KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia is “sliding backwards and acting like Saudi Arabia” in its zeal to impose a dress code on non-Muslim women, the country’s former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said on Thursday (Jun 25).
“Soon, not only shorts will be an issue. If a woman leaves a house without a burqa, it will be considered wrong,” Malaysian media quoted him as saying. "We are acting like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia. That's their culture. When we try to turn it into our culture, it becomes a problem."
Speaking at a press conference, Dr Mahathir said women should be allowed to enter a government building “as long as they aren’t naked”. Dress codes in these buildings should only apply to its employees and not to visitors – especially those who are not Muslim, he added.
Dr Mahathir’s comments came in the wake of a social media uproar over a security guard who ordered an ethnic Chinese woman to put on a sarong over her knee-length skirt before entering a Road Transport Department (RTD) office.
In a separate incident, another woman wearing shorts was told to cover her legs before being allowed into the Sungai Buloh hospital, while another two women were barred from entering the Selangor government headquarters in Shah Alam for wearing skirts that ended above their knees.
A report on the Malaysian Insider said that Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai has clarified there is no “sarong policy” at the RTD. Both the RTD and the hospital have also issued public apologies to the women.
Still, Cuepacs, an umbrella group of 140 civil service unions, announced on Thursday that it was giving out letters of appreciation to colleagues who had been enforcing the dress code in government departments, the report said.
- CNA/cy
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