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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Leave Sabah to local parties, PR told

KOTA KINABALU - Now that the elections are over, Pakatan Rakyat has shown its true colours that it is not qualified to rule the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak. Before the elections, Pakatan claimed that only Pakatan can defeat the BN. But this has proven to be wrong. To topple the BN, Malaya parties cannot avoid an alliance with Sabah and Sarawak local parties, especially since Pakatan has become much weaker after the 2013 elections. Pakatan must concentrate on Malaya and leave the Borneo States to local parties, especially since the sentiments of the Borneo people have surged towards full autonomy.

Pakatan is now in a major crisis because each of its component has different political ideology that debunks all its promises for Sabah in the last General Elections. In the last elections, DAP campaigned strongly for the people to vote PAS and Pakatan but now DAP leaders, including Lim Guan Eng, sing a different tune. This is simply lying to the people.

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Vice President, Chong Pit Fah, said Pakatan parties Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Pas and DAP continued to be at loggerheads with each other.

"All this while Pas' intention is to form an Islamic State while DAP is a socialist party and for PKR, it's goal is only to fight for Anwar Ibrahim to become the Prime Minister," he said in statement here. They have forgotten about their promises in the so-called Orange Book or Buku Jingga in the last election." he said. "The Selangor MB fiasco is only an example of the internal conflict within Pakatan and within PKR," said Chong.

Chong was commenting on the recent report quoting DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng that DAP was willing to leave the opposition coalition and criticised Pas for failing to adhere to set decision.

Lim had also said that the future of Pakatan does not hinge on the fate of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is facing jail for allegedly sodomising his former aide. "It does not make a difference whether Anwar is around or not, if there are parties in Pakatan who do no fulfill its commitment or pledges," Lim was quoted as saying.

Even in Sarawak, DAP had announced last month that it was cutting off all communications with its Pakatan partners and threatened to leave the coalition.

"SAPP maintains that only a full autonomy for Sabah will resolve the many issues affecting Sabah such as the illegal ICs, Cabotage policy, oil and gas policies and imbalances in development, said Chong who is also SAPP Information Chief.

Only local parties will issue Sabah IC to genuine Malaysians in Sabah, added Chong. "There is no two ways about it," he said, adding that Sabah should be governed by local parties that truly understand the needs and pulse of the people.

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