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Friday, February 11, 2011

PAS’ plan to stalk lovers gets a whipping

Teoh El Sen

PAS Youth chief Nasruddin Hasan Tantawi finds himself in hot water over his moral policing move for Valentine's Day.

PETALING JAYA: PAS has once again angered its allies in Pakatan Rakyat. This time PAS Youth chief Nasruddin Hasan Tantawi has got DAP seething over his latest announcement that the party will “crack down” on “immoral” activities during the upcoming Valentine’s Day celebration.

Nasruddin, who made headlines alongside Egypt, reportedly told AFP that several Pakatan states were planning to carry out morality checks on immoral activities on Feb 14 and that campaigns for free hotels and “no panties” were ongoing.

“We have identified spots in these states which are used by lovers and we are deploying local religious department officials as well as party members to stop such sinful acts like casual sex, which violates Islam,” he said.

Chastising Nasruddin’s approach to promote “sin-free lifestyle”, DAP Youth chief Anthony Loke said the action by PAS was not sanctioned by Pakatan.

“I want to stress that DAP Youth does not agree with the approach taken by PAS Youth to act as ‘moral police’ to check on couples on Valentine’s Day.

“It is beyond the powers of PAS Youth members,” said Loke.

He added that the issue was never discussed with both PKR Youth and DAP Youth.

He added that Nasruddin did not broach the plan at a recent Pakatan Rakyat leadership council meeting at the DAP headquarters.

“It is misleading to give the impression that this has been endorsed by Pakatan to be carried out in Pakatan states,” said Loke.

Loke added that PAS Youth is showing disrespect to the respective state governments with its claim that religious authorities will be deployed to carry out the crackdown, as the power of enforcement lies with the states.

“PAS Youth does not have the power to give direction whatsoever to the authorities.”

No authority

Loke reminded PAS Youth that Pakatan is a coalition of three political parties.

“Any action at the state government level must be agreed upon by the coalition either at the state executive council meeting or the state Pakatan leadership council meeting,” he said.

He warned that any unilateral action or policy announcements by parties is tantamount to jeopardising Pakatan’s collective interest.

Meanwhile, PAS’s Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad has also distanced himself from Nasruddin’s statement, saying that the Youth chief had no authority to speak on behalf of the government.

It was also reported today that NGO Sisters in Islam (SIS) has urged PAS not to act as “moral police”.

Yesterday, Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang also hit out at PAS, demanding that it “minds its own business”.

“This latest statement by PAS clearly shows that PAS (with the support of its partners in Pakatan) is making great efforts to create its extreme version of Islamic state in Malaysia.

“This extreme PAS idealogy is clearly not acceptable to most people in Malaysia.”

Tan said Nasruddin’s statement implied that Valentine’s Day would be filled with sinful activities and immoral acts and this indirectly cast doubts over the morality of all those who celebrate the day.

“This is clearly a blatant insult to those who celebrate Valentine’s Day in Malaysia,” said Tan.

He urged PAS to view this universal celebration with an “open mind”.

MCA: Pakatan should make a stand

Meanwhile, MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong has urged the Pakatan government to make a stand on Nasruddin’s statement.

“I challenge Nasruddin to explain to us on the jurisdiction of PAS Youth and whether the state governments will allow it to identify places where couples frequently visit as well as to arrange with the local government officers and PAS members to carry out moral policing,” said Wee.

Wee added that Nasruddin’s statement again shows that Pakatan lacks consensus in administration.

“When PAS shouts that the Islamic state is no longer an issue, it is actually working quietly to achieve its ultimate goal, which is to form an Islamic state.

“It is disappointing to see that PAS has failed to walk the talk,” he said

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