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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

‘Sabah’s history watered down’

Queville To

UBF chief wants historical facts restored and taught in schools without bias and censorhip.

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah and Sarawak together with Singapore joined Malaya in forming Malaysia in 1963. This is history.

But Kuala Lumpur has “watered down” this true version and given its own interpretation, according to activist-cum-politician Jeffrey Kitingan.

Jeffrey, the leader of the United Borneo Front (UBF), told an informal forum here that “history has shown that the way Peninsular Malaysia interprets history is different from the way Sabah and Sarawak would interpret it.

“Unless we have full autonomy and control on our educational curriculum in Sabah and Sarawak, the truth of history can be manipulated and interpreted to suit the peninsular bias,” he said in a statement issued by UBF co-founder-cum-spokesperson, Nilakrisna James, wants the historical facts restored, especially the part pertaining to the formation of Federation of Malaysia, and taught without bias in the history lessons in schools.

Speaking at a gathering in Keningau over the weekend, he said that it was sad that crucial documents leading up to Sept 16, 1963 have been obliterated from Malaysia’s educational curriculum.

“Many generations have been denied access to the stories of the remarkable lives of our forefathers from Sabah and Sarawak, which is a travesty (of justice),” he said.

He said there should be a compulsory reading of texts telling the story of Malaysia without censorship and it should form part of the SPM and STPM courses.

History available online

Such a comprehensive history lesson should include the Malaysia Agreement – the 20 and 18 points for Sabah and Sarawak respectively – for students to understand the complex make-up of the country, Jeffrey said.

He also wants students to be told about the Inter-Governmental Committee Report and the Cobbold Commission Report of 1962, the Official Report of the Parliamentary Debates on Aug 9, 1965 with respect to Singapore’s exit and Tunku Abdul Rahman’s speeches and promises to the Borneo people.

“Within these texts, you will read the truth and the problems that were foreseen and which have not been resolved.

“The Education Ministry must change the history curriculum in schools and not hide or misinterpret the truth.
“These documents are available online and recorded in books. It is too late to stop the younger generation from learning about their past and discovering their true identity in Borneo.

“It is with knowledge that the younger generation will form a more united future state government with a greater and more focused Borneo Agenda at its base.

“Until such time as a more well-informed young group takes over governance in Borneo, the rot will continue,” Jeffrey said.

He noted that few understood that the Federation of Malaysia’s entire existence hinged upon the Malaysia Agreement signed in London on July 9, 1963, by representatives from Britain, Singapore, Malaya, Sabah
and Sarawak.

Nilakrisna said that among those present at the UBF gathering dubbed the “Borneo Tea Parties” were some new recruits from the interior who will be trained for political leadership in preparation for the next election.
The group will be taught political history, law and economics by Jeffrey, Nilakrisna, who is a lawyer and economist and co-founder Zainal Ajamain.

The gathering was hosted by UBF supporter and businessman, Dominic Liew, and was attended by a number of first-time young voters under 30 who showed interest in learning more about the legal documents and historical records.

UBF which has set itself up as a civil rights movement and pressure group was launched on Dec 16, last year and is led by Jeffrey with the assistance of Nilakrisna and Zainal.

It aims to form a Borneo Alliance of political parties, NGOS and individuals in Sabah and Sarawak who subscribe to the Borneo Agenda and the economic and political empowerment of Borneo as equal partners with the peninsula in the federation.

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