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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

All computers and servers records wiped at 1MDB

Concerned staff at 1MDB have confided that all computers and records at the troubled fund were recently called in and wiped. They say this includes not only personal computers belonging to staff, but also the mainframe servers as well!

The order came as a surprise move by management, according to sources and it happened just before Christmas. Staff were contacted directly by phone or in person and told to take their computers immediately to the IT section in order to be wiped.

None of the instructions were delivered by text or email, leaving little record of the blitz, which took place in the space of just a few hours.

The result is that there are few records left available to show what has been going on at the beleaguered fund and this is widely believed amongst staff to be the reason.

The excuse given to bewildered staff members was that there had been a systems hack.

One of them sent out this message on the day it happened, which was Friday 19th of December, a fortnight before the departure of the previous CEO Mohd Hazem Abdul Rahman: more at Sarawak Report

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum.wr.wb. perkenalkan nama saya katiman dari surabaya kerja tki di malaysia, saat menulis ini saya teringat memory masa lalu..saya sangat tergugah hati melihat coretan hati yang bapak tulis. saya jadi teringat tentang masa-masa sulit dulu,karena iktiar dan usaha , seolah2 menjadi dendam bukan lagi motivasi, cuma satu tujuan saya pada saat bagaiman caranya untuk bangkit..singkat kata berbagai macam iktiar dan cara yang saya lalui, mengingat pada saat itu hutang saya 1,2m yang tidak sedikit, belum lagi bunga renternir yang bertambah. karena usaha, kesungguhan hati, akhirnya menemukan jalan /solusi . saya percaya ALLAH ITU TIDAK DIAM MAHA PENYAYANG , cobaan itu bukan lah ujian tapi hadiah yang tersilmut untuk kebahagiaan yang sebenar2nya. Bila butuh angka togel ghaib yg sudah kami buktikan hubungi MBAH WITJAKSONO DI 0852_2223_1459. ingat kesempat tidak akan datang untuk yang kedua kalinga
