golongan uang memerlukannya.

  9. Persetujuan untuk saya melepaskan jawatan itu telah diberi oleh Dewa Mazu Sabtu lepas.

    Semoga penggantinya juga orang yang benar bertanggung jawab dan berpandangan jauh agar memanfaatkan rakyat.

  10. Adakah beliau dipaksa turun?

  11. Projek yang dirancang dan dilaksanakan harus dipantau agar tiada penyelewengan.
