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Friday, May 6, 2011

80% in PolI says PKR an Umno Clone

Everyone of us, supporters or members of Pakatan Rakyat are looking forward and fighting very hard to see a change in Federal government comes this 13th general election.

As the days go by, the road to PutraJaya seems to be getting further and further away. What has happen? Everything seems to be breaking apart other then once in a while screaming from leaders that the coalition is still strong, working together and they are going to capture PutraJaya.

How is that to be when PKR leaders cannot provide truthful answers to all their follies. MPs and Aduns jumped ship, party members leaving, existing members not happy with what is going on and supporters dwindling.

There is no room for decent or vocal, all must abide according to what the leader said or instructed. Sound familiar and akin to Umno?

Within the three parties in the coalition, PKR wants to be the master and only what its leader says or instructs are valid. DAP suggest a merger with SNAP and without giving it a second thought was immediately rejected by PKR, the master. My tweet to PKR Anwar Ibrahim, "Explain why DAP can work with PAS despite history of differences, why PR cannot work with SNAP" and of course receive no reply.

The Sarawak shadow cabinet list can have so many controversies, mind you, its just a shadow cabinet and PKR wants to be in control.

Malaysia for all


  1. All Malayan parties are clone of BN...sama sama mahu control Sabah saja.

  2. terserahlah kepada setiap orang untuk menilai parti mana yang mereka terbaik.

  3. saya yakin kebanyakan rakyat pasti tahu membezakan siapa yang benar-benar berkhidmat untuk mereka dan siapa yang tidak.

  4. rakyat akan memilih parti yang benar2 terbaik dan
    dpt menjaga hak mereka.

  5. PKR dan UMNO??Lihat sajalah sendiri. Parti ini memang sama-sama berjuang untuk rakyat. Tapi ada yang hanya untuk kepentingan diri sendiri(PKR).

  6. Everyone has different opinion about PKR and UMNO.

  7. If 80% claim that PKR is an Umno clone, chances for PKR to win is slim.

  8. Neway, when the GE for the best party!

  9. why DAP can work with PAS but DAP merger with SNAP rejected by PKR?

  10. Say No to party malaya! UMNO, DAP, PKR, MCA all are the same.

    Sabahans must vote them out!

  11. Saya pun setuju juga.

  12. so, in the next general election, don't vote for any parties from peninsula..

  13. sebenarnya semua parti politik sama sahaja. semua hanya berminat dengan pangkat serta kekayaan yang ada di Sabah.

  14. It's up to u. Which party u vote.

  15. sama ada PKR adalah klon UMNO atau bukan, yang penting rakyat membuat pilihan secara bijak dan tepat pada pilihan raya nanti.
