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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Malaysia invites MNLF for talks on Sabah, Sarawak

MANILA, Philippines - The Malaysian government has invited the Moro National Liberation Front for possible exploratory talks on the inclusion of disputed territories Sabah and Sarawak into the Bangsamoro Republik, an MNLF official said yesterday.

MNLF spokesperson Absalom Cerveza told The STAR that an emissary has formally invited MNLF chairman Nur Misuari for possible talks in Malaysia, but Misuari “has not yet responded.”

Cerveza said there is no clear agenda yet but the meeting is about the inclusion of Sabah and Sarawak into the declared territory of Bangsamoro Republik, comprised of Basilan, Mindanao, Sulu, Tawi Tawi and Palawan.

A Malaysian emissary met with Datu Abraham Idjirani, the secretary-general and spokesman for the Sultanate of Sulu that has proprietary rights over the disputed territories.

Cerveza said that prior to the creation of the Federation of Malaysia, the Sultanate of Sulu included Sabah and Sarawak. And the proprietary rights of the Sultanate are the basis for inclusion of the disputed territory in the Bangsamoro Republik.

Cerveza said Malaysia and the MNLF have been close allies in the past. The MNLF was even allowed to set training camps in Malaysia in the early ’70s. Now Malaysia wants to revive the alliance.

In July 2013, Misuari proclaimed the independence of Bangsamoro Republik two months before the MNLF attempted to raise its flag in Zamboanga City that triggered a three-week fighting and resulted in the death of hundreds of people.


  1. What?. Am I reading this correctly or is it some joke news reporting?.

  2. Please dont degrade our intelligence by writing crap like this.

  3. The author must be from umno.
