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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Foreign tourist killed after fall from Mt Kinabalu summit

KOTA KINABALU - A German tourist, 22, is believed to have been killed after falling from the summit of Mount Kinabalu this morning.

The victim, Victoria Paulsen, was believed to have been waiting to catch a glimpse of the sunrise from the peak of the 4,095 meter mountain with her colleagues, at about 6am, when she slipped an plunged into Low’s Gully.

Witnesses claimed Paulsen slipped near the lip of Low’s Gully that falls away in a sheer drop from Low’s Peak after she strayed beyond the safety railings while trying to take photographs and slipped when she stepped on loose rocks.

According to a Sabah Parks spokesman, rescue personnel had brought the victim’s body down to the Timpohon Gate, the spot where climbers start their ascent of Mount Kinabalu.

Fatal accidents are relatively rare among climbers of Mount Kinabalu and the mountain is considered fairly safe for all levels of climbers.

On June 6, 2012, a 59 retiree from Muar, died of head injuries after he slipped and fell on the rocky trail near the Layang-Layang Point at Km4.7 of the Summit Trail.

On Sept 14, 2009, Tan Tzu Hau, a 31 year-old man was found dead 5.5KM from the Mesilau Trail near Laban Rata. Apparently he was trailing behind the group, slipped and fell on the trail.

On October 2, 2004, a 51 year-old local participant, under veteran category, of Mount Kinabalu Climbathon, Sudin Yussin, died on the summit 8KM due to extremely cold and bad weather.

On 16 August 2001, British school girl, Ellie James, and her brother Henry James got lost in thick fogs on the way down from Low’s Peak. Apparently Ellie went off to seek help while Henry waiting at the granite spot they found as shelter. Henry was rescued 6 hours later.

The search for Ellie was hampered by the worst weather hitting the area in a decade. For a week there were tropical storms and thick fogs. Ellie was found dead on 23 August 2001 at about 500m below the St John’s Peak. Mount Kinabalu Borneo website has a full account of the incident.

(updated news from B Insider)

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