The 40% of the net revenue collected from Sabah is Sabah’s entitlement under the Tenth Schedule of the Federal Constitution and should not be confused with allocations from the Federal government.
The 40% entitlement is for the use of the Sabah government at its sole discretion to meet its State needs whereas the federal allocations are decided by the federal government. It needs no reminding that the priorities of the State government for Sabah are very different from that of the federal government.
Much needed funds are required by the State government to carry out its programs for the people in Sabah and the additional funds from the 40% entitlement will not only enable the State government to perform better but also give a big boost to the State economy as well.
“As regards the issue of the amount collected, the Chief Minister was referring to collections inclusive of other federal departments and agencies like the Customs, Immigration and Road Transport whereas the RM38 billion quoted by me was based on the information given by the Sabah Director of the Inland Revenue Board which has indicated that RM40 billion was targeted to be collected from Sabah in 2013. It was not an arbitrary amount given by me” clarified Dr. Jeffrey.
In addition, the federal management and development expenditure in Sabah includes departments and agencies which overlap with and could have been performed by Sabah departments and agencies. If these federal agencies were made redundant and or abolished, there will be considerable savings on management or operational costs which could then be channeled to development expenditure for Sabah which will further boost Sabah’s economy and enhanced benefits for Sabahans.
Sabah leaders need to start changing their mindset and remember that they represent the people of Sabah and need to look after Sabah and her people. It appears that after decades of indoctrination by leaders from Kuala Lumpur, they are easily misled into forgoing Sabah’s rights and interests and failing to stand up for Sabah’s rights and entitlement.
As it is much of the wealth especially oil resources are drained from Sabah to fund development in Malaya leaving Sabahans to suffer as being the poorest and Sabah lagging far, far behind in development even in basic amenities like roads, water and electricity and medical facilities.
The federal government has failed to prioritize development in Sabah and has always been treating Sabah with contempt even today.
“Sabah contributed more than RM40 billion in revenue to the federal government and Petronas in 2012 yet the RM235 million water treatment supply project in Keningau had to be funded as a federal loan from Putrajaya. There is no reason for the federal government to demand repayment for this basic amenities project for Sabah, in the interior of Sabah and at the heartland of the parliamentary seat of our Huguan Siou, when the federal government spends billions for other water projects in Malaya” added Dr. Jeffrey (right).
There is an urgent need for funds to bring development and progress to Sabah. One of the other immediate source of funds for the Sabah government is through an increase in the cash payment for Sabah’s oil and gas.
A marginal increase of the cash payment from 5% to 10% will bring in an additional RM941 million to the State coffers which amounts to a 25% increase in the State revenue. There is every urgent need and justification to seek a review of the oil revenue for Sabah.
It is high time for Sabah leaders to be visionary, brave and bold and demand for Sabah’s rights and entitlement of much needed funds for Sabah’s development and progress. If not, Sabah will continue to lag behind like for the past 50 years or as better described as “IRI OM IRI” in the Dusun language.
ReplyDelete(But how come Malaya act as if they own our oil?)
No need to review? Musa can go to hell!
What a traitor!
Don't confuse 5% royalty with the 100% control and taking of profits by Petronas. Read the words. Royalty only derives from the production of revenue.
This is a definition from Wikipedia:
" Royalties (sometimes, running royalties, or private sector taxes) are usage-based payments made by one party (the "licensee") to another (the "licensor") for the right to ongoing use of an asset, sometimes an intellectual property (IP). Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net revenues derived from the use of an asset or a fixed price per unit sold of an item of such, but there are also other modes and metrics of compensation.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] A royalty interest is the right to collect a stream of future royalty payments, often used in the oil and music industries to describe a percentage ownership of future production or revenues from a given leasehold, which may be divested from the original owner of the asset.[8]"
The definition (if correct) means that Petronas by paying royalty only has a licence from Sabah to steal its oil. Sabah retains ownership of the continental shelf (& oil?).
Before Sabah gets 5% royalty the profits & revenue have been skimmed off by GLCs owned the families of Dr. Mahthir, Badawi, Najib and the UMNO elites who all secretly have their dirty fingers in the Sabah pie.
90% used to develop Malaya and fatten UMNO & cronies into fat cat billionaires.
That is why no need to review.
Indeks Pencemaran Udara (IPU) di bandar raya semalam mencatatkan bacaan melebihi paras 130, namun masih ada pihak tidak bertanggungjawab melakukan pembakaran terbuka.
ReplyDeletePihak berkuasa harus bertindak terhadap pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab ini.
DeletePembakaran besaran ini membawa kesan buruk terhadap suhu bumi.
DeleteTinjauan BH mendapati kegiatan itu berlaku di kawasan perusahaan kecil di Jalan Anggerik Mokara, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning dan Seksyen 32, Bukit Naga, di sini.
ReplyDeleteSikap tidak bertanggungjawab itu dipercayai dilakukan oleh beberapa kilang di kawasan terbabit yang bersikap lepas tangan apabila membakar sisa industri sehingga menyebabkan beberapa pokok berdekatan terbakar.
ReplyDeleteSikap pentingkan diri ini cuma menyebabkan masalah yang tidak diingini.
DeleteMereka mengabaikan keselamatan dan kesihatan golongan awam demi manfaat diri semata-matanya.
DeleteIa seolah-olah mencabar Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS) yang sebelum ini mengisytiharkan Selangor, Melaka dan Johor sebagai kawasan larangan pembakaran terbuka mengikut Seksyen 29AA (2) Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 2001, kecuali pembakaran mayat dan keagamaan, berkuat kuasa Isnin lalu.
ReplyDeleteMereka yang ingkar melakukan pembakaran terbuka boleh didenda RM500,000 atau penjara lima tahun atau kedua-duanya jika sabit kesalahan.
ReplyDeleteSultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, bertitah supaya rakyat tidak panik dan membuat spekulasi berikutan pengisytiharan darurat di Muar serta Ledang akibat jerebu.
ReplyDeleteBerhenti aktiviti luar yang akan menjejas kesihatan.
DeleteLangkah menjaga diri semasa menjalankan aktiviti luar harus diambil.
DeleteBaginda bertitah, rakyat perlu mematuhi arahan pihak berkuasa, selain mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga demi menjaga keselamatan dan kesihatan mereka.
ReplyDelete“Perintah darurat akibat jerebu ini adalah untuk kebaikan rakyat supaya mereka tinggal di rumah dan mengehadkan aktiviti luar. Jangan bimbang kerana tiada rusuhan berlaku,” titah baginda, semalam
ReplyDeleteTips yang diberi oleh jabatan kesihatan harus diikuti.
DeleteJika boleh, kurangkan aktiviti luar buat sementara waktu.
DeleteBaginda yang turun padang meninjau keadaan di Muar ketika dalam perjalanan ke Kuala Lumpur bertitah, jerebu yang melanda negara diharap menjadi pengajaran kepada semua pihak.
ReplyDelete“Ini pengajaran untuk semua dan hentikan pembakaran terbuka,” titah baginda.
ReplyDeleteSementara itu, Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, berkata orang ramai tidak perlu membuat pembelian bahan makanan dan bahan api seperti petrol serta diesel dalam kuantiti yang banyak kerana darurat hanya membabitkan tahap Indeks Pencemaran Udara (IPU).
Ambil tindakan sahaja, cakap tiada kebaikan.
DeleteTiada makna adanya undang-undang tetapi tidak mengambil tindakan.
DeleteBeliau turut meminta orang ramai mengelak melakukan pembakaran terbuka kerana boleh didakwa di mahkamah dan didenda sehingga RM500,000 atau penjara sehingga lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali, selain kompaun maksimum RM2,000 bagi setiap kesalahan.
ReplyDeleteMenasihatkan penutupan pejabat atau premis kerajaan atau swasta dan tempat bekerja lain, termasuk kilang, ladang, kawasan pembinaan, kuari serta kerja-kerja tanah dan pemindahan tanah. Langkah keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan hendaklah diambil pada setiap masa.
ReplyDeleteMajikan harus mengutamakan kesihatan pekerja yang berkemungkinan perlu mendedah di kawasan yang IPU agak tinggi.
DeleteIsu ini menjejas ekonomi.
DeleteKementerian Pendidikan, Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat serta agensi berkaitan melaksanakan penutupan sekolah, taman didikan dan pusat jagaan kanak-kanak dalam kawasan Darurat Bencana Jerebu
ReplyDeleteKementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia serta Kementerian Kesihatan mempertingkatkan penyiaran maklumat kesedaran mengenai jerebu secara berterusan untuk panduan orang awam
ReplyDeleteOrang awam harus meningkatkan kesedaran jerebu yang akan menyebabkan kesihatan terancam.
DeleteWarga emas dan kanak-kanak harus lebih berhati-hati. Keadaan persekitaran amat tidak baik untuk kesihatan.
DeleteJAS; Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Darat, Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan dan pihak berkuasa tempatan atau agensi berkaitan mempertingkatkan tindakan penguatkuasaan undang-undang terhadap sumber yang boleh menyumbang kemerosotan kualiti udara
ReplyDeletePihak berkuasa harus bertindak dan menguatkuasakan undang-undang terhadap golongan yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
Delete“Sabah contributed more than RM40 billion in revenue to the federal government and Petronas in 2012 yet the RM235 million water treatment supply project in Keningau had to be funded as a federal loan from Putrajaya.
ReplyDeleteKenapa pula perlu membuat pembayaran?
Pemimpin di Sabah harus memperjuangkan demi hak dan kepentingan untuk rakyat di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKeuntungan minyak dan gas di Sabah harus disalur untuk kerajaan Sabah dengan kadar yabg berpatutan.
ReplyDeleteThe federal government has failed to prioritize development in Sabah and has always been treating Sabah with contempt even today.
ReplyDeleteBujet 2013 membuktikan kerajaan menumpu perhatian untuk perkembangan di Sabah.
Indeed. Same old, same old. Go 21 days without a crutch. Very likely brains and brawn will improve.
ReplyDeleteSabah deserve more revenue sharing.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Sabah harus utamakan hak & kepentingan orang di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKadar royalti harus ditambah lagi. Sabah berhak memiliki kadar yang berpatutan.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey aku tahu yang kau kecewa kerana tidak menjadi Ketua Menteri.
ReplyDeleteJanji menaikkan royalti minyak antara 15 hingga 20 peratus kepada Sabah yang ditabur pakatan pembangkang sekiranya mereka memerintah menunjukkan pembangkang tidak memahami selok-belok industri petroleum.
ReplyDelete"Setiap hasil daripada 100 tong minyak Sabah yang dikeluarkan, lima peratus pergi kepada negeri Sabah dan lima peratus lagi kepada kerajaan persekutuan. Sebanyak 45 peratus untuk mencari gali minyak dan 45 peratus lagi adalah keuntungan (kasar) yang dikongsi Petronas dengan rakan syarikat cari gali= seperti Shell dan Esso.
ReplyDelete"(Selepas pembahagian hasil dan membayar cukai) Hasil yang diperoleh Petronas kira-kira 16 peratus. Sekiranya (royalti Sabah) diberi lagi 10 peratus, Petronas akan tutup," katanya ketika berucap pada majlis penyerahan bantuan Elaun Sara Hidup kepada 504 nelayan Tawau di sini hari ini.
ReplyDeleteSambil menyifatkan ia sebagai janji bohong, Pembantu Menteri Kewangan Sabah, Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan berkata, sebagai jurutera yang pernah berkerja dengan syarikat petroleum antarabangsa, beliau mengetahui bahawa industri petroleum berisiko tinggi dan memerlukan modal pelaburan yang amat besar.
ReplyDeleteTawfiq berkata sebagai sebuah daripada syarikat petroleum terbaik di dunia, Petronas perlu terus kukuh kerana ia amat penting kepada Malaysia untuk masa depan negara.
ReplyDeleteSementara itu, Tawfiq berkata rakyat Malaysia hari ini amat beruntung kerana ditadbir kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang cukup berwibawa untuk memacu pembangunan negara dan menjadikan negara sebagai tumpuan pelabur antarabangsa.
ReplyDelete"Semakin banyak pelaburan masuk, semakin banyak peluang pekerjaan diwujudkan, semakin rancaklah aktiviti perniagaan, semakin banyaklah cukai boleh dikutip kerajaan, semakin banyaklah infrastruktur asas dan bantuan boleh disediakan kepada rakyat," katanya.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata rakyat negara ini perlu mengambil iktibar daripada banyak negara di dunia hari ini yang bergolak kerana politiknya tidak stabil menyebabkan pelabur tidak berani masuk ke negara berkenaan sekaligus melumpuhkan ekonomi dan membawa kesengsaraan kepada rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSehubungan itu, Tawfiq mengingatkan rakyat supaya tidak mencuba-cuba menukar sistem dan kerjaan sedia ada kerana sistem dan kerajaan sekarang sudah cukup baik untuk merealisasikan Malaysia sebagai negara maju menjelang 2020.
ReplyDeleteMengenai pemberian elaun kepada nelayan, Tawfiq berkata selain elaun sara hidup, nelayan juga diberi subsidi diesel dan petrol serta insentif tangkapan ikan dan Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M).
ReplyDeletePetronas perlu memberi peluang yang lebih luas kepada syarikat tempatan Sabah untuk bersama-sama menjayakan projek pembangunan Terminal Minyak dan Gas Sabah (SOGT) di negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Yahya Hussin, berkata Petronas wajar menimbang dan memberikan peluang perniagaan terutama kerja-kerja kontrak dan bekalan kepada syarikat dan usahawan Sabah kerana mereka juga mampu melakukannya dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteSelain pelbagai peluang perniagaan dan kontrak, anak-anak tempatan yang berkelayakan juga wajar diberi peluang dan keutamaan untuk bekerja di SOGT,†katanya.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri Majlis Berbuka Puasa dan Penyampaian Bantuan Ikhlas daripada Petronas di Masjid Jamek Putatan, kelmarin.
Program itu adalah anjuran bersama Petronas, Ladang Sri Dalima Sdn. Bhd dan Koperasi Perpaduan Putatan Berhad. Lebih 200 orang anak yatim, fakir miskin, ibu-ibu tunggal dan Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU) menerima bantuan ikhlas berupa wang dan barang keperluan harian di majlis itu.
ReplyDeleteTurut hadir ialah Pembantu Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Perumahan, Datuk Edward Yong, Oui Fah, Ahli Parlimen Putatan, Datuk Dr. Marcus Mojigoh, Pengurus Besar Projek Terminal Gas dan Minyak Sabah, Petronas Carigali Sdn.Bhd, Noor Ilias Mohd. Idris.
Yahya yang juga Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Makanan Negeri berkata, dengan memberi peluang dan ruang kepada syarikat tempatan dalam projek-projek industri minyak dan gas, akan membolehkan tertukaran teknologi.
ReplyDelete“Syarikat dan usahawan tempatan Sabah dapat menimbah ilmu, pengetahuan dan kemahiran daripada Petronas dalam industri minyak dan gas. Ini amat penting supaya mereka dapat berkembang dan mampu bersaing dengan syarikat-syarikat asing yang lain kelak.
SOGT yang terletak di Kimanis adalah salah satu projek rancangan jangka panjang Petronas untuk memajukan industri minyak dan gas di Sabah. Terminal itu akan menerima, memproses, menyimpan dan mengeksport minyak mentah dan gas dari persisiran luar pantai.
ReplyDeleteYahya berkata, kerajaan dan rakyat Sabah amat menghargai sumbangan Petronas dalam pemberian biasiswa kepada pelajar yang berkelayakan dan latihan teknikal bagi melahirkan pemuda tempatan dengan kemahiran teknikal minyak dan gas selaras dengan keperluan industri itu di Sabah.
Katanya, Petronas turut menyumbang kepada masyarakat yang memerlukan melalui program-program Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporatnya.
ReplyDeleteRakyat amat mengalu-alukan penganjurkan program sosial oleh Petronas kerana ia dapat membantu meringankan sedikit bebanan rakyat terutama kepada golongan miskin, anak-anak yatim, ibu-ibu tunggal serta warga emas dalam bulan puasa ini.
Menurutnya, penyertaan sektor swasta dan syarikat korporat dalam program kemasyarakatan seperti pemberian bantuan ikhlas kepada golongan yang memerlukan semakin ketara sejak akhir-akhir ini.
ReplyDeleteIni adalah bukti jelas bahawa dasar dan polisi yang dibawa oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) telah membawa kebaikan dan keuntungan dalam perniagaan kepada syarikat-syarikat swasta dan korporat sehingga mereka dapat menyumbang sebahagian daripada keuntungan itu kepada rakyat yang program sosialnya,†tegasnya.
ReplyDeleteSehubungan itu, katanya, syarikat-syarikat swasta dan korporat wajar meningkatkan program tanggungjawab sosial korporat mereka kerana ia akan memberi faedah dan kebaikan kepada rakyat.
As he returns to Sabah, a third term, as the longest serving chief minister of Sabah, and who has broken the 9 years jinx, after generating a hope for the better for the average man on the street.
ReplyDeleteA high growth rate of 5 per cent between 2004 and 2008 is not the reason why Musa Aman had been voted back in 2008. Restoring the right to freedom and good governance was certainly the first step.
ReplyDeleteProgram Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT), was introduced to assist the hardcore poor. The programme established a register on the profile of hardcore poor households and contained a package of projects tailored to meet their specific needs
ReplyDeleteDirect assistance was given to the hardcore poor who were disabled and aged. In addition, the hardcore poor were provided with interest-free loans to purchase shares in a unit trust scheme (ASB-PPRT) so that the dividends can supplement their income.
ReplyDeleteWith the foundations now well laid out, the challenge Musa Aman faces in his third term are not only formidable but if attempted in a more realistic and holistic manner can even chart out a new future for the country.
ReplyDeleteI found Musa Aman to be more receptive and sensitive to the needs of the poor and marginalised. While the Sabah verdict amply demonstrates his willingness to improve the lot of the masses mainly the natives.
ReplyDeleteAnd the 2012 state budget amounting to RM4.048 billion the highest and biggest budget ever allocated and announced in the history of Sabah Government is a clear example that Musa Aman cares for Sabahans.
ReplyDeleteWith 80 per cent of the population involved in farming, Sabah’s future revolves around agriculture. Except for rice which is still imported
ReplyDeleteSabah is trying to attain self-sufficiency in food production and produces surplus vegetables both highland and lowland vegetables, surplus of poultry and eggs, surplus of marine fish, surplus of milk, but, the fact remains that the State still has a large proportion of population which is poor and there is still poverty.
ReplyDeleteThe challenge therefore is on how to bring a synergy between agriculture and food security; on how to turn agriculture economically and ecologically sustainable in a manner that it does not lead farmers in distress to sell off their land to ‘outsiders’ and become landless and at the same time provide food and nutrition for the masses.
ReplyDeleteThe challenge therefore is on how to bring a synergy between agriculture and food security; on how to turn agriculture economically and ecologically sustainable in a manner that it does not lead farmers in distress to sell off their land to ‘outsiders’ and become landless and at the same time provide food and nutrition for the masses.
ReplyDeleteSabah is trying to attain self-sufficiency in food production and produces surplus vegetables both highland and lowland vegetables, surplus of poultry and eggs, surplus of marine fish, surplus of milk, but, the fact remains that the State still has a large proportion of population which is poor and there is still poverty.
ReplyDeleteWith 80 per cent of the population involved in farming, Sabah’s future revolves around agriculture. Except for rice which is still imported
ReplyDeleteAnd the 2012 state budget amounting to RM4.048 billion the highest and biggest budget ever allocated and announced in the history of Sabah Government is a clear example that Musa Aman cares for Sabahans.
ReplyDeleteI found Musa Aman to be more receptive and sensitive to the needs of the poor and marginalised. While the Sabah verdict amply demonstrates his willingness to improve the lot of the masses mainly the natives.
ReplyDeleteWith the foundations now well laid out, the challenge Musa Aman faces in his third term are not only formidable but if attempted in a more realistic and holistic manner can even chart out a new future for the country.
ReplyDeleteDirect assistance was given to the hardcore poor who were disabled and aged. In addition, the hardcore poor were provided with interest-free loans to purchase shares in a unit trust scheme (ASB-PPRT) so that the dividends can supplement their income.
ReplyDeleteProgram Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT), was introduced to assist the hardcore poor. The programme established a register on the profile of hardcore poor households and contained a package of projects tailored to meet their specific needs
ReplyDeleteA high growth rate of 5 per cent between 2004 and 2008 is not the reason why Musa Aman had been voted back in 2008. Restoring the right to freedom and good governance was certainly the first step.
ReplyDeleteLarge capital-spending programmes and acquisitions will remain key sources of pressure for the standalone credit quality of many investment-grade oil and gas (O&G) companies in Asia, said Moody’s Investors Service.
ReplyDeleteacquisitions of O&G assets with long development lead time are subject to greater execution delays or cost overruns, a credit negative.
ReplyDeleteThere are a total of 358 candidates representing the Barisan National the Pakatan Rakyat, Sabah Star, SAPP and Independents going for 60 State and the 25 Parliamentary seats, all up for grabs in Sabah for the 13th GE on May 5.
ReplyDeleteThe interest and the buzz that Sabah elicits when it goes to polls – both from the common people and the media – is obviously unprecedented.
ReplyDeleteWhile a state like Sarawak which went to the polls in 2011 attracts attention for its sheer size and the fact that it is politically volatile, Sabah on the other hand has captured the imagination of the people for a decade now due to one very shining personality – Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteThe hype that has been generated as far as the May 5th 13th general elections are concerned has become manifold because these polls are virtually being seen as a referendum for Musa to continue as chief minister.
ReplyDeleteHis objective is simple: to ensure that the forests are given a chance to recover.
ReplyDeleteHe wants to stand up for himself, representing all the PILAKS in Sabah! How disgusting.
ReplyDeleteBesides, the enormity of the alleged extent of illegal felling [1 million m3] could not have escaped the attention of the world.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if 50% of the annual production of timber from Sabah was alleged to be illegal, world markets especially sensitive ones like Europe, North America and Japan would have long ago stopped buying timber from Sabah
ReplyDeleteThis enormous economic and financial implication would have been so harmful to the state as a whole and the state budget could have gone topsy-turvy
ReplyDeleteUnder his leadership, SFM [sustainable forest management] had improved by leaps and bounds.
ReplyDeleteShort-term licences that caused tremendous damage to the environment were being drastically phased out and Sabah’s forest management credibility is now at its highest
ReplyDeleteSabah now has an open-book philosophy whereby, logging and forest management areas are all open to third party and NGO scrutiny
ReplyDeleteCurrently at least 800,000ha of Sabah’s forests are partially or fully certified under various internationally recognised system such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), MTCS (Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme) and PEFC (Pan European Forest Scheme).
ReplyDeleteThis included the 250,000ha of fully certified and 150,000ha of partially certified forest areas under the Sabah Foundation.
ReplyDeleteThe process of certification means independent third party is on the ground auditing to assess credibility.
ReplyDeleteMusa has created model forest centre and ensured that the forest in Sabah will never be “raped” like in the past by unscrupulous people.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, there has been a consistent effort to educate everyone involve in the timber industry about good forest practices without disturbing the forest
ReplyDeleteThis endeavor, carried out silently, is about to bear fruits now, an indication that Sabah’s forest are well run
And the spill-over effect is evident by the wildlife corridor linking Maliau Basin, Imbak Canyon to Danum/Ulu Segama and the re-classification of Ulu Segama (130,000ha) to total protected status.
ReplyDeleteAs The Duke of Cambridge Prince William and Lady Catherine Middleton prepares for a visit to Danum Valley on the 15th of September, a testament to their longstanding interest in conservation
ReplyDeletewe should perhaps see this as an indication that the rumours of deforestation and illegal logging is not true. Why would Musa allow the Royal couple into Sabah if the home to some of the last remaining areas of tropical rainforest in South East Asia were indeed in dire straits?
Sebanyak 500 unit rumah di bawah Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) akan dibina di kawasan Pekan Muhibah di sini bagi memastikan rakyat di negeri ini menikmati kehidupan yang selesa.
ReplyDeleteKetua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata projek itu yang telah diluluskan oleh Jabatan Perumahan Negara merupakan inisiatif kerajaan untuk membantu rakyat tinggal di kawasan perumahan yang mempunyai kemudahan dan infrastruktur yang lengkap.
ReplyDeleteLangkah itu selari dengan hasrat kerajaan Barisan Nasional di bawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang mahu melihat masyarakat di seluruh negara mendapat kebajikan yang sewajarnya
ReplyDeletePPR itu turut dilengkapi dengan pelbagai kemudahan seperti ruang pejabat, surau, dewan, tadika, rumah kedai dan rumah untuk golongan Orang Kurang Upaya.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata ini kerana pesta atau karnival musim perayaan yang diadakan setiap tahun dapat mengukuhkan lagi perpaduan rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini khususnya di Sabah.
ReplyDelete“Setiap kali berlangsung apa juga pesta atau karnival sempena musim perayaan, kita dapat melihat betapa kukuhnya semangat perpaduan, muhibah dan kekitaan dalam kalangan rakyat pelbagai kaum di negara kita."
ReplyDeleteMusa berkata, Kerajaan Negeri amat mengalu-alukan dan menyokong penuh apa juga usaha, inisiatif dan komitmen pelbagai pihak termasuk jabatan kerajaan, sektor swasta dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) bagi memupuk keharmonian sosial dan meningkatkan lagi semangat perpaduan di kalangan rakyat di negeri ini.
ReplyDeletekarnival seumpama ini juga memberi peluang terbaik kepada rakyat khususnya warga bandaraya membawa ahli keluarga menyaksikan program-program yang disediakan seterusnya mengenali kebudayaan dan adat masyarakat lain.
ReplyDeletelangkah kerajaan memperkenalkan konsep Rumah Terbuka Malaysia setiap kali musim perayaan utama negara terbukti memberikan impak yang amat positif dari segi kestabilan politik, kemakmuran ekonomi dan sosial rakyat.
ReplyDeleteaspek ini amat penting kerana kestabilan politik dan sistem pentadbiran yang cekap, akan meningkatkan lagi keyakinan para pelabur untuk menanam modal dan meningkatkan ekonomi negeri, seterusnya mewujudkan lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat.
ReplyDeleteamat penting ia dipelihara dan dikekalkan bagi memastikan kestabilan dan keamanan ini terus dipertahankan bagi kepentingan kita dan generasi akan datang
ReplyDeletedi samping memartabatkan kebudayaan masyarakat di negeri ini, gerai-gerai jualan yang diadakan juga memberi peluang kepada peniaga tempatan untuk mempromosi barangan tempatan kepada pelancong asing dan seterusnya menjana pendapatan tambahan.
ReplyDeleteThe government has allocated RM6 billion to develop agriculture through various sectors under the agriculture and agro-based industry ministry this year.
ReplyDeleteWhat Musa has won is 18 seats more than the required majority, which is not spectacular, but the number is still more than what the opposition has managed to win
ReplyDeleteThe interest and the buzz that Sabah elicits when it goes to polls – both from the common people and the media – is obviously unprecedented.
ReplyDeleteThe government has allocated RM6 billion to develop agriculture through various sectors under the agriculture and agro-based industry ministry this year.
ReplyDeleteThe ministry’s deputy secretary general, Datuk Mohd Hashim Abdullah, said the RM2 billion increase from last year’s allocation reflected the government’s concern for the people, especially in terms of infrastructure and basic facilities.
ReplyDeleteSoon they will become anachronisms with the Sabah victory marking the first time an explicit agenda targeting Sabahans being advanced by Musa Aman receiving such a resounding endorsement from the citizenry.
ReplyDeleteMohd Hashim said the government emphasised on agriculture because it was an important sector for the rural community and contributed to the nation’s development.
ReplyDeleteIt was found that the opportunity exists to materially alter the battleground in Sabah through a platform that emphasized on ‘economic issues’ that can size up to the ‘economic aspirations’ of the “New Sabah”.
ReplyDeleteThe earliest indicators of the rise of the ‘New Sabah’ came from the Census data of Rural Households.
ReplyDeleteBetween the fall of Harris Salleh’s Berjaya that was wrongly attributed to “Sabah Shining” and the re-election of Pairin Kitingan’s PBS that was once again wrongly attributed to ‘Sabah rights based entitlements’ most commentators have ignored what the Census data told us going as far back as 1985.
ReplyDeleteIn block after block, district after district, when queried over what kind of assistance Rural families preferred one message came out loud and clear – education, skills and security.
ReplyDeleteFor the first time in the middle of a high stakes election for an incumbent Chief Minister in a country like Malaysia to go on record and express his commitment to Development takes both courage and conviction
He has sent a signal to the Pakatan Rakyat and its extended ecosystem of Sabah Progressive Party and Star that the cliche victimhood card as a permanent political agenda is past its sell by date. Cynicism no longer sells.
ReplyDeleteIt is reflective of what the future can hold for Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteSabah today is a model economy that generates both envy and aspiration among the people of other States.
ReplyDeleteSabah’s economy not only is on the right track but is also growing rapidly under Barisan Nasional (BN) rule.
ReplyDeleteWith political stability and conducive economic environment, the state is poised to attract more home and foreign investors.
ReplyDeleteAnd, with more investments, more jobs and business opportunities will be created.
ReplyDeleteThe endeavour to make Sabah a more progressive and successful state is achievable if the current development momentum could be maintained or sped up in line with the implementation of the economic transformation and government transformation programmes.
ReplyDeleteHe also said financial discipline and prudent spending are vital for the success of the state’s economy.
ReplyDeleteMusa who is also Finance Minister said the 2013 State Budget of RM4,088.48 million was aimed to boost growth and that this biggest Budget contained initiatives to meet the needs and aspirations of the people.
ReplyDelete“I believe the allocations will be utilised optimumly for the benefit of the people in line with the People First, Performance Now concept,” Musa added.
ReplyDeleteThe opposition, he said, would always criticise whatever the government has done or achieved including pragmatic policies to ensure continued progress of the people, state and country as a whole.
ReplyDelete“Therefore, the state government will intensify efforts and move even more quickly to implement the development programme that are already in the pipeline,” he said.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister also said the government is concerned about the issues raised by members of the House during the sitting.
ReplyDeleteOn the proposal by the Bingkor Assemblyman that the state government should demand for 40 per cent or two fifth of the taxes collected in Sabah by referring to Schedule 10 of the Federal Constitution, he said Schedule 10 touched on ‘special provisions’ for Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteAnd, the method of special payments had been reviewed as provided for under Article 112 D of the Constitution.
ReplyDelete“For the information of the House, negotiations are held with the federal government on this matter from time to time,” he added.
ReplyDeleteHe also said based on the data obtained from the Accountant General of Malaysia’s office in Sabah, the amount collected by the federal government in Sabah totalled RM4,429.53 million in 2012 – of which about 69.6 per cent or RM3,085 million, was collected by Federal Finance Ministry, mainly through the Inland Revenue Board (IRB).
ReplyDeleteSome 18.5 per cent or RM818.5 million was collected by the Customs Department, while the rest by the Road Transport Department, Immigration Department and other federal agencies.
ReplyDeleteThe Accountant General’s record also showed that the collection in Sabah increased by RM683.44 million or 18 per cent over 2011’s amount of RM3,746.09 million.
ReplyDelete“I am happy to inform the House that the federal government has spent on Sabah more than the revenue it collected.
ReplyDelete“The administration and development funding for Sabah last year amounted to RM9,083.43 million which is 11 per cent more than the RM8,156.94 million allocated in the previous year.
ReplyDelete‘With a close working relations between Sabah and the federal government, we are confident the federal government will provide an even bigger allocation for Sabah’s development needs,” Musa said.
ReplyDeleteThe Bingkor and Luyang as well as several other Assembly members have touched on the issue of oil royalty.
ReplyDelete“For the information of the House, the five per cent payment recieved by the state government is based on the agreement signed between the state government and Petronas on June 14, 1976.
ReplyDelete“And as explained by the YB from Balung in the House, five per cent of the oil revenue is paid to the state government and another five per cent, to the federal government.
ReplyDelete“The remaining 90 per cent is used by Petronas and his partners to cover the costs of explorations and production,”he said.
ReplyDeleteMusa said although the oil royalty rate is only five per cent, the payment to the state government had increased from RM365.4 million in 2007 (production of 28,156,504 barrels) to RM941.25 million (49,737,978 barrels) in 2012.”
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister also explained that for now, the state government felt that there is no pressing need to review the rate because Petronas, for example, has invested substantially in Sabah through the setting up of the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal.
ReplyDeleteThe setting up of the terminal, supported by a 300-megawatt combined-cycled gas power plant in Kimanis, is aimed at raising the power generation capacity to cope with rising power demands.
ReplyDeleteApart from that, Musa said the state government is developing the oil and gas-based industries – Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park – with the assistance and support of the federal government and Petronas.
ReplyDeleteHe said there are also other projects such as SAMUR with an investment of RM2 billion and SAMUR 2 with an investment of RM2.6 billion – which are currently being implemented.
ReplyDeleteMusa said several Assembly members have also highlighted the need for additional allocation for religious development in the state.
ReplyDelete“I wish to inform the House that the state government has never neglected the issue of religious development. Every year, adequate allocation is provided for this purpose,” he said.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the Chief Minister said the BN government faced various challanges in fulfilling the people’s mandate.
ReplyDelete“But, no matter how big these challenges are, we will not be dispirited and will remain determined and committed to do our level best for the good of the state and people”.
He also hoped that the elected representatives, especially from the opposition, could see the noble efforts of the BN government in implementing development policies aimed at improving the people’s quality of life and to bring the state to greater heights.
ReplyDelete“And I also wish to invite all YBs, community leaders and members of the civil service to be more committed and dedicated in carrying out their responsibility so that all development programmes are successfully implemented and the people’s aspirations fulfilled.”
Solid PM-DPM ties good for Sabah: Musa
ReplyDeleteThe solid partnership between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, as well as strong support from all leaders and the people will ensure Sabah continues to develop and prosper, said Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
He has demonstrated that maximum governance is possible with minimum Government.
ReplyDeleteSolid PM-DPM ties good for Sabah: Musa
ReplyDeleteHe said the state government and the people of Sabah had also congratulated Najib on his success in leading the Barisan Nasional (BN) to victory in the 13th general election (GE13).
To achieve that goal, he adopted a policy of zero tolerance towards corruption, reduced the role of the Government to that of a facilitator and placed a premium on the hallmark of quality in everything that was done to create the right conditions.
ReplyDeleteSolid PM-DPM ties good for Sabah: Musa
ReplyDeleteHe said today's state assembly sitting carried a significant meaning because the BN government was given the trust and mandate by the people to continue to administer and helm the government in Sabah.
Solid PM-DPM ties good for Sabah: Musa
ReplyDeleteThe state government, he said, would continue to intensify efforts so that all development plans could be implemented smoothly.
Solid PM-DPM ties good for Sabah: Musa
ReplyDeleteMusa also emphasised the importance of solid cooperation between leaders and civil servants for the formation of a strong and efficient team, especially
to ensure success of the various development policies and programmes by the state and federal governments.
Solid PM-DPM ties good for Sabah: Musa
ReplyDeleteThis, he said, included the direction of the state's development and progress, the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC),the government's transformation
programmes and several other new agenda and initiatives.
Solid PM-DPM ties good for Sabah: Musa
ReplyDeleteMusa said the people had made their decision by giving a new mandate to BN and now "it is time to work, serve and contribute to the people".
Solid PM-DPM ties good for Sabah: Musa
ReplyDelete"Therefore, I hope all elected representatives will make full use of the state assembly sitting as the best platform to not only participate actively in
debates, but also, more importantly, every word said represent the voice of the grassroots," he added.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDeleteSurveyors should play a key role in the construction industry and in the development of Sabah.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said this in his speech for the 30th Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) Sabah Branch annual dinner at Magellan Sutera Harbour Resort on Sunday.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDeleteMusa said these professionals were vital to the property and construction sectors as they identified land, calculated the cost of construction, made appraisals of developments and analysed the viability of projects.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDelete“I am pleased that professionals from the surveying field have continued to play a positive role in Sabah’s construction and property development sectors.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDelete“I believed they will continue to uphold the high standards of their profession to develop and move the local property and construction industry to greater heights,” he said at the dinner cum charity fund-raising event.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDeleteMusa added that the government was aware of the efforts from professional institutions and associations, including RISM, to improve the state’s economy, and was grateful to their contribution.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDeleteRISM Sabah too, he said, could play a contributing role in the development of Sabah and through its understanding and support of government policies and programmes.
Hence, roads and highways were built conforming to global standards, emphasis was laid on creating infrastructure that would cater not only to current and emerging demands but also needs of the future, and social development was given its due prominence on the Government’s ‘To Do’ list.
ReplyDeleteSurveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDeleteHe said the government was open to suggestions from professional bodies to improve the delivery system, and willing to listen to feedback and constructive criticisms and get the relevant authorities to work with RISM on resolving issues involving their profession.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDelete“All of us have a duty to build and protect our society and make it a better place to live. We must act in such a way that can benefit our surrounding communities and does not negatively impact the environment,” he added.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDeleteAccording to Musa, Sabah is undergoing unprecedented development whereby many economic sectors are also developing in tandem.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDelete“The rapid development that the state is witnessing today is the product of Halatuju Pembangunan Negeri, the Sabah Development Corridor and federal led initiatives such as the Government Transformation Programme, Economic Transformation Programme and Rural Transformation Programme.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDelete“These state and federal led initiatives are crucial for the socioeconomic development of the state, bridging the urban and rural divide and generate economic momentum in Sabah
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDelete“Sabah property and construction sectors have seen rapid growth over the past few years and are among the fastest growing industries in Sabah.
Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa
ReplyDelete“New property developments are quickly grabbed either for investment or self-occupation. In an environment of political stability coupled with a vibrant local economy, the property sector has become one of the most attractive avenues for investment,” he said.
Musa Aman did what any visionary leaders are supposed to do: He kept on coming up with ideas that were at once big and creative. He placed the people at the centre of his projects, making them the ultimate beneficiaries.
ReplyDeleteIf investors were encouraged to invest their money in Sabah, it was not merely to enable them to reap profits but also create wealth through income for the everyday Sabahan.
ReplyDeleteWith good infrastructure, we will be able to yield good produce for the people, in line with the 1Malaysia concept of ‘People First, Performance Now
ReplyDeleteJust as Musa Aman has encouraged investors to look at Sabah as their preferred destination, he has also encouraged the people of Sabah to make the maximum use of the opportunities created by such investment.
ReplyDeletehe said the move was appropriate with the ministry’s mission and policy to develop the food production and agro-food sectors to contribute to the nation’s income.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman by the opposition commentariat which just can’t see anything right, leave alone good, about the Government he heads and its enviable governance record.
ReplyDeleteThe criticism and rebuke could have been ignored but for the fact that electronic media is controlled by those who love to hate Musa Aman and a sustained campaign of calumny does tend to influence opinion
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that there was huge propaganda against Musa Aman, and in a case where there is a criminal investigation, propaganda can never be hard evidence.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that there wasn’t a shred of evidence against him. It was all propaganda, a fact which is now coming to be established even further.
ReplyDeleteCity Hall plans to build a gallery to store and showcase historical collections about the city.
ReplyDeleteCity mayor, Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim, said that the time has come for the city to have the gallery for the benefit of the public including tourists.
ReplyDeleteCity mayor, Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim, said that the time has come for the city to have the gallery for the benefit of the public including tourists.
ReplyDeleteThis is where Musa Aman’s innovation can make a difference. He has ensured, as he says, “peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood”, which have collectively given “further impetus to the process of development”.
That peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood now need to be made into permanent features.