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Monday, June 22, 2015

Sarong 2 - duo denied entry into Selangor state secretariat building over skirts

SELANGOR — An English daily reporter and a resident from Klang were this morning denied entry into the Selangor state secretariat (SUK) building for wearing skirts that were deemed inappropriate.

The incident comes less than a month after the Road Transport Department (RTD) was slammed by social media users for insisting that a woman wear a sarong at its premises.

The two women today were stopped by security personnel at the entrance of the SUK when they arrived for a press conference.

They were also told by the guards to wear a sarong to cover their legs as their dresses were short.

Irked by the security guards’ action, Klang MP Charles Santiago posted on his Facebook page today (June 22) that the two women were invited to attend his press conference at the building.

"Why are women's legs being inspected? Why are security guards looking at women's legs to begin with? Is this the new role for security guards?

"Given that JPJ publicly apologised weeks ago, why is the security in Selangor's state secretariat enforcing this policy?" Mr Santiago asked, referring to the RTD by its Malay acronym.

He also tagged Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali in the post, which included a photograph of the two women in their offending dresses.

"Please withdraw it immediately. Azmin Ali."

When met, Santiago said that the moral policing by security guards should stop immediately.

1 comment:

    Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya yang kami ucapkan kepada mbah warjoh yang telah memberikan keberhasilan dan keberuntungan bagi keluarga saya.berkat bantuan beliau saya sekarang sudah hidup tenang karena suamiku sudah punya usaha tambak yang luasnya sekitar 5 hektar kurang lebih. begitupun juga saya dirumah buka warung sembakau dan sekarang pun saya sekeluarga tidak di kejar-kejar hutang lagi. mulanya keluarga Kami di berikan angka gaib hasil ritual dari mbah warjoh yang sangat Jitu 100% dijamin tembus.sehingga keluarga saya sekarang merasa tenang lagi.sekali lagi terima kasih mbah jasamu dikeluarga saya tidak akan terlupakan.Jika anda butuh angka gaib hasil ritual mbah warjoh silahkan Tanyakan aja Pada mbah dinomer hp beliau di: 0851 4534 4218 Terima kasih.
