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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

'Citizenship-for-votes': Letter forged, says Umno

Hulu Selangor Umno chief Mohamed Idris Abu Bakar has denied that he had ever written or signed a letter to solicit citizenship-for-votes ahead of anticipated snap polls.

“We never wrote that letter. Why should we? We won in the (Hulu Selangor) by-election (last year)," he said when contacted this morning.

Mohamed Idris (left), who is also Hulu Bernam assemblyperson, claimed that the letter is a forged one and described yesterday's claims by PKR as being tantamount to "slander".

"This is slander, because that was not my signature on the letter and my name was not stated in full," he asserted.

Selangor PKR deputy head Zuraidah Kamaruddin had produced a copy of a letter, written on what appeared to be Umno letterhead paper and signed by one Idris Abu Bakar. It was addressed to Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.

The letter sought citizenship for about 2,000 permanent residents for the purpose of helping "BN win" in the constituency.

"The letterhead is not very clear (in the media reports), but what is certain is that the Hulu Selangor Umno division did not produce it.

"I don't know if some people stole the letterhead to produce the letter. It is quite easy, but the thought of (soliciting citizenships for votes) never even crossed my mind," said Mohamed Idris with a chuckle.

Malaysiakini had yesterday contacted his office for comment, and a member of his staff confirmed that a "support letter" had been issued to the Home Ministry.

However, when contacted again today, she said that the letter was not signed by Mohamed Idris, and refused to comment further.

Hulu Selangor parliamentarian P Kamalanathan has yet to respond to Malaysiakini's queries on the matter.

'Authenticity not verified' 

Contacted for comments, Zuraida admitted that she had not attempted to verify the authenticity of the letter and its content with the Home Ministry before making the claim.

The Ampang parliamentarian, however, said "as concerned citizens" PKR has done its part and now it is up to the relevant authorities to investigate.

"This is the standard line lah, typical of BN-Umno to deny. Now they will do the necessary cover-up," she said.

Zuraida (left in photo) lodged a police report this morning on the letter at Bukit Sentosa police station, located in the Hulu Selangor parliamentary constituency.

"We are not worried about Umno's vote-bank as much as we are concerned about national security," she added.

By Aidila Razak Msiakini


  1. permainan politik. sentiasa ada isu yang akan timbul.

  2. Apa yang selalu berlaku dalam politik akan selalu akan berlaku. Pandai2 lah menilai baik dan buruknya sesuatu itu.

  3. Adakah politik yang benar jujur didunia ini. Mana yang dapat memberi lebih itu yang akan menjadi pilihan.

  4. Jika UMNO tidak guna PATI, UMNO sudah kalah di Sabah.

    Kita boleh lihat kenapa PBS sebagai parti paling besar di Sabah tapi sekarang hanya dapat 15 kerusi dari BN dan umno dapat 32 kerusi?

    Ini disebabkan populasi PATI meningkat untuk melebihi kaum KDM supaya UMNO boleh minta lebih kerusi.

    Kenapa KDM dalam PBS dan UPKO begitu bodoh sampai hak2 KDM ditindas oleh PATI tapi PBS tidak berani mempertahankan hak2 KDM?

  5. itu surat siapa2 pun bole buat lo...skarang ni ada fotoshop, GIMP & sebagainya...senang punya kerja saja mau buat itu surat...

  6. Betul ataupun tidak, kita sendiri perlu tahu.

  7. mcm2 cerita kita dgr, tak tau mana yang benar ni.

  8. Sebelum ini driver Anwar buat cerita bosnya hendak dibunuh melalui sabotaj keretanya, kini bikin surat palsu UMNO pulak.

  9. Tepuk dada tanya selera.
