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Monday, May 9, 2011

Is Ibrahim living in the Twilight Zone?

Ibrahim believes all things subversive in
country to be the work of cloaked communists
Perkasa now blames ex-Reds for presumed Christian plot

Perkasa now believes former Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) members are using local groups for an unsubstantiated plot to replace Islam as Malaysia’s official religion.

Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said he suspected CPM supporters had infiltrated political parties, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), religious groups and business associations after the party laid down arms in 1989 in order to carry on their activities.

“I believe there are (former) Communist Party members who still hold communist beliefs and want to see the country descend into chaos,” he told reporters in Kampung Baru here today.

The Pasir Mas MP had earlier given the government two weeks to verify the plot’s existence.

Ibrahim warned Malaysians who have forgotten about the communists to be wary of statements made by certain parties which contained anti-national and subversive elements rooted in the ideology, which he blamed for the increased racial and religious tension in the country.

“If it’s subversive, this is the work of communists hiding behind certain organisations,” he said.

“We don’t know what their intention is. Just to create disorder?”

Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia carried a front-page article yesterday titled “Malaysia, negara Kristian?” (“Malaysia, a Christian country?”)  based entirely on blog postings by several pro-Umno bloggers.

The bloggers accused DAP of sedition for trying to change the country’s laws to allow a Christian prime minister, pointing to a grainy photograph showing what they described as a secret pact between the opposition party and pastors at a hotel in Penang on Wednesday.

In a posting headlined “Agong under threat? DAP wants to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia?” blogger Marahku ( accused DAP of trying to amend the Federal Constitution so that a Christian could assume the post of prime minister.

“The whole point of changing the official religion is to allow a Christian to become prime minister of this country,” the blogger said.

In a posting headlined “Agong under threat? DAP wants to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia?” blogger Marahku ( accused DAP of trying to amend the Federal Constitution so that a Christian could assume the post of prime minister.

“The whole point of changing the official religion is to allow a Christian to become prime minister of this country,” the blogger said.

On, another blogger claimed to have received a message that DAP’s Jeff Ooi had organised a dinner for pastors from Sarawak and overseas at Red Rock Hotel on Jalan Macalister, Penang.

“Among the activities that night included the 35 pastors taking a group oath. They formed a circle and touched each other’s shoulder and vowed in English to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia and put a Christian prime minister in office,” the anonymous writer said in his blog under the headline “Making Christianity the official religion?”

He also pointed to the same grainy picture he posted at the top of his blog page, which he had captioned “Partying pastors or pastors doing the party do and vow to have a Christian as Malaysian prime minister”.

The blogger further alleged that DAP had labelled the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition as an “anti-Christ agent” in the run-up to polls in Sarawak, showing the opposition party was “openly against BN on religious grounds and they are now making it their clarion call, their rabble rousing horn”.

He said it was a seditious and religiously-divisive statement that was never investigated by the police “or at least they did not tell us about any investigations on the matter”.

The blogger called on the authorities to investigate the allegations for sedition, warning that if the authorities failed in their duty the country may be “shattered again”.

The National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF), together with partners Global Day of Prayer, Marketplace Penang and Penang Pastors Fellowship, said the claims against their community were lies, and has already denied the bloggers’ allegations last night.

Similarly, Ooi said the dinner had been organised by the Christian pastors in recognition of the DAP team who had visited them while in Sarawak for the state election and that the prayer sessions — one before dinner and one at the end — were a usual part of their worship, and not a pledge as alleged.

Source: Malaysian Insider Written by By Yow Hong Chieh


  1. The racist rat has gone overboard!

    Is this one of BN's strategy to create a martial law when bloodshed occurs?

  2. Tak payahlah peduli Si Ibrahim Ali ini. Cakap tak pakai otak kepala, biarkan biarkan.

  3. setiap orang pasti dapat menilai mana baik dan buruk.

  4. apa pun isu yang timbul kita hendaklah jangan mudah percaya atau terpengaruh.

  5. kan telah termaktub dalam perlembagaan bahawa Islam adalah Agama rasmi Malaysia. rasanya isu ini tak perlu lagi kita perbesarkan kerana. ia hnya timbulkan kekeliruan.

  6. isu ini dipolitikkan. negara tidak akan menjadi aman jika pihak-pihak tertentu terus menyemarakkan api kemarahan masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama.

  7. pihak yang berkenaan perlu menjelaskan tentang dakwaan tersebut dan diharap ia dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.

  8. Allahku sakit hati nampak sikap monyet Ibrahim ali balik2 kasih malu islam.

    Allahku bukan begitu lemah untuk manusia macam kamu untuk mempertahankan dia.

    Ibrahim ali, syaitan tunggu kamu di neraka.

  9. DOn't know how true is this.

  10. Hopefully this matter will solve in a good way. this is serious.

  11. Saya sendiri pun sudah pening dengan PERKASA. Isu yang dibangkitkan hanya lebih tertumpu untuk diri sendiri. Kenapa tidak ada isu untuk rakyat?

  12. This is too much. Dalam gambar tu, bukan main lagi dia berkhutbah. Oiii, Ibrahim Ali agak2 la buka mulut tu, bau longkang laa, bukan main besar lagi buka mulut sekumpulan lalat pun boleh masuk buat sarang.

  13. sapa la kunun ex-Reds tu? Cuba kasi tunjuk kunun. Wujud ka takda wujud tu orang.

  14. Jawapannya mudah sahaja-hujung tahun ni atau tahun depan pilihan raya umum pasti diadakan.... jadi siapa akan dapat manfaat dari isu ini-pembangkang? mustahil mereka. yg dapat manfaat adalah umno/bn... tak percaya? na, kan penulis blog pro-kerajaan yg memulakan isu ini. jika ternyata penduduk semenanjung terlalu bodoh utk termakan dgn pembohongan dan fitnah ini, pastinya undi mereka akan memihak umno/bn.. jika sebaliknya, sebuah negara yg lebih baik akan wujud.

  15. Poyo, bukan setakat sekumpulan lalat, pulau labuan pun boleh keluar masuk parking sana tu.. eeeeiii.. takutnya.. tutup mulut semua ei.. kena jangkit nanti dgn virus racis perkasa.

  16. Solumpak Vagu, lucu ko ni tau. ketawa sy baca komen ko ni. Pulau Labuan ah, siap boleh parking lagi. LOL bnyk2.

  17. rasanya Ibrahim Ali ni ada sindrom kebas perasaan.. tidak ada rasa malu atau takut.. biarpun berkali2 dikutuk, dihina dan dikritik.. masih sanggup naik ke pentas menyebarkan politik racist beliau..

  18. Oi Ibrahim Ali,tak ada orang percaya you punya cakap lah jadi bagus balik you punya kawasan dan jaga pembangunan rakyat kat sana.Tau bising saja ingat orang nak dengar apa dia cakap.Tak tau kah semua negeri ada sultan dan TYT yang jadi ketua agama Islam dan perlembagaan sudah nyata mengenai kedudukan agama Islam.
    Sekarang ini nak kasi timbul isu apa? Apa pun agama lain rancang jika betul ianya tidak akan jadi kenyataan sekiranya mengugat atau mencanggah agama resmi negara.Itu pun tak tau ka? Jangan banyak kelintung lah pergi saja balik kampung kat Kelantan.

  19. Just leave him behind. We don't need people like Ibrahim Ali here.

  20. If there no people support him, he must be zipped his mouth and silent.

  21. Ibrahim Ali selalu bising saja...tapi apa pun tiada isi..tidka perlu percaya apa jua kata2 Ibrahim Ali dan PERKASA.

  22. malaysia akan lebih aman tanpa Ibrahim Ali dan PERKASA.

  23. ini semua gimik politik..keselamatan dan keamanan negara diperjudikan semata-mata untuk memastikan kuasa politik berpihak kepada si dalang..tidak payah percaya ni gimik politik..

  24. Mutalib M.D joins SAPP!

  25. Mutalib joins Sapp, is it true...if true then hurray to Mutalib for wise decision.

  26. isu2 agama jgnlah dibangkitkan.

  27. Ish..ish..ish... SAPDAL ni tak habis2 nak jerat pengunjung@pembaca setia wikisabah pigi lawat dia punya blog yg lebih kepada menghina individu, mengutuk, mencerca, mencaci dan segala 'meng' la. pigi la ko duduk dia bawah kelangkan Sapi-EE si KKLW ko tu. ko bawa org tengok ko punya blog hanya buat ko lebih dibebani dosa. fikir2 ya.

  28. Harap sendiri akan pandai menilai selepas melihat blog-blog yang ada. Jangan mudah terpengaruh.

  29. Memang Sabah tidak memerlukan orang seperti Ibrahim Ali, baik dia kekal di Semenanjung. Taktik dia memainkan agama dan perkauman tidak akan berkesan di sini.
