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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Don't mislead the people on illegals

KOTA KINABALU, May 7, 2011: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Youth Chief Edward Dagul, said that Datuk Henrynus Amin, PBS Secretary-General is forgetting that its senior deputy president, Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili is a senior member of the federal cabinet.
"If Henrynus blames the federal government for its failure to solve the illegal immigrants problems in Sabah, then the only honorable thing is for Dr. Maximus to resign from the cabinet and PBS apologise to the people of Sabah for misleading the people that it can solve the illegals problems by rejoining BN ten years ago.
"PBS also has two cabinet members in the Sabah State Cabinet, including two of the three deputy chief ministers. Henrynus had declared that PBS is proud to be the best friend of UMNO and its second biggest party after UMNO in Sabah. So, when an innocent local is brutally and senselessly murdered in Inanam by an illegal immigrant, PBS must share the blame for its failure to tackle the crimes caused by the huge presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah.
Foreigner today, citizen tomorrow
"What is happening daily now is that thousands of Mykad are being issued to foreigners," Edward reiterated.
"Many local employers can tell you that many, many foreign workers have obtained Mykad after working for a few months.
"This happens in Sandakan, Semporna, Labuan and even Putrajaya right under the noses of PBS and UPKO ministers.
"The illegals crisis has become so serious that an ex-ISA detainee who was arrested in 1996 for manufacturing fake ICs had "installed" himself as a Sultan! And what can PBS do about it?
"Nothing! This shows that PBS is in office but not in power. This is why local people call PBS leaders stooges of UMNO," said Edward.


  1. Wayang kulit PBS!

  2. Harap masalah pendatang tanpa izin akan diselesaikan.

  3. menuding jari kepada pihak lain tidak akan membawa jalan penyelesaian.mungkin PBS bertindak tapi strategi tidak berkesan. jadi, semua pihak teruskan berusaha untuk selesaikan isu ini.

  4. bising saja ni SAPP..dulu time SAPP dalam BN tidak pula bising2 macam ni..SAPP keluar BN pun disebabkan oleh agenda peribadi Yong Teck Lee..

  5. SAPP, don't misleading the people..people not trust SAPP anymore..

  6. apa yang SAPP boleh buat untuk selesaikan isu PATI di sabah? jangan cakap 'undi SAPP, PATI akan selesai'..SAPP sebelum ini pun pernah menjadi bos di sabah masa YTL menjadi KM tapi tiada apa2 tindakan dilakukan..

  7. apa yang SAPP dan Yong Teck Lee tahu buat adalah mempolitikkan sesuatu isu untuk kepentingan peribadi..Yong hanya mahu dia menjadi KM..yang lain2 cerita belakang..

  8. lebih baik memberikan idea atau cadangan...

  9. Apa yang SAPP pernah buat bila mereka menjadi kerajaan Sabah dulu.

  10. Kita pasti akan tahu kebenarannya nanti.

  11. daripada bising2, lebih baik beri kerjasama dgn kerajaan untuk menjadi jalan selesaikan masalah PATI.

  12. Sudah banyak cadangan SAPP buat dan menunjukan sama PM, tapi tidak kena layan sebab PATI adalah Fixed Deposit untuk UMNO. Allahku tahu niat jahat UMNO. Jangan kamu menafikan kerja dosa kamu.

    Musang bin tidak aman adalah ketua menteri yang paling TIADA GUNA di Sabah. Posisi saja selaku ketua pengerusi keamanan Negeri selama 8 tahun, tapi populasi PATI semakin bertambah bukan kurang terutama saudara dia dari pakistan.

    UMNO tidak boleh diharap lagi sebab niat jahat mereka adalah membawa kuncu2 PATI masuk ke Sabah untuk menindas hak2 dan merampas tanah2 bumiputra Sabah.

    Bumiputra Sarawak tak nak umno. Bumiputra Sabah sudah sedar dan pun tak nak umno.

    bYE Bye UMNO dalam PRU13.

  13. sekadar wayang kulit SAPP.. pura2 prihatin.. bila sudah dapat kuasa, penyelesaian tidak ada tapi alasan bergunung2, kemudian salahkan orang lain.. itu saja lah kerja SAPP..

  14. during SAPP time govern this state, they are the one who mislead the people of Sabah..

  15. SAPP ini cakap ikut suka mulut saja. Betul Black..pernahkah YTL dulu berniat selesaikan masalah PATI?Tidak ada langsung..

  16. I still don't trust Sapp..maybe cause YTL is in it??

  17. SAPP is only helping now.. but after winning the election(with a big IF), i'm sure they wouldn't be helping anymore.
