Liew Wai Yi from Seri Kembangan is believed to have transferred RM75,000 to a person called Aslam Roger Lloris Mustafaa who she had befriended in February through an instant messaging service only to find out she had been duped.
Her family lodged a police report about her death on Sunday and another on Tuesday alleging that she had been driven to suicide by Aslam to whom she had lent the money.
Even after her death, family members noted that Aslam had bombarded her mobile phone with messages asking for an additional RM5,000.
MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Seri Michael Chong told a press conference that Wai Yi had believed the Aslam was truly in love with her. She had banked in amounts ranging from RM400 to RM11,000 into an account registered to a Rajeev Kumar Suk between Feb 9 and April 29.
He said Aslam, believed to be of British, Mexican, Filipino and Malaysian descent, had used another person’s photograph as his profile picture on the service to attract Wai Yi’s attention.
“As they started to get to know each other, Aslam asked her to deposit money into his bank account, saying he needed it for surgery on Feb 29 at Apollo Hospital in Singapore.”
A few days later, he allegedly told her he had been transferred to the Metropolitan Medical Centre in Jakarta, Indonesia, to be treated for a H4N4 infection.
Chong said Wai Yi, who had never been in a serious relationship, realised she had had been duped when Aslam asked for RM5,000 which would have brought the total amount given to him to RM80,000.
He said she sent a message to Aslam a week before her death saying she planned to kill herself and his identity would be exposed through the media.
One of the messages read “I will find you and your boy after I have died,” implying that Aslam had an accomplice.
Her younger sister, Wai Hong, 28, said Wai Yi had been acting strange in the week leading up to her suicide.
“She was always a reserved person but the week before the incident, she did not even talk to us when we asked what was troubling her,” Wai Hong said.
Chong advised women to be careful when dealing with someone they had never met.
“There are a lot of conmen preying on gullible women. Please be more vigilant, especially when they ask for money,” he said.
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