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Thursday, September 22, 2011

‘I only asked for a postponement’

Charlie Rudai

Sabah Barisan Nasional secretary Abdul Rahman Dahlan has no intention of cancelling his debate with DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang.

KOTA KINABALU: Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman Dahlan has denied that he is backing out of a debate with DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang over the proposed Tambatuon Dam.

He said he had asked for his debate with Lim, which is scheduled for Sept 24, be postponed.

He said he had been unaware of an official Barisan Nasional engagement scheduled for the same day.
His request for a postponement, he said, should not be construed as him backing out of the challenge to debate with Lim.

Abdul Rahman said following his earlier acceptance of the Sept 24 debate challenge from Lim’s representative, his office had immediately made preparations including booking of Community Hall and notifying the relevant authorities such as the police and district office of the event.

“Unfortunately, in early September, I received a letter from Upko to inform me that their congress would be held on Sept 24, which would be officiated by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin who is also the deputy chairman of Barisan Nasional,” he said.

Abdul Rahman said in view of the clashing dates, he would not be able to attend the debate with Lim.
He said as he was the Sabah BN secretary it was necessary for him to be present at the Upko congress.

“I have informed DAP, through SMSes and calls, of the clash of date and asked for postponement.

“There is no intention to cancel the debate at all.

“What I requested was to postpone due to the visit by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Upko’s congress.

“Anyway, the issue of the proposed Tambatuon Dam will not run away even if the debate is held on different date. It would still be there when the new date is agreed,” he said.

Half-truths and false facts

He sees the debate as a good platform to inform the public of the actual reasons and facts of the proposed Tambatuon Dam project.

“There has been too many speculations circulating around and half-truths and false facts especially by the opposition with regards to the dam.

“The debate will be a good platform to inform the public of the facts.

“I hope DAP understands the situation and agree to a new date and do not politicise the issue of the postponement.

“I have debated DAP MPs in parliament on so many national and state issues and there is no reason for me not to debate then on issue affecting my constituency,” he said.


  1. Mungkin kena tunda hingga 2020.

  2. ia cuma ditangguh, debat itu akan berlangsung jg nnti.

  3. tak sabar nak tgk debat tersebut, pasti ia amat menarik.

  4. Harap tangguhan ini tidak sampailah 2020.

  5. Baik pendebatan ini dibuat sebelum PRU.

  6. pasti debat ini akan dibuat sebelum PRU sebab isu ni boleh mempengaruhi undian rakyat. pembangkang pun cuba2 gunakan isu ini untuk politik mereka.

  7. DAP sabar2lah dulu. pasti tarikh baru akan segera ditentukan.

  8. sabar DAP.... tetap akan diadakn debat jg tu...

  9. debat tersebut cuma ditangguh saja..

  10. sabarlah..bila diadakan nanti, perdebatan tersebut pasti akan dapat disaksikan.

  11. Debat antara Datuk Rahman dengan DAP yang sebenarnya untuk menerangkan sebenar empangan Tambatuon Kota Belud kepada rakyat.

  12. Tangguh saja pun, harap DAP bersabar menunggu tarikh yang akan ditetapkan nanti.

  13. Bukannya DARD takut dan sebagainya. tapi kerana ada perkara yang perlu dihadiri pada masa debat tersebut. Jadi harap debat ini akan memberikan info yang berguna nanti kepada kita.

  14. PAsti ramai tidak sabar tunggu debat tetang Empangan Tambatuon di Kota Belud yang kununnya menerima bantahan kerana tidak memberikan manfaat kepada penduduk. Tapi kita tunggu penjelasan dalam debat itu nanti.

  15. baguslah hanya postpone saja...

  16. Tak payahlah membesarkan isu yang kecil ini..

  17. TAK SABAR NAK TAU TARIKH DEBAT NI...............

  18. Just a small matter. Awaiting for a new date.

  19. Projek Tambatuon Dam memanfaatkan semua pihak, seharus dirancang dengan baik terutama penduduk seharus ditempatkan ke lokasi yang lebih strategik.

  20. Politics is fun. Small matter but the opposition take opportunity to attack.

  21. Apakah tujuan debat tersebut? Adakah ini akan menyelesaikan masalah Projek Tambatuon Dam?

  22. The postpone should come along with new date.

  23. harap penundaan ini tidak mengambil masa yang lama kerana penduduk masih tertunggu2 penyelesaiannya..

  24. harap pihak kerajaan dapat memberi bahasan yang memuaskan

  25. pihak kerajaan kena tentukan tarikhnya supaya penduduk setempat tidak merasa tertipu atau dipermain-mainkan

  26. harap ada penyelesaian +ve...

  27. perdebatan ini pastinya menarik perhatian ramai terutamanya penduduk KB

  28. harap debat ini dapat diadakan sebelum PRU-13 supaya rakyat dapat menilai parti mana yang berkebolehan memimpin negeri Sabah..

  29. Hak dan kepentingan penduduk KB harus diutamakan.

  30. Ini lah politik. Perkara kecil pun dipolitikan. Beginilar dunia politik yang kurang bermaju tetapi giat mengkritik.

  31. Semoga debat seperti ini lebih produktif.

  32. Konsep dan tujuan projek Dam agak luas dan kepentingan rakyat KB juga diutamakan. Projek naik taraf seharus memberi sokongan dari semu a pihak.

  33. Masing-masing ada juga tugas dan commitment sendiri. Harap menentukan tark baru secepat mungkin supaya semua pihak bersedia dan isu diselesaikan dengan secepat mungkin.

  34. Takut bah!Nanti kena kasi malu oleh LKS.

  35. Why must Abdul Rahman give face to LKS? Abdul Rahman has got better things to do. Debating with LKS does not change a thing. LKS has always wanted to debate in order to uplift his own relevance. Does he know how to handle Sabah problems, does he really know Sabah. No I don't think so, many West Malaysians do not know Sabah.

  36. Takpalah, ditangguh saja pun bukannya batal:P

  37. Jadi DAP tak perlulah perbesarkan hal ini. Saya yakin masanya akan tiba juga nanti.

  38. Jangan saja lepas ni ARD tukar balik fikiran. Konpom ramai yang anti dengan dia nanti.

  39. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah perkembangan hal ini. Semoga debat ini dapat dijalankan juga.

  40. Semenatar itu, fokuslah pada hal yang lebih penting lagi selain dari debat ni.

  41. kira bagus la kena tangguh.. sekurang2nya banyak juga masa LKS buat persediaan..
