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Monday, May 11, 2015

SAPP Youth members stage peaceful gathering on issues

KOTA KINABALU - Several supporters from Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Youth staged a peaceful gathering to highlight issues such as Bomeonisation,Cabotage policy, Good and Services Tax (GST) and increased cost of living at Gaya Street, Sunday.

The supporters, numbering about 30,were seen about 9.30am carrying banners and placards asking for Sabahans’ rights to be protected, Sabah Identification Cards, abolishment of the cabotage policy, Borneonisation issues and GST.

The close to 20-minute peaceful assembly ended when they were directed by police personnel to disperse.

According to SAPP Youth Chief Jamain Sarudin, they were having a peaceful demonstration to highlight to the public several issues that are burdening Sabahans.

“These include the rising cost of living due to increased prices of goods and services, and the cabotage policy. We want the government to abolish the cabotage policy in order to reduce the prices of goods and services in the State in line with the government’s slogan of 1Malaysia.

“What is the use of this slogan if the prices of goods and services are not the same (nationwide). We (Sabahans) also want to enjoy a better life, similar to other Malaysians in the Peninsula.

“We also wish to highlight the importance of the Borneonisation case which has been postponed to be tried immediately so that Sabahans can know what are their rights as Sabahans as set out under the Malaysia Agreement. We call on the government to carry out Borneonisation process in line with the 1963 Agreement.

“That is all we are asking for at this point. We feel what we are asking for is not too much. However the government is still not being serious on the matter. Look at the cabotage issue which has been around how long already, still no solution to this day and this has dragged Sabahans to a level where our living costs have increased dramatically.

“Electricity and water in the State has gone up along with so many other costs have arisen which have badly affected the lives of the people particularly in the rural areas.

“With this increase in cost of living, the lives of villagers have worsened due to more expensive goods, more expensive transportation costs until some rural folks have to resort to buffalo ambulances to reach the hospitals. So we as Sabahans want our voices on these key matters to be heard in public,” said Jamain.

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