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Thursday, August 25, 2011

EC mulls using indelible ink

Syed Jaymal Zahiid

EC chief Abdul Aziz Yusof says the commission is also working towards extending postal voting for Malaysians living abroad.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Election Commission (EC) is reconsidering using the indelible ink or may even combine it with the biometric system as part of its reform efforts amid accusations of widespread abuses in Malaysian elections.

EC chief Abdul Aziz Yusof also said the body is now working towards extending postal voting for Malaysians abroad.

Currently, the commission is still studying the legal implications of both systems and whether they can be used on a voluntary or mandatory basis.

He admitted that the move is to deflect accusations that the EC is partial to the ruling government although Abdul Aziz insisted that Malaysia’s election system is “free, fair and transparent”.

“We are studying it,” he told a media briefing on electoral reforms organised by the government-owned newswire Bernama.

The use of indelible ink on voters to avoid double voting is among the eight points of reform demanded by polls watchdog Bersih 2.0.

No system is perfect

The EC under the previous administration agreed to use indelible ink but backtracked in the last minute, a move that dented the commission’s image further and drew flak from opposition leaders and polls reform groups like Bersih.

It said the idea was scrapped because the “commission cannot bar a person whose fingernail has been marked with the ink or one who refuses to have his or her nail marked from casting a vote”.

Abdul Aziz said in the past that the demand to use the ink will be countered with the proposed usage of the biometric system but its detractors claimed the thumb-print-based system can be subject to abuse and manipulation.

Under the biometric system, voter details for each polling station will be recorded into one computer. A voter will then have to produce a MyKad before casting the ballot and record his or her thumbprint to match the details recorded in the card’s chip

Abdul Aziz said that “no system is perfect” and explained this is why the EC is now studying the viability of both the biometric and indelible ink system to improve things.

“You will find faults in any system if you find for it,” he said in reply to queries on the weaknesses of the two methods.

While Pakatan Rakyat leaders have welcomed the announcement by the government that the framework of the Parliamentary Select Committee on polls reform will be based on Bersih 2.0′s demands, they said it fell short of ensuring that the improvements will be made before the 13th general election is called.

Abdul Aziz also did not give any assurance that the government will delay calling for national polls before the reforms are in place.

“Insyaallah (if God willing),” he said.

Malaysians abroad can now vote

The same was said about EC’s plans to allow Malaysians abroad to vote via postal ballots.

The EC chief said the commission is now looking into the possibility of amending election regulations to allow this and “hopes” it will be implemented before the 13th general election.

“We want it such that so long as you are Malaysian and you have valid identification, you can vote. I hope this can be done for the next election,” he said.

Under current election laws, only civil servants and students overseas are allowed to vote.

Those abroad must first register themselves at Malaysian embassies in the respective countries before applying to the EC to become a postal voter.

This will be subject to EC’s approval, added Abdul Aziz.


  1. Only considering but not final.

    As usual, BN always cheat!

  2. EC only thinking of consideral,its quite far from implementing them.Very typical of BN in misguiding rakyat.

    Gonzales KB

  3. mgkin lebh baik dakwat kekal dan sistem biometrik digunakan bersama. baru semua pihak berpuas hati.

  4. Indelible ink is the best solution to the current electoral problems. The EC should really consider it.

  5. There is no better choice, just take this suggestion.

  6. jika dakwat kekal dipersetujui untuk digunakan pada PRU nanti harap2 tidak ditarik balik di saat2 akhir seperti pilihanraya sebelum ini.

  7. setuju dengan kili. mungkin jika kedua2 kaedah digunakan pada pilihanraya nanti mungkin akan dapat memuaskan hati kedua2 belah pihak. harap ia dikaji semula dengan sebaiknya.

  8. kita tunggua apa keputusannya nanti.

  9. mungkin juga penggunaan dakwat kekal akan digunakan. apa pun tunggu dan lihat sajalah.

  10. Kalau sudah guna dakwat kekal, keputusan masih sama(kalau pembangkang masih kalah), apa macam? Masih mahu tidak puas hati? Sekadar pendapat..

  11. SPR kasi confirm awal2. Jangan last minute mahu kasi cancel2 lagi.

  12. since Abdul Aziz has made a press statement about it, then make sure it will be implemented in the next GE..

  13. idea utk menggunakan kedua-duanya sekali adalah bodoh dan keputusan utk menggunakannya bersama dgn SERENTAK adalah SANGAT BODOH.. Sistem biometrik dikatakan cangih dan moden tetapi apa2 saja yg menggunakan sistem teknologi perkomputeran yg berpusat diketahui umum mempunyai kecacatan yg ketara. walau maju manapun teknologi, ia masih tetap tidak dpt menjauhi masalah teknikal dalaman. utk lebih mudah difahami, hampir setiap org di malaysia sekarang punyai komputer dan pernah melalui saat2 gangguan kepada sistem dalaman komputer. ia boleh terjadi dgn serangan virus,juga serangan penggodam, dan yg paling asas adalah kesesakan penggunaan yg melampau. ini adalah masalah basic yg sering berlaku dlm pejabat pos, pejabat polis trafik, pejabat jpj, JPN dan kepada hampir semua pejabat jabatan kerajaan. apakah jaminan yg sistem ini boleh berfungsi dgn sempurna tanpa gangguan apabila berjuta-juta penggundi datang menampal jari mereka pada scanner SPR dan pastikah kita yg pemegang kepentingan sistem tidak menggangu sistem samada utk tujuan sabotaj mahupun manipulasi.? bagaimana jika ada sesorang penggodam diupah satu pihak utk menjejaskan sistem ini semasa kesibukkan mengundi sedang berjalanan.?

    Jln terbaik utk lebih telus dan jujur adalah dgn mengambil keputusan utk hanya menggunakan dakwat kekal. seperti yg kita tahu, cara kuno adalah yg paling selamat. ia seperti kereta zaman 70an dan kereta zaman sekarang. yg 70am masih bertahan kerana ia dibuat bermottokan ketahanan dan kelasakan pada semua keadaan. berbanding kereta sekarang yg dibuat hanya bermotifkan kepuasan teknologi pemanduan dan keuntungan pembuatnya. dengan dilengkapi oleh sistem komputer yg mengawal hampir segala-galanya dlm kereta, satu sahaja kegagalan dlm sistem itu, kereta ini pastinya hangkang dan tidak bergerak. perbandingan seterusnya adalah harga. ternyata teknologi tinggi bermaksud terpaksa berbelanja lebih dari saat anda membeli kereta ini sehinggalah anda habis membayar pinjaman bank. bagaimana jika kotak komputer kereta anda hangkang? anda tentunya terpaksa berbelanja pada gangka 4 digit atau lebih. pada masa itu, anda sudah tentunya berfikir dlm hati, alangkah bagusnya jika kereta ini tidak punyai computer-box seperti kereta-kereta pada zaman 90an kebawah. fikir-fikirkan.

  14. IS a good idea. But still in discussion. Hope EC get the good decision for next GE.
