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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Shadow cabinet: Who is power hungry?

PKR vs DAP: More than just a spat, a crossroad for Pakatan and New Politics

It is really sad that DAP still has not shirked its chauvinistic mentality after all this years. Ignoring calls to open up the party to embrace multi racialism, today DAP is still a closed party helmed by a select few who continue to hang on to age-old politics.

KUCHING - The DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat are at loggerheads over the shadow cabinet line-up announced on Sunday. Sarawak DAP chairman Wong Ho Leng in his blog yesterday accused "someone" in the PKR Political Bureau of being "power hungry"' for objecting to being given "junior" portfolios. The DAP-PKR tussle over posts in the Sarawak shadow Cabinet escalated into a full-fledged war today  - Malaysian Insider

If one reads the above with care, what does it all say?

It is really sad that DAP still has not shirked its chauvinistic mentality after all this years. Ignoring calls to open up the party to embrace multi racialism, today DAP is still a closed party helmed by a select few who continue to hang on to age-old politics.

Apparently still gloating on their Sarawak win, they have become vain and insensitive to their coalition partners in PKR Sarawak. Preferring to admonish their partners in public, without regard for sensitivities and close cooperation, will only lead to more misunderstanding. At the rate DAP is conducting themselves in the Pakatan Rakyat, it won’t be long before this attitude will cause the disintegration of the Opposition Coalition.

Manipulative politics not part of New Politics

It is really senseless how internal squabbles can come out so openly in the mainstream media. One really wonders if third-parties have been prodding such a blow-up. Surely, DAP has enough sense to sit down and work it out with their coalition partners? Already PAS is wondering what the hell is going on. The MSM had a field day reporting this exclusive and splashed it all over national television. BN leaders are also laughing their heads off.

DAP really needs to shake off such a mentality if it intends to stay in the coalition. The SNAP-DAP merger fiasco is hardly over, and yet DAP Sarawak has already started another one. Such bullying tactics in the past led a meek PKR into conceding most of the choice urban seats to DAP. Insisting on safe seat allocations in the urban areas at the expense of PKR, DAP went on to garner a historic win. Offering little help to PKR during the Sarawak election, who were seriously shorthanded while contesting on all fronts, had also impaired PKR’s chances to win more seats than anticipated.

Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian has in the past given in to DAP’s demands as an equal coalition partner, but DAP still continues to take advantage of his friendly gesture. It is Wrong to think you are smart and he is naive. This is not what new politics is about. This is even worse than old politics. How is it different from manipluating and bullying? Shame on you, Wong Ho Leng and DAP.

Just as we call on Malaysians to reject the corrupt and despicablle Umno elite and BN, we must call on Malaysians to reject this sort of 'cheating' politics - of getting unfair advantage by taking undue advantange, and later on having the cheek to laugh at your opponent for being naive and falling to your 'skilled' hand. Do we admire this type of he-man, cave-man tactics? Which leads to the question of what type of culture do we want for ourselves and our children?

Do we want to be smart, sharp, alert, capable, caring and protecting of those who are less gifted? Or do we simply want to be cunning, calculative and win at all costs? Malaysians, think carefully. Don't blindly support for the sake of supporting. All leaders, regardless of party Or coalition, must Deserve our respect especially as far as such basics are concerned.

Bumi and Dayak interest

Making a mockery of Baru Bian’s suggestion to include a more equal Bumi and Dayak participation in the Shadow Cabinet, DAP's Wong Ho Leng had also gone on to belittle his counterpart in PKR. He rubbed salt into Baru by describing the portfolio alloted to him as 'junior'. Is this sheer spite or gross insensitivity? Whichever disgusting reason, Wong Ho Leng should go back to school and learn some manners before he walks out the door as a Member of our Malaysian Parliament!

The question is, why is Wong making it so personal? Is he trying to chop down Baru Bian's persona and credibility so that he can be the indisputable 'Chief Minister' of Sarawak. So much ambition with just 12 seats!  It is incredible and if this is a reflection of how other DAP leaders are, especially at national level, then PKR and PAS must wake up instantly and dump DAP. They may look foolish for a while, but better they realize that they have been nurturing a viper in their bosom before they become like MCA - raped, abused and ditched by an uncaring spouse!

Wong has sunk to a personal low by questioning the Sarawak PKR chief’s powers. Why can’t he try to listen to Baru Bian's views instead of railroading the Shadow Cabinet proposal through at press conference and later on with juicy statement aimed at tarnishing his own coalition mate? If I were PKR and PAS, I would demand disciplinary action against him. Is there any difference between him and Zulkifli Noordin or Zahrain Hashim. Even Wee Choo Keong has a bit more class, and that to me, is really digging the bottom of the barrel.

Wong cannot hide the fact that Bumi and Malay interest were sidelined in DAP's Shadow Cabinet proposal. Yes, DAP federal level - please do take note of this. It is DAP's proposed Shadow Cabinet lineup and not Wong's. This is how the people in Sarawak will judge the lineup - a DAP proposal. And the people of Sarawak are more than just Chinese. Nearly 70 per cent of Sarawakians are non-Chinese, in fact.

Winnability and Winning the Only Thing

I fail to understand why Guan Eng and Kit Siang continue to close an eye and let Sarawak run wild when they should withdraw their franchise if Wong and co. really have full automation. Why let a loose cannon tar the good name of the DAP?

If winnability and the number of seats are all that matters, then every single Single one of the Sarawakian people should vote BN and dump Pakatan. If it is all a numbers game and winning is all that counts, let's stick with the BN. Why take a chance this motley group of Churchmouses calling themselves DAP, PKR and PAS!

Many Malaysians often say silly things like, Winning is not the Only thing, it is Everything! Then let's keep Taib Mahmud. Who can beat him at the numbers and winnability game? At 75, he cleans up 35 seats each time for the PBB for the past 30 years. Enough humbers for you? Seeing stars yet?

Wong can stubbornly cling onto his face, but as far as national and state politics are concerned, he is nearly finished! So instead of swaggering and thinking of how to teach these orang peninsula a lesson, he should realize he is already yesterday's news in Sarawak itself. How many Iban, Dayak, Bidayuh, Orang Ulu, Malay and Melanau in Sarawak would wish to go near him after his Crass reaction on the Shadow Cabinet lineup that marginalizes their representation?

The arrogant should always repent. Humility is the core essence of humanity. Those who are guilty may have used their cunning to take advantage and bully their colleagues. And Malaysians, DAP and Pakatan supporters may have been blinded because of the recent election success. They forgot the very promises that Pakatan made - Reform, New Politics, Civil Culture.

So do not try to grandstand in public or deflect attention from this fact. Never ever try to deal like this again. Stop the hot gas, start working by repairing ties with humility. Maybe that way, you can gain the forgiveness of your colleagues and the Sarawak people. It is actually a very Serious crime what DAP has done. It is little different from what Pakatan keeps accusing Umno of doing - bamboozling people and being hypocritical. No amount of water can wash you guys clean.

Summary and implications for DAP, PAS and PKR

A stern-faced Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim had dismissed the shadow Cabinet line-up as a mere proposal from DAP, claiming the final list had yet to be determined by other PR parties. He has also just called on the Pakatan to close ranks.

Really, it is simply incredible that the setup of a Shadow cabinet at the state level can erupt into a full scale mudslinging contest. Seriously, DAP should investigate if there 'external' forces that encouraged Wong Ho Leng into his horrible actions.

It is also unacceptable of Wong Ho Leng to go public with his grievances. In the aftermath of the Kedah DAP fiasco in 2009, wasn't the Pakatan secretariat set up for a purpose? Doesn't the DAP, or for that matter PKR and PAS, respect their own secretariat. If not, then this is another lie the DAP and Pakatan has told the nation. Please don't rush to make a public announcement. Clarify among yourselves first, then only only tell. And make sure, you tell the truth now.

Sarawak DAP must come to terms that PKR and PAS are part and parcel of the Opposition Coalition. Due respect and a smooth cooperation should be the order of the day amongst coalition partners. DAP cannot continue to make their own calls, without due consultation with the Coalition Partners.

Finally, this fiasco is a stab in the back for Sarawak PKR and its chief Baru Bian. It is very unethical and totally uncalled for and Baru should be extended an apology for such a low blow. Truly, memories of PKR's Zulkifli Noordin and PAS' Khalid Samad come back to me.

If DAP at federal level cannot get its Sarawak leaders to resolve this matter amicably, we are pretty sure that this coalition will not last.

PAS would be better off in the arms of  UMNO, before this coalition collapses and it loses more Malay votes. Being an Islamic party in a Muslim-predominant country, it will always have its own core and can only be rocked by external turbulence for a limited period of time.

PKR has always lived on principles and ideals - it takes only 24 hours to collapse this party because it is just a baby party. But being a baby party - it takes just 24 hours for it to grow back again. But as long it always stays true to its ideals, it will bounce back bigger and stronger. The day it stops doing that will truly be "the day the music died".

And DAP - the lone-ranger Chinese party. Unable to get along with anyone after all these years. Because it is too boastful and too bullying. It will have to continue to compete with the MCA and another pseudo-multiracial party, Gerakan.

Is that what you guys want people to think. Then the whole bunch of you - DAP, PAS and PKR - had better get your act together because I for one am starting to think of voting for Umno!

- Malaysia Chronicle


  1. Mengamuk kuasa saja untuk kepentingan sendiri...inilah Pakatan mesti mahu berfikir dulu...janganlah bergaya macam boss saja. Itulah kelemahan PR dalam Sarawak dan Sabah.

  2. Pandai-pandailah kita menilai siapa sebenarnya yang gilakan kuasa.

  3. lebih baik tumpukan tanggungjawab terhadap rakyat.

  4. dalam pakatan yang sama, tapi nampak tidak sehaluan.

  5. DAP lebih baik dari PKR. Jadi lebih baik bagi ketua PAKATAN itu kepada DAP. Nampak sendiri PKR langsung tidak dapat buat apa-apa, tapi DAP lebih baik.

  6. PKR, DAP dan PAS?? PKR memang sudah pasti gila kuasa. Apa pun biarlah ahli pakatan melakukan tanggungjawab mereka. Kita nampak sendiri ketidak sefahaman berlaku didalam pakatan.

  7. there is no mutual understanding and sharing of power in the Pakatan. all of them are totally greedy..

  8. Semua pun sama saja.
