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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sore Ronnie calls Wan Azizah a ‘liar’

Luke Rintod

Sabah PKR has landed itself in trouble again, this time over a comment by its president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

KOTA KINABALU: Barely hours after interim Sabah PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail announced a state revamp and the formation of 12 committees in preparation for the coming general election, she has s been called a “liar”.

Sabah PKR former communication director, Ronnie Klassen, has taken offence to Wan Azizah’s claim that his post was “non-existent” and that he was “self-appointed”.

“Wan Azizah today issued a press statement in the local news media in Sabah saying that the ‘post of communications director of Sabah PKR does not exist, there was no such post and there never was’. She stated that I self-appointed myself to the post.

“Today I am saying Wan Azizah is a liar because in July 2009, I was offered the post, and it took me two weeks to decide on it.

“On Aug 2, 2009, when Azmin Ali (then Sabah PKR chief) called for a press conference in Sandakan in his first state liaison meeting, he announced my appointment as communication director on the advice of de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim; so she lied,” Klassen told reporters here today.

Klassen, who took Wan Azizah to task not only for lying but for her unappreciative attitude, claimed that all this while Wan Azizah, Anwar and almost everyone in PKR leadership realised and acknowledged his role as its communication director in Sabah.

“She even congratulated me after I gave a speech during a meeting with jobless Sabahans, which I and the DAP, organised in Petaling Jaya in April 2010. I was called to the stage as Sabah PKR communication director. Lim Kit Siang was also there.

“I was not under PKR payroll. My key people and myself sacrificed time for this cause.
“So Wan Azizah’s words were a shock to me after 18 months in the post. I served under Azmin and (later) Ahmad Thamrin Jaini as well as under Pajudin Nordin’s brief tenure as state PKR chief,” he said.

Weighing his options

On the insinuation by Wan Azizah that he was not acting for PKR when he lodged a police report against the self-proclaimed Sulu sultan Akjan Muhammad Ali on Feb 11, Klassen said he and Dr Chong Eng Leong did so as responsible Malaysian citizens.

“But by saying I acted on a personal basis, does this mean PKR leadership is agreeing to the proclamation of a Sulu sultan here in Sabah?” he asked.

He also denied that he was a sore loser because, like his close friend Ansari Abdullah (Tuaran chief), he was not part of Wan Azizah’s newly minted 12-member presidential council announced earlier today.

Klassen said he could not understand why after 18 months of hard work, Wan Azizah had decided to brush aside his role as if it never mattered or existed.

“In the 18 months, a lot of functions had been organised by PKR and in some I was invited as a speaker. I was announced as the communication director. Now suddenly she said there was no such post.

“Invitations to PKR press conferences had always been extended by me as the communication director,” he added.

He said he even organised a dialogue with about 150 young professionals with PKR adviser Anwar Ibrahim at the Kinabalu Club in September 2009, soon after he assumed his role.

According to Klassen, he was tasked by the central leadership to open the mind of young people to PKR struggles and he thought he did the best for the party.

But the latest incident has forced him to review his situation.

“I am weighing my option, but I will stick with the opposition side.”

“I’ve managed to accumulate close to 100,000 followers online.

“At any one time there are one million people who could receive any message from me through my Facebook, blog and e-mails,” Klassen claimed.


  1. In this case, ronnie, you may as well join sapp to fight for the sabah cause

  2. He is a west malaysian, how to fight for sabah cause. Coffee shop talk say he is conman on the prowl.

  3. Ronnie Klassen, I always doubt your position as the Sabah PKR Director of Communications since the first time. By appointing yourself as the Director of Communications without consent from the PKR HQ, then you have no difference with Dato' Akjan who have appointed himself as the Sultan of Sulu. You are always funny to me, and moron as well. hahahaha

  4. Dude. Ronnie should ask Azmin to say something about it since he (Azmin) was the one who appointed Ronnie to the post. If Azmin deny then the whole story is just a made up story to cover himself.

  5. Mohd Bahari AbdullahFebruary 17, 2011 at 4:22 PM

    si penipu panggil seorang lagi penipu....masuk akal kerr? ngko memang ternyata penipu besar ronnie, kat KL nko pun menipu, dah gi kat sabah pun nak menipu lagi..nko ni. dulu wan azizah tolong ngko waktu susah. ngko takde duit nurul izzah tolong ngko tp sekarang ngko gigit mak dier balik..ngko tak malu ker panggil orang yang berjasa kat ngko ngan perkataan "LIAR"..... ngko memang laknat.. jangan bagi tengok muka ngko kat area petaling jaya ni lagi..siap ngko. ngko memang pukimak!

  6. kalau dah bangsat tu, kemana pergi pun memang bangsat..jangan terpedaya dengan salakan anjing giler nanti kena gigit jadi ikut giler jadik nyer

  7. Ronnie, awak memang bodoh lerrr, patut nyer awak mintak ler azmin pak tongkol awak tu clarify untuk awak kalau betul azmin ader appoint awak..kalau ader hitam putih lagi mantop.. tapi i memang tak cayer kat awak ler, dari sabah sampai pahang pun kiter dah dengo masalah awak kat sabah. awak memang kaki busuk, banyak otta. takan wan azizah tu nak bohong kot, awak tu pembohong..

  8. Alasan kau mau lumpat macam pajudin kali ronnie. dasar pelacur politik

  9. Kau lah punca perpecahan politik PKR sabah dan agen perosak Pakatan Rakyat Sabah, berambus kau, kau tidak layak untuk orang sabah. sialan!

  10. Ronnie says, Azmin appointed him during the first Meeting of the Central committee member of PKR on August 2, 2009, "but no letter of appointment, there is no certain time he held the position"(c Ronnie Perasan ja) hehe..
    If this true ..
    This suggests that PKR is actually just toying members in Sabah. They talk sweet to deceive the people of Borneo in order to achieve their desire to colonize Borneo. PKR is also not much difference from AMUNO.. huhu...
    The people of Sabah and Sarawak should reject them and never give even a vote at the next General election..

  11. betul tu BJK..who is Ronnie compared to Dtk Dr J..n yet being fooled around by PKR leaderships esp.DSAI...despite dtk DrJ tireless efforts 2make Sabah PKR be well received by the people of Sabah..i suppose PKR jz merely interested 2hv our votes 2putrajaya minus d borneo harus ke kita sokong?...

  12. akjan came all the way from Philippine to sabah and tell the sabahan " hey, i am the sultan sulu"... ronnie came all the way from malaya to sabah and tell the sabahan "hey, i am the sabah pkr director of communication, azmin and anwar appoint me. lawan tetap lawan"... hahaha what a nice bullshit..

  13. now i wanna see if he keep his words as what he mentioned to me last few months ago...remain PKR or shift to DAP or SAPP or to UBF? perhaps BN? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaakakakakkaka..jump ronnie jump

  14. hahahaha...macam macam adaaa!katakkkkkk malaya

  15. Ronnie, the fact reminds that you were never appointed as any director of communication or information chief and in fact no one in pkr sabah was appointed for any post yet except the interim chairman by wan aziza on temporary basis o bridge over the change of guard. You self appointed yourself in those position. Position to you was very important. That was the only reason why you attacked ex chairman thamrin in every opportunity after he attempted to removed you from the post because of your indiscipline. Remember. We know very well. So, do not fool all the people all the times though you may fool some of them some time. 100,000 followers and 1,000.000 fb friends????? You can be PM of malaysia?? A real big ego. Just wonder, what you do for a living or as a profession other than writing?

  16. CL- the first time i knew him, he intro himself to me as a lawyer, secondly i heard he addressed himself to a datuk as an engineer, thirdly in a dinner at foh sang he maybe mistakenly mentioned he is a contractor. woppppps..! one day i met one of his best friend in kl and i managed to ask him about Ronnie Klassen personality? his friend said his real name is Ronald Charles Klassen, a Portuguese descent, he is not in any of the professional career as mentioned but was a jackpot & funfair operator, been arrested several time for his misconduct behavior. there been a rumor Ronnie was trying to persuade his friend's wife.

  17. adududui...ciannya.....ronnie...jangan hantam presiden disebabkan jawatan yang tidak dibagi.....itu berjuang untuk jawatan namanya...terima saja dan terus berjuang kalau betul2 ikhlas untuk rakyat sabah....kecuali asal usul bukan dari sabah tu lain ceritalah.....

  18. Jeng..... jeng...... jeng....... Datu Akjan maybe going to make a Police Report on this Issue......

  19. wow.. in that case, can i declare myself to be the princess of sabah.. no no no... no need jauh jauh... princess of kk also can.. hehehe

  20. Sultan Sulu should make a police report on RK :)

  21. Ronnie is an arrogant liar himslf >

  22. Sebenarnya kami pun meraguilah dengan orang ini, dia pernah datang ke kampung kami dan bercakap lantang seperti anwar ibrahim dan tajam seperti wan azizah. tapi kalau dia berkata wan azizah itu penipu maka bererti dia juga demikian? apa bezanya.

  23. alaaaaa.........dulu bukan main kata nak jadi ketua menteri sabah konon. kepala butu kau lah

  24. bagus dia tubuhkan parti baru...sudah tentu dia jd presiden parti dia tu....mcm DJK ada UBF......RCK ada PSP@ parti sendiri punya...hahaha....

  25. dier buat PKR kat sabah nun macam bapak dier punyer jer..

  26. Wan Azizah Pembohong, Klassen Temberang

    ronnie Klassen punya 'Facebook Friends' baaru 2,298 orang.

    Wan Azizah dilaporkan sebagai berkata bahawa jawatan Pengarah Komunikasi PKR Sabah yang selama ini disandang oleh Ronnie Robert Klassen sebenarnya tidak wujud dan cuma karangannya sendiri saja.

    Klassen naik berang, lalu mengatakan Wan Azizah sebagai berbohong. Mengikut Klassen pada 2 Ogos 2009 Azmin Ali yang mengumumkan perlantikannya sebagai pengarah komunikasi berdasarkan nasihat ketua de facto PKR, Anwar Ibrahim.

    Okey, Wan Azizah bohong. Tapi Klassen sendiri temberang, tau?

    Dia kata setakat ini dia telah berjaya mengumpulkan hampir 100,000 pengikut online. Konon dakwa Klassen lagi bila-bila saja sekarang ada satu juta orang yang boleh menerima apa-apa mesej darinya melalui Facebook, blog dan e-mail.

    Bukan saja satu juta Klassen, malah ratus-ratus juta orang pun ada. Masalahnya jangan anggap mereka semua itu merupakan pengikutmu. Kau punya 'Facebook Friends' baaru 2,298 orang. Dari manalah itu satu juta orang datang?

    Tak apa, kita cuba sokong Klassen. Katalah setiap orang 'Facebook Friends' beliau mempunyai purata 200 orang 'friends'. Jadi 2,298 x 200 = 459,600 orang. Pun belum cukup satu juta bah. Itu belum tolak dengan orang yang mempunyai lebih dari satu akaun Facebook, tolak lagi pula dengan 'mutual friend' Klassen dengan kawan-kawannya.

    Saya menyokong perjuangan Pakatan Rakyat [PR] dan sesiapa saja yang boleh menumbangkan pemerintahan BN. BN terutamanya UMNO selama inipun ibarat cakap saja berdegar-degar, tapi bulu penuh taik saja. Sekarang telah memerintah Sabah selama 17 tahun tetapi tidak berupaya mengeluarkan negeri ini dari belenggu kemiskinan. Sabah adalah negeri termiskin di Malaysia. Ya, termiskin, termiskin dan termiskin.

    Sebagai anggota Pakatan Rakyat, PKR merupakan parti yang paling tidak berdisiplin. Di Sabah pula selain daripada perbalahan dalaman parti yang tidak kunjung padam, ia dikuasai oleh orang-orang pencen. Ada di antara mereka yang BN sendiri pun sudah tidak mahu lagi jadi sebab itulah sekarang kelihatan bertenggek di PKR. Malah bukan sembarang tenggek tetapi berada di barisan hadapan. Inilah salah satu sebab kenapa saya tidak berminat dengan PKR sehingga sekarang. Yang muda-muda pula kuat jual minyak. Padanlah juga jual minyak sebab kalau ahli politik terlalu merendah diri siapa pula yang nak pandang.


  27. kimak pajudin, kau tu pun apa kurang juga, KATAK UMNO

  28. Ronnie, you said “She even congratulated me after I gave a speech during a meeting with jobless Sabahans, which I and the DAP, organised in Petaling Jaya in April 201. I was called to the stage as Sabah PKR communication director. Lim Kit Siang was also there.

    * you're totally a conman, you know why? i was there in the event and wan azizah did not congratulate you at all. shameless man.. chit

  29. ...owh by the way, i am julie.

  30. “I am weighing my option, but I will stick with the opposition side.”

    “I’ve managed to accumulate close to 100,000 followers online.

    “At any one time there are one million people who could receive any message from me through my Facebook, blog and e-mails,” Klassen claimed.

    hahahahaha......pajudin nordin said you only have 2,298 in your friendlist and 2/3 of them dislike and watching your bluff everyday
