A Sabah BN leader is of the view that the MACC is allowing 'current leaders involved in corruption' to run free.
KOTA KINABALU: The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), a Sabah Barisan Nasional coalition component, wants the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to speed up its money-laundering investigation involving Chief Minister Musa Aman.
Lending credence that a snap general election may be announced soon, LDP deputy president Chin Su Phin said the troubling matter should be settled before Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak calls for national polls.
Chin used the recent announcement by MACC that it had launched an investigation against Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, as the reason for making the call, although it is widely known that LDP is out of step with the Musa administration and is likely to be shunned during the horse-trading for seats in the run-up to the election.
Alluding to MACC’s probe on Taib, he also said that it was unseemly for Taib to claim innocence and the mere fact that he was under investigation should be enough for him to step aside until after he is cleared.
On the MACC investigation on Musa, there has been no new development into the alleged money-laundering case that took many by surprise when it was first exposed in late 2008 and was met with silence by top politicians as well as the investigative authorities.
According to Chin, the case allegedly involved several local leaders but they were merely playing a supporting role while the MACC had failed to catch the main culprit that “is still lurking in the background”.
“We Sabahans also wish to know the development of this case.
“I hope MACC will complete its investigation on the people involved in corruption and money- laundering in Sabah and Sarawak, and take them to court before the 13th general election,” he said during the party’s annual general meeting here.
“MACC is actively combating corruption. But what we see is that those who are brought to court were former leaders, while current leaders involved in corruption are still running free.
“The people have been complaining that MACC is overlooking the major players who are involved in corruption,” he added.
Musa link
Musa’s name first surfaced as a suspect in the alleged money-laundering case when a supposed nominee, Michael Chia, was arrested at the Hong Kong International Airport in Hong Kong in August 2008.
Chia was arrested for allegedly attempting to carry S$16 million in cash out of the country, which was believed to be used for the Permatang Pauh by-election at the time.
The case had since been under investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) which sent three officers to Kota Kinabalu in November 2008 to investigate the source of the money.
The Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC’s predecessor) investigations director at the time, Mohd Shukri Abdul, confirmed that the ICAC had sought MACC’s help.
MACC later launched its own investigation which saw a senior lawyer being detained for questioning and his office raided.
Both Chia and Musa denied knowing each other, but Chia is believed to have cordial relations with the chief minister and has often been seen in his company at social gatherings.
Musa should be send to jail immediately without delay.
ReplyDeleteMusa is not only involved in money laundering but also project IC. This is a serious crime to all bona fide Sabahan. The irony is how come PBS, UPKO, PBRS is talking high about him. There must be a reason!!! Can anybody please enlighten the public.
ReplyDeleteEventhough BN component party LDP is pressuring MACC to investigate on Musang bin tidak aman corruption case. Why no action yet after so long?
ReplyDeleteDimana sudah semua kaki pengampu umno ini yang sokong rasuah musang bin tidak aman?
ReplyDeleteUMNO akan tenggelam dan dibuang balik ke malaya dalam PRU13.
Rakyat Sabah TAK NAK parti dari seberang!
LDP mosquito party cannot survive outside BN.
ReplyDeleteThe money laundering case is solely Michale Chia's own doing.
ReplyDeletebalik2 cerita ni, nak kaitkan Musa dgn kes tersebut, tapi tak ada bukti pun. cerita ni dah basi.
ReplyDeleteSPRM tau juga uruskan kes ini ,tak perlulah nak pandai2 buat nak reka cerita bukan2.
ReplyDeletelet MACC do their job, sure the culprit will be caught soon..only a matter of time.
ReplyDeleteCM has to give explanation and clear his name in the public, if he is not involved in this allegation.
ReplyDeletesetakat ini, tidak ada bukti dari SPRM bahawa Ketua Menteri Musa Aman terlibat dalam pelaburan wang haram, jadi janganlah tuduh sembarangan.
ReplyDeleteBoth Chia and Musa denied knowing each other, but Chia is believed to have cordial relations with the chief minister and has often been seen in his company at social gatherings.
ReplyDeleteis there any proof on this? can anyone confirm this?
hope MACC can speed-up their investigation
ReplyDeletebukankah sebelum ini isu penggubahan wang haram ini sudah sering ditimbulkan dan sudah dibuktikan oleh SPRM bahawa Musa Aman tidak terlibat?
ReplyDeleteNampaknya Chin Su Phin masih mempunyai masalah dalam BN. sekali lagi namanya timbul semula berhubung isu ini.
ReplyDeleteini cerita lama...tiada bukti pun, jadi tidak perlulah dibangkitkan isu2 seperti ini jika tiada bukti..
ReplyDeletetidak perlulah membuat sebarang spekulasi berkenaan isu ini. isu ini sudah lama dan rasanya lebih baik jika semua fokus terhadap pekara lain yang lebih [enting dan bermanfaat.
ReplyDeleteSpeeding up now.
ReplyDeleteGive along the evidence when you want to make an allegation. Talk only is useless.
ReplyDeleteUngkit kisah lama, dibiarkan, dilupakan...ungkit lagi balik dan perkara yang sama berlaku..tiada kesudahan juga tu..
ReplyDeleteSiasatan masih dijalankan.
ReplyDeleteIsu basi. Sengaja diputar balik. Kalau ada bukti kasi tunjuklah terang2.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe Micheal Chia....
ReplyDeleteMusa tidak akan terlibat, jika tidak sudah lama Musa tidak diterima oleh rakyat dan ditahan. Tapi sehingga kehari ini Musa tetap mendapat sokongan dari rakyat ini dapat membuktikan bahawa Musa sudah pasti tidak melakukan kesalahan tersebut.
ReplyDeleteHe can say anything but prove it...
ReplyDeletelet the MACC investigate this case..no need to push MACC to do their work..
ReplyDeletemusa is not involved in the money laundering case..he is not guilty..if so, then where's the concrete evidence?
ReplyDeletei don't believe michael chia and chin as well..
ReplyDeletemusa tidak terlibat..ada pihak sengaja memfitnah beliau atas tuhuan tertentu...
ReplyDeleterakyat diharap tidak percaya dengan spekulasi yang mengatakan bahawa musa aman terlibat dalam pengubahan wang haram...
ReplyDeletesiasatan masih dijalankan oleh SPRM dan sehingga kini tiada bukti yang mengaitkan musa dengan kes ini..
ternyata ada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan..
I don't believe Datuk Musa would be involve in such a case, there must be some mistakes in regarding this.
ReplyDeleteWe should not blame anyone who are suspected to be involved in this, let the higher authority management do the job...let's be patient and see.
ReplyDeletethis is how LDP to get more support from Sabahan instead of going to the ground to solve the people problems.
ReplyDeleteTeruskanlah usaha untuk menangani dan menyelesaikan kes pengubahan wang ini. Dari dulu hingga sekarang Musa dikaitkan. Tapi rasanya itu sudah pasti tidak benar. Jika tidak sudah lama Musa ditahan. Tapi itu semua tidak benar, kerana Musa tidak terlibat langsung dengan kes ini.
ReplyDelete“I hope MACC will complete its investigation on the people involved in corruption and money- laundering in Sabah and Sarawak, and take them to court before the 13th general election,”
ReplyDeleteJika adanya kes yang belum habis disiasat, kami sebagai rakyat Sabah juga berharap kes boleh diselesai dengan sempurna. Jika tersabit kesalahan dengan bukti yang kukuh, rasa mahkamah akan menentukan kesalahannya.
Musa cuma suspect sahaja, apa-apa pun< setiap dakwaan perlukan bukti yang sah dan kukuh, kami tunggu dan lihat.
ReplyDeletePihak MACC/ SPRM akan teruskan siasatan terhadap MUSA yang didakwa dalam kes pengubahan wang haram. Sehingga kini tiada bukti membuktikan bahawa Musa terlibat, maka, dia dikira "Innocent" juga. Apa-apa pun, Pihak SPRM akan teruskan siasatan mereka.
ReplyDeleteGood to speed up the investigation also. Either to charge him for being guilty or to set him free from being guilt.
ReplyDeleteSaya setuju dengan komen Fast, baik juga disiasat dengan cepat untuk membebaskan dakwaan tersebut terhadap Musa. Ini memang menjejaskan imej seorang pemimpin.
ReplyDeleteApa yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
ReplyDeleteThe time is up.
ReplyDeleteCepat dan berkesan.
ReplyDeleteaku sokong MACC tangkap musang bin tidak aman sebab sudah banyak bukti dia terlibat dalam RASUAH!
ReplyDeleteKita dalam BN pun sudah BOSAN dengan alasan syaitan macam musang bin tidak aman.
Najib mesti buat sesuatu untuk menghukum musang bin tidak aman sebelum dia menyebabkan kekalahan besar BN Sabah dalam pru13.
Don't try and insult Datuk before you have any proof that he is wrong..
ReplyDeleteSetiap dakwaan/tuduhan seharusnya berdasarkan bukti yang kukuh. Berita ini sememangnya menjejaskan imej Datuk.
ReplyDeleteKalau tiada bukti mengesahkan Datuk terbabit dalam kes wang haram, jadi, sehingga kini Datuk masih tidak bersalah.
ReplyDeletePasti ada sebab kenapa ada khabar angin tersebut. Seharusnya dibuat siasatan sama ada mengambil tindakan terhadap Datuk kalau ada bukti, jika tidak, seharusnya membebaskan Datuk dari tuduhan tersebut. Siasat dengan terperinci.
ReplyDeleteHarap MACC menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawap untuk anti corruption. Siasatan perlu berterusan jika ada kesan bahawa Datuk terbabit dalam duit haram tersebut. Apa-apa pun, kami bersikap positif terhadap kesemua ini.
ReplyDelete"Chia was arrested for allegedly attempting to carry S$16 million in cash out of the country, which was believed to be used for the Permatang Pauh by-election at the time."
ReplyDeleteBanyakny duit cash yang dibawa keluar, betul ke ni? Ada ape perkembangan terhadap kes ini?
Sudahpun banyak bukti diberi untuk MACC dari dulu tetapi Ketua Pengarah Puan Zarihah dari MACC Sabah terus dipindah balik ke malaya apabila dia mahu buka fail untuk saman musang bin tidak aman.
ReplyDeleteKita semua tahu musang bin tidak aman kuat makan rasuah. Kamu tunggu sajalah ketulahan kamu.