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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Anwar: Nation nearing ruin but Najib cares only for politics

Anwar Ibrahim says PM and his coalition are doing a great disservice to those who toiled hard to build this nation.

PETALING JAYA - As the country stands dangerously on the brink of ruin, Prime Minister Najib Razak, his Cabinet and his coalition Barisan Nasional are only concerned about political survival rather than putting urgent measures into place to fix worrying national issues, said imprisoned former Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Speaking through his lawyer, Anwar said, “The ringgit worsens to historic lows and investor confidence evaporates, this will have serious consequences for the well-being of every Malaysian.

“But Najib and his government appear to be more interested in their own political survival than in the interest of the nation.”

He also said that the serious allegations of corruption levelled against Najib in regard to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) had taken an uglier turn with the recent sacking of Gani Patail as Attorney-General and police interference with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), both of whom were investigating the investment company for alleged wrongdoing.

Anwar said that if no immediate measures were taken to address the current issues plaguing the country, Najib and his Cabinet including BN would be complicit and responsible for the deteriorating state of affairs in the country, The Malaysian Insider reported.

He also said that Najib was doing a gross disservice to the many patriotic Malaysians who toiled hard to elevate the country to prosperity.

“Is this how Najib and his associates repay them?

“By bringing the country to the brink of ruin?” Anwar was quoted by the news portal as saying.

He did however end his message on a hopeful note, saying there was still a chance to “overcome the crisis” and restore democracy if urgent reforms were put in place.

“But time is of the essence, action must be immediate,” he said.

Anwar is currently serving a five-year prison term for sodomising his former aide in 2008.

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