"A brave decision. Wish there were more like him in BN,"
Khairul Anwar Rahmat, the organiser of the aborted Nothing2Hide dialogue, has announced that he is stepping down from all Umno posts.
Khairul, who is Kluang Umno Youth chief, Johor Umno Youth vice-chief and head of the Umno legal secretariat, confirmed his resignation from his party posts effective July 11 in a statement early this morning.
“I made my decision after receiving blessings from my parents and after extensive discussion with family members.
"I hope that my decision has been guided by Allah and will be well received by my colleagues," he said.
This follows his law firm Khairul Group's announcement that the move was to enable him to carry out community work at home and abroad, as well as concentrate on expanding the firm and to concentrate on several negotiation cases.
The Nothing2Hide dialogue was meant for Prime Minister Najib Razak to answer questions over the troubled government-owned investment fund 1MDB.
However the June 5 forum was abruptly cancelled when former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, one of the major critics of 1MDB, turned up at the venue in Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), where Umno headquarters is located.
Kalimullah: More should emulate Khairul
A red-faced Najib was roundly criticised by his detractors for being afraid to debate his nemesis.
It even drew a rebuke from Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim.
"How can you have a dialogue called 'Nothing2Hide' featuring a person who has everything to hide?” Tunku Ismail asked in a Facebook posting following the PM's now infamous no show.
Meanwhile in response to the announcement, businessman and former New Straits Times group editor-in-chief Kalimullah Hassan congratulated Khairul for his courageous act.
"A brave decision. Wish there were more like him in BN," he tweeted this morning.
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