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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Unnecessary paranoia over 'proselytising' of Musliims

By Kamar

It is just unimaginable that a former PKR leader like Ezam Mohd Nor to have such extremist behaviour in his so-called jihad against what was called proselytising of Muslims.

From a person who formerly supported PKR  for its moderate stand on religion and race, I quite ponder whether it is worth the effort to support them and that is to say whether it is Umno, PKR or Pas, they are all from the same stock?

The only difference is their political strategies but it all goes to one same thing...the Malay supremacy which is but as a save-face for their inferiority complex. The Umno government goes all the way to make sure they get every opportunity and monopoly of opportunities in projects, important government positions, education, housing and many other government aid.

While it is stated in the Rukun Negara that there shall be Freedom of Religion, Umno has actually breached it and forced its way to depriving its citizens of being free to choose their religion.

For Indonesia, a nation with the most muslims has given its citizens the right to choose their own religion.


  1. In politics that serve them these people will create whatever issues only to serve their purpose and without conscience...

  2. harap isu-isu yang sensetif akan dapat dielakkan dan semua haruslah saling menghormati.

  3. isu2 sensitif seperti ni harus kita elakkan.

  4. kalau betul2 mau jihad....mulakan dengan jihad menentang hawa nafsu,pastu berdakwah.....dalam dunia yg liberal ni,setau saya tiada halangan untuk berdakwah dan mempraktikkan kepercayaan masing-masing....

  5. proselytising of muslims or not is not whether it is right or the same thing proselytising of Christians, which is more rampant. Seems like we are living in a country dictated by outrageous and highly restricted laws that is what the communist regime practises.

    Malaysia will be doomed if these insanity goes on.

  6. Isu agama sememangnya isu yang sensitif. Setiap individu berhak untuk memilih agama mereka sendiri.

  7. Jika mereka tidak menyibuk pasti hal ini tidak akan berlaku.

  8. Malaysia penuh dengan pelbagai agama, maka tidak ada halangan untuk beragama di Negara ini. Tapi jangan menyalahkan ajaran sesat. Itu sudah pasti dilarang sama sekali.

  9. Perbuatan Ezam ini tidak banyak berbeza daripada perbuatan Ibrahim Ali.

  10. biasanya isu2 sensitif itulah yang sering dicari2 oleh pemimpin2 politik..

  11. seharusnya perkara ini harus dielakkan. negara Malaysia mengamalkan kebebasan untuk beragama.
