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Monday, July 4, 2011

Upko: We are treated as second class leaders

PENAMPANG: United Pasokmomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organisation assemblymen should not be treated like second or third class leaders.

The Kota Kinabalu Upko Division chief, Datuk Herman Tiongsoh, expressed his sadness that their elected assemblymen were not given important posts, while non-assemblymen are holding high posts in government agencies.

"There are two Upko assemblymen who are just holding deputy chairman posts in the government-link agencies. I believe that they are as capable as any other assemblymen," stressed Tiongsoh in his speech during the opening of the division's triennial general meeting, yesterday.

Upko secretary general Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau launched the meeting and hit the gong seven times to mark the official launch.

Tiongsoh also called on the members to work closely together especially with the 13th general elections just around the corner.


  1. When it comes to near election times everybody in BN seems to gather some guts to speak.Why not earlier? Afterall any appointments now are superficial just a hoax trying to please BN components but after the election if BN wins it will still be back to square one.

    Secondly if UPKO dares to speak out now it must also dare to quit BN if its requests are not made.If not then whats the point of 'barking' to UMNO? UPKO president is just a status conscious goon who has no balls to stand up to UMNO just like Pairin.Sudah tua dan mau 'kelepet' pun maseh gila pangkat dan $$$$$$.

  2. " hit the gong seven times to mark the official launch "
    this is the way of the traitor

  3. Don't let them treat you as 2nd class leaders anymore.

  4. Hanya UMNO saja 'first class' yang lain pemimpin BN 'second class'dan ahli mereka 'no class' faham?

  5. Then don't be second class leaders.

  6. siapa pula yang memperlakukan pemimpin UPKO seperti 'second class leader'?

  7. No leaders should be treated as a second class leader.

  8. But honestly, I don't see how these leaders were treated as a 2nd or 3rd class leader.

  9. sadly, sabahan leader were treated as second class leaders..

  10. should be fair..but in politics, hegemony is very important..

  11. Apa boleh buat, dunia poilitik lah katakan:P

  12. Apapun, 2nd class ka atau apa2 lah, semuanya tepulang pada penilaian rakyat juga nanti. hehe

  13. dunia yang "gila kuasa"..

  14. Stand your rights and proof that you are not the so called "second or third class leaders".

  15. Apa UPKO mahu merungut? Tinggalkan saja BN.Lapar kah kalau bukan dalam BN? Mana maruah?

  16. Yang saya tau pemimpin UPKO semua 'no class' jadi kena layan sebagai 'second class' sudah patut berterima kaseh kerana di beri satu penghormatan yang tinggi.

  17. teruskan berusaha gigih jika ingin menjadi lebih maju lagi...

  18. Itu sudah disalah fahami. Dalam BN semua adalah sama. Tidak perlulah memecahbelahkan BN. BN sendiri tahu apa yang mereka dapat lakukan.

  19. semua parti2 dalam BN mempunyai status yang sama.

  20. Jika KDM ada tontolu, kebanjiran pendatang haram tidak akan berlaku di Sabah sampai KDM jadi minority di Sabah sekarang. Kamu kena belajar dari Iban/Dayak dari Sarawak. Sedarlah kelemahan kamurang.

    Huguan siou like pairin? My foot lah

  21. tidak payah la ba minta jawatan yang lebih2 kalau sumbangannya kepada rakyat kurenggg... cukup la jawatan yang ada sekarang.. atau lagi tepat kalau tidak ada langsung..
