According to Malay daily Berita Harian today, Jais had written to and called the 12 to present themselves at the department's office yesterday to give their statements, but none of them showed up.
Jais' deputy director in charge of investigations and enforcement, Sharom Maarof, was quoted as saying that arrest warrants will now be issued.
"Jais will apply for arrest warrants in 24 hours from the Syariah Court after the letters were issued today (Tuesday). They should present themselves to assist the investigations, but none of them was here," he is quoted as saying.
"We have given them time, and they could have contacted Jais any time to present themselves, but did not do so."
Sharom claimed that the 12 had been advised by their lawyers not to assist Jais in the investigations into the raid.
Sharom claimed that the 12 had been advised by their lawyers not to assist Jais in the investigations into the raid.
Quiz on Islam 'found in dustbins'
On the night of Aug 3, between 20 to 30 Jais officers had without a warrant, raided Dream Centre, an activity complex located in the compound of DUMC, as a multi-racial thanksgiving dinner was being held in honour of non-profit organisation Harapan Komuniti.
Amidst critic
ism from Christian groups, NGOs and political parties, Selangor exco member in charge of Islamic affairs Hasan Ali had justified the raid on basis that there is proof of proselytisation to Muslims attending the dinner.
Subsequently a Muslim NGO representative had come forward with the 'evidence': copies of a 'quiz' on matters of Islamic faith that had allegedly been found in the dustbins at the centre.
Jais director Marzuki Hussin has called on all quarters to stay calm until his department has concluded its investigation.
"Jais is still investigating the case," he said in a text-message sent to reporters.
On the night of Aug 3, between 20 to 30 Jais officers had without a warrant, raided Dream Centre, an activity complex located in the compound of DUMC, as a multi-racial thanksgiving dinner was being held in honour of non-profit organisation Harapan Komuniti.
Amidst critic
Subsequently a Muslim NGO representative had come forward with the 'evidence': copies of a 'quiz' on matters of Islamic faith that had allegedly been found in the dustbins at the centre.
Jais director Marzuki Hussin has called on all quarters to stay calm until his department has concluded its investigation.
"Jais is still investigating the case," he said in a text-message sent to reporters.
Haha.. soalan kuiz dijumpai dlm tong sampah pusat keagamaan itu? lawak dan lucu. bagaimana? saya juga boleh mendraf soalan seperti itu dan meletakanya dalam tong sampah sebarang masjid atau rumah sesiapa saja yg saya ingin aniaya. lalu saya memungutnya/mengutipnya dan mengakui yg saya menemuinya. Adakah penduduk Malaysia terlalu bodoh. ambil contoh surat "wahsiat" Teoh Beng Hock. banyak lagi kejanggalan dlm semua kes kontrovesi dimana terdapat terlalu banyak bahan bukti yg diada-adakan. tidak hairanlah negara kita ini semakin kebelakang. kerana terdapat terlalu ramai org bijak seperti NGO yg mengakui menjumpai "bukti".
ReplyDeleteI thought this case is over?
ReplyDeleteIs that wrong for our Muslim brother's and Sisters to join a charity event held by Christians? Doing charity also wrong?
ReplyDeleteSome people like to show off their paranoid..pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThe question is, who called the JAIS at the first place?
ReplyDeletekes ini tak perlu nak diperbesarkan lagi.
ReplyDeleteMereka tidak hadir atas nasihat peguam masing2. Bermakna mereka bukan suka2 tidak hadir.
ReplyDeletemacam ada unsur fitnah saja kes ni.
ReplyDeleteharap kes ini akan diselesaiakan dengan sebaiknya..
ReplyDeleteJika difikirkan itu hak mereka masing2 untuk pergi kemanapun mereka mahu.
ReplyDeletesetiap apa yang berlaku ada alasannya.
ReplyDeleteSiasat kebenaran dalam kes ini. Benarkah mereka ini menerima ajaran sesat.
ReplyDeleteMalaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang rakyatnya terdiri dari pelbagai bangsa dan agama tidak la hidup aman seperti yang digambarkan oleh orang luar.
ReplyDeleteBukan semua orang beragama Islam di Malaysia,tahu membaca Al Quaran yang di tulis dalam bahasa Arab.Hampir-hampir separuh daripada 114 surah yg terdapat dalam Al Quaran sama dalam isi kandungan Kitab Injil Perjanjian Lama.Itu sebabnya Kerajaan BN mengharamkan Kitab Injil yg di tulis dalam B.Malaysia.Sehingga sekarang ini ramai orang Melayu yg berfikiran liberal ingin memiliki Kitab Injil edisi B.Malaysia! sekadar ingin mengetahui isi kandunganya!
ReplyDeleteIf Islam is so great, than what's the fear of being converted into other religions??? WTF